What is the difference between pancake flour and ordinary wheat?

What is the difference between pancake flour and ordinary wheat?

All about the pancake flour: how is different from the bakery, how to cook pancakes from it, what else can be prepared with pancake flour.

In this article, we will tell you how pancake flour differs from an ordinary wheat, for which dishes, in addition to pancakes, it is suitable, as well as about types of wheat flour. We will analyze for what dishes you need a senior flour, and when you can choose varieties and simpler.

All about wheat flour

Wheat flour - food raw materials obtained by grinding wheat grains, and vary into several types and types. Before considering how the pancake flour differs from the usual wheat, let's look at the types and types of wheat flour.

Differences in wheat flour by type:

  • Bakery, classic flour is the most common type, most widely used in everyday life. It is also used for baking bread;
  • Brill - type of flour raw materials, which consists of a mixture of wheat flour with additives;
  • Confectionery - type of flour raw materials, which consists of a mixture of wheat flour with additives for the preparation of cakes, cakes, confectionery;
  • Pasta - a special type of wheat flour and mixtures with rye, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc., is used exclusively for the manufacture of noodles, spaghetti, pasta.

The flour also differs in such characteristics:

  • Rude and thin grinding;
  • Solid, soft, whole grains;
  • Higher, first, second grades;
  • With the complement of sesame seeds, sarying, other additives.
The most popular types of flour
The most popular types of flour

What is the difference between pancake flour and ordinary wheat?

It is worth noting that pancake flour is always made of hard varieties of wheat, excellent quality and higher grade. The pricing policy of such raw materials is higher, but the result pleases even novice cooks. We figured out the types and types of flour from wheat, as well as that pancake flour is one of the types of wheat flour. We will analyze how the pancake flour differs from the usual wheat.

The composition of the pancake flour includes:

  • Actually wheat flour itself, the best quality;
  • The mandatory component of pancakes is a baking powder, or the baking one familiar to our grandmothers;
  • Dry milk - so that it is not necessary to look for fresh, and the quality cannot be distinguished;
  • Albumin is also called egg powder;
  • For sweetness and quality of dough sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Some types of vanillin and other additives.

It is worth noting that albumin is 100% ecological natural product obtained by drying eggs at high temperatures. Total, it turns out exclusively a dry residue. Dry milk is also made in the same way. Therefore, pancake flour refers to natural raw materials, which can be safely used in kitchens.

What is the difference between pancake flour and ordinary wheat?
What is the difference between pancake flour and ordinary wheat?

Pancake pancake pancake recipe

Tasty, dense, thin and elastic pancakes are the dream of every mistress. Thanks to the new types of flour, in which there is everything you need, it has become ten times easier and easier to cook. Having understood the question of how the pancake flour differs from the usual wheat, and now it is clear that to prepare pancakes with wheat flour, you need to add a lot of ingredients, but in order to prepare pancakes with pancake flour: enough:

  • Add water to the flour and stir (conveniently with a tester or mixer) until the consistency of liquid sour cream is obtained;
  • Add melted butter (you can also plant refined without smell);
  • We knock out the pan.
Pancake pancakes
Pancake pancakes

What can be cooked with pancake flour besides pancakes?

And in conclusion, analyzing the question of how the pancake flour differs from the usual wheat, let's look at what can be prepared with pancake flour, in addition to pancakes:

  • Biscuits:
  • Gingerbread gingerbread;
  • Pancakes;
  • Pancakes;
  • Custard cakes;
  • A lot of desserts that use cakes with wheat flour.

What is the difference between pancake flour and ordinary wheat: tips and recommendations

Irina: In everyday life, of course, I do not use pancake flour, why, when there is everything fresh. But my husband and friends are very loved, to get out into nature. So, there is pancake flour and a thin pancake - an ideal solution. Half an hour at the stake, and pancake pancake is ready. And you can come up with a lot of fillings!

Daria: Full -fledged purchases of products began to be done recently when she moved to the hostel from her parents. And, of course, by mixing a number of products, you can cook pancakes, as practice shows - the most delicious are obtained with pancake flour. I like that 2 minutes and the dough are ready, and most importantly, the dough that does not break when baking, and turns out without lumps. The guy thinks that I am a culinary specialist, and I am still an amator.

Want to know more about cooking, you may like our articles:

Video: 15 types of flour - which one to choose?

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