How much should Nurofen children's in syrup act, candles from temperature? When can you give the medicine again?

How much should Nurofen children's in syrup act, candles from temperature? When can you give the medicine again?

It will be useful for all parents to know how long Nurofen should act from temperature. In the article, read when you can give the medicine again.

Nurofen is a medication from a group of non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. The list of indications for its use is quite wide, but most often it is used for pain and elevated body temperature. A medicine is produced in several forms, each of which has its own characteristics of application, and also differs in the time of the onset of therapeutic action.

Read on our website an article on what can a child at temperature. You will find out what to do so as not to harm even more.

Nurofen is appointed both adult patients and young children. But since this is a synthetic tool, it is important to remember contraindications to its use. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the likelihood of developing undesirable reactions. To minimize all risks to a minimum, follow the instructions given by the doctor, or prescribed in the annotation to the drug. Read more in this article.

What is Nurofen: forms, composition

Nurofen is a highly effective anti -inflammatory agent on a non -steroid (non -hormonal) basis. The composition of this drug is simple - ibuprofen. Sometimes excipients are added to improve the taste of the dosage form. More often it has an orange taste. The drug is produced in the following forms:

  1. Rectal suppositories. They are appointed to children from the age of 3 months to 2 years. Candles include the active substance of ibuprofen in the dosage 60 mg. Auxiliary components are solid fats. This dosage form of Nurofen is the most optimal option for the heat of children prone to allergies to medicines from the NSAID group.
  2. SUSSENSION (SIROP). It has a pleasant taste, so with pleasure it is accepted by small patients. This form of Nurofen is intended for children with 3 months to 12 years. The active substance of ibuprofen here is contained in the dosage 100 mg/5 ml. Additional components are a gum, an orange flavor, glycerol, Maltitol, etc. Nurofen suspension does not contain synthetic dyes or sugar.
  3. Shell. Suitable for children older 6 years. They have a smooth surface and small sizes, so they are very easy to take. Each tablet contains 200 mg ibuprofen and stearic acid, sucrose and other auxiliary substances.
  4. Capsules. Nurofen Express Ultrakap and Nurofen Express Forte - a new form of release of the drug. Each capsule contains an active substance in a dose 200 mg or 400 mg. The drug is prescribed for children with body weight more 20 kg. Capsules are dense to the touch, have an oval shape. They contain ibuprofen dissolved in hydrophilic solution, are quickly absorbed into the digestive tract.

Important: Any form of Nurofen’s release is suitable only for symptomatic therapy. It is forbidden to use the drug as an independent drug for viral or bacterial infections in children.

Pharmacokinetics, Nurofen action mechanism: Indications

After taking, a quick absorption of ibuprofen occurs, and its distribution throughout the body. Pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action:

  • The substance is excreted mainly through the kidneys, that is, most of it stands out with the urine.
  • Studies have shown that a slight concentration of the active component of the drug Nurofen can penetrate into breast milk.
  • The half -life of Ibuprofen is 2 hours.
  • Its maximum concentration in the blood plasma is monitored after 45 minutes After admission.

Ibuprofen has a pronounced anti -inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic activity. It tends to influence the production of prostaglandins - the so -called inflammation mediators. The substance suppresses their production, and also inhibits the action of elements that already present in the blood. Due to this, an analgesic effect is achieved.

Taking the drug is shown with:

  • Fever of different types and genes.
  • Pain syndrome of various localization (in the throat, back, head, ear, etc.).
  • Inflammatory processes in the tissues of the above organs (as an addition to the main scheme of therapy).

In addition, the use is appropriate Nurofen With menstrual pain in adolescence girls and adult women.

Regarding the use of the drug as an antipyretic, then there are nuances here. In particular, it is recommended to give medicine only with an increase in body temperature up to 38.5 degrees and above. With lower thermometer indicators, it is not recommended to rush with the use of Nurofen, since the immune system is trying to independently overcome infection and inflammation.

When should not be given Nurofen for children?

Like any other drug, Nurofen has its own contraindications for use. When should not be given to children? With particular caution, this medicine is prescribed for children, so for starters it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. It is strictly unacceptable to give syrup or any other form of Nurofen to children and adult patients with such pathologies:

  • Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug
  • Serious renal diseases
  • "Aspirin" asthma
  • Inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal organs
  • Hyperkalemia
  • Blood coagulation disorders
  • A tendency to bleeding or the presence of such
  • Liver diseases

Tablets and syrup are not prescribed if there are allergies to fructose. Candles are contraindicated in case of damage to the integrity of the mucous membranes of the rectum. With anemia, impaired activities of the immune system, bronchial asthma, diabetes and other dangerous pathologies, Nurofen’s intake is possible only under the control of the attending physician.

