Which is better than Nurofen: a comparison with other drugs. What is better paracetamol or nurofen from temperature?

Which is better than Nurofen: a comparison with other drugs. What is better paracetamol or nurofen from temperature?

Nurofen - A sought -after antipyretic and analgesic, designed to treat children and adults. The drug is sold without a prescription, although it is prescribed by European doctors with caution.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to quickly knock down the temperature at home in an adult, a child?". You will find a list of antipyretic drugs, folk remedies. Pregnancy and high temperature: how to knock down?

In this article we will try to figure out what is better - Nurofen Or other products with a similar effect, and how you can replace a popular medicine in different situations. Read further.

Nurofen - syrup, suspension, tablets: Can you give children?


Nurofen In tablets, it is recommended for the treatment of children over 12 years old. Adults accept 1-2 tablets every 4 hours. Is it possible to give this drug to children under 12 years of age?

  • For children, it is produced Nurofen In syrup and candles.
  • In the form of a suspension, the drug can be given to children From 3 months.
  • For the convenience of use, for babies you can buy this medicine, packaged in a special dispenser in the form of a syringe.

The drug belongs to the NVPS group (non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs), and has 3 actions:

  • Antipyretic
  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Anesthetic

Popular drugs can not always be replaced with a similar composition and action, only after reading the instructions. Before buying, consult a doctor at the expense of side effects, areas of application and age -related restrictions.

Now let's figure out what can be replaced Nurofen And is it possible. Read further.

Nurofen or Paracetamol: which is better from temperature, how much do they start to act?

Nurofen or Paracetamol: Which is better?
Nurofen or Paracetamol: Which is better?

Popular means Nurofen and Paracetamol More often the rest are used to reduce temperature and relieve pain in children. Their main difference lies in the active substance (the first has ibuprofen, the second has paracetamol). It is worth considering each drug in more detail.

Paracetamol It has the maximum duration of admission in childhood:

  • Up to 6 years - 3 days
  • Over 6 years old - 5 days

The product has a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect, but does not have anti -inflammatory properties. Besides:

  • A drug Paracetamol Apply to quickly eliminate symptoms.
  • If necessary, it is better to give preference to liquid forms to sharply reduce the temperature of the child. To gradually improve the condition, it is enough to put a candle before bedtime.

Similarities and differences of Nurofen and paracetamol:

  • Both drugs are well anesthetized and reduced. In this case, their strength is approximately the same. U Paracetamol The antipyretic effect is slightly higher, so it is believed that it is better from temperature.
  • Nurofen shows a pronounced anti -inflammatory effect, while Paracetamol It is practically none.
  • Safe for use in children. Nurofen He relieves pain and successfully treats articular, muscle, bone and neuralgic pathologies.
  • Have similar side effects - allergies, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver or renal failure. These effects are manifested only with excessive and regular use of drugs. In paracetamol, a side effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa is less pronounced.
  • Alcohol incompatibility. Paracetamol Choose when you need to combine its intake with other drugs.
  • Paracetamol is cheaper.

How long do they start to act?

  • Nurofen acts 5-8 hours, a Paracetamol-3-5 hours. However, the time of action depends on many conditions - the type of infection, the temperature in the room, the amount of the accepted product.
  • Effect from Nurofen Appears after 40-60 minutes, and from Paracetamol - after half an hour.
  • AT Paracetamole There are no additives, so the risk of allergies is reduced. AT Nurofen Additional substances are present in large quantities.

Read in another article, in more detail about how much Nurofen children should act In syrup, candles from temperature. You will find out when you can give the medicine again.

The described rules do not always work. In some situations, one of the drugs may not help at all. Let's figure out what is better Nurofen or Paracetamol, given the specific situations.

  • When you need to knock down the temperature or eliminate the symptoms of one -time (feverish states, tooth and headache), you can use any of two drugs.
  • When conducting a course of anti -inflammatory therapy, it is better to choose Nurofen.

Features of the action of paracetamol:

  • Overdose Paracetamol If the dose exceeds 2-3 times, does not cause serious side effects. However, consciously give a child or take so much the drug should not be taken. With an overdose Nurofen There may be pain in the abdomen, double in the eyes, nausea, hearing impairment, drowsiness.
  • High efficiency for SARS. It is with this disease Paracetamol It has the best effect. If you use it for bacterial infections, or in complications of SARS, the tool may not have any effect.

