How to correctly set the spikes sign on the rear window of the car according to traffic rules, according to GOST: Placement Rules. How to make a sign of spikes yourself: sizes according to GOST, colored and black and white templates for printing and coloring. What is the punishment, a fine if there is no spike sign? Do I need to take a spike sign in the summer?

How to correctly set the spikes sign on the rear window of the car according to traffic rules, according to GOST: Placement Rules. How to make a sign of spikes yourself: sizes according to GOST, colored and black and white templates for printing and coloring. What is the punishment, a fine if there is no spike sign? Do I need to take a spike sign in the summer?

This article will be useful to motorists, since in it we will talk about a sign that should be glued when “shoes” of studded rubber.

Today we will talk about controversial issues arising regarding the sign of the “spikes”. How to establish a sign and is there a punishment for its absence? About this and much more further in the article.

What does the car sign for the car look like, what is its meaning?

It would seem that everyone who surrendered to the rights and read the traffic rules should probably know about such a sign as “spikes”. But as practice shows, few are familiar with the like, and the meaning of this sign remains a mystery to the majority.

  • This sign looks as follows: a triangle with a red edging, inside which there is a letter “w” depicted by black color.
  • The significance of this sign is completely ignored for unknown reasons, and at the same time it carries the most important information for all drivers.
  • The identification sign does not just “say” that you are the owner of rubber with spikes, he informs of a possible danger in connection with this fact.
Auto sign
Auto sign
  • This type of rubber significantly reduces the braking distance of the car, therefore, all the machines that will move behind it should know about it and in accordance with this to correctly calculate their distance. In the case of emergency braking, transport with this type of rubber will stop much faster than others that are equipped with other rubber and if this fact is ignorant, an accident can easily occur.
  • There is another fact that the aforementioned sign warns. The thing is that the quality of studded rubber can be completely different. In this regard, cases when spikes fly out from under such wheels, they are completely real and pose a threat to all those who move behind such a car.

How to correctly install the spikes sign on the rear window of the car according to traffic rules, according to GOST: location, description, photo

This sign should be attached exclusively in accordance with the established norms and rules. Since its other establishment will not give the desired result, simply put, the sign will not be able to fulfill its function - to inform about the danger in connection with his studded rubber.

  • To begin with, I must say that this sign can be bought in a specialized store, however, sometimes, no matter how strange it sounds, there is no these signs in stock. The thing is that, due to the huge stir, the drivers of studded rubber began to bury the sign in mass, so as not to violate the traffic rules.
  • In this case, you can make a sign yourself, but it will have to fully comply with traffic rules and GOST. We will talk about this a little later in more detail.
  • And now a few words about the correct installation of the “Spikes” sign. There is no only right place for installing this sign. But it is quite logical that it is installed not for themselves, but for other drivers, in particular for those who travel behind a car with studded rubber.
Bleing the sign
Bleing the sign
  • In this regard, the sign is set only in the back of the vehicle. Moreover, it should be located on the car so that it is clearly visible at a distance of 20 m to absolutely all those cars that are driving after you.
  • Experts advise to fix the sign on the rear window, in the upper part of it. It doesn’t matter from which side you glue it.
  • When choosing the location of the sign, the driver should also be guided by his personal feelings. The sign should not close his visibility, as well as visibility to those who are following him.
  • It is also completely unimportant inside the car or outside the “Spike” sign will be attached. It is also done at the discretion of the driver. But if you have a vehicle with tinted glasses, then preference should be given to the outside of the car.

Is it possible to glue the spikes on the bumper?

You need to understand that nowhere is it clearly indicated in which place, at what height, etc. This sign must be attached. And, therefore, you can fix it not only on the glass behind your car.

  • Indeed, most often a similar sign can be seen on the back of the car, in particular on the glass on the right or left from the top.
  • However, you can attach it to the body of your car.
  • There are no restrictions regarding the bumper either. If you want to place a sign in this place, please.
On the bumper
On the bumper
  • The only thing you need to remember during the glue of the sign is about its visibility for other participants in the movement.
  • If all the rules are observed with such installation, then no one can forbid you to glue this identification mark.

