What is the difference between cats' dogs from the point of view of psychology: a comparison of psychological portraits, character. Why do people divide into felons and dog lovers?

What is the difference between cats' dogs from the point of view of psychology: a comparison of psychological portraits, character. Why do people divide into felons and dog lovers?

Cathedrals and dog handlers are different people by nature and psychological portrait. Read more in the article.

Most people have pets. Some choose cats, while others choose dogs. Why is this happening, and how does the choice in favor of a dog or cat describe the character of a person?

Read in another article on our website on the topic: “Folk signs on pets - cows, calves, horses, pigs, goats, sheep, rabbits, dogs, cats”.

From the article below, you will learn how the cats' people differ from the people of the dogcases in nature from the point of view of psychology. Read further.

People are divided into felons and dog lovers: why is this happening?

People are divided into felons and dog lovers
People are divided into felons and dog lovers

The answer is simple - to whom it is convenient. Everyone knows that people are divided into felons and dog lovers.

  • Most often, residents of multi -storey buildings make cats, and the inhabitants of private houses make dogs.
  • The latest good guards are ideal to protect the house.
  • For multi -storey buildings, cats are more suitable, because playful and large in size dogs can cause great discomfort to neighbors.
  • And often there are problems with the search for a place for the toilet, because there are often shops, schools and playgrounds around multi -storey buildings.

Why do people love dogs?

Everyone says that the dog is the best friend of man. Yes, this is the most devoted animal. The dog is ready to do everything for the owner. She jumps in front of the owner, licks him and wags her tail. On command, the dog even sits down or brings slippers. But to care for such an animal is much more difficult. The dog requires the following:

  • Training. Otherwise, the pet simply will not obey the owner.
  • Food. Unlike the cat, the dog is not able to catch a mouse or bird.
  • The washing up. Unlike a cat, the dog loves water and does not wash itself.
  • Walking. The dog needs to be walking. Putting the trays at home will not be enough.

On the other hand, the dog always repels the owner with positive emotions. We can conclude that dogs are loved by those who want attention to themselves. It is important for them that the animal in which they invest is grateful. It is impossible to say about selfish feelings here, it is just mutual love.

Why do people love cats?

Cats behave differently. Here you need to pay attention to the tale of Rediaard Kipling - "A cat walking on its own." And in reality, the cat behaves independently, sometimes selfish. He will not poke his nose to us. But the cat comes to the owner when she needs to eat or wants to be stroked. No, the cat also loves his master, but his love is in no way connected with devotion.

Kotov is chosen by those who want to give attention to the animal, not expecting reciprocity. Those who are important to take care of someone. In addition, the cats are chosen by those who are difficult to care for the dog - to regularly wash, walk and train it. Everything is easier with the cat - he fed, put a little lot of sand and you can calmly go about your business.

The difference in the morning of the dog and the cat

The difference in the morning of the dog and the cat
The difference in the morning of the dog and the cat

Dogs - Not the people who sleep on the couch throughout the weekend. This is their difference from cats.

  • They have to get up early to walk the dog.
  • In general, those who have a dog rarely sit at home, because the dog needs regular walks.
  • That is, dog lovers have to get up early.
  • However, walks of the dog dealer are always interesting, because you can play with the dog, moreover, there is a possibility of getting to know a new interesting person (the same dog dealer).

Foils They love the space inside their home.

  • They rarely go outside early in the morning (if they do not work).
  • Such people do not like morning walks, even if they wake up early, they better read the book.
  • Koshatniki go to bed late and do not get up dawn to go somewhere.

Here it is necessary to pay attention that the character of a person is similar to the animal that he chooses.

  • Dogs accustomed to hunting. And in order to hunt, people always get up early and hunt so far.
  • Cats They prefer to live a nightly life. They are also hunters, but their hunt is always individual. Unlike dogs, they do not help in finding prey, and if they catch something, they are unlikely to share this even with the owner.

In the way of life, people are also different - dog lovers get up early and go outside, but cats prefer to sleep longer, since half of the night did not sleep.

Who is more felons or dog lovers?

Statistics in different countries vary. In general, there are more dog lovers than cat lovers. By polls more than 70% People said that they love dogs, and nothing 40% They said that they love cats.

  • If speak about Russia and other countries CIS, here more prefer cats. According to statistics more than 50% population of countries CIS Choose night animals. Dogs are preferred about 30% of people these countries.
  • The same applies to most european countries (except England, France and Spain).
  • Speaking about America, then they prefer dogs more there. However, in USA Most of the population lives in its homes, due to which ideal conditions for the maintenance of a dog are created.

Also, people were asked who does not like whom: 15% respondents said that they do not like cats and only 2% They said they do not like dogs.

How are people who people differ from the people of dog lovers in nature from the point of view of psychology

People's cats are different from dog -dog people
People's cats are different from dog -dog people

Psychologists often compare people with animals so that you can make a psychological portrait of a person. But it is not so simple. Let's understand together. How are people who are people who differ from the people of dog lovers in nature in terms of psychology? Here is a comparison of psychological portraits, the opinion of psychologists:

Dogs are very extravagant and sociable people.

  • They are able to show trust, respect and compassion.
  • Dogs are better adapted for life in society.
  • Their qualities are simply suitable for coexistence.
  • They are well organized, achieve their goals, disciplined and focus on praise and reward.
  • Dogs do not like spontaneity, they always adhere to a certain plan. They are leaders by nature.

If you like cats, we first advise you to pay attention to the fact that in films the villains are always portrayed with cats.

Unfortunately, psychologists have identified one unpleasant quality that is characteristic of most cats - that they are neurotics. Cathedrals are often as follows:

  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Frequent mood change
  • Lack of self-esteem

These people are introverts and often unsuccessful. However, the cats have positive features. It is they who most often create beautiful and interesting things. They feel emotions, understand art, they like adventures and they are creative. Those who like cats always strive for experiments. Dogs are trying to swim with the flow and be ordinary.

In general, it is impossible to say about the character of a person, starting from his pet. We can only assume that since a person likes animals, it means that he is good. Good luck!

Video: lovers of cats and dogs

Video: Doggiki VS Felts

Video: Dog-Dog and Cat-Dry

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