Marble beef on the ribs: recipe

Marble beef on the ribs: recipe

Marble beef on the ribs: recipe

This is a truly festive dish. It looks beautiful on the table and simply serve the guests, cutting into separate ribs. In order for the beef to be juicy, and not dry and hard, you must first marin the meat. The marinade for beef is very simple: vegetable oil and a mixture of seasonings.

Ingredients for the preparation of marble beef on the ribs

  • A piece of beef on the ribs - 2.5 kg
  • Vegetable or olive oil, so that it does not grieve - 4 tablespoons
  • Salt, a mixture of peppers and fragrant herbs for beef (Oregano, rosemary, basil) - 1 teaspoon

How to cook a dish

  1. Be sure to wash the meat and get wet with paper towels.
  2. Grate a piece of salt, spices and pepper. Lubricate the meat with vegetable oil. Leave for pickling for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
  3. Then fry a piece of beef in the ribs in a pan with vegetable oil on both sides of 1-3 minutes over high heat. This is necessary so that the juices of the meat remain inside, making it juicy and tender, and do not leak with frying in the oven.
  4. Now the meat can be wrapped with a thread so that it retains the shape during baking.
  5. Pour a little vegetable oil into the prepared form and put a piece of meat down.
  6. Heat the oven in advance to 200 degrees.
  7. Put the meat in it for 20 minutes to make the meat well browned.
  8. Now wrap the meat in foil and put again in the oven for another 40-50 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 160 degrees.
  9. Every 30 minutes, check the readiness of the piece with a fork and knife. The meat is considered ready when juice flows from it when piercing it, not blood.
  10. When the meat is ready, take it out of the oven and leave it on the table for 15-20 minutes. Then you can serve to the table.

When serving, decorate a piece of meat with chopped basil or other herbs.

Marble beef on the ribs
Marble beef on the ribs

Video: marble beef steak

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