What can show fluorography of the chest, what diseases? Does fluorography show the lesion of the lungs in coronavirus?

What can show fluorography of the chest, what diseases? Does fluorography show the lesion of the lungs in coronavirus?

Each person undergoes some medical examinations. Some - annually, others - as needed. Fluorography of the chest is a mandatory annual procedure, especially for working citizens. Without it, they will not be accepted for study, work, will not be put in a hospital, etc.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Florography, FLG is made on an empty stomach or not?". You will find out whether it is possible to drink and eat whether smoking and alcohol is allowed before the procedure.

Fluorography of the chest - what is it? Is there a need for this examination? What should we know when undergoing this procedure? You can get answers to these and many other questions by reading the article below.  

FLG is a fluorogram, lung radiography: what is it, what does the doctor see in the picture?

FLG - fluorogram, light radiography
FLG - fluorogram, light radiography

Fluorography It is a diagnostic method for determining the pathological conditions of the organs of the chest and heart. Each of us has repeatedly performed FLG, and knows very well what kind of examination it is. Fluorogram, light radiography - This is a procedure that is free (according to the compulsory medical insurance policy), a quick and safe way to obtain a condition and study of the bodies.

What does the doctor see in the picture?

  • The lung picture is obtained using x -ray radiation, the rays of which are reflected on a prepared luminous screen. FLG is a safer procedure, unlike an X -ray, as it has a minimum radiation load.
  • Passing fluorography allows you to see not only the presence of diseases in the lungs and heart, and also talks about many other diseases in your body.
  • In “photographs”, not only the lungs, but also the shadow of the heart and spine, the trachea and part of the esophagus, large “branches” of the bronchi and even a diaphragmatic pattern are visible. But the lungs and heart are more pronounced.

When an experienced doctor studies pictures, he can understand and see the presence or absence of changes caused by pathology. Structural damage to the lung tissue, an increase in the size of the heart muscle, shaded areas that occur due to the development of various diseases - this is what can be seen on FLG. Therefore, it is believed that such a diagnosis is a quick technique that shows the condition of the organs inside the chest. And the most important thing is that by undergoing this examination, it is possible to identify pathological conditions in the earliest stages and this makes it possible to begin immediate treatment.

Many people, only after the FLG can learn about the presence of pathologies that occur asymptomatic. These are the initial stages of cancer or tuberculosis. Often, it is these pathologies that do not show themselves for a long time, so it is difficult to detect them at the beginning of the pathology. Fluorography is the most faithful and reliable way to detect these diseases in the early stages. And only this makes it possible to make the correct diagnosis and begin a quick and effective cure.

Fluorography possibilities
Fluorography possibilities

What can show the fluorography of the chest, what diseases in adults, adolescents, can be shown inflammation of the lungs?

An examination of the chest organs allows you to identify in a person the presence of a variety of and dangerous diseases. What can show fluorography of the chest, what diseases in adults, adolescents? More often with this examination, pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs is detected.

The first symptoms of pneumonia manifestations are usually:

  • Fever
  • Muscle chills
  • Breast pain
  • Wheezing when breathing, coughing
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Lack of appetite

Such diseases as the initial stages of cancer and tuberculosis are asymptomatic. Therefore, the fastest and most effective diagnostic method is the passage of fluorography.

Pneumonia is always accompanied by a cough and increased T ° C.etc. Therefore, with complete confidence, answer the following question: “Does fluorography show inflammation of the lungs?”, You can answer “yes” and regardless of the seriousness of the pathology. It is not difficult for doctors to determine this disease, and therefore, taking a picture in the Cabinet of FLG and laboratory tests, a person only confirms the preliminary diagnosis of the doctor.

What does fluorography show?
What does fluorography show?

What shows fluorography of the chest of the smoker?

In cigarette smoke there are a lot of sewage that inhales the smoking person in huge quantities. And they, getting directly into the lungs, harm the body. For this reason, the light smoking person contains many different areas that are filled with particles of sewage and waste. Therefore, using a microscope with a high increase, the doctor can see these black and brown particles.

Exploring the chest of the smoking person in fluorography, you can see enlarged air bags and darkened areas. This organ contains so many such particles that they seem to the naked eye gray, black or brown. In many cases, it is not even necessary to use a microscope to determine whether the patient was a smoker or not. It is enough to do the FLG and the doctor will see everything and make the correct diagnosis.

What does the fluorography of the chest in coronavirus show: does lung damage shows?

Fluorography or chest x -ray, which is done with coronavirus, usually determines the pathology - a consequence of the effect of the virus on the body, and not the disease itself.

It is worth knowing: Definition on 100% The presence of coronavirus in the body is possible only by making a special express test.

With the help of an X -ray, understand how coronavirus flows and whether it is in the body is impossible. But, despite this, the diagnosis shows the complications that this disease causes. In the picture, just see the foci of inflammation that the virus causes. And also other pathologies that develop in the body against the background of this disease.

It is worth knowing: Light damage with FLG or X -ray is almost impossible to see. To do this, you will have to make computed tomography - more detailed radiation diagnostics.

When coronavirus penetrates into the cells, viral pneumonia begins to develop in lungs. Explicit changes on the X -ray can be seen even when there are no symptoms yet. Damage to the inner layer, the space of the lungs is filled with destroyed cells, red blood cells and lymphocytes. Ventilation is disturbed, which leads to shortness of breath. Therefore, the foci of the dimming are clearly visible on the radiograph.

As soon as the disease begins to progress, focal changes merge and occupy more and more lung tissue. But fears are confirmed about the lesion of the lungs precisely with the help of CT. This diagnosis even shows the percentage of damage, which helps to prescribe adequate treatment necessary for a particular patient.

How often can an X -ray, FLG lungs?

X -ray and FLG of the lungs are done as needed
X -ray and FLG of the lungs are done as needed

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that we pass fluorography only when we turn to the doctor for a certificate, sick leave or when entering the hospital. But how often can I do FLG or X -ray of the lungs?

It's important to know: If you have contacted a patient with tuberculosis, fluorography must be performed once every 6 months for 2 years.

It should be noted that some categories of people should take place mandatory annual chest examination:

  • Medicine workers
  • Working specialists in such institutions, kindergarten and school
  • Persons engaged in the field of trade and food industry
  • Patients with chronic diseases- Sah. Diabetes, pulmonary pathologies, HIV patients, as well as patients with serious food diseases. Systems (hepatitis and colitis), as they can easily become infected with tuberculosis, which is rapidly developing in a weakened organism.
  • Persons who abuse alcohol, drugs or psychotropic substances.
  • People leading an immoral image of existence.
  • Persons without a specific place of residence who wander and spend the night in unknown places.
  • Convicts who are in places of imprisonment.

The remaining categories of citizens must undergo an examination at least 1 time at 1-2 years old, depending on the presence of pathologies and the place of work.

IMPORTANT: There are such categories of people who are not only not desirable to make fluorography, but also dangerous - these are pregnant and breastfeeding women and children under 18 years of age.

Examination of the chest is not only an obligation, but even a need to exclude all diseases that are associated with pathologies of the lungs and heart. Refusal of fluorography can threaten a danger to your body. And care for health should always be in the first place in your daily life.

Video: Why do you need fluorography?

Video: which is better: lung x -rays, fluorography or CT

Video: X-ray at Covid-19. Experience of GKB No. 40 DZM (Kommunarka)

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