What to do with sour tangerines? How to turn them into sweet?

What to do with sour tangerines? How to turn them into sweet?

From this article we will learn how to make sour tangerines sweet.

Winter is the time when our stores are full of citrus fruits. And we enjoy their taste. Especially sweet tangerines. But it happens that having bought tangerines, and having tried them at home, we find that they are sour. What to do with such fruits? After all, they will not accept back to the store. Can they be made sweet? We find out in this article.

How to choose sweet tangerines?

Ripe and sweet tangerines have the following properties:

  • Mandarin has a bright orange or bright yellow shiny skin (light orange fruits will taste sour)
  • The fruit is dense, medium -sized (large and flattened tangerines are often acidic)
  • The skin is easily removed from the fetus
  • The sweetest tangerines spanish, Moroccan and Israeli
This is how tangerines grown in different countries look

Note. How to find out from which country of tangerines? Abkhazian and Turkish tangerines are small light orange, Turkish can be yellow, mainly sweet and sour. Spanish tangerines are bright orange, medium size, they are brought to us for sale with twigs and leaves. Moroccan and Israeli tangerines are small bright orange to reddish, Moroccan-with a dent in the middle of the fetus. Israeli fruits appear in our stores in winter.

This is what sour and sweet tangerines look like

How to make acidic tangerines sweet: Japanese quick way in the microwave?

If we bought tangerines, and they turned out to be sour, do the following procedures with them:

  • We take acidic tangerines, wash them
  • We pierce the fruit skin with a knife in many places
  • Put in the microwave on 30 seconds
  • We get it out of the stove and cool
  • We try citrus fruits - they should become sweet
  • Store in the refrigerator

Attention. If you do not make cuts on the fruits, tangerines in the microwave can explode.

How to make sour tangerines sweet: Japanese quick way in warm water

Method 1. It is necessary to make sweet tangerines from acidic tangerines in this method in this sequence:

  • Pour warm water into a deep bowl, about 40 degrees Celsius
  • We lower the sour tangerines for 10 minutes into it
  • During this time, citrus acid, which is in citrus fruits, will decompose
  • We take the tangerines from the water, and you can eat - they are sweet

Method 2. If you have taken tangerines from warm water, and they are not still sweet, we use the method 2:

  • We take out tangerines from warm water, and lower it into the ice
  • After such a water procedure, even white partitions that citrus fruits have edible

Attention. For more than 10 minutes you can not keep the tangerines in the water, otherwise they will become soft.

How to make sour tangerines sweet: a long way

If you bought acidic tangerines, and on the street sunny fine days, you can give them to finish, spreading them on the window so that they do not touch each other. It is desirable that the sun's rays fall on the tangerines. Fruits will rush in a few days.

Attention. Any processing procedures with citrus fruits reduce the amount of vitamin C.

How to make sour tangerines sweet with sweet sauce?

If you bought acidic tangerines, they can be sweetened with sweet sauce.

Honey-lemon sauce: recipe

For the sauce, let's take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. honey
  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice
  • On the tip of a knife knife in powder


  1. Mix liquid honey together, squeeze the juice from the lemon, pour cinnamon, and mix everything.
  2. We clean the tangerines from the skin, and disassemble to slices.
  3. We pour slices of tangerines with sauce, decorate with chopped nuts.

So, now we know what needs to be done if you bought sour tangerines.

Video: How to buy the most delicious tangerines?

We advise you to learn more about tangerines:

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