Lisinopril, Enalapril, Benazepril and other pressure drugs: what is the similarity and difference, what is better, how to take?

Lisinopril, Enalapril, Benazepril and other pressure drugs: what is the similarity and difference, what is better, how to take?

If you have been prescribed drugs for pressure and you do not know what is better - lysinopril or other drugs, read the article. It describes many tablets that are often used from high blood pressure.

With hypertension, doctors are most often prescribed by angiotensin -converting enzyme inhibitors or, for brevity, ACE inhibitor. This class of drugs is recommended as the first line of treatment of people with hypertension along with two other types of drugs: calcium channel blockers and thiazide diuretics. However, there are many different ACE inhibitors, and patients are wondering what the difference between them is.

Read the article on our website about products that lower and increase blood pressure. You will find a list of food products that are prohibited for consumption with increased blood pressure.

The three most popular are Lisinopril, enalapril and Benazepril. However, there are other drugs, and often patients who are prescribed different tablets in different periods of time, cannot choose what is better. In this article we will consider how these drugs differ and which is better to choose for the treatment of hypertension and the consequences of this ailment - heart failure, etc. Read more.

What is Lisinopril, Enalapril and Benazepril: when are they appointed, which is better?


Do you know how to properly measure the pressure on which hand? If not, then read the article on this link. Everything is described in detail in it.

These drugs are aCE inhibitors. They already exist more than 20 years And everyone is available in the form of generics. Such drugs affect the kidneys, helping to reduce blood pressure. They are aimed at an enzyme known as an angiotensinoproting enzyme (APF), which usually activates a chemical that makes blood vessels contract and retain the body. By blocking the operation of the ACE, the ACE inhibitors, among other things, help blood vessels relax. This helps in many respects, but the main use of these drugs is to reduce blood pressure.

Enalapril used for:
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Chronic failure

Benazepril It is also used for:

  • Arterial hypertension
  • Heart failure

Lizinopril It is used for:

  • Renovascular and essential hypertension (monotherapy and in complex)
  • Acute myocardial infarction (first day)
  • Chronic heart failure
  • Diabetic nephropathy

As you can see, Lizinoprila More spectrum of actions, therefore it is believed that it is better, especially for patients who transfer myocardial infarction and there is chronic heart failure.

The effectiveness of ACE inhibitors: Lisinopril and others

All three drugs (ACE inhibitors) are very effective for reducing blood pressure and treatment of hypertension. For people with diabetes in which hypertension develops, these drugs are often the first drugs from high blood pressure. They must be prescribed without fail, because along with a decrease in pressure, they can also protect the kidneys from damage, which can cause a high blood sugar.

However, although they all work relatively quickly ( within 1-2 hours), they differ in how long they remain effective. Enalapril and Benazepril, more old preparations of three, as a rule, work only for several hours, depending on the person, while Lizinopril It is more new, and the effect of it usually lasts longer. This affects how often you need to take each drug.

These three types of tablets also differ in how and what conditions they can treat. It was said above that:

  • Lizinopril It can be used for heart failure in people who have suffered a heart attack.
  • Enalapril You can also use heart failure, but not with heart attacks.
  • Benazepril can only be used for hypertension.

All these tablets are effective, but each drug in its own way treats conditions associated with high pressure.

How Lisinopril, Enalapril and Benazepril are taken: dosage


All three drugs are quite convenient in use. As in the case of most drugs for hypertension, it is worth avoiding the use of alcoholic beverages during the use of ACE inhibitors, since this combination can cause a sharp drop in blood pressure.

How often they accept Lisinopril, enalapril and Benazepril, will depend on the drug and the specific needs of the body in health. Here is a dosage:

  • Lizinopril Accept 1 per day. The dosage will depend on whether it is used for hypertension, heart failure or after a heart attack. As a rule, it begins with 2.5-5 mg per day and can be increased up to 40 mg per day.
  • Enalapril Accept 1-2 times a day, again, depending on what it is used for. With hypertension, the dosage begins with 5 mg and can be increased to 40 mg per day (or 40 mg once, either 20 mg twice). With heart failure, the dosage begins with 2.5 mg 2 times a day (total 5 mg), but it can be increased to 20 mg 2 times a day (total 40 mg).
  • Benazepril It differs slightly - it is used only for hypertension. At the heart, dosing begins with 5 mg up to 10 mg once a day inside, and it can be increased to 40 mg in one dose or two doses 20 mg 2 times a day.

