How many calories are in orange and tangerine in 100 grams, in 1 piece of medium size, with a peel and without a peel? Do oranges and tangerines accelerate metabolism when losing weight?

How many calories are in orange and tangerine in 100 grams, in 1 piece of medium size, with a peel and without a peel? Do oranges and tangerines accelerate metabolism when losing weight?

In the article you will learn about how oranges and tangerines help to lose weight, how many calories and useful substances in them.

Oranges and tangerines: calorie content when losing weight for food in the evening

Losing weight is a complex process that largely depends on how correctly you are balancing your diet.
It is not necessary to adhere to strict diets, exhausting the body and the body.
The main thing is to eat “right”, consuming the whole range of useful substances, to eat often in small portions (this “triggers” metabolism and accelerates metabolism).

When losing weight, it is important to consume fruits and vegetables in large quantities, replacing them with bakery products, sugar, butter and fat.

But unlike vegetables, fruits are more high -calorie and that is why they should be consumed with particular caution. It is believed that sweet fruits are forbidden food for evening time.

Oranges can be different: sour, sweet and sour, sweet. The same is with some other citrus fruits: grapefruit, Pampelo, Svitti, tangerines. Depending on this, you should know when it is best to use them:

  • Sweet - morning and afternoon
  • Sour - in the evening

The calorie content and nutritional value of oranges and tangerines per 100 grams is displayed in the pictures below.

Orange calorie content
Mandarin calorie content

How many calories are in one average orange and 100 grams with a peel and without a peel: table

It is known that for greater benefits, the body can use oranges along with the peel. In the peel there are a number of important trace elements and essential oils that prolong the youth of the body and give it beauty. In addition, fiber and pectins contained in the orange peel improve digestion, clean the intestines from toxins and toxins, give a feeling of satiety.

Product Squirrels Fat Carbohydrates Calorie content
A whole orange (medium size)






36-37 kcal

Orange peel 100 g.




46 kcal

Orange 100 g. Pulp




97 kcal

Orange peel: food value

How many calories are in one average tangerine and 100 grams with a peel and without a peel: table

Compared with orange, tangerine is much sweeter, but this citrus is no less useful for human health, and most importantly - for weight loss.

Product Squirrels Fat Carbohydrates Calorie content
Mandarin 1 pc (medium size) 1 0,2 7 53 kcal
Mandarin zest 100 g. 1,5 0,2 4,5 36 kcal
Mandarin pulp 100 g. 0,8 0,2 7,5 95 kcal

Food value of mandarin

How many calories are in one sweet Moroccan mandarin and 100 grams with a peel and without peel: table

Moroccan orange and mandarin are often found on the shelves of modern stores, especially in winter. Distinguishing the Mandarin "Morocco" from Abkhaz or Spanish is very simple in external and taste:

  • Flattened form (wide tangerine with a characteristic hole in the place of the former flowering of the fetus).
  • Bright, saturated golden orange color (not light, not yellow, without green shades).
  • Sweet saturated taste with a very weak and almost invisible sourness(The sweetest of the tangerines).

Important: since the mandarins and oranges of “Morocco” are very sweet, they should be consumed in a limited number for those who want to lose weight. Moroccan tangerines contain a lot of carbohydrates.

Mandarin Squirrels Fat Carbohydrates Calories
"Morocco" 100 g of pulp (without peel)









"Morocco" Mandarin 1 pc.









Moroccan mandarin

How many calories are in 100 grams of dried and dried tangerines?

In a dried fruit store, you can often find such a treat as dried or dried citruses. Basically, these are oranges and tangerines. They are prepared by long drying or cooking in sugar syrup. Runned tangerines are obtained by smoking.

Of course, as a result of heat treatment, part of vitamins and nutrients “disappear”. Nevertheless, if you want to “pamper yourself sweet”, it is much more useful to eat 1-2 fruits of dried or dried tangerines than a chocolate or candy.

Product Squirrels Fat Carbohydrates

Calories on

100 g.

Dried tangerines 0 0 14 53 kcal
Runned tangerines 13 44 23 520 kcal

Important: for those who regularly conduct calories, it is important to know that it is most useful to eat dried tangerines than dried. However, dried fruits do not contain useful trace elements at all, and carbohydrates are concentrated in large quantities.

Mandarins and oranges are products with negative calories?

The negative calorie content of products is very important for those who are engaged in losing weight and conducting calories. It is very simple to understand the negative calorie content.

  • For example, 100 grams of green salad have only 33 kcal.
  • Eating 100 grams of salad, your body spends about 150 kcal on their digestion.
  • This process includes chewing, saliva, production of enzymes, digestion, and so on.
  • Therefore, 135-137 calories are taken not from the product, but from the body.
  • The list of products with negative calorie content can be safely attributed to oranges and tangerines.

In addition, the content of the dietary fiber in them is so large that the digestion process will simplify and accelerate.

How do oranges and tangerines burn calories?

The “secret” of an orange, like a fruit for weight loss, is that it is rich in dietary fiber. It is they, falling into the stomach, that begins to swell. The swollen fibers create a feeling of satiety, filling the stomach. Further, orange or mandarin fibers fall into the intestines and improve peristalsis there (act on the muscles of the intestine, improving the digestive and defecation process).

How do oranges and tangerines help to lose weight?

Do oranges and tangerines accelerate metabolism when losing weight?

The metabolism is a number of biological and chemical reactions of the body that are needed to maintain the life of the body, release energy).
Oranges and tangerines are good for improving metabolism in that they contain not only a large amount of dietary fiber, but also fruit acids.

Video: "How are tangerines useful?"

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