Remember: Nurofen and paracetamol are given according to this scheme-first Nurofen, if the temperature does not subside, after 3 hours-paracetamol, then again after 3-4 hours Nurofen and then alternate in this way.

Ibuprofen or Nurofen: What is better than different?

Nurofen or Ibuprofen: Which is better?
Nurofen or Ibuprofen: Which is better?

The active substance "Ibuprofen" in both drugs is in the same dosage. The difference lies in the presence of auxiliary joints. To figure it out, which is better - Nurofen or Ibuprofen for children, it is worth considering the features of the action of each tool:

  • Allergy. If a child often manifest various allergic reactions, it is better to use ibuprofen. The effect is almost the same, but its impurities are much smaller than that of Nurofen.
  • The difference in effects. As analgesic, both funds are identical. As an antipyretic, Nurofen is better than Nurofen. This is due to the fact that Ibuprofen and Nurofen are produced from different raw materials. Drugs are made using various methods of cleaning and processing.
  • The beginning of the action. Ibuprofen and Nurofen begin to act an hour after admission.
  • Age limit. Ibuprofen is not given to children under 6 years of age, and Nurofen is used from 3 months (in suspension).

So, nevertheless, Ibuprofen or Nurofen - which is better than different? We will deal with the main differences in the drugs:

  • Price. Ibuprofen is cheaper.
  • Output form. Ibuprofen is produced only in tablets, and Nurofen is also in syrup and drops.
  • Features of action. It is better for adults to take ibuprofen because it reduces pain faster.

As you can see, if necessary, it is better to quickly and effectively eliminate the pain in a child to give him Nurofen. Ibuprofen is suitable for adults.

Panadol or Nurofen: Which is better?

Nurofen or Panadol: which is better?
Nurofen or Panadol: which is better?

Panadol - Analgesic based on paracetamol. It has anti -inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. The drug quickly eliminates the headache of various origin and confuses the temperature well.

Forms of release Panadol:

  • Film shell tablets
  • Soluble tablets
  • Infusion solution
  • Oral solution
  • Rectal suppositories (candles)
  • Children's suspension (5 ml of medicine contains 120 mg of paracetamol)

In the form of candles, children are given Panadol From 3 months of age. In some cases, it is prescribed even babies from the first month of life.

Important: Panadol has much less side effects than Nurofen.

Panadol or Nurofen - which is better? To understand, consider the features of their use in children and adults.

Features of the reception:

  • Candles Panadol can be set from 3 months after birth. At the same age, they begin to give a suspension.
  • Suppositories are allowed to be used for 7 days.
  • During the day you can use up to 4 suppositories.
  • The therapeutic effect lasts 6-8 hours.
  • Nurofen It is used from 3 months.
  • The duration of treatment should not exceed 3 days.
  • The effect persists for 5-8 hours.
  • At a stably high temperature (38.5 and above), there is a risk of seizures, therefore, in such cases, it is better to give Panadol.


  • Panadol does not have a significant effect on the body, "gently" eliminating the symptoms.
  • Nurofen suspension acts faster than a panadol, but its intake can affect the functioning of the kidneys. One of the serious consequences is urinary retention.

Forms of release:

  • Panadol has more tablets. At the same time, candles have been developed for adults that are best used for gastrointestinal diseases.

Asking the question “Panadol or Nurofen - which is better for children?”, Without hesitation, choose Panadol, because it is safer. For an adult, in the absence of contraindications, it is better to choose Nurofen, since it has a faster effect and effectiveness. However, it is worth knowing the features of the action of drugs:

  • Nurofen better eliminates inflammatory pain that occurs with acute respiratory infections or influenza. When the child is not accepted, candles are used.
  • Panelol is more effective in toothache and headache. It is better to give it when teething, feverish states.
  • At temperatures, it is better to give Panadol, since the paracetamol included in it has the best antipyretic effect.

Given these features, it is worth choosing a certain drug depending on the desired result.

CEFON and Nurofen: Which is better?

Nurofen or Cerafon: which is better?
Nurofen or Cerafon: which is better?

What's better CEFON or Nurofen, and what are their differences? The first and most basic - the drugs have different compositions.

