What to do with caviar humpbacks frozen, cooled - how to clean, salin: culinary tips, recipes

What to do with caviar humpbacks frozen, cooled - how to clean, salin: culinary tips, recipes

Do not know what to do with raw and fresh caviar Gorbushi? The article describes delicious recipes.

Red caviar is a product that has always been considered an indicator of wealth and a real decoration of the festive table. Once it was difficult to buy, but times are changing. Today, any supermarket will offer a large selection of this delicacy in tinning jars. But caviar can also be obtained directly from the fish.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to salt pink salmon?". You will find the best recipes and tips.

There are caviar in many varieties of fish, and in this article we will talk about caviar. In the process of processing fish caviar, there are some nuances: how to defrost and cut it, methods of salting and storage. Any housewife will be interested in learning all this. Read further.

How to defrost and cut fish with caviar?

Gorbusha with caviar
Gorbusha with caviar

Fish cutting with caviar requires a little caution. How to defrost and process the product? Here are the features:

  • Fresh fish, as a rule, is sold in frozen form. Before cutting, it must be thawed on the shelf of the refrigerator. If you bought chilled fish or caught it yourself, then skip this point, and proceed immediately to the removal of scales and gills. Described in the next paragraph.
  • Then, thoroughly remove the scales from the carcass and cut the head in the gill strip.
  • In the direction from the head to the tail, cut the abdomen and do not hurt the yaski with caviar and the bile bag with scissors. If its contents still hit the abdomen, then you need to rinse the eggs as soon as possible, otherwise they will become bitter and already unsuitable for use.
  • Caviar is in a thin, durable film (yastka). Usually there are 2 pieces.
  • They need to be carefully removed with the giblets, separate and rinse in a moderately warm water.

So, eggs are prepared and lie in a separate bowl. So what's now? Read further.

In a frozen, chilled pink salmon caught caviar: what to do?

How to answer the question of what to do if caviar got into the pink salmon, you can only like that - slide. For all other existing types of heat treatment, it tastes unpleasant. Before pickling, it must be correctly processed. This and salting methods will be discussed below. Read further.

How to clean pink salmon caviar from protein film before pickling: Culinary advice at home

Clean the caviar caviar from the protein film before pickling
Clean caviar from protein film before cooking

The above -mentioned yastka is a thin film with eggs. It tastes bitter, so it must be removed. How to clean pink salmon caviar from protein film before pickling? Below you will find culinary tips that help to do everything right at home.

You can remove the shell in several ways:

  • Manual seizure
  • With the help of a roar
  • Mixer
  • Corolla
  • Boiled water
  • Salted solution

Now about each method separately.

  • Experienced culinary culinary states that they get delicious caviar only with manual excavation. Carefully cut the film and then with a teaspoon or tip of the fork, leisurely get the eggs behind the egg. The work is simple, but requiring a fair amount of patience. So you can do when there are few caviar, and there is a lot of free time.

In other cases, special kitchen utensils are used:

  • One of them - a roar - A special grille intended just in order to separate the grains of fish caviar from the film. The shell stuffed with eggs is laid out on a lattice, with a wire or fishing line stretched on it, forming a cell. Under the grill itself, any large vessel is placed. Carefully skate the shell from one edge to another until the film breaks and the caviar begins to “pour” into the vessel. The shell remains on top on the grill. The diameter of the eggs in different breeds of fish is different, which means it is better to use the lattice with large cells.
  • If there are no roar in the house, then instead you can use it metal straits with large holes. The principle of work remains the same as with a roar.

Warning: Do not use a flat teiro board for vegetables, because it damages caviar, which in crushed form is not suitable for suction.

