What is the difference between a jelly from a jelly, potion, somersaults: comparison, similarities and differences

What is the difference between a jelly from a jelly, potion, somersaults: comparison, similarities and differences

In the article, you will learn about how and how dishes like Saltison, Zelts and jelly are different.

What is a jelly, jelly: definition

Slavic cuisine is very rich and there is an abundance of various dishes from vegetables, baking and, of course, meat in it. The jelly in Russian cuisine has its own name - "Studen". In the original, the jelly is prepared from beef meat, while jelly, from pork and even birds.

The jacket is usually called a meat dish that is served on a cold table. Studen should be cooked for a very long time until the meat becomes soft, and the broth is rich and rich. Such parts of the body of the carcass as the legs and head (previously peeled and scorched, washed in several waters) are added to the jelly.

Interesting: in the original “real” jelly there should be all 4 legs of the carcass and always the head with all the contents (including brains and tongue). In no case can you add gelatin to the jelly, in the composition of the beef lower leg and heads there are necessarily geling substances, which make it dense and thick.

The modern "jelly" is a folk name for a dish that has taken root purely associatively (after all, it is really cooled). Often, preparing a chicken dish, housewives add gelatin to it, since there are few substances that can thicken the mass in the bird.

Interesting: in Old Slavonic cuisine, only sweet berry drinks were called a cold, which was customary to drink cold.


What is Zelts and Saltison: Definition

Many do not distinguish between Saltison from a potion, but these two meat dishes have serious differences.

Saltison is a kind of sausage product that is customary to cook (cook) from pork giblets (heart, kidneys, tongue, lungs, liver). In the same time Zeltsit is cooked only from pork head (you can add fat in small quantities) and sewn up a pork stomach (natural shell).

Interesting: Saltsison is a name from Italian cuisine, while Zelts belongs to the Polish.


What is the difference between a jelly from a jelly, potion, somersaults: comparison, similarities and differences

The name of the dish What meat is used What parts of the carcass are used What does the dish look like
Saltsison Pork Giblets Pressed sausage
Zelts Pork Head A pressed lump
Jelly Beef Head and legs Pour into shape
Aspic Pork, chicken, beef, turkey Meat or gutted Pour into shape

Video: “Pig Zelts. Saltson from pork head "

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