How does the chickpeas differ from ordinary peas in properties: what is it? What is the difference between the chickpeas from Masha, lentils?

How does the chickpeas differ from ordinary peas in properties: what is it? What is the difference between the chickpeas from Masha, lentils?

Legumes belong to products with a high content of fiber and vegetarian protein. Due to the presence of soluble fibers, a feeling of satiety for a long time remains for a long time. The nutrients present in their composition positively affect the blood cholesterol content, reduce blood pressure. As a result, the development of many serious pathological processes is prevented.

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In the past few years, popularity has increased nuta (Turkish, ram peas). This bean plant is common in Asian countries. Previously, the product was perceived as exotic, but now it can be found on the shelves in many retail outlets. Which legumes are better to use? What is the difference between the chickpeas from peas, Masha and lentils? This is described in detail below. Read further.

Nut: What is it?


Chickpeas - This is a product that is ideal for those who eat correctly and monitor the figure. On its basis, Falafel, Humus and other dishes of oriental cuisine are prepared. Since there is a lot of protein in the chube, it is used as an alternative to meat. Nutrition is approximately at the same level, but the fat content is reduced. Beans are included in the list of main ingredients for vegetarian recipes.

  • From Turkish peas, the body receives more than 80 nutrients, among them a large number of vitamins and minerals.
  • This is a source of high -quality protein and dietary fiber for normal digestion.
  • Due to low calorie content, it is allowed to include chickpeas in the diet when losing weight.

The most useful are the sprouted beans that help to improve and cleanse the body. They are used as part of the prevention of influenza and colds. With regular use, it is possible to reduce blood cholesterol. The chickpeas are boiled, fried, included in the composition of confectionery, canned foods, added to salads. Soups, vitamin cocktails, and pastes are prepared from beans.

What is the difference between the chickpeas from ordinary peas in properties?

Ordinary peas and rams, that is, chickpeas, are included in one family and properties are the same, but there are some differences. When using chickpeas, the gas formation process proceeds less actively.

  • It is difficult to say that it is more useful, because each person affects in different ways.
  • Ordinary peas contains more protein, is not suitable for people with poor digestibility of organic matter and disorders in the work of the bladder.
  • The chickpeas surpasses the “relative” in the content of nutrients for the coordinated work of the body and a long sense of saturation.
  • It has more vegetable fats than in ordinary peas, which affects calorie content.
  • This product is prepared longer, because The seeds are larger.

Depending on the variety of legumes, in Turkish peas about 19 g of protein per 100 g of product, and in the usual - 21-23 g. There are more amino acids in the top. Therefore, in terms of properties, these beans are closer to the meat.

What is the difference between the chickpeas and Masha?

Chickpeas differs from Masha
Chickpeas differs from Masha

The differences in the chemical composition of the chickpeas and Masha are insignificant. Each of the products contains Omega-6 and Omega-3. The calorie content of chickpeas is slightly higher than the nutritional value of Masha. The second type of legumes is richer than protein, but the difference is minimal. The taste of boiled chickpeas is oily, sprouted beans in raw -form resemble forest nuts. Mash taste close to young peas, it is just as juicy. The boiled product has a cream structure, similar to puree from beans.

  • Both for chickpeas and Masha are characterized by nutty aftertaste.
  • Useful properties are identical, high -quality protein.
  • If peas and chickpeas are pre -soaked, then the mash is cooked immediately. 50 minutes of heat treatment is enough.

Mash is crushed into flour, starch is obtained from it. Like the chickpeas, these beans can be added to snacks and salads, the first and second dishes. If you evaluate the load on the digestive system, the chickpeas are “heavier”. Mash contains more protein - 24 g.

What is the difference between the chickpeas from the lentils?

Lentils differ from chickpeas
Lentils differ from chickpeas

The cholepe contains more fats, so it is more calorie. There is more protein in lentils - in 100 g of a product 24 g of organic matter. That's what else is different:

  • The taste of chickpeas is neutral, the nutty taste is slightly expressed.
  • The lentil tastes, combines the taste of peas and beans.
  • It is added to salads, side dishes, soups, cereals, mashed potatoes.
  • The product helps to get rid of excess weight and normalize digestion.

If the chickpeas is soaked before cooking, then lentils do not need this. It is quickly boiled without preliminary preparation. Depending on the variety, it is enough to cook lentils from 10 to 45 minutes.

It is worth knowing: Such legumes can be soaked for 1-2 hours if they are unripe. So the product will cook faster and better.

The differences between the views of the legumes considered are insignificant. You should be guided by taste preferences and ease of preparation. Before purchasing beans, you need to evaluate their appearance, make sure that there are no spots, dents and other damage. The beneficial properties of the listed crops are common, the protein content is almost at the same level. The main thing is not to abuse, use legumes to the best and listen to your body.

Video: how Nut affects the female and male body, and this is what will happen if you replace it with peas

Video: How to cook chickpeas? Nutota mashed potatoes. Chickpeas or peas (what is the difference).

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