  • Another way is to use mixer. Its hook -shaped nozzles help remove the shell from the caviar. The only important condition is to include the lowest turns. Otherwise, the caviar will turn into porridge. If everything is done correctly, the caviar will remain in the dishes, and the film will be confused on the nozzle of hooks. You can also use a blender with the same conditions.
  • You can delete the caviar film a whisk. But first, prepare everything. Put the eggs in a plate with salted water. It is necessary to sunbathe, because without salt from eggs, protein is removed and trace elements necessary for the body leave. It will be noticeable to the taste. In salted water, you need to slowly stir with the help of a corolla of the shell with eggs until the whole film does not hang on it. Pour the caviar mass into a strainer, previously covered with a gauze or fabric cut to absorb fluid into them.
  • Another method - boiling water. The method is very extreme, because if you do everything wrong, you can ruin the caviar. The shell is placed in a colander and is left in a saucepan with boiling water for 2-3 seconds. Then take out and pour with cool liquid. After such a procedure, the film instantly whitens and simply remove it. The main thing is to keep in boiling water for long, otherwise spoil the product and it will be unsuitable for use, since it will not be so tasty.

And finally, the release of eggs from the film salted water. It is important to comply with the following composition:

  1. Two glasses of water temperature water
  2. One tablespoon of table salt

Put the shell with eggs in warm water 2-3 min.and stir slightly with a fork until the film gets off. Throw it away, and you need to shift the caviar to gauze.

What to do with caviar pink salmon: recipes

Any fish caviar can be salted. There are many recipes. Clockwork eggs can be prepared in this way quickly or hold for several days, with brine or sauce, with and without additives. But all suction options unite two rules:

  1. Fast method (no more than a quarter of an hour)-it is suitable only for a freshly-fed fish or which lay in a refrigerator in 1-2 days.
  2. Long time ambassador (more than a quarter of an hour) - cooks are used for a frozen product. We need pure table salt without iodine and other added ingredients.

Such salting methods are used:

Snino methods
Snino methods

Let's look at each recipe separately. Choose and salt the delicacy. Read further.

Fresh caviar of pink salmon in a bonus: recipe

Fresh caviar of pink salmon in Tuzluk
Fresh caviar of pink salmon in Tuzluk

The simplest way of harvesting fresh caviar of a lively pink salmon has just caught is a salting in a bushole. The recipe is simple.

It is recommended to prepare 3 ingredients:

  • 300 grams of pink salmon caviar freed from the shell
  • Liter of water
  • 400 grams of large or small salt

Do this:

  1. Pour all the right amount of salt into a pan with cold water and bring to the appearance of boiling bubbles.
  2. When cooking on the walls of the bowl, a white salt plate forms - a bushole. It must be cooled, then be sure to filter.
  3. Lay on a bowl on a bowl of 4 layers a large gauze cut. Put the eggs and pour with a cooled bushole for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove the fabric with eggs from the pan and roll the eggs through the fabric, tilting the ends in turn. At the same time, small fragments of the film are separated very well and remain on matter.
  5. Put eggs on a strainer.
  6. After half an hour, remove everything that remains of the raid.

It turns out very appetizing. The product is fully prepared for use in a couple of minutes.

How to make a five -minute caviar from pink salmon: recipe

Recipe "Caviar five -minute from pink salmon" Designed for those who are not tolerated quickly to try the result of their work. Cooking quickly, and the result is excellent taste.

You will need:

  • Caviar from 10 shells of pink salmon
  • Two and a half liters of drinking water
  • 500 g of salt (large)
  • One bay leaf
  • Several peas of a fragrant pepper
  • Cleaned tuber of potatoes to check the readiness of brine

Do this:

  1. Pour salt into a pan with water, stir and put the potatoes. If the brine is ready, then it will remain on the surface.
  2. Remove the potatoes and put peppers with a bay leaf. Let everything boil and then cool down.
  3. Pour the caviar for 5 minutes with a cooled brine for 5 minutes, then put it on a colander covered with a gauze cut and let the liquids leave.

You can already try the resulting caviar, put the remaining part of the delicacy in a large pan and put it in the cold, but not in the freezer with minus temperature.