It is worth noting that there is no need to avoid the use of any types of food or soft drinks when taking these drugs. They can also be taken with most of your other drugs at the same time. Read further.

Video: Pressure tablets: we accept correctly. Health

What drugs interact with Lisinopril, Enalapril and Benazepril?

All three of these aCE inhibitors They have similar medicinal interactions, and some of them should be highlighted in a separate list. It is always necessary to consult with your attending physician about which drugs and additives are already taken before you start taking a new drug. What drugs interact with Lisinopril, enalapril and Benazepril? It is worth knowing:

Non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (abbreviated NSAIDs):

  • Such as Ibuprofen and Narksen are usually used as painkillers.
  • These drugs interact with aCE inhibitors And with joint use can cause kidney problems.

Other drugs for hypertension:

  • Usually several drugs are used that reduce blood pressure.
  • To control hypertension, you should use medicines, only those prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, the use of some drugs can significantly reduce blood pressure when used.

Potassium supplements:

  • Such drugs are not a medicine, but they can carry a danger to the body and interact with ACE inhibitors.
  • It is worth noting that ACE inhibitors increase potassium as a side effect, which can cause weakness, breathing difficulties and rapid heartbeat, which are life -threatening.
  • It is worth avoiding simultaneous potassium in the form of drugs or additives and Lisinoprila, Enalapril, Benazepril.

Important: Before taking any drugs, contact the doctor for advice. Self -medication is dangerous to health!

Side effects of Lisinopril, Enalapril and Benazepril

Because the Lisinopril, enalapril and Benazepril are aCE inhibitors And they act in a similar way on the body, they have similar side effects. Here is some of them:

  • Cough - A person can suffer from cough either at the beginning of taking the drug, or after an increase in its dose. This can happen approximately 10% of peoplewho take these drugs. The cough is not dangerous, but it can be very annoying.
  • High level of potassium - All these drugs can cause an increase in the level of potassium in the blood, which can lead to symptoms such as weakness, difficulty breathing and rapid heartbeat.
  • Facial edema - All ACE inhibitors have a rare, but dangerous risk of swelling of the tongue, lips, mouth and throat (also known as angioedema). This edema can be so serious that it can block the respiratory tract.
  • Problems with the kidneys - Although these drugs should protect the kidneys in patients with pathologies of this organ and diabetes, they can also, on the contrary, aggravate such problems in some people.

After studying all the above side effects, it is worth considering who should not take these drugs:

  • These drugs are safe and effective for most people.
  • However, they should be avoided by pregnant women and those who plan to get pregnant, as they can be harmful to the growing fetus.

Now let's look at that the ACE inhibitors and other drugs for pressure. Read further.

Amlodipine or lysinopril: which is better to take?

Amlodipine differs from lysinopril
Amlodipine differs from lysinopril

On the question of what is better to take - amlodipin or lysinopril, not an accurate definition. These tablets are prescribed separately as monotherapy and in accordance with blood pressure indicators, complications and related pathologies. The main mechanism of action of amlodipine is the blocking of calcium-dependent L-channels. The main active substance of these tablets has a vasodilator effect on the peripheral vessels and vessels of the heart.

Therefore, which is more effective, it is impossible to say. Amlodipine is prescribed for angiospastic and angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart failure, bronchospasm, including bronchial asthma. The actions of Lisinopril were described above. These drugs have a different purpose and they cannot be replaced by each other, as well as compare them.

Which is better - Lisinopril or Enap?

Enap is the same as Enalapril. These drugs have the same active substance, and the name is different, because different manufacturers. These are ACE inhibitors, and as mentioned above, Lizinopril is the best, since it has more a spectrum of action. But the doctor should prescribe the drug from pressure.

Lisinopril, Lorista, Lozra or Lozartan: Which is better?

Lorista, Lozorand Lozartan - These are the same drugs with one active substance "Lozartan". They are called so because they have different manufacturers. The price also varies, depending on the pharmaceutical company. These are angiotensin receptors blockers.

What's better Lozartan or LizinoprilIt's hard to say. Patients who choose tablets for the prevention of hypertrophy of the left ventricle myocardium should be preferred Lizinopril. It is better and effective in this direction, as well as good in the prevention of nephropathy. With all kinds of disorders of cognitive functions, you should opt for Lozartan. Both drugs do an excellent job of high pressure, but which of them to choose, only the doctor will say, based on the diagnosis and laboratory tests.

