Pumpkin homemade wine: 3 simple and original recipe

Pumpkin homemade wine: 3 simple and original recipe

We prepare homemade pumpkin wine: three simplest recipe.

Pumpkin is one of the unpretentious melons, which always grows in huge quantities. Love wine? Try cooking wine from pumpkin, and you will surely cook it every season!

The simplest recipe for pumpkin wine

A classic recipe for pumpkin wine is considered to be a method of cooking, in which there is only pumpkin, sugar and water. The proportion is given by 5 kg of already cleaned pumpkin, but you can make a smaller amount to test.


  • Pumpkin pulp - 5 kg;
  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Purified water or artesian - 5 l;
  • White sugar - 1.5 kg.

Such wine is prepared is very simple, but, like for a grape fastened drink, it takes a long time to endure.

Pumpkin wine
Pumpkin wine

So, let's start:

  • We take a ripe pumpkin and clean from the peel. We cut in half and take out all the veins with seeds. After that, we my pumpkin and pass through a meat grinder, rub on a grater or chopped in any other convenient way;
  • Rub or chop apples, mix with pumpkin;
  • A crushed pumpkin with apples for wine is called a pulp. So, we expire 5 kg of pumpkin pulp and send to a 10-liter bottle or any other such container;
  • We cover with gauze or net and put in a warm and dark place for 5-7 days so that the pumpkin is thrown;
  • As soon as you see that the foam has become stable and does not rise anymore - the time has come the next stage - squeezing the pulp. Squeeze through several layers of gauze, but it is better through the press with a bag so that the pulp remains dry, and the fermented liquid is extracted from the mass as much as possible;
  • Pour the fermentation into a clean bottle and add sugar, mix and add water, mix again;
  • We put on a bottle on top of the bottle and put again in a dark, warm place, but for 60 days;
  • The readiness of pumpkin wine is the foam of the opal, on the bottom of the bottle sediment, and the wine itself is clean and transparent;
  • We cook bottles of dark glass, thoroughly rinse and dry. We also need a thin hose;
  • The top layer (if any) is removed and sent to garbage. We insert a thin tube into the bottle and draw the wine with the mouth so that it begins to pour from the second end of the tube, while immerse the tube no lower than the middle of the liquid so that the sediment does not rise when draining the wine;
  • We pour it until you can overflow without touching the sediment. We pour the rest. It is recommended to pour into the bottles as much as possible so that there is no contact with oxygen. We clog the bottles and put in a dark place, but already cool, at least 90 days, for a maximum of 3 years.

Having uncorked - we remove the sample and enjoy the result!

Pumpkin wine with wine yeast or raisins

We offer to spend 3 kg of pumpkin, to prepare a delicious alcoholic drink - pumpkin wine.

For the sourdough we need:

  • Ripe juicy pumpkin 3 kg (the recipe can be proportionally increased and reduced by taking a pumpkin in kg), pre -frozen pumpkin is also suitable;
  • 3 liters of purified water;
  • 900 g of sugar;
  • 15 g of citric acid;
  • Wine yeast (if not - 50 g of raisins for sourdough. Be sure to not wash).


Refreshing light wine from pumpkin
Refreshing light wine from pumpkin

Let's do in detail on products:

  • Pumpkin is the main ingredient and the main note in the finished fault.
  • Sugar- fermentation will not take place without it, but it can be adjusted depending on the desired sweetness, but not more than +/- 15 % of the proportions.
  • Citric acid is a wort stabilizer, thanks to which our ingredients will wander better and give the highest quality result. Also, citric acid improves taste qualities, extends the shelf life, and also destroys the propagation of many pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Raisins (unwashed) or wine yeast are the main source of fermentation. It is important to note that ordinary bakery yeast is strictly added to wine, as you get a “mash” on moonshine, instead of pure color and a pleasant taste of home wine.

So, we proceed to the preparation itself:

