What is the difference between marble beef and ordinary: what are the degrees of marbled?

What is the difference between marble beef and ordinary: what are the degrees of marbled?

Not so long ago, a new type of beef - marble in our country was widespread in our country. It is valued for tenderness and special, so to speak, a piquant taste.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Do I need to add sunflower oil, water to the marinade for barbecue?". You will learn how to marin the barbecue of beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and you will also find recipes for pickled onions to barbecue.

What is so special in the marble beef and how does it differ from the usual, familiar beef? Let's try to figure it out. Read further.

What is marble beef?

The difference between marble beef and ordinary
The difference between marble beef and ordinary

This is called marble meat for a special unique pattern that the fat layers form. Beef in the context of appearance resembles a natural stone.

I must say that you can’t get such a meat piece from a simple cow. For this, special conditions will be needed:

  • You need to choose the right breed. For the production of this type of meat, cows are suitable, which have a genetic predisposition to the development of layers (fat).
  • It is important to observe the technology of both feeding and cattle. The first six months - give milk, 10 months - walking in the pasture. In addition, they feed a grain mixture balanced and useful.
  • Farm is made after the animal is just in the stall for 4 months. That is, it will move little. These restrictions contribute to the formation of a characteristic pattern (vein) in meat.

I must say that marble beef can only be obtained from special breeds of cows, which are called meat. In the west of these animals on meat breeds and milk. In Russia, there is no such unit, therefore, we have almost no marble beef, with rare exceptions.

Video: how to find marble beef in the usual market

What is the difference between marble beef and ordinary beef?

As mentioned above, marble beef has a characteristic pattern. On the cut you can see many fat veins. Exactly the same “threads” of veins are available on a piece of marble. So, what is the difference between the marble beef and ordinary beef? Here are the main differences of this type of meat:


  • To obtain it, only bulls are used, and a specific breed.
  • For example, Sharolez or Hereford breed is great. They are genetically predisposed to the formation inside fibrous muscle "threads" of fat layers.
  • The conditions of detention must be specially provided. They will only help strengthen the genetic characteristics of animals. As a result, a refined delicacy is obtained.


  • To obtain marble beef, it is necessary to adhere to the conditions for growing livestock.
  • It is required to observe the feeding mode, walking, content in the stall, and even the face after a certain period of time after limiting in motion.


  • Thanks to fat veins, marble beef after cooking is never dry, as ordinary, since fat is melted and, as a result, the meat becomes delicate and juicy.
  • In addition, melted layers give the dish an exquisite aroma and a special taste. Any gourmet will say that in words it is not to be conveyed, we must try.


  • Before frying, a piece of such meat is kept in a special method. There are two ways of this process.
  • The first is dry. In this case, the meat is loaded into a salt tank. For several months, it matures in it with specific indicators of humidity and temperature.
  • The second method is wet. The meat is kept in a vacuum baca for three days or up to 2 weeks. During this period of time, it is impregnated with its own juices.

These are the main differences between beef marble from ordinary. And the marble beef itself varies in its degree. Read further.

What are the degrees of marbled beef?

Marble beef
Marble beef

The production of marble beef obeys strict regulations. It is selected before deliveries. It all depends on the quality, each cut is assigned its own individual number. The degree of marbling distinguishes four categories:

  1. Prime. This category has the best “marbling”. The layers are located evenly. The meat has high quality, it is very tender.
  2. Top Choice. He has less veins than Prime, but in the rest of the parameters is not much inferior.
  3. Choice. His layers are much smaller, considered a category of medium marbling.
  4. Select. It is considered a budget option. The vein is not enough, the taste is much more modest, in addition, its tenderness is also inferior to the previous categories, so it should be marched before cooking.

There is another category - Ribay, it is described below in the text. Read further.

The benefits of marble meat

Skeptics can say that fatty meat is harmful, and the marble beef is precisely characteristic of the presence of fat layers. Hence the conclusion - it is harmful. But the statement is wrong. The benefit is that the fat of this meat contains many trace elements such as Omega 3 and Omega 6. And they have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. In addition, its composition contains a large number of trace elements and vitamins, for example, AT 6. All this set of useful substances has a strengthening and healing effect on the body. The work of the heart and blood vessels improves, metabolism is accelerated, and the regulation of hormones improves.

  • In 100 grams of protein product 20 grams, and fat - only 10 grams. In this fat, all the necessary amino acids are present.
  • Calorie content of meatfor 100 g only 180 units.

Given that there is a large vitamin group in this meat, there are also vitamins - K, D, Eas well as many minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc., then it can be included in the food diet in treatment and for the prevention of a number of diseases:

  • Sach. Diabetes
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Hypertension
  • Hormonal dysfunction
  • Neuralgia

With its help, we can also strengthen weakened immunity. This is a very useful product.

Ribai Steak: What is it and why it is prepared only from marble meat?

Ribai steak It is prepared from the meat of the spatular part of the animal.

  • The beef is cut from the 6th to the 12th rib, a relatively thick layer. The steak turns out to be an oblong shape.
  • Ribai is cut from the bran made from the intersection of six muscles, and those muscles that are least involved in motion are taken. And this is important, since it is in these places that the largest amount of fat. And he melts when cooking, softening the fibers.
  • As a result, the meat becomes juicy and gets an indescribable taste.
  • The combination of delicate meat, juicy and soft, exquisite taste can only be obtained when cooking marble meat.

Therefore, in the preparation of ribai steaks, especially the classic version, only the meat of young bulls, which were grown using special, special technologies, are used. It is from these animals that marble meat can be obtained - an indescribable taste of the steak Ribai.

What else is made of marble beef: a list of dishes

Marble beef steak
Marble beef steak

The marble beef can be prepared in the oven, barbecue is made from it, they prepare it on the grill. From this meat, good chops are obtained, even Karpaccio and Tartar (Tatar meat dish). Actually, any standard meat dish can be prepared from marble beef. I want Schitzel - please, cutlets - no problem. You can make burgers, but you can steaks, in particular, the same Ribay. There is one interesting dish - Tibon steak in the marinade.

There are more than 100 meat beefs that can be prepared from marble beef. It is impossible to list everything. For example, in other articles on our website you will find such delicious recipes:

In conclusion, we can say that marble beef is a product rich in trace elements and amino acids. But the prices for this meat in our country are high. However, it is good that they began to do it with us. Production is expanding, which means that the volume of supplies will increase and prices will fall. This meat will become accessible to everyone, without exception.

Video: what is marble beef and how it gets

Video: Battle of steaks! (Marble beef against the usual)

Video: steak from ordinary (non -marble) beef / marble beef VS ordinary

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