Why do ficus turn yellow and fall in winter, in summer, after transplantation?

Why do ficus turn yellow and fall in winter, in summer, after transplantation?

The reasons for the yellowing of the leaves in the ficus.

Around the ficus there is a lot of signs and beliefs associated with family life, and the birth of children. That is why unmarried women often acquire ficus in order to have a child. In this article we will tell you why the ficus yellow and falls in the ficus. 

The ficus has leaves: causes

Diseases of indoor plants can be perceived by flower growers very acute, and cause a lot of questions. But not always yellowing of the ficus indicates a problem, insufficient care or diseases. At a time, two, three leaves are usually yellow, which fall, but grow in their place, fresh, young, green leaves. But if you noticed that the ficus has sharply turned yellow, the problem concerns all the leaves, it is necessary to blame yourself in the disease of the indoor plant. 

The ficus has leaves, reasons:

  • Incorrect transplantation. Perhaps the pot of large volume, so the root system does not have time to fill the entire soil. 
  • Reduced temperature. Ficus is a thermophilic plant, so in no case is a decrease in temperature below 18 degrees. If the room is cold enough in winter, be sure to use heaters. But in no case do not put the plant near the heating radiator. 
  • Lack of minerals and nutrients. Ficuses, like any other plants, need fertilizers, especially if they are transplanted to a new place. Observe the watering mode, because in conditions of lack of water, the plant can quickly wake up. But not only the lack of water, but also its excessive amount becomes the cause of yellowing of the foliage. Even if you once filled the plant with a lot of water, there is a risk of its death. 
  • Diseases. During the transplant, pay attention to the roots and stems, whether there are suspicious raids, insects on them. Often the causes of darkening of the leaves are pests, bacteria and viruses. 
Healthy plant
Healthy plant

Why are the leaves of the ficus in the summer turn yellow?

It is recommended to extract the plant from the pot, cut off all damaged roots, transplant into new soil. Do not use old soil for transplanting other plants. It must be thrown away, because spores of mold can multiply in it, or some other pathogenic microorganisms. Other plants can grow in this basis, but also get sick. 

Why are the leaves of the ficus in the summer turn yellow:

  • Take the plants from the sunny side, since the ficus can also darken, dry, dry under direct sunlight. 
  • Sometimes it is very difficult to determine when the ficus is necessary for watering. The plant needs a large amount of moisture, but if at least once pour a culture of water, it can begin to rot roots, mold and pathogens leading to the death of the plant can multiply. That is why it is necessary to observe the irrigation mode. 
  • You can check the lack of moisture in the following way. To do this, a dry stick is taken, a match, or a woods made of wood, is suitable, and is found in the soil. It is necessary to leave it for several minutes in the ground, and then pull it out. If the stick is completely dry, it is necessary to water the plants. 
  • If you sin on an excessive amount of moisture, it is better to limit watering for two weeks by minimizing it. Accordingly, at this time it is necessary to water the plant in small quantities. 

Why do ficus turn yellow and fall leaves after fertilizer?

Why do ficus turn yellow and fall leaves after fertilizer? With deficiency and excessive amount of mineral additives, not only coloring changes, but also the shape of the foliage. They can dry along the edges, and in the center to be green. 

Symptoms of microelements deficiency: 

  • The plant falls, drops the foliage mainly in the lower part. When trying to bend the stem, it easily breaks off. Excessive fragility indicates a deficiency of certain trace elements. 
  • Insufficient development of the root system. If during a culture transplant you drew attention to thin and small roots, then the plant does not eat enough. It needs top dressing. 
  • If pale, yellow spots appear on the sheets. Not only the disadvantage, but also an excess of fertilizers affects the condition of the plant. Yellow foliage can also indicate excessive feeding of culture. However, in this case, not only yellow, but also brown spots appear. The leaves are notturn yellow And immediately fade. 
Spots on the leaves
Spots on the leaves

What is the disease if the leaves of the ficus yellow and crumble?

Ficus is a plant that does not often get sick, but with improper care, possible diseases. Among the most common, the following can be distinguished.

What is the disease if the leaves of the ficus yellow and crumble:

  • Gray rot. Brown-yellow and gray spots appear on the leaves. In this case, the leaves do not turn yellow from the tips. The first manifestations of the disease occur in the center. Over time, the leaves dry and fall. 
  • Shield. This is a pest that sucks useful juices from culture. Yellowish, brown spots appear on the leaves. Please note that sticky spots can be observed from the back of the leaflets, which is why the culture dries. 
  • Spider mite. In this case, the plant may turn yellow, but at the same time, a thin layer of cobwebs or film is observed on the stems. The plant fits, twists. This happens on the back of the leaf. 
Leaves fall
Leaves fall

The ficus has leaves - what to do?

