Mandarins - calorie content, benefits and harm to health, chemical composition, vitamins, how to choose delicious tangerines. Mandarins poisoning and the manifestation of allergies to them: symptoms

Mandarins - calorie content, benefits and harm to health, chemical composition, vitamins, how to choose delicious tangerines. Mandarins poisoning and the manifestation of allergies to them: symptoms

Mandarin is not only tasty, but also a very healthy citrus. You can eat pulp and even the peel of the fetus.

Mandarin: calorie content, beneficial properties and contraindications

Mandarin - Juicy and sweet citrus, originally from India, the maximum harvest of which falls in the winter. That is why various varieties of Mandarin fill shops and markets for New Year's holidays.

Citrus has gained its popularity only thanks to pleasant taste. However, few people know that mandarin is very good for health.

The calorie content of Mandarin varies between 33-53 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that excessive consumption of sweet or acidic mandarin can harm.

The benefits of tangerine:

  • Mandarin contains a large supply of vitamins, as well as important minerals and even Concrete Carotine.
  • It is known that tangerine is good to eat for children. This will protect them over time from the development of rickets.
  • Mandarin will be no less benefit to an adult with regular use in limited quantities, it will strengthen blood vessels.
  • The use of one fetus half an hour before eating will improve appetite and will help that metabolic processes normalize in the body.
  • Few people know that tangerines are useful for those who suffer from asthma and bleeding gums (also as a prevention).
  • Moderate use of mandarin will help accelerate all stagnant processes in the body and have a powerful decongestant effect.
  • You can remove an excessive amount of mucus from the respiratory tract (bronchi, lungs) by drinking a glass of tangerine freesh every morning.
  • The zest and dried crusts of mandarin contains unique and very useful substances - glycosides. He is able to strengthen the vessels.
  • Essential oils, which are many in tangerines, can provoke the stomach to produce gastric juice that helps to carefully and completely digest food. In addition, mandarin oil can improve and cheer up.
  • To eliminate severe diarrhea or quickly get rid of vomiting will help a crust of mandarin, which should be chewed in the mouth.
  • Mandarins are small -calorie, especially acidic varieties.
  • If the child does not have allergies, mandarin juice can even be given to a newborn in small quantities.
  • The fruit perfectly eliminates thirst.
  • Mandarin crusts and a decoction of them are useful during diabetes.
  • Juice can “kill” harmful fungi, for example on nails.
  • Having chewed Mandarin crusts, we get fresh breathing.
The benefits of mandarin
The benefits of mandarin

Contraindications when applying:

  • The disease of the kidneys, if there is tangerine, can be consumed, but in completely small quantities. This also includes diseases of the digestive tract in a chronic or acute stage.
  • Juice and fruits themselves are strictly contraindicated if a person has peptic ulcer, or gastritis.
  • You can not use tangerines if there is an inflammatory disease in the intestines.
  • Fruits are strictly contraindicated for children until 3 years of age and allergic predisposition are reached.

Important: there are tangerines for adults and children should be very carefully watching themselves and their sensations: whether the rash appeared on the skin, nausea, diarrhea, itching.

Tangerines: chemical composition, vitamins

A lot of useful substances are “hiding” in the tangerines. Sweet fruits contain a large supply of carbohydrates (more than in sour). Besides, the fruits have:

  • Squirrels
  • Fat
  • Natural sugar (part of fructose, part of glucose)
  • Fitoncides
  • Apple acid
  • Lemon acid
  • Carotene
  • Rutin
  • Tiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Acorbic acid

The tangerine crust contains:

  • Valuable essential oil
  • A-lemonone
  • Aldehyde
  • Citral
  • Methyl esters of anthranyl acids

Important: the tangerine contains also a lot of food drakes that positively affect all metabolic processes in the body. It has many vitamins, especially those that are very important for humans: group B, for example, C and P, as well as A and E.

