What is the different drugs from the usual: what to choose, what is more effective? Why add the prefix forte in the name of the drugs?

What is the different drugs from the usual: what to choose, what is more effective? Why add the prefix forte in the name of the drugs?

How do Forte preparations differ from simple drugs? It is described in detail in the article.

Word "forte" In the names of some drugs, it has long become familiar. But its significance is still raising questions and disputes. Is the drug Forte potent, or is it another trick of marketers, forcing to overpay for an incomprehensible term? Is it true that such drugs retain their effect for 24 hours? How the prefix is \u200b\u200brelated "forte" With the effectiveness of medicines?

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You should figure out, in connection with which they add "forte" To the name of the drug and what are the advantages of such drugs. Read further.

Bioavailability: What is this in pharmacology?


Vice opinion states that the effectiveness of the drug depends on the amount of active substance. Consequently, "forte" The name should mean simply an increased dose. This is true, but not to the end - not only the amount of the drug is important, but also biological availability for the body.

  • Bioavailability of the drug in pharmacology - This is the volume of active substance, which is absorbed by the body and has a therapeutic effect.
  • Simply put, this is the percentage of the swallowed pill that will work.

This characteristic is applicable to both drugs and dietary supplements, including vitamin complexes. Bioavailability is of particular importance for oral drugs, that is, tablets, capsules and other forms for oral administration. Medicines entering the body through injection have maximum bioavailability and are absorbed by almost 100%. Pourral agents have to deal with many biochemical reactions and “barriers” that interfere with the assimilation and reduce efficiency.

Bioavailability affects:

  • The condition of the patient's digestive tract. This should be taken into account by the doctor when prescribing drugs. In addition, some products can be destroyed under the influence of gastric juice.
  • The form of manufacturing the drug. The rate of release of the components of drugs and food additives may depend on this.
  • Combination of components and excipients. This is extremely important, for example, for multivitamin complexes - if they contain “competing” substances, then their bioavailability falls. Negative interaction is also possible with the simultaneous administration of different drugs, and the attending physician must evaluate their compatibility.

Therefore, the enhanced effect of the drug is not necessarily related to an increase in the dose of matter - it can mean its greater bioavailability.

Why add the prefix forte in the name of the drugs?

Forte prefix in the name of the medicine
Forte prefix in the name of the medicine

Latin "Forte" You can translate as "Strongly, tight". Therefore, the drugs and food supplements of the fort are characterized by an enhanced effect. In some cases, this is due to an increased concentration of a substance (for example, Nurofen Forte contains a double dose compared to ordinary Nurofen), but not always. So, why are the prefix of the forte in the name of the drugs?

  • The word "forte" speaks of the characteristics of the drug that make it more effective compared to conventional forms.
  • But the popular opinion that such drugs can act during the day is a myth.

For the duration of the effects of drugs, those methods that make it stronger do not affect.

How do Forte drugs differ from ordinary?

The increased efficiency of Forte preparations is more often associated with the bioavailability of active substances than with their number. It can be achieved in different ways. So, how does the drugs differ from the usual ones? Here are a few nuances:

  • The stability of the dosage form to the effects of gastric juice. This is especially important for vitamins, enzymes, probiotics. Fort tablets are covered with a shell that does not dissolve in the stomach. Thanks to this, substances are not destroyed and activated already in the duodenum. In this case, Forte is a “persistent”, “sustainable” drug compared to its standard form.
  • The presence of additional components that enhance the effect of the main substance. For example, iron preparations may include vitamin C, increasing its bioavailability.
  • A wide range of existing components. This is characteristic of dietary supplements containing a significant number of vitamins and minerals along with the main food supplement. For example, the Blueberry Multicompplex Forte includes several minerals, in addition to the blueberry extract in the name.

In each case, Fort is associated with different features of drugs, ultimately leading to an increase in their effectiveness.

Is it worth overpaying for the fort?

Forte preparations, as a rule, cost more than standard analogues. However, a medicine with an enhanced effect is required to take less often in smaller quantities. As a result, there will be no overpayment. You can try to calculate the cost of not packaging, but a daily dose of the drug in a standard form and enhanced form. For many popular drugs, the price of the drug Forte will be lower.

Since Forte medicines are more effective, due to increased dosage or bioavailability, their acquisition may be more profitable. However, it is not possible to arbitrarily replace one medicine with another, especially if the “forte” is a drug with additional active substances or a triple dose. It is always necessary to take into account the recommendations of the attending physician and, if necessary, adjust the dosage of drugs.

Cases when Forte does not mean stronger

Cases when Forte does not mean stronger
Cases when Forte does not mean stronger

At all without tricks of marketers, it was still not: in some cases, the fort is just part of the name. Cases when Forte does not mean stronger:

  • Such drugs as Essential Forte, Mesim Forte, Hilak Forte Do not exist in any other form.
  • Hilak without a “forte” is not found with a weaker action, and here the prefix does not mean anything.

It is possible that the list will be replenished over time. In this case, the buyer has no choice, but there is also nothing to compare with.

What to choose - forte or ordinary medicine: what is more effective?

When choosing medicines, it is extremely undesirable to engage in amateur performances. Even the use of food additives should be discussed with your doctor. Forte preparations are stronger than ordinary drugs. With an increase in the dose/digestibility of the substance, not only its effectiveness increases, but also the load on the body. Therefore, a thoughtless transition to a stronger form of medicine can harm.

  • You should also read instructions for drugs, get acquainted with the composition-some auxiliary component may be an allergen.
  • When choosing the drug, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications, and when used, to observe the prescribed dosage.

Therefore, Forte preparations are most often stronger and more effective than usual. They may contain an increased dose, can be covered with an intestinal shell, may contain additional active substances. Only in a few cases, this is just a name. Due to increased efficiency, the acquisition of Forte preparations may be profitable, despite the higher packaging price. But to the question, which medicine is better, the best answer is: what the doctor will prescribe.

Video: Indinol Forto and Indol Forte! What's the difference?

Video: Myasnikov and Malyshev about Essential Forte

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