Turkish peas chickpeas - benefits and harm. Delicious dishes from Turkish peas chickpeas: recipes

Turkish peas chickpeas - benefits and harm. Delicious dishes from Turkish peas chickpeas: recipes

GOTO - peas with many beneficial trace elements and unique taste. It can be successfully combined with meat and vegetables, as well as add to salads.

Group is the benefit

Nut is not rarely called "Turkish peas" and even less often "lamb peas." However, humanity began to grow it for a very long time for eating. All because the chickpeas have many useful properties. Unfortunately, they grow it only in the Far East, where the most favorable conditions are for him.

This bean plant is recommended to include in its menu every day because it includes trace elements such as:

  • minerals
  • a lot of vitamins: groups B, C, E, A, R
  • fiber
  • fat
  • squirrels
  • amino acids

Important: if you conduct an accurate calculation of the nutrients of chickpeas, it can be noted that it contains more than 80 items.

The chickpeas is a low -calorie product, it contains only 120 kcal per hundred grams of weight. Amino acids that are in the chounten reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and are even capable of impede the obesity of the liver!

Peas chickpeas
peas chickpeas

Important: it is also known the same unique properties of chickpeas can significantly increase human performance throughout the day and even eliminate any depression.

It is interesting to know that this peas contains such a unique substance as selenium. Selenium is able to extend the youth of the body and even increase the activity of the brain. This trace element blocks the formation of cancer cells, which means there is an chickpeas - to prevent oncological diseases.

Chickpeas - bean plant
chickpeas - bean plant

Video: "Useful and therapeutic properties of chickpeas"

Nut is harm

GOTT is an excellent substitute for animal protein, which means that it is easily and enjoyed by vegetarians. Even avid raw foodists can use chickpeas, having previously soaked it in water.

But everyone should understand that having positive properties, he can have a negative impact for a person. The harmful qualities of peas include individual intolerance to this product by a person. Like all plants of the bean family, chickpeas causes excessive gas formation and flatulence in the intestines. However, this insignificant disadvantage can also be avoided if you add foods such as fennel or dill that help remove gases. Therefore, the chickpeas are contraindicated:

  • pregnant
  • nursing mothers
  • people suffering from intestinal diseases

How to cook chickpeas?

Boiled chickpeas are a delicious and healthy side dish. It goes well with meat, bird and other vegetables.

Important: in order to properly cook this peas, you need to clearly observe the proportions and you need about four liters of water for one glass of dry peas.

Before you start cooking peas, it must be thoroughly washed under running water. The washed chickpeas is left in the bowl and poured with several glasses of warm water, in which it will be soaked for at least four hours.

After that, the chickpeas is poured with water (about 3 liters per glass of peas) and an hour is cooked over low heat. As a result, you will get beautiful crumbly peas. It needs to be salt five minutes before the end. Rinse is not required.

Boiled chickpeas
boiled chickpeas

If you want to make porridge from the chickpe, you will have to leave the peas over low heat and cook it for about three hours, gradually adding water and mixing. Salt porridge also needs to be at the very end. Ready porridge is seasoned with vegetable oil and served. The structures of homogeneous mashed potatoes can be achieved using a blender.

nutota mashed potatoes

Video: How to cook and clean the chickpeas?

Soup with chickpeas

Soup with chickpeas is a very nutritious and hearty dish, it can be offered to children and adults. Due to the high content of vitamin C in this bean plant, we can safely say that it is a preventive medicine for influenza and infectious diseases.

Important: since the chickpeas are oriental peas, its preparation is often combined by lamb. But if you do not have the opportunity to purchase it, you can replace the ram of the broth with beef.

Pour 200 grams of chickpeas in the evening with water so that it stood in it until the morning. In the morning, put the broth. In a pan, prepare a roast of vegetables:

  • one onion in half rings
  • carrots 2 pcs, large circles
  • pepper 2 pcs, strips
  • tomato or tomato paste
Soup with chickpeas
soup with chickpeas

It is desirable to fry vegetables in butter. When the broth boils, remove the film and pour the chickpe. You need to cook the broth until cooking meat, each time removing the foam. When the meat was cooked enough, add the roasting to the pan and squeeze a couple of garlic cloves. Soup cook for another 20 minutes. In the plate, it is decorated with greens of parsley or cilantro.

Video: soup with chickpeas and lamb

Fry chickpeas

Those who have repeatedly fry chickpeas were able to notice that he may well be a substitute for popcorn. Frown Turkish peas can be made sweet and salty as desired. Pea fruits are beautiful, crispy and have a pleasant nut taste.

Be sure to soak the peas for one night in the water. If in the morning you try the chickpeas “on the tooth” and it bursts, this indicates that it can be frying. The chickpeas is eliminated from water dried on a towel. A refined oil is poured into a high pan (about 2 cm), a chickpeas is poured into a hot oil. It is necessary to fry it not in time, but until a pleasant golden crust is formed.

Like ordinary peas, chickpeas have the ability to “explode”, but only in those cases when you overshadowed it in a pan. Do not try to fry the peas properly