Vitamins and trace elements in tangerines
Vitamins and trace elements in tangerines

How to choose good delicious tangerines: tips

  • Choosing high -quality tangerine means choosing ripe mandarin. Ripe mandarin, compared with the same size of unavailable mandarin, will weigh a little less than it seems visually. However, a good ripe mandarin should be heavy for its size.
  • By color, it is difficult to determine the ripeness of mandarin. Orange tangerines can also be acidic.
  • Usually orange tangerines are sweeter than yellow.
  • Sweet and fragrant tangerines will be then if the skin is easily lagging behind the fetus, this means that mandarin is ripe.
  • Every time is clearly visible on the peel of ripe mandarin, mandarin should be uniform.
  • The peel of a good mandarin should be intact.
  • For overripe or long -stored fruits, a sluggish or dried skin can be black or slightly rotten spots.
  • Too soft fruits mean that they are not the best.
  • Usually the most delicious and fragrant are the Moroccan tangerines.
The taste of tangerines by countries
The taste of tangerines by countries

Abkhazian tangerines -light orange fruits, delicate, pleasant sweet and sour taste, almost without bones, large and medium size. By rating, these are the most environmentally friendly fruits.

Spanish tangerines -bright orange fruits of saturated color, medium size, sweet in taste. The skin is coarse -grained, it is easily cleaned. Often on the fruits there is a green twig and even with a green leaf.

Israeli tangerines -Pale orange, with a thin shiny skin, sweet, almost without bones, but not so juicy as tangerines from other countries. These tangerines are on sale by the middle of winter, since they have later ripened.

Turkish tangerines -Light orange fruits, sometimes yellow. The skin is not so easy to separate. The taste is slightly sour, there are practically no bones.

Moroccan tangerines -bright orange, even a little reddish color with a characteristic dent in the middle. Bright sweet taste, very juicy. The skin is thin, easily separated from the pulp. There are practically no bones.

How is allergies to tangerines manifested?


  • The most striking manifestation is a rash in different areas of the skin, can be accompanied by redness and small itching.
  • In the case of severe allergies, a person may have an increase in temperature.
  • In children, the manifestation of such an allergic reaction may be accompanied by swelling of the nasal sinuses, and hence the redness of the nose, a runny nose.
  • Together with the swelling of the sinuses, tears and small edges of the ear may appear (which is why hearing often suffers).
  • If swelling affects the bronchi, breathing difficulty may appear.

Mandarin poisoning: symptoms

You can poison the tangerines by eating a spoiled fruit, overlooking, with signs of decay.

The second more dangerous reason may be the presence of too much dose of a preservative in the mandarins - ethylene glycol.

Mandarin poisoning is very similar to any other toxic poisoning:


  • Most often, an intestinal disorder occurs, manifested by diarrhea.
  • Together with diarrhea, weak or strong vomiting may appear.
  • In the case of severe poisoning, both small and a large increase in body temperature are observed.
  • Along with an increase in temperature, headache may occur.

How to deal with poisoning:

  • When the first signs appear, treatment should begin immediately.
  • Rinse the stomach with a weak manganese solution in order to remove toxins from it.
  • Those who have poisoning are accompanied by a disorder should be given a strong laxative.
  • It is good to take activated carbon, some other medicines should not be taken independently without the recommendations of a doctor. You should also adhere to the recommendations in the nutrition that the specialist will advise you.
The reasons for the poisoning of tangerines
The reasons for the poisoning of tangerines

When can you give your child a tanger?

Pediatricians and other doctors confidently say that the child should not give tangerines if he is not one year old. In addition, the first feeding mandarin must be followed dilute with water 50/50. Also, do not let drinking mandarin juice in large quantities. It is best to give it portions and several times, every hour watching the reaction of the baby.

If the child did not like the tangerine, do not force him to eat. Let the child try a sweet slide and watch what the body’s reaction may have. You should not increase the dose of mandarin for the child, the baby should not eat more than one fetus per day, if he is not 3 years old.

Important: on the other hand, a child with an allergic predisposition should not eat tangerines at all earlier than 3 years.

Can tangerines be pregnant and nursing?