How long should Nurofen children's syrup act from temperature?

In the fever, the child’s thoughts are concentrated only on one, so that the antipyretic drug acts as quickly as possible. How long should Nurofen children's syrup act from temperature?

  • Nurofen differs in a relatively rapid therapeutic effect, the duration of which is 4-6 hours.
  • But the time of the occurrence of an antipyretic and analgesic effect depends on the form of the release of the drug.

Most often, parents use a suspension. After use, the syrup is absorbed into the digestive tract, and this process takes at least half an hour. Therefore, you can observe the effect of its technique only after 40-60 minutes after use. But, of course, these terms are relative, since everything is purely individual.

Video: What to do if the temperature has not decreased after taking the antipyretic? Dr. Komarovsky

How long should Nurofen children's candlelights work from temperature?

Rectal suppositories have a faster effect. How long should Nurofen children's candlelights work from temperature?

  • They are quickly absorbed - approximately 15-20 minutes.
  • Therefore, an antipyretic and analgesic effect is noted approximately after 20-30 minutes From the moment they are introduced into the rectum.

In addition, this form Nurofen, unlike syrup, is characterized by a longer period of action. The effect of the use of candles lasts to 8 ocloc'k.

After how long does the temperature get off from Nurofen tablets?

Ibuprofen contained in Nurofen tablets enters the bloodstream and accumulates during 40-50 minutes. After how long does the temperature get off from Nurofen tablets?

  • The therapeutic effect is achieved for about the same period as the syrup.
  • The action of the tablet form of the drug begins already after 45-60 minutes After admission.
  • The duration of action ranges within the framework 6-8 hours.

As for the capsules, they begin to act through 40 minutes. The effect continues before 8 ocloc'k.

Nurofen: side effects

With proper application and complete observance of the rules of dosage, Nurofen does not cause side effects. In addition, an important role in this case is played by the presence or absence of contraindications to its reception. When using the drug ignoring the previously described restrictions, the risk of unwanted reactions increases significantly.

Side effects Nurofen characterized by the appearance:

  • Nausea attacks.
  • Bronchospasm (in patients suffering from bronchial asthma).
  • Gastralgia (stomach pain).
  • Skin allergic reactions, which, in turn, are manifested by dermatoses, urticaria, edema, itching, redness of the skin in different parts of the body.
  • Cephalgia (headache).

In rare cases, reception Nurofen It can provoke changes in the composition of the blood, as well as cause bleeding of different intensity. There were also situations when there was a violation of the liver and kidneys, blood pressure changes. In some patients, defects in the oral cavity mucosa were detected.

Nurofen Nurofen dosage mode

Features of dosage Nurofen Children's directly depends on its dosage form. The age of the child should also take into account, sometimes his weight. Here are more details of the application and dosage:


Rectal candles Nurofen Introduce according to the following schemes:

  • Kids aged 3-9 months with a weight of 6 to 9 kg They put it on 1 candle Three times a day.
  • Children with 9 months up to 2 years with a weight of 8-12 kg Introduced by 1 suppository Four times a day.

You need to introduce candles deep into the rectum, the child should take a convenient lying position. It is advisable to carry out hygienic procedures before using the medicine and wipe the skin dry in the addual zone.


Syrup Nurofen It is dosed taking into account the age category to which the child belongs. More detailed instructions are given in the table:

The age of the child Weight, kg) One -time dosage (ml) Maximum daily frequency of techniques
From 3 months to six months 5 – 7,6 2,5 3
From six months to 1 year 7,7 – 9 2,5 3 – 4
1 to 3 years old 10 – 16 5 3
From 4 to 6 years old 17 – 20 7,5 3
From 7 to 9 years old 21 – 30 10 3
10 - 12 years 31 – 40 15 3

It is forbidden to depart from this dosing regime, as well as increase the number of suspension applications Nurofen. Remember that in such cases the risk of undesirable reactions and an overdose increases. And this can extremely negatively affect the general health of the child.