Video: Health. The guide for the choice of drugs. Medicines for hypertension

Perindopril, Noliprel, Preminum or Lisinopril: which is better?

Perindopril - active substance "Perindoprila" Erbumin. it's the same aCE inhibitorLike Lizinopril. But it began to be used in 70s years of the last century. Of course, this is a good drug and copes with increased blood pressure and helps to avoid heart failure. But more modern drugs, such as Lizinopril Better, as they are an improved formula - these are safer and more effective pills.

Prem - active substance "Perindopril". The difference is in the title, because it is another manufacturer. Also Noliprel - This is a combined tool that contains "Perindopril"(ACE inhibitor) and Indapamide (diuretic, which is part of a sulfonamid group). Therefore, this is the same as perindopril, but with a diuretic effect. It is prescribed to patients with kidney problems.

Ramipril or Lisinopril: which is better to take?

Ramipril is an ACE inhibitor. It is a pre -articularity from which an active metabolite of ramiprilat is formed in the body. In its action, it is similar to Lizinopril, and which is better in each case, only the doctor decides.

Lisinopril, captopril or capoten: which is better to take?

Captopril differs from lysinopril
Captopril differs from lysinopril

Capotopril - it's the same aCE inhibitor. Reduces the formation of angiotensin II from angiotensin I, reduces the release of aldosterone. Reduces blood pressure, OPSS, post -loading, preload. It expands arteries to a greater extent than veins. Enhances coronary and renal blood flow.

Although Capotopril and Lizinopril They have a similar action, they differ. The first drug has a short period of validity, and the second is long. That's why Capotopril Apply when it is necessary to reduce the pressure urgently. Its doctors recommend keeping hypertension in their first -aid kit to increase blood pressure, you can drink a pill and alleviate the condition. Subject to rest and pastel regime, the effect of the drug can persist for up to several hours.

Lizinopril has a prolonged effect and the effect of the reception is maintained during 24 hours.

Lisinopril or bisoprolol: which is better to take?

Bisoprolol tablets contain an active substance called bisoprolol fumarat. It with elective beta1-blocker without internal sympathomy activity.

What is better to take - Bisoprolol or Lizinopril? Both drugs are used to treat high blood pressure. Indications for use in tablets are the same. However Lizinopril You can drink with nephropathy and myocardial infarction. Bisoprolol It is mainly used for arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease. Which of the drugs to drink exactly your doctor knows.

What is better than diroton or lysinopril?

Diroton - It is a fixed combination of hydrochlorotiazide, thiazide diuretic, and lysinopril, ACE inhibitor. Each popular drug over time has the so-called "generics", drugs made under the license of a manufacturer. According to many doctors, the most successful generic "Lizinoprila" is "Diroton"having the least number of side effects.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that Diroton Better, but decides to drink this medicine or not, only a doctor.

Which is better - Lisinopril or Indapamide?

Indapamide differs from lysinopril
Indapamide differs from lysinopril

Indapamide - The active substance of the same name. This is a thiazid -like diuretic, an antihypertensive agent. The effectiveness of treatment is achieved by reducing the sensitivity of the vascular wall to norepinephrine and angiotensin II, as well as an increase in the synthesis of prostaglandins with vasodilating activity. In addition, the influx of calcium ions into the smooth muscle elements of the vascular wall is inhibited.

It is impossible to compare these two medicines and therefore it will not work to say what is better - Lizinopril or Indapamide. Why?

  • All because they are used to treat increased pressure in the complex.
  • The drugs are well compatible, and the effect with simultaneous use is much higher.
  • During the day, blood pressure decreases, and heart function improves.
  • The elimination of fluid from the body is enhanced, the vessels expand, and the general condition of the body is improved with arterial hypertension.
  • Such treatment in the complex helps to reduce the risk of complications of the cardiovascular system.

Lisinopril, Enalapril, Benazepril And other tablets described above can be used to treat hypertension and, possibly, other problems associated with the heart. As a rule, they work very well, recommended by many medical organizations as the treatment of the first line and relatively cheap. However, they have some side effects that require careful control. The final decision on which of the drugs will depend on what health problems a person has, and how often he wants to take medicines every day. Good luck!

Video: Hypertension - how easy it is to treat without pills. High pressure - which treatment is better?

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