A delicious dry way of salting raw caviar caviar: recipe

Another way is dry, for fans of caviar more advanced. This option will help to make a delicious product from raw pink salmon caviar. Here is the prescription:

The following components will be needed:

  • 250 grams of caviar
  • Half a table. tablespoons of salt
  • Half of the seaginals. tablespoons of sugar

Do this:

  1. Put all the caviar in a large plate, salt, sow and stir carefully.
  2. Put a saucer on the eggs on top, and on it a jar filled with water for oppression.
  3. So let it stand in the refrigerator for 5 hours. Ready.

It is convenient to make such a dish before bedtime. In the morning you will already serve the caviar on the table.

Salting caviar pink salmon with sugar: recipe

Salt caviar pink salmon with sugar
Salt caviar pink salmon with sugar

For lovers of small -salted pink salmon caviar, this recipe is suitable with the addition of sugar. Such a salting is often used by many housewives, since the product is very tasty.

You will need:

  • 200 grams of caviar from freshly or frozen pink salmon
  • Liter of water
  • 200 grams of table salt
  • 100 grams of sugar

Do this:

  1. A solution of salt and sah. Bring the sand to the appearance of boiling bubbles for 15 minutes.
  2. Then let it stand on the table until it cools, and through a gauze cut, pour the eggs for 7 minutes.
  3. Remove the gauze cut, let the liquid drain.

After that, the product is ready for use.

Salting caviar pink salmon with butter: recipe

Recipe with the addition of plants. Oils will appeal to those who are interested in not only good taste, but also the appetizing appearance of the product in the end. Cooking overnight. Oil pouring does not affect the taste of the product and does not affect the aroma of the product. It gives the product a beautiful glossy shine. Here is a recipe for salting caviar caviar with butter:

Take the following components:

  • 200 grams of caviar
  • Three and a half liters of water
  • 300 grams of ordinary table salt
  • Chin. spoon of sunflower oil - purified (designed for frying), without unnecessary taste and aroma

Do this:

  1. Pour the product with a cooled brine in a large plate and mix for ten minutes.
  2. Put on a sieve with small cells and rinse. Use the filtered and cooled water.
  3. Put the strainer on the container in which the liquid will drain. Close the upper part tightly. Leave the film and half a day in the refrigerator.

Transfer the finished caviar to the sterile vessel, season with oil, stir. Keep closed so that air does not penetrate into the container.

Salting caviar pink salmon in yasters: recipe

Salting caviar pink salmon in yasters
Salting caviar pink salmon in yasters

Gorbushi caviar can be salted directly in the protein shell - yasters. This method is convenient in that the liberation from the shell and the salting process go immediately together. Caviar in the end turns out to be weakly salted and very tender. Here is the prescription:

For such a salty you will need:

  • 200 grams of yasters with eggs
  • Liter of liquid
  • 7 tbsp. tablespoons of pure salt
  • Table. a spoonful of granulated sugar

Do this:

  1. Stir sugar and salt in water, bring to the appearance of boiling bubbles, let stand on the table until it cools up to 40 ° C.
  2. Pour eggs in the shell for 10 minutes. Stir continuously with a fork so that the shell (yastka) hangs on the teeth of the table device.

Remove the finished dish on a strainer and dry for 4 hours.

Salting caviar pink salmon with lemon juice: recipe

The appetizer can be made fresh and deprived of a characteristic fish aroma. This is done using lemon juice or additive very finely worn zest (optional). Here is the prescription:

Need to prepare:

  • 350 grams of chilled or frozen caviar
  • Half lemon
  • Table. spoon of salt without a slide
  • 3 table. tablespoons are planted. oils
  • Fresh pepper (you can a mixture of different varieties)-the number depends on the taste

Do this:

  1. Put the eggs separated from the film in a large dish.
  2. Add a tablespoon of squeezed lemon juice without bones and pulp.
  3. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Spices need very little. A pinch for smell.
  4. Pour oil and mix thoroughly.
  5. Keep in the refrigerator 1-2 hours.