There is during pregnancy, tangerines Not only can but you also need:

  • Vitamins in tangerines and trace elements are useful for the development of the fetus intrauterine.
  • In the early stages of pregnancy, Mandarin helps eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis.
  • The stock of minerals in the tangerine contributes to the proper laying of systems in the body in the embryo.
  • Pregnant women are useful not only the pulp, but also the mandarine zest to make up for the supply of trace elements in the body.
  • The use of mandarin during pregnancy helps that excess water comes out of the body, thereby you can avoid swelling of the limbs.
  • The tangerines are rich in phosphorus, and this favorably affects the teeth and bones of a woman in position, as well as the laying of the bone system in the embryo.

Mandarins for gastritis and stomach ulcer, as is?

To use tangerines, fruits rich in acids are prohibited by those who have increased acidity of the stomach, gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers. However, in some cases (not on an empty stomach, after food), one or two fruits can be eaten. Give preference to sweet citruses and in no case are tangerines with a peel.

Important: people with ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in any case can be abused by fruits and there is a loser of acidic tangerines.

Is it possible to eat tangerines for pancreatitis?

There are a lot of ascorbic acid in the tangerine and therefore this fruit can be very harmful with pancreatitis:

  • Mandarins can affect the pancreas, which is very harmful for pancreatitis.
  • There are a lot of sugar in sweet fruits, and this can also adversely affect the work of the pancreas and aggravate pancreatitis.
  • During pancreatitis, the digestive system is very weak and the use of tangerines can irritate the intestinal mucosa, as well as the stomach.

Important: those who suffer from pancreatitis can eat tangerines, but only when remission or pancreatitis comes chronic.

Tangerines: benefits and harm to the liver

A sweet fruit contains a substance such as choline. It helps the body fight excess fats and fight the accumulated toxins. Thus, we can say that tangerine helps to “clean the liver” from accumulated fats.

The compotes and decoctions of mandarin, as well as its crust, are also useful. The antioxidant effect of mandarin on the body will have a favorable effect on the functioning of the organ.

Mandarins with gout: can I or not?

Gout is a disease that is characterized by an excess amount of uric acid in the body. It is mandarin, as well as an orange, with its diuretic effect, that will have a beneficial effect on gout, removing excess fluid and acid from the body.

Important: with gout, tangerines should be consumed and in moderation, 5 fruits per day - a sufficient amount for those who suffer from this disease.

Mandarins in diabetes, can I eat?

For those who suffer from type 2 diabetes, it is important to know that this citrus is a real “find”. Mandarin can be not only a good snack, but also a full -fledged dessert. You can eat them entirely and fresh, or added to meat, as well as salads.

Surprisingly, sweet mandarin has few calories and therefore it can be eaten with diabetes, allowing the body to supply important trace elements. There are only fresh tangerines, better than more acidic varieties, there are too many sugar in canned (this is harmful). If there is no predisposition to allergies and increased acidity of the stomach, there are up to 2 pcs per day. Everything needs a measure.

Is it possible to eat tangerines on an empty stomach?

As already mentioned, there are many acids in tangerines and therefore they can affect the stomach, provoking it to the production of gastric juice. This is harmful to those who suffer from gastritis and ulcer, and for a healthy person it can be very useful. The use of tangerines before eating improves food breakdown, stomach function and appetite.

If there are tangerines every day, what will happen?

There are approximately 44 grams of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of tangerine pulp. With daily eating the zest, it is important to take into account the human norm on the day of this acid - 60 g.

Consequently, 2-3 tangerine per day is enough For an adult, a healthy person. Of course, "lovers of tangerines" can exceed this norm. But, how a person will react to such a “dose” and whether he will be ill dependent on the individual characteristics of the body.

What will happen if you eat a mandarin peel?

Surprisingly, but the peel of Mandarin is much more useful than the fetal pulp itself. The fact is that it contains those trace elements and oils that are not in the citrus itself. Of course, if you do not have allergies to citruses, you can eat with pleasure a mandarin peel, both fresh and dried.

Important: you can make decoctions from tangerine crusts, add to teas and marinades, prepare compotes. Mandarin crust jam is very popular.