It is necessary to use prevention, as well as carefully care for the plant. Be sure to follow the temperature regime and do not allow its fluctuations. Both decrease and fever, can affect the state of culture. 

The ficus has leaves, what to do:

  • If the plants have lost a large number of leaves, an urgent transplant is required to new soil. Pruning, watering or additional top dressing do not solve anything. In the soil in which the plant is located, spores of mold, or pests live. It is recommended to completely dig a plant from a flowerpot and transplant into new soil. 
  • Before placing culture in new soil, it is best to rinse the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will kill the spores of mold, as well as bacteria and viruses that are on the roots.
  • If you see that the roots are slippery, have an unpleasant odor, be sure to cut them with scissors. Process the ends with a special tool that improves rooting, and promotes survival of culture in a new place. 

Why do ficus turn yellow and fall in winter?

Winter time is a period when a large number of plants hibernate. This does not mean that they fade, dry out. But cultures are at rest, and the course of juice inside the stems, leaves slows down. This often happens with ficus precisely in the winter.

Why do ficus turn yellow and fall in winter:

  • You should not worry, especially if the temperature has decreased on the street. Be sure to follow the temperature regime and, if necessary, increase it. Ficus is a plant that cannot be put on a veranda, or a balcony. The culture is not intended for the winter garden, since it does not tolerate cold air, a temperature lowering below 18 degrees. 
  • In winter, the plant can be near heating radiators, which overdles the soil and can cause a lack of fluid and moisture. Therefore, water ficus twice a week, but not very abundantly. Replace additional watering with spraying of foliage and stems from a spray gun. Enter once every 3 weeks in the soil in which ficus, mineral additives and fertilizers grow. 
  • Yellowing in the lower part indicates a seasonal change of leaves, and the imminent height of new elements on the stem. Most likely, after a while new leaves will appear. However, if there are more yellow leaves from below, it makes sense to think about pests and rot. First of all, with damage to the roots, the lower leaves begin to change the color, over time the disease passes to the top of culture. 
The leaves dry
The leaves dry

Why do ficus Benjamin turn yellow and fall leaves?

Ficus Benjamin is an unpretentious plant, this does not mean that it does not need care. A change in color occurs immediately after the acquisition of the culture. The fact is that in the store, or in warehouses, constant temperature and hydration are maintained.

Why do ficus Benjamin turn yellow and fall: leaves:

  • Features of maintenance at home may differ, and the plant reacts acutely to a shift.
  • It is best to acquire a new ficus Benjamin in the summer, since at this time it is better adapted to environmental conditions.
  • In no case, immediately after the acquisition of the plant, it is impossible to transplant it.

In the spring, the lower leaves turn yellow in the ficus: causes

Do not be surprised if in the spring you see the falling, yellowing leaves of the ficus from below.

In the spring, the ficus yells the lower leaves, the reasons:

  • This is normal, since the change of leaves begins in the lower part of the plant. The shift stage lasts several weeks.
  • At the initial stage, the lower leaves are changed, then fall off, the stem becomes rough, hard, hard, the plant is stretched up. A large number of new young and bright green leaves appear at the very top.
  • This is due to the fact that in the spring time the amount of juice increases, and its circulation inside the stems intensifies. This provokes the change of leaves, their new growth. 
Healthy plant
Healthy plant

Why do the leaves turn yellow and fall in the rubber -bearing ficus?

In winter, rubberous ficus needs additional moisture of leaves and stems using a sprayer. The plant suffers greatly from excessive waterlogging.

Why yellow and fall the leaves of the rubber -bearing ficus:

  • This is often observed in winter, in conditions of low temperature and a large amount of moisture. The rubber ficus is one of the most heat-loving plant species, so the optimum temperature in the room is from 20-23 degrees.
  • The maximum increase to 28 degrees is allowed. If the opal from the bottom of one or two leaves, do not worry and worry. But if you notice that the leaves change color and fall constantly, their number increases, and the stem is gradually bald, it is urgent to sound the alarm.
  • It is necessary to transplant the plant into new soil, and prevent excessive waterlogging of the substrate. 

The ficus began to turn yellow and fall into the leaves after the transplant - is it normal?

Indoor plants experience stress while moving. Therefore, ask in detail in the store in what conditions you need to maintain the plant.
Why did the ficus turn yellow and fall off the leaves after the transplant:
  • Many believe that if you change the conditions of the ficus environment, then it will immediately begin to grow better.
  • This is the main mistake, since immediately after the transplantation the plant quickly fades, dries, its leaves turn yellow, fall and the plant dies.It is better to wait about six months. 
  • Often the death of leaves is a physiological process, because once every 2-3 years the leaves change, but this does not happen to the entire plant, but with only a few of its elements.
A lot of interesting information about plants can be found in articles on our website:

Video: the leaves of the ficus turn yellow and fall

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  1. She suffered for a long time with her ficus. And she fed and sprayed, still died.

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