  • Cerafon has a paracetamol as an active substance-an non-narcotic analgesic-gaponing.
  • The drug does not affect the gastrointestinal mucosa, which determines its safety for children and people suffering from diseases of the stomach and or intestines.

Indications for use:

  • To reduce temperature at acute respiratory infections, children's infections, influenza and post -vaccination reactions. Cefon and Nurofen are allowed for use for a maximum of 3 days. They are allowed to alternate every 1-4 hours. Do not give them together - so as not to cause side effects.
  • As an analgesic - with muscles, dental and headaches, with burns and injuries.

Choosing that it is better than Ceepon or Nurofen for children, it is worth knowing the features of different forms of drugs. Syrups of both drugs begin to act after 30-40 minutes After admission and act faster than tablets. Nurofen suspension has a too sugary taste, which can cause sore throat. In this case, it needs to be drank. Candles of both drugs begin to act within 15-20 minutes.

Asking the question - which is better - candles of cucon or nurofen, feel free to choose any of the drugs. The main thing is to observe the rules for their application. Cerafon is about 1.5 times cheaper.

Ibuklin or Nurofen: Which is better?

Nurofen or Ibuklin: Which is better?
Nurofen or Ibuklin: Which is better?

Nurofen or Ibuklin - what's better? If you do not delve into details about each drug, they can be safely equated to each other. However, there are still differences between them:

  • When taking Nurofen, it is possible to combine it with other drugs, without creating an increased medicinal load on the body.
  • When poisoning or the appearance of fever, especially in young children, the Ibuklin intake allows you to reduce the stably high temperature (above 38.5 and 39) and save the baby from the symptoms of inflammation. However, it is not recommended to constantly give the drug to the drug.

Ibuklin includes ibuprofen and paracetamol. The latter substance is an anti -inflammatory agent. Since the combination of two compounds allows you to achieve the maximum effect with a decrease in temperature, ibuklin in such cases is the preparation of the first choice.

Nurofen and Ibuklin are produced in children's dosages. They have notes “Children's” and “Junior”, respectively.
If you need to choose what is better ibuklin or Nurofen for children, it is worth determining the duration of therapy.

  • When it is planned to treat several days, it is better to choose Nurofen. It has a lower load on the liver.
  • Ibuklin allows you to quickly knock down the temperature to 37-38 degrees, which eliminates the development of seizures.

So, Ibuklin or Nurofen? To choose the product, you need to know the features of the action of each of them:

  • Ibuklin children is allowed only from 3 years, and Nurofen from 3 months.
  • Ibuklin is cheaper.
  • The effectiveness of ibuklin is higher, especially against high stable temperature.
  • Nurofen has more forms of release.

Choosing Nurofen or Ibuklin for children is necessary depending on the symptoms and age.

Nurofen or Nise: which is better?

Nurofen or Nise: which is better?
Nurofen or Nise: which is better?

Nise - non -steroidal anti -inflammatory agent (NSAID). Its active substance “Nimesulide” relieves swelling and suppresses the source of inflammation.

Indications for the reception of Naise:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Gout
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Osteochondrosis (If you do not know, Nise or Nurofen - which is better with osteochondrosis, give preference to Naise)
  • Lumbago
  • Bekhterev disease
  • Menstrual pain
  • Toothache
  • Fever

Nise better copes with neurological manifestations, and Nurofen facilitates the patient's condition during infection, and quickly knocks down the temperature. The drug with ibuprofen is more often used for SARS and symptoms of colds.

Important: When choosing a drug for toothache, it is worth giving preference to Nurofen, since it penetrates hard tissues. It is better to take Nise with stomatitis and gingivitis.

Comparative information "Nise or Nurofen - which is better?":

Toxicity of the composition in NIZA:

  • As part of the NIZA is Ibuprofen, which does not greatly affect the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Nimesulide in the drug is quite toxic, so it is better not to take it for a long time.
  • Nurofen is less toxic.

Elimination of pain:

  • Nurofen is used for moderate pain syndrome, more effective for reducing temperature.
  • Nise better eliminates severe pain (toothache - along with Nurofen or less efficiently), relieves motor stiffness.
  • Nurofen acts better on the nerve tissue, so more effective in head and muscle pain.