Essential oil mandarin: properties and application

There are a lot of essential oils in the fruits of tangerines that are capable of give great benefits to the body:

  • The oil effectively removes the accumulated toxins from the body, as it has powerful antioxidant and antitoxic effects.
  • The oil favorably affects the skin, work internal organs, improves the body and helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • The oil allows you to "clean" the intestines, freeing it from toxins that have accumulated in a long time.
  • The oil has a unique antimicrobial effect and therefore easily removes any bacteria and viruses from the body.
  • Oil is able to favorably affect the work of the human nervous system, improve the mood and eliminate insomnia.
  • The use of oil inside eliminates intestinal colic and flatulence.
  • The antioxidant property of the oil “gives” a person youth, “smoothes out” stretch marks and scars, gives the skin elasticity.

What is more useful: tangerine or orange?

Mandarin and orange - Two, almost identical, citrus. They have a similar composition of trace elements and acids, but mandarin is characterized by a large sugar content, and orange is richer than vitamin C than mandarin.

Important: Based on this, it should be concluded that both fruits are very useful, especially during colds to strengthen immunity.

Is it possible to eat tangerines with poisoning?

If you are poisoned by any food, in your body there is acute rejection of toxins. Of course, tangerines have an antitoxic property, but with poisoning it is not relevant. A large supply of citrus acid can only aggravate your condition, adding to the main symptoms of stomach and diarrhea.

Important: if you are poisoned, then you should drink clean water, black tea without sugar and activated carbon. Mandarins cannot be consumed for 2-3 days after poisoning.

Milk and tangerines: compatibility

Each organism is individual and therefore a person can perceive the combinations of some products in different ways. It is believed that if you drink milk after tangerine or sequet of fruits, you can earn severe diarrhea. This is true, but only if you are the owner of the "weak intestine".

In another case, such a tool can be a “true remedy” to eliminate constipation and digestive disorders. Many combine these products in order to provide "cleaning of the liver." It is interesting that a combination of fermented milk products with citruses is less “dangerous”.

How to store tangerines at home?

The tangerines are not “whimsical” in storage. It is only important for them that they are placed in the cold. It is suitable for this:

  • Shelf in the refrigerator
  • Fruit container in the refrigerator
  • Cellar or basement

Follow important conditions:

  • Optimal conditions for storing fruits from +8 to -18
  • Before storage, carefully inspect the citruses by removing damaged and rottenness.
  • If you tear the peel of mandarin with vegetable oil, they will be stored longer.

Mandarin crusts: beneficial properties

Mandarin crusts deserve special attention, which most people simply throw them into a garbage bucket. The benefits of the mandarine is difficult to overestimate, it is important to focus on the most important:

  • Boxes can positively affect the treatment and prevention of skin cancer. In particular, the dried crusts are considered the most useful, from which useful tea, compote, compote, jam.
  • Such a drink affects cancer cells. In the peel of mandarin, there are many more antioxidants than in the citrus itself.
  • Boxes have a beneficial effect on the body, reducing the cholesterol level by about 30-40%. This ingredient is also noticed in a decrease in sugar and therefore is useful for diabetics.
  • Decoctions of the tangerine crusts also help to “clean the liver” and remove various toxins from it.
  • Those who regularly suffer from digestive problems and nausea will be important that the tangerine peel can easily and quickly normalize the condition.
  • Mandarin is useful to those people who constantly arrive in stress. The essential oils of the fetus and peels improve mood and performance.
  • Mandarins, as well as oranges, can make up for the supply of vitamin C in the body with colds.
  • The bacteria of the genus Helicobacter Pilori are able to favorably influence the development of ulcerative diseases. That is why you should eat fresh fruits, drink juice and a decoction of crust.
  • Few people know that those white veins that are between the slices of Mandarin contains a unique substance "Nobiletin". It is able to remove fat stagnant deposits that accumulate in the blood, vessels, muscles.
  • Mandarin is a powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial.
  • Mandarin oil perfectly treats the skin and eliminates the problems: rash, acne, acne, dots and acne.

Video: "The benefits of mandarin and harm"

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