What is the difference between mini bananas from ordinary bananas: as they are called, beneficial properties, harm and contraindications

What is the difference between mini bananas from ordinary bananas: as they are called, beneficial properties, harm and contraindications

What is the difference between mini bananas and simple, large? It is described in detail in the article.

Banana is an exotic fruit. It is not grown in Russia due to the features of climatic conditions, but is supplied to us from warm countries. There are about five hundred varieties of varieties of bananas, but only two falls on the shelves of Russian stores: ordinary large bananas and mini-bandits. Those that are more familiar to everyone, but their brothers-small ones appeared on store shelves relatively recently.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "At what time of the day is it better to have bananas, apples, grapes and other fruits?". You will know - fruits should be eaten before meals or after eating.

From this article you will learn how mini-bananas differ from ordinary. We will also tell you why such fruits are more expensive than large bananas. Read further.

What are the mini-bananas called?


Let's start with the names. There are a lot of them with babies-mini-bananas. The most common are:

  • Lady Finger (Lady Finger)
  • Bananas "Baby"
  • Mini-bananas
  • "Sugar"or "Dessert" - They are called so for a rich and sweet taste
  • The tiny size gave a nickname "Dwarf", "children"

Despite the variety of “names”, they are always by ear, perfectly fit and accurately describe this banana variety.

Useful properties of mini-bananas: benefits in medicine

The mini-bananas are in no way inferior to the fruits of standard size. Rich in vitamins and minerals, they improve the general state of human health, both physical and emotional. Mini-banans are very nutritious, so they quickly quench the feeling of hunger, improve mood and even affect the quality of sleep.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "Why are bananas good for health?". You will find out if it is possible to be treated with bananas and from what.

Here's the benefit in medicine:

  • With the regular use of “mini” bananas, reserves of B vitamins are replenished (B3, B4, B5, B6) and C, as well as minerals necessary for the body: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium.
  • Potassium and magnesium in conjunction with vitamins B6 and C help to preserve the heart healthy, favorably affect the cardiovascular system, lead to normal blood pressure and heart rhythm.
  • Vitamin C is responsible for maintaining immunity, B6 for the stable functioning of the nervous system.
  • The fruit of the tropics contains a lot of useful substances and they affect almost the entire body. This is an improvement in the performance of the brain and memory, the restoration of strength and energy after physical exertion.
  • The pulp contains a large amount of fiber necessary for the normal process of digesting food and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • With diseases such as gastritis and stomach ulcers, the use of bananas is preferable, since enveloping the walls of the stomach, the flesh helps to reduce irritation, acidity of the stomach and create the medium, to reproduce beneficial bacteria.

Noteworthy: Banans do not cause allergic reactions. They are ideal for the first feeding babies in the form of mashed potatoes. And even cases of total food allergies are known, in which the banana has become a saving agent.

In traditional medicine, this tropical fruit is not used, but in folk, its healing properties are used to the maximum. Both the pulp and the peel of the fetus, roots, flowers and banana leaves are used. To a greater extent, this is relevant for the inhabitants of the warm countries in which these tropical trees grow. In our country, they are limited to using the pulp of the fetus and its peel. As a rule, infusions are made that help in the treatment of bronchitis and cough.

In gardening, a decoction of banana peels fertilize the ground, enriching it with potassium and other useful substances.

Harm and contraindications for the use of mini-bananas


Although this fruit is incredibly useful, you should not lose vigilance. Calorius bananas! And those who follow their figure need to take this into account. This is one of the contraindications for the use of mini-bananas.

  • The ripe fruit is more high -calorie than greenish.
  • Also in the overripe banana sugar is twice as much as in unripe.
  • People suffering from diabetes need to remember this, adjusting the amount of fruit eaten.
  • But some experts recommend that “diabetics” from their diet are tropical pleasure, so as not to stimulate appetite once again.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "Calories in the banana and their impact on health". You will learn about the benefit, nutritional value, glycemic index, and find recipes.

The harm is still as follows:

  • It is necessary to limit the use of delicious “sugar” fruit to those who have problems with blood vessels.
  • If you regularly take a large number of bananas in food, the body will lose a lot of fluids and the blood will be more viscous.

Therefore, lovers of baby bananas with pathologies associated with blood vessels are recommended to increase daily water consumption.

Why are bananas mini are more expensive than usual, large: is it worth buying?

The differences in price are tangible. Yellow "kids" will cost two, in some stores - three times more expensive. Why are mini bananas cost more than ordinary, large?

  • This is because the cost of transportation is laid down in the cost of any product.
  • Mini-banans ripen very quickly, which means they need to be delivered in a short time so that they do not have time to cover themselves with brown spots, do not burst from the overexposure and do not turn on the way to the counter to porridge.

Deliveries to Russia are carried out mainly from Ecuador and Malaysia. There are many plantations purchased by Russian entrepreneurs. The path is not close, but customers have to pay for speed. The exotic fruit also comes to us from Turkey and China.

Should I buy? Everyone makes the choice himself, but it’s worth trying for sure. It should be borne in mind that such banana are not stored for long and it is better to eat them right away.

What is the difference between mini-bananas from ordinary large bananas?


There are differences between mini-banans and ordinary large ones, and there are many of them:

  • Miniature fruits grow up to ten, a maximum of twelve centimeters, while the size of the usual reaches twenty centimeters, on average.
  • The peel of the "kids" is much thinner, more tender.
  • The taste is appreciated in different ways. One “mini” bananas seem sweeter and brighter in taste sensations, others are of the opinion that the difference is only in size.
  • The maturation of dwarf bananas is much faster than that of large ones, accordingly mini-bananas with double speed spoil.
  • “Brances” are considered more dietary, but it is worth considering that such an opinion has developed exclusively due to the size of the fetus. Therefore, in a mini variety of kilocalories, twice less.

Regardless of size, this sweet and tasty fruit is still one of the most useful and popular desserts in the diet.

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