Spike sign: sizes according to GOST, sign requirements

Each sign has its sizes and requirements for its “appearance”. The "Spike" sign is no exception.

If you buy a sign in a specialized store, then it is clear that you have nothing to worry about. However, if you decide to make a sign yourself, then you must familiarize yourself with the requirements for it.

  • Just cut an arbitrary triangle from the paper and you can’t stick the letter “w” into it, since this application will be considered incorrect.
  • The “Spikes” sign is an equilateral triangle necessarily white.
  • At the same time, the entire triangle should be in a red -colored border, and the letter “w” of black color should be depicted in it.
  • All sides of the triangle should be at least 20 cm, and the width of the red edging should correspond to 1/10 of its side.
  • That's all. The requirements for the sign are not so serious, so if desired, it can easily be done independently.

How to make a sign of spikes yourself: colored and black and white templates for printing and coloring

Of course, making a sign on your own is not so difficult. To do this, you just need to arm yourself with paper, a pencil, ruler, scissors and felt -tip pens or pencils. Further, the matter is small, we measure the size we need, draw a triangle with a edging, cut it out, decorate it and fasten it on a car.

Signs for home creation of signs
Signs for home creation of signs

However, those lucky ones who have a printer and those who are not too lazy to go somewhere and print a photo, is much easier than the above.

  • If you have a colored printer, you can simply print a sign ready for use for yourself
  • If the printer is black and white, then you still have to do a little creative work. Print a sign and decorate it in accordance with GOST, that is, make the triangle edging red, and the letter “Sh” if necessary (if only its edging is printed) black
  • Thus, you will save time and money

Spike sign: is it obligatory or not?

Such a sign can be seen far from every machine, even taking into account the fact that most of the vehicles still have studded rubber. In this regard, many may think that the sign is optional, however, this is not so.

Important: all cars that have this type of tire must have an appropriate identification mark without fail. This is spelled out in 8 points of the main provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation.

  • Moreover, traffic rules, namely paragraph 2.3.1 obliges the driver of the car before starting the operation of the machine and during the direct drive to ensure its good condition.
  • And if we also take into account the fact that since April last year the absence of such a sign is equated with a malfunction of the machine, it is logical to assume that the sign is mandatory for all cars, with a similar type of rubber
  • In the absence of such a sign, the movement of the machine is prohibited.

What is the punishment, a fine if there is no spike sign?

Since this identification sign is mandatory for all machines that have studded rubber, there should be a punishment for violation of this obligation. And it is.

  • Responsibility for the absence of a sign is provided again since April last year.
  • Responsibility is clearly regulated by 1 part of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.
  • The article refers to the management of the car if he has faults. As already mentioned earlier, the changes that were made to the legislation provide that the absence of the “Spikes” sign is nothing more than a malfunction.
  • If you violate this provision, the traffic police officer must hold you liable, which will be expressed in a warning or a fine. The size of the fine is 500 p.

Do I need to take a spike sign in the summer?

Nowhere is it clearly indicated that you are obliged to remove this sign in the summer, which means that there will be no punishment for the fact that it is installed on your car at this time.

  • It is important to remember that you must stick a sign exactly the same when you change the rubber to the studded
  • If you study the law, then summer rubber cannot be used by any machines from December to February, that is, in winter, which is quite logical
  • With winter tires, everything is just as logical. She cannot be “shod” in the summer months, that is, June, July and Augustus
  • In the rest of the year, the driver himself decides with which rubber he is better off and, accordingly, is repelled from this, is a sign or not
  • At the same time, the location of the sign on the car in the summer does not carry any punishment
  • Moreover, most drivers do not remove this sign, especially those who do not have a sign on suction cups or magnet, but glued to glass

Sitting behind the wheel of a car, you must understand that you are carrying a potential danger, and your ignorance of the law, in no case relieves you from responsibility for a criminal act. Read laws, observe them, in this case you will never have any problems with representatives of the law.

Video: Sign of the Spikes - is it obligatory or not? Where to glue, dimensions, GOST

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