Now you can use it - tasty and appetizing.

Caviar caviar with cream: royal recipe

Another recipe called Tsarskoye. Previously, caviar pink salmon and in general fish, rich people, were so salted. Cream and greens are used.


  • 200 grams of caviar peeled
  • 2 tablespoons of cream 20-25%
  • One onion or quarter of the head of white onion (it is more sweet)
  • A teaspoon of salt
  • Fresh grew - sprinkle from above (optional)

Do this:

  1. Onion chopped into small bars, as well as salt and cream, mix with eggs and mix.
  2. Cover the bowl with a film and put in a refrigerator with a plus temperature.
  3. After 1-2 hours. The delicacy can already be eaten.
  4. If desired, decorate with chopped herbs and serve as a sauce or a separate appetizer.

IMPORTANT: Such a dish is not stored for long, so it is worth salting such an amount that is needed for the table and you are sure that it will be eaten.

Salt fresh pink salmon caviar in Japanese: Recipe

Salt fresh caviar pink salmon in Japanese
Salt fresh caviar pink salmon in Japanese

This is a delicious dish made in Japanese-everyone will like it without exception. The caviar of a small young fish with thin shells is suitable here. It can only be obtained if the pink salmon is caught in an early stage of spawning. Only fresh fish, recently caught. Here is a recipe for salted caviar pink salmon in Japanese:

For cooking, you will need:

  • 4 Yastka with caviar
  • 60 milliliters of soy sauce
  • Half of a teaspoon of acetic acid (70%)
  • Teaspoon
  • Salt and water (to rinse eggs)

Do this:

  1. In a liter of cool water, dissolve 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt. Wash the shells (yasters) with caviar with this brine.
  2. Mix sugar with soy sauce and stir until the grains dissolve.
  3. Dilute vinegar with ten teaspoon of water and pour into soy sauce.
  4. Place the washed product in this marinade and let it suck for 10 minutes.
  5. Hang at any heat source (sun, bonfire, etc.), to gathe.

Cut into pieces and eat with bread.

I overcreased the caviar sinks: What to do?

It happens that a person overdid it with the amount of salt and the product turned out to be not what I would like to see. No need to be upset. There is a solution to such a problem. Here's what to do if you crossed the caviar cords:

  • Pour several tablespoons of overlapped caviar with cool boiled liquid. Stir and after a while remove the tastes sample.
  • If an excess of salt is felt, let it stand for another 2 minutes.
  • Pour the rinseed eggs onto a gauze cut into a colander.
  • You can eat as soon as water drains.

ADVICE: Do not wash all the prepared caviar at the same time, otherwise it will quickly become unusable and you just throw it away.

Methods and duration of storage of pink salmon caviar salted at home

Caviar pink salmon salted at home
Caviar pink salmon salted at home

Food additives are not used in the home embankment, which means that you should store the finished product in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Here is another duration of storage of pink salmon caviar, salted at home:

  • Ecrinkles salted in oil can be preserved for a week. If they compact them and pour three tablespoons of a peeled plant. Oils, the shelf life of the delicacy is extended to 5-7 days. Keep in the refrigerator, tightly closing the lid. And after opening, eat in a couple of days.
  • Frozen salted caviar can be saved for two months. After sucking, it is distributed through plastic baths, tightly covered and held in a refrigerator for half a day, then transferred to the freezer. Before serving, put the finished product on the shelf of the refrigerator for 12 hours again.

The above examples show all the variety of salting of such a product as caviar. Subject to all of the above conditions, it turns out a wonderful dish, which in the form of sandwiches is not ashamed to put on the table in front of the guests or just in the family circle. Enjoy your meal!

Video: The perfect salting of fresh trout caviar at home - the whole process

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