  • Leaven: I do not wash raisins, but immediately fall asleep into the container, pour 20 g of sugar and dilute all 150 g of purified cold water. We put in a warm place the post of how to mix until sugar is dissolved. We cover with any “breathing” material, for example, gauze. We leave in a warm place for three days. After this time, there is a lot of foam on the surface, the sound of hissing is constantly heard, and there is also the aroma of fermentation. It is important to buy unwashed raisins, if it is processed, then the sourdough will not work. You can replace unwashed dried raspberries, cherries and even currants. But if you do not want to waste time, buy wine yeast and “dissolve” as indicated in the instructions;
  • We go to the pumpkin. We clean the core, remove the peel, thoroughly wash all the pieces, pass through a meat grinder, or rub. We need to get mashed potatoes as a result;
  • Now we pour the puree, water and leaven into a bottle with a wide throat so that it is filled with 2/3 (or half, but 1/3 is necessarily left for foam from fermentation);
  • Add sugar and citric acid, mix and pull on the throat gauze or a special cover for wine;
  • We wait 4 days, keeping a bottle at room temperature. If you did everything correctly, then after 5-7 hours (after a maximum of 20) a persistent hat of the wandering foam appears. This means that the process is going on and currently the wine wanders;
  • Every 12-15 hours, mix the composition for 4 days with a long stick. Mesga (pulp of wine) will all the time go upstairs. Your task is to break it and immerse it in the liquid;
  • After four days of fermentation, we filter our composition after a few layers of gauze. You can also put a sieve, cover with a layer of gauze and pour the liquid. So straining is much easier. Squeeze the cake so as not to lose valuable liquid, throw the dry balance;
  • Now we wash out the bottle and return the filtered contents to it. We put on a glove instead of a lid with a rubber and with a puncture with a finger to reach the air, but not much. You can also install one of the professional water shutters;
  • It is important to remember that the bottle can be filled with no more than 3/4;
  • The liquid that is in bottles is a wort. We cover, or bring it into a dark room and leave at a temperature not lower than 18 and not higher than 27 degrees for 5 days;
  • Now remove the glove or hydraulic survey and add 100 g of sugar per liter of liquid. Be sure to pre -dilute sugar in 1/3 of the liquid and only then mix with the rest of the worship;
  • We put again in a dark place for 30-55 days. To understand that the wine is ready - the glove was blown away, the wort became lighter and more transparent, at the bottom a layer of sediment. It is important to remember that the wort should cost no more than 45 days, and if this period is exceeded (up to 55 days), then be sure to drain the wort into new containers, scedal without sediment (sediment gives bitterness of guilt);
  • After the armor is stopped, we again drain the finished wine without affecting the sediment. We try, if desired, you can add alcohol (to raise a degree) and sugar for a sweet taste. Pour into bottles and put for six months a minimum in a dark cool place. Remember, if you added sugar - put the wine for 10 days under the glove to check the absence of a new fermentation;
  • After 10 days, check if there is a sediment at the bottom of the wine, if there is, pour again by filtering the precipitate;
  • Fill the bottles to the top so that there is a minimum of oxygen in the bottle after blockage.

You can store such wine up to 3 years! Its fortress without adding alcohol reaches 12%.

Simple recipe for wine from pumpkin "Magic of taste"

This recipe allows you to favorably shade the pumpkin notes and hit even gourmets with the sophistication of the drink.

For cooking, we need:

  • Packaging of wine yeast;
  • Large pumpkin (10 kg pulp);
  • 3 kg of beet sugar;
  • 2 l of honey;
  • 3 liters of purified or artesian water.

And also a form in which you will put the very huge pumpkin will be required. It can be a shit, a bucket or a large pan.

  • So, my pumpkin and wipe it dry. Remove the “lid” with a tail, as if you plan to make a lamp on Halloween, and take out the seeds with the veins. Squeeze the surface of the walls so that there are no cores left there.
  • We heat the water and fill in the sugar, it must dissolve. Add honey to the warm liquid and stir. Let us cool and pour into a pumpkin. Add yeast.
  • We put on the “cover” from the pumpkin from above, and close the edges with tape so that oxygen does not enter. We pull on the pumpkin a dark strong bag and leave in a warm place for 14 days.
  • After 14 days, we suspend the pumpkin in a bag on a strong hook, and put a basin or a container of 7-8 liters from below. We pierce several holes in the pumpkin right through the bag with a screwdriver and give 2-3 hours so that the entire glass liquid.
Original presentation of a home wine from a pumpkin
Original presentation of a home wine from a pumpkin
  • We drain the liquid in the bottle, put the water selection and leave it for a month in a warm, good place, and we filter the wine from the sediment once every 7 days, pouring a thin tube into a new bottle. We throw off the sediment.
  • If the wine has been settled for 7 days and the precipitate was not formed - the wine can be poured into the bottles under the cork and tightly clogged so that there is no access to the air.
  • We let stand for another 30 days and can be tasted! Store no more than 4 years.

As you can see, it is easy to cook wine from pumpkin. And the taste qualities will please you. And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video about wine from pumpkin.

Video: champagne (light wine) from pumpkin

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