Nurofen side effects:

  • Infrequently - abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, exacerbation of ulcerative colitis, allergic rashes, headache.
  • Rarely - heart failure, shortness of breath, bronchial asthma.
  • Very rarely - swelling, impaired liver function, exacerbation of gastritis.
  • Nise is deprived of the main side effects of Nurofen.

Output form:

  • Tablets, capsules, gel.

It is impossible to unequivocally say that it is stronger - Nise or Nurofen. Each drug is suitable for certain situations. Together, Nus and Nurofen do not make sense. Presumably, their side effects in this case intensify.

Nurofen or Pentalgin: Which is better?

Nurofen or Pentalgin: Which is better?
Nurofen or Pentalgin: Which is better?

Pentalgin Helps cope with head, menstrual and toothache. The drug eliminates spasms well, is able to relieve pain with intercostal colic and radiculitis. Pentallgin is better than other means facilitates the condition with muscle and articular pain. Nurofen It is more suitable for people with inflammatory processes, colds and viral diseases.

So, Pentalgin or Nurofen - what's better? Consider the main differences in the drugs:

  • The power of influence. Despite the similarity of funds, many patients note a stronger effect of pentalgin. If you compare pentalgin or nurofen, the first drug helps from headache better, and the second one from the articular.
  • Side effects. Less often manifested in Nurofen, which has a weaker on the liver and kidneys.
  • The speed of the effect. Nurofen begins to operate after a longer time (from 15 minutes to 1.5 hours), however, it is considered a more gentle drug, so it is prescribed to children up to 3 months. Pentallgin eliminates the pain after 15-30 minutes. After admission.

Important: With multiple sclerosis, muscle, headache occurs. Unpleasant sensations arise in the joints and back. Both Nurofen and Pentalgin helps to remove pain well. However, with acute pain, pentalgin is more effective. Also, the drug better eliminates sharp muscle contractions.

Efferalgan or Nurofen: Which is better?

Efferalgan or Nurofen: Which is better?
Efferalgan or Nurofen: Which is better?

Part Efferalgana Paracetamol includes, so the drug can be compared with the same product. To figure out what is better - Nurofen or Efferalgan for children, it is worth recalling the forms of release. Both drugs are produced in tablets and syrup. Efferalgan candles, like Nurofen rectal suppositories, are designed specifically for babies, so it is quite difficult to compare their effectiveness.

But Nurofen copes with temperature more efficiently. Efferalgan does not help for the following reasons:

  • Lack of drinking
  • Small dosage - it must be calculated not by age, but by body weight
  • Vascular spasm-to eliminate it, you need to drink along with the antipyretic no-shpu

It is definitely impossible to say what is better - Efferalgan or Nurofen. The latter has a better and longer effect, and the effralgan acts less on the stomach (when taking tablets). A bunch of Nurofen-Efferalgan is possible when alternating the use of drugs every 3-4 hours.

Analgin or Nurofen: Which is better?

Analgin or Nurofen: Which is better?
Analgin or Nurofen: Which is better?

Like Nurofen, analgin (sodium metamizol) effectively relieves heat and inflammation, relieves painful symptoms. However, the drugs have many differences:

  • Nurofen is a safer tool. It is better to choose it in the treatment of children under 18 years of age. The risk of side effects when taking it is significantly lower than in the case of analgin.
  • Nurofen has more forms of release, which allows you to use the product to eliminate intestinal colic and temperature in the first months of the baby’s life (only on the recommendation of a doctor). To find out what is better - Analgin or Nurofen, in most cases does not have to. Doctors rarely prescribe a drug based on sodium metamizole.
  • Analgin is prohibited in many countries, as it has a high risk of anaphylactic shock. The drug is used in critical cases. It is usually administered intramuscularly after operations if it is impossible to use oral agents.

It is unacceptable to use Nurofen-analygin-the risk of side effects from each drug is increasing. Together, only a doctor can prescribe these drugs - if the previous treatment did not bring positive results.

Video: Nurofen, instruction, description, application, side effects

Video: Paracetamol or Nurofen. What's better? Paracetamol or Nurofen for Child © Shilova Natalia

Video: painkillers and antipyretic drugs for children Tsufon Durofen Maxicond Ibuprofen

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