Tablets Nurofen It is recommended to take only after eating. If the suspension is not necessary to drink water, then this form of the drug, like capsules, must be consumed only together with the liquid. Typically, a one -time dosage is 1 tabletbut older children 12 years of age You can give two tablets at once. The daily dosage of the tablet Nurofen is 4 tabletswhat is equal 800 mg Ibuprofen.

It is also worth remembering the duration of therapy with a drug. With fever, it should not be longer 3 days, with pain syndrome - 5 days. If during this period of time it was not possible to get rid of anxious symptoms, it is necessary to seek a doctor’s consultation as soon as possible.

When can you give Nurofen again?

Repeated use time Nurofen It directly depends on the achieved therapeutic effect and its duration. When can you give the medicine again? As a rule, doctors and manufacturers of the drug do not recommend drinking it earlier than through 8 ocloc'k After using the first dose.

  • But if necessary, the interval between techniques or rectal administrations can be reduced.
  • In total, the re -use of Nurofen can be carried out every 6-8 hours.

If after applying the medication it passed from 45 minutes to 1 hour, but the therapeutic effect does not occur, you can give the baby a drug based on paracetamol. It can be Panadol, Efferalgan And any other remedy. But such a combination of medicines should be discussed in advance with a pediatrician, since such treatment cannot be called completely safe.

The consequences of an overdose of Nurofen children's

Overdose Nurofenchildren's in a child is a consequence of non -compliance with the dosing regimen, or neglect of recommendations regarding the intervals between drug techniques. As a rule, it is manifested by almost the same symptoms as adverse reactions, only they differ in a higher degree of severity. What consequences?

With an overdose with the drug, patients can complain about:

  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache
  • Weakness
  • Noise and ringing in the ears
  • Headache
  • Dyspepsia, etc.

With a significant overdose of the medicine, the child becomes lethargic and apathetic. He is tormented by drowsiness, he can become irritable and tearful. Disorders from the work of various internal organs that will require emergency medical intervention are also possible.

To avoid such negative consequences, never give the child Nurofen In doses exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations. And always strictly observe the intervals between the applications of tablets, capsules, suspensions or suppositories.

Is it allowed to give children Nurofen?

Nurofen - This is an excellent analgesic and antipyretic for children with 3 months. Syrup is very easy to use, as, in principle, and candles. In addition, it has a pleasant taste, so kids accept it with pleasure and without whims. But many parents still worry and ask: "Is it allowed to give children Nurofen?".

There are some points that you need to know:

  • Neither syrup nor any other dosage form Nurofen It does not differ in an instant effect.
  • If the child’s body temperature grows rapidly, and his general condition worsens, do not hesitate with an ambulance.

In this way, Nurofen It is one of the most optimal options for heat or pain in a child. It is actively used after immunization, for chickenpox, acute respiratory viral infections, teething, as well as many other pathologies and painful conditions. And most importantly, the active substance of the medication, Ibuprofen, has higher effectiveness than the popular paracetamol. After all, Ibuprofen is an anti -inflammatory agent, and paracetamol is just an analgesic and antipyretic.

Nuances when decreasing heat in children with Nurofen: Tips

When applying Nurofen For the treatment of heat or pain in a small child, it is necessary to take into account certain points. Here are advice and nuances when decreasing heat in children:

  1. The oral intake of syrup or tablets is allowed only after eating. When using the medicine on an empty stomach, irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal walls is possible, which will lead to the occurrence of gastrointestinal side effects.
  2. Fever that does not stop even a re -reception of Nurofen Or additional use of paracetamol is a good reason for an immediate call to an ambulance or an independent seeking a doctor.
  3. The drug eliminates the symptoms of existing pathology, relieves the inflammatory process. But in the case of a bacterial, fungal or viral etiology of the disease, the process of its course itself has no effect. Therefore, in such situations Nurofen It can only be used as part of complex therapy, and exclusively for symptomatic treatment.

The main thing is never neglected by detailed study of the instructions for the drug. Even if the doctor prescribed it, and even if the whole treatment scheme is described in detail, do not be too lazy to look into the annotation. After all, there you will find important information that may well affect the outcome of treatment. In particular, the liner sheet describes in detail which drugs should not be combined with Nurofen, and a complete list of possible adverse reactions with the frequency of their development is also given. Good luck!

Video: Nurofen - instruction, description, application, side effects

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