Diet on tangerines for 3 days, week, 10 days: benefits, menu, mode. Is it possible to eat tangerines when losing weight, on a protein, buckwheat diet and ducan?

Diet on tangerines for 3 days, week, 10 days: benefits, menu, mode. Is it possible to eat tangerines when losing weight, on a protein, buckwheat diet and ducan?

Mandarins can be part of your diet. To enjoy sweet fruit, you should follow some recommendations listed in this article.

Tangerines - benefits and harm to weight loss

It is important for those who monitor their body and regularly adhere to the diet, it is important to know about how much meaning and nutritional value is the favorite “winter” citrus - tangerine. Of course, the strong sweetness of the fetus is very noticeable from the first lobe and many scare these pleasant taste qualities.

It is important to know that in a series with a sweet taste, In the tangerine “hides” a huge supply of microelements important for humans. In particular, tangerine is rich in proteins and fats, amino acids, essential oils, minerals and vitamins. In addition, a huge supply of mandarin chemicals can favorably affect many metabolic processes in the body.

Mandarin is of great value as a product capable of break down the accumulated fat deposits Not only in the muscles and internal organs, but even in the blood. Mandarin crusts have this ability, from which you can brew teas, make decoctions and jams, just eat fresh.

In addition, one eaten fruit before meals it will be able to improve the digestive process and appetite. As a result, a person gains the ability of the intestines and stomach to absorb the microelements from food. Mandarin freesh or juice will be able to effectively clean the intestines of accumulated slag, and blood from toxins.

Important: given all the facts, with confidence we can say that tangerine is an incredibly useful fruit when losing weight. But, with its use, it is necessary to maintain caution, it is in strict quantities and only, following the rules of proper nutrition.

Mandarin helps a person lose excess weight

Diet on tangerines and kefir, cottage cheese, apples, persimmon, eggs

Mandarins and apples - Small -calorie fruits, it is useful to use them on any diet, because they saturate the body with useful vitamins and acids, make the intestines "work", Together with fermented milk products, the process of defecation facilitates.

Persimmon, unlike mandarin and apples, more high -calorie. It contains a lot of sugar, so it follows in limited quantities if you are on a diet. Not to eat persimmon - it is also impossible, it has a lot of protein, tannins and vitaminsnecessary during diet.

Important: for a diet, choose a ripe persimmon. That is the persimmon that “knits the mouth” is not ripe (this is the main sign). Unfinished persimmon irritates the intestines and causes diarrhea.

Estimated menu for one day:


  • 150-200 g. Cottage cheese 0-5% (no more). Cottage cheese can be seasoned with a spoon of ugly yogurt and crushed 100 gurma into it.
  • Boiled egg-1-2 pcs. (See your satiety)
  • Strong coffee or sugar tea


  • Apple - 1 pc. (sour or sweet and sour variety)
  • Mandarin - 1 pc. (sour or sweet and sour variety)
  • Kefir 0-1%-1 cup


  • Soup on chicken or vegetable broth without potatoes and rice, frying.
  • Boiled meat or fish - 100 g.
  • Black or green tea
  • Apple or mandarin - 1 pc.

Afternoon snack:

  • Kefir - 1 cup
  • Fruit - 100 g (persimmons, apple or tangerine)

Dinner (no later than 17-18 pm):

  • Low -fat cottage cheese - 100 g (necessarily 0%)
  • Sour apple or tangerine - 1 pc.
  • Kefir - 1 cup (no more than 1% fat)
  • Herbal tea
Proper nutrition lessons with tangerines, persimmon, apples and sour -milk products

Mandarin diet: menu and mode for 10 days

The tangerine diet has become very popular and therefore it is important to know about how to properly eat on such a diet that do not get better, but lose weight. One of the important rules is mandarin (carbohydrates) cannot be combined with fats and they need Not in excessive, but limited quantities. Give preference sweet and sour and sour varietiesin which there is less sugar.

Mandarin diet for ten days:

This method of nutrition is far from “by power”. In no case should you sit on such a diet if you have an allergic predisposition, ulcerative diseases of the digestive system, gastritis and even increased acidity of the stomach.

Important: one of the most important rules of the diet is to eat a lot of tangerines, but not all at once. To start the metabolic processes of the body, it is recommended to eat one tangerine every 1.5-2 hours.

What breakfast should look like:

  • A cup of hot drink (of course, not sweet)
  • 1 Mandarin fruit
  • After half an hour, you can drink 0.5 - 1stakan of skim kefir, if you feel severe hunger.

The first breakfast should be early, at about 7-8 in the morning. After it comes the second breakfast after 2 hours.

What the second breakfast should look like:

  • Egg - 1 pc. (just boiled or in the form of an omelet steamed, Pashot).
  • Mandarin-2-3 pcs. (depending on the size, you can replace with 1 apple for a variety or orange).
  • Hot drink without sugar

How dinner should look:

  • Low-fat soup (without potatoes, cereals or pasta) can be replaced with boiled meat or fish (100-150 g).
  • Egg - 1 pc. (Boiled, you can add to the soup, steamed omelet, Pashot).
  • Fresh or sauer vegetables - 100 g (cabbage, tomatoes, zucchini).
  • A cup of hot drink
  • Mandarin - 1 pc.

Important: between lunch and dinner, you can arrange a afternoon snack and eat 1-2 pcs. tangerines.

