What will happen if the driver did not miss a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing, what will be the punishment for violation of traffic rules in 2022-2023? In which case is it believed that the driver did not miss a pedestrian?

What will happen if the driver did not miss a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing, what will be the punishment for violation of traffic rules in 2022-2023? In which case is it believed that the driver did not miss a pedestrian?

In this article we will tell you when drivers are required to pass pedestrians and what will happen if this is not done.

Each motorist must give in to the pedestrian the road. It’s just not always clear how and where to do it. What will be considered a violation? There will be a fine for him? Or will it not? Let's analyze all these questions in our article.

In which case is it believed that the driver did not miss a pedestrian?

What does it mean - did not miss a pedestrian?

Often, drivers have some kind of own concept on the question-whether to miss a pedestrian? P. 14.1 traffic rules The answer is given to this question. Drivers are required to slow down or stop at all if they see that someone is going to cross the road or began to do it. An interesting fact, but tram tracks are not included in this concept. In addition, now there is no concept of "skip a pedestrian." The lawmakers considered it wrong and replaced him to "give way."

This concept is accurately revealed in the law - the driver cannot do such actions that will force the pedestrian to go on a different path or accelerate. When the concept was used - “skipping a pedestrian”, then no special explanation was provided for him and had to understand the drivers themselves what this means.

Explained the rules and rules for crossing the road by bicycle. Now they must hurry. In the event of an accident, the driver will have fewer problems if the protocol indicates that the rule is violated under p. 24.8 traffic rules.

With pedestrians, everything is somewhat more complicated than with cyclists. Drivers almost always remain guilty. This is mainly happening when a person is going to cross the road and this is clearly visible, and the driver drives past and is not going to stop.

When are the drivers for traffic rules are required to skip crossings?

Let's figure out in more detail whether to skip a pedestrian depending on the situation.


A pedestrian crossing is the most controversial place for drivers. According to the law, pedestrians should always be allowed to pass on them. Accordingly, if the driver just passes by, and the person has already begun to cross the road, then he is a fine. By the way, you should not consider yourself smartest and think that punishment will not follow. More and more often, cameras began to be placed at crossings, so that violators are easily caught.

Turn to the right, left - whether to pass the pedestrian crossroads

The intersection is another common topic of disputes for drivers. In general, you must remember only one situation when you should not stop - this is the passage directly. In other cases, the driver must slow down. By the way, the presence of a crossing on the road does not even matter here.

Adjacent territories

Here the situation is not even controversial. Definitely the road must be conceded regardless of whether you go on the main road or vice versa.

Entrance and exit from adjacent territories

Blind pedestrians

Blind people are not forbidden to cross the yeast anywhere. To stop the flow of cars, just give a signal. Each blind must have a white cane, which he gives a signal. Drivers are required to stop and even regardless of the availability of crossings on the road.

Transport stops

When a person goes to transport from his doors or leaves him, it is always important to yield the road. If people decided to run away from the opposite side of the road, that is, they will have to go around the transport to get into it, then drivers should not pass them. But it’s better to stop.

On the way to public transport
Public transport

Such an accident is very common. For example, on the left on the road is a stop and a bus came to it. At the same time, passengers stand on the right side and begin to run as soon as they envy the desired transport. By the way, they do not look at the road at all and believe that they are required to skip them. Often the elderly do this.

According to the rules, the driver is not obliged to give way to them, but it is still better to slow down in order not to get into an accident. Although you will be innocent, you will have to deal with the traffic police for a long time.

On the side of the road

Cars and mopeds may well move around the sidelines. The main thing is that they do not interfere with pedestrians and miss them if necessary.

Do I need to pass a pedestrian outside the pedestrian crossing?

Even in places where there are no special transitions - the pedestrian remains an advantage. Accordingly, when it comes to the issue of passing a pedestrian, it is better to miss it. This does not concern situations when a person simply crosses the road where he wants. For example, in residential areas, the driver is simply obliged to give way, but pedestrians also require respect for the motorist. They should not interfere with the passage. And if a person decided to cross the road along the highway, then in any case he is already a violator.

Transition without zebra
Transition without "zebra"

A fine to the driver who did not miss a pedestrian in 2022-2023: amount

It was not so difficult to solve the issue of missing a pedestrian. The main thing is to look into the rules and read carefully from. However, they are not always respected and this leads to punishment. This is manifested in the form of a fine. Its amount for 2022-2023 is 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles. A specific amount is assigned according to the situation and the complexity of the misconduct. The traffic police must provide good evidence that the violation takes place, otherwise it will not be possible to challenge the protocol.

I did not miss a pedestrian - how to appeal the protocol?

When the wrong decision was made, whether to miss the pedestrian, and the fine was written out, the question arises of the possibility of contesting it. It is important to always remember the concept of “giving way” and its main meaning. It does not imply that the driver and pedestrian must observe some kind of queue. The main thing is that the pedestrian himself moves at the same speed and in one trajectory.

You can prove your innocence with the help of the same pedestrian. He knows for sure whether they gave way to him or not. Accordingly, he must tell what happened.

Ask the inspectors to call a pedestrian to describe the situation and his words are reflected in the protocol. If they refuse to do this and do not enter information, then the violation is unlikely to be considered such. In the protocol, it is important to write independently that the rules were not violated and inspectors refused to take readings from the pedestrian. Then all issues will be resolved already in court, where you have every chance of winning. That is, if you are trying to impose a violation, but you actually behave as it should be on the road, then you can compete for the truth. If there is a weight of evidence, then it is unlikely that you will manage to challenge something.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that on the road, be extremely careful and try to let every pedestrian pass when it is supposed. This approach will allow you to avoid most troubles. On the road, you are responsible not only for yourself, but also of other participants in the movement.

Video: How to avoid a fine for not missing a pedestrian?

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