How to measure your temperature without a thermometer? How to determine the temperature without a thermometer in an adult, child? Antipyretic candles for children and adults: a list, recommendations for use

How to measure your temperature without a thermometer? How to determine the temperature without a thermometer in an adult, child? Antipyretic candles for children and adults: a list, recommendations for use

Ways to determine the high temperature without a thermometer.

There are different situations in life that can be out of the rut. One of these is an increase in temperature. The most dangerous is the heat of the child when you are not at home and there is no first -aid kit at hand. In this article we will tell you how to measure the temperature without a thermometer.

How to determine the presence of temperature without a thermometer: signs of high temperature

Of course, it is difficult to determine the heat with high accuracy without measuring equipment. An ordinary person feels a temperature above 38 degrees, so if the patient has a slight increase, you are unlikely to fix this. Only the thermometer can do this. But if a person has a strong heat that needs to be shot down, this is quite felt.

Signs of heat:

  • Far breathing. It is quite heavy, intermittent
  • Rapid pulse. Usually in people with temperature, the number of shocks per minute exceeds 100
  • The appearance of an unhealthy blush. It is difficult to notice if a person has dark skin. Usually visible in public with light skin
  • A person may have short -term convulsions. This usually happens with an increase in temperature to 39 degrees
  • During the Garyachki, the skin can be sticky and wet
  • A person constantly wants to drink, he dries him
  • Chills may be observed. Despite the fact that the room has a comfortable temperature, the patient is shaking and he constantly wants to hide with a warm blanket or put on a large amount of clothes
  • Cold limbs. This often happens in children with cold fever

How to determine the temperature without a thermometer in an adult, a child?

To find out the presence of heat, it is useless to touch the arms and legs. Because they can be absolutely cold. This happens in children.


  • In some places that will tell about the temperature as accurately as possible are the forehead, the neck of the axillary cavity, the place under the knees, and the tummy in children. It is these places that should be touched in order to determine the presence of heat
  • Touch your hands. For greater accuracy, you need to touch the hot area with the help of the lips
  • In children, you can touch the eyelids. Attach your lips to the forehead of the baby and feel. Usually a fever is felt above 37.5 degrees
  • Signs of high temperature are nausea, as well as vomiting. Weakness and lethargy are observed
  • The most interesting thing is that many children, even at temperatures above 38 degrees, can be worn and be sufficiently vigorous, but other symptoms of increasing temperature remain.
  • Pay attention to the color of the child’s urine. The fact is that adults with an increase in temperature usually drink a large amount of water, they dry them. Small children may not ask for liquids. Therefore, from time to time you need to let the child drink
  • Look at the color of his urine. With an increase in temperature, the body is dehydrated, moisture evaporates quickly enough. In this case, the color of the urine becomes bright yellow, even orange. If this is observed in your child, this indicates the heat
  • One of the most dangerous symptoms of temperature is seizures. In children under 5 years of age, seizures often occur with an increase in temperature to 39 degrees. If they last no more than 3 minutes, then there is nothing wrong. But usually the parents of such children have an antipyretic and special anticonvulsant drugs in their first -aid kit. They must be given to the child, because it can be dangerous
  • If there are seizures that last more than 3 minutes, it is urgent to call an ambulance, because the phenomenon is dangerous in neurological terms. This can affect the work of the brain
The temperature of the child
The temperature of the child

How to understand that you have a temperature without a thermometer: when to see a doctor?

Symptoms requiring an ambulance:

  • Be sure to call an ambulance if the cramps last more than 3 minutes
  • Together with a hot forehead, as well as a zone under the knees, severe chest pain is observed
  • It is difficult for a person to swallow, he has opened vomiting that does not stop
  • In sputum or vomiting, diarrhea has blood
  • If a person has hallucinations, he is raving, a strong heat that causes sweat on the surface of the skin

If there is at least one of these symptoms, you need to call an ambulance. If you feel that a person is hot and there are symptoms that indicate heat, that is, a man is a heat or he feels weakness, muscle pain, in this case you can give a person an antipyretic. Now the pharmacy has a large number of drugs. It is worth selecting as a person.

Throwing into the heat
Throwing into the heat

Antipyretic candles for children and adults

It is best to introduce candles for children, because often high temperature is combined with vomiting. Even though there are no intestinal infections, young children coughing greatly with sore throat, which can also provoke severe vomiting. In this case, giving an antipyretic orally useless, because the child will still tear out the medicine. In this case, the use of candles will be an ideal option.

List of antipyretic candles for children and adults:

  • Ibufen
  • Efferalgan
  • Analm
  • Nurofen
  • Panadol

Please note that doctors do not recommend knocking down a temperature below 38 degrees. Because the body should fight it on its own. If your child has a half -fainting state at a temperature of 37.5, then he needs to give an antipyretic. It all depends on the condition of the child. Children who develop convulsions, even with a slight increase in temperature, are recommended to give antipyretic in order not to provoke seizures.

Throwing into the heat
Throwing into the heat

How to measure your temperature without a thermometer?

Below is a simple technique that will help determine the heat without measuring technology.


  • One of the most common options is to fold your palms with a boat
  • Leave a small gap and exhale into it with force
  • If at the same time, the wings of the nose feel a strong heat, then you have a temperature
  • In addition, you can measure the pulse. Usually people know what standard pulse is in a calm state
  • If it is 30 beats, then most likely the temperature approaches 39-40 degrees. This is a significant increase in the pulse, which is usually provoked by an increase in temperature
  • If you suspect a high temperature, you must try to spend your eyes up, down, right to the left. If this is difficult and terribly hurt by eyelids, as well as the muscles of the eyes, this indicates high temperatures
  • In addition, joint pain, chills are observed. An unhealthy blush may appear
  • In this case, the frequency of breaths rises, is more than 30 per minute

All these signs indirectly indicate heat. You can find out the exact value exclusively using the thermometer.

Video: We measure the temperature without a thermometer

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