What dinner should look like:

  • Any sour -milk product (100 g of cottage cheese or 200 ml. Kefira, unsweetened yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk - low fat content).
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs.
  • Grass or hibiscus tea

Important: throughout the diet it is important to observe the drinking mode, without depriving the body of an important liquid of 1.5-2 liters. in a day.

Mandarin diet for 10 days

Mandarin diet: menu and mode for 7 days

What breakfast should look like:

  • Boiled egg - 1 pc. (can be replaced with 100 g. 0%cottage cheese).
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs.
  • Hot coffee or sugar tea.

What the second breakfast should look like:

  • Sour -milk liquid product - 1 cup
  • Mandarin-1-2 pcs.
  • Tea or coffee without sugar

How dinner should look:

  • Soup vegetable, turkey or chicken (without potatoes, pasta and cereals).
  • Meat or fish without oil - 100 g (any fish except the sea, any meat except pork and lamb).
  • Steamed vegetables, boiled, stewed - 100 g.
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs. (sour)
  • Tea (any, without sugar)

Important: at the afternoon snack it is allowed to eat 1-3 pcs. tangerines and drink tea. Mandarin can be replaced with orange or sour apple.

What dinner should look like:

  • Cottage cheese - 100 g (can be replaced with boiled meat - 100g. Or vegetable salad without oil).
  • Low -fat yogurt without sugar - 1 cup
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs.
  • Herbal tea
Mandarin diet for a week

Mandarin diet: menu and mode for 3 days

The tangerine diet for 3 days can be called "fasting food". It is needed in order to save a person from toxins and stagnant feces, start all metabolic and digestive processes, give lightness.

What breakfast should look like:

  • Coffee - 102 cups, of course, without sugar
  • Mandarin-2-3 pcs.

What the second breakfast should look like:

  • Boiled egg - 1 pc. (no more, you can make a plowing or omelet).
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs.

How dinner should look:

To choose from:

  • Vegetable salad without oil, with lemon juice
  • A salad of vegetables made of fruits with lemon juice or unsweetened yogurt.
  • Boiled meat - 100 g.
  • Boiled fish - 100 g.

You also need to eat:

  • 2-3 pcs. Mandarinov
  • Kefir or yogurt of low fat content - 1 cup
  • Tea (any unsweetened)

What the afternoon snack should look like:

  • Mandarin-1-2 pcs.
  • Green or herbal tea

What dinner should look like:

  • Sour -milk product (low -fat) - 100 g or 200 ml.
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs.
  • Herbal tea
Unloading mandarin diet for 3 days

Is it possible to eat tangerines when losing weight, on a protein, buckwheat diet and ducan?

Sweet fruits of mandarin may be a complete prohibition at a time when you adhere to strict diets. For example, the protein diet completely eliminates The ingress of excess fats and carbohydrates in the body and therefore tangerines cannot be eaten.

Buckwheat diet is more gentle and therefore on some days you can afford to eat 1-2 fruitsbut only in the morning and tangerines of acidic varieties. The first two stages are prohibited in Duukan’s diet and only when it comes "Cruise" and "consolidation" You can afford several fruits per day.

Can you eat tangerines on a diet?

Is it possible to eat tangerines in the evening, at night, after training when losing weight?

Mandarin - the sweetest citrus, and therefore everyone thinks that there should be a lot of carbohydrates in it. But, despite its sweetness, one fruit contains a minimum amount of sugar and a huge amount of useful substances.

There are tangerines in the evening if you do not exceed the number of 1-2 fruits, you can give preference not to sweet, but sour varieties. It is useful to drink tangerines at night with a dairy product for the "intestinal operation".

It is also worth noting that 1-2 fruits of mandarin- The perfect snack after training. He will make up for the body and will not give extra calories, he will also satisfy their thirst and prepare your stomach for the proper intake of food (improve appetite and absorption).

The benefits of mandarin

Mandarin peel for weight loss, how to take?

It is known that the peel, which each person throws away when eating the pulp of mandarin, has a mass of useful substances that are not in the citrus itself. That is why, if you are on a diet or in proper nutrition mode, it is important eat the fruit not only in slices, but with all the crusts.

If you cannot force yourself to eat bitter peel, you can try Boil a decoction from it and drink like tea. The peel will not only improve metabolic processes and “clean the intestines”, but also thanks to essential oils, improve the condition of the hair and nails.

Dried tangerine crusts that can be boiled in delicious compote or just added to tea are also great value. Drinking such a drink is good half an hour before meals and half an hour after breakfast, lunch, dinner. A mandarin crust soaked in boiling water can be eaten after a drink for maximum benefit, it will not be as bitter as fresh.

Mandarin crusts and peel for weight loss

Mandarins and kefir compatibility, how to drink?

The compatibility of mandarin with low -powered sour -milk products can be very useful. She will help you clean the intestines of toxins and toxins than to improve its digestive function and absorption. Taking such a “remedy” is very simple: just eat tangerine (1-2 pcs.) And drink a glass of kefir or unsweetened fat-free yogurt. You can also beat a drink in a blender, getting a delicious tangerine cocktail.

Tangerines: calorie content when losing weight

Product (100 g) Squirrels Fat Carbohydrates Calories
Mandarin 0.8 g. 0.3 g. 13.3 g. 30 kcal.

Video: "Mandarin diet"

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Comments K. article

  1. very interesting and informative article ... A good menu for weight loss

  2. It is relevant now in the very season of tangerines)) I generally like to just make fasting days on fruits and bars sport expert Bar protein (I order on the website of the phytomarket). Once every 1-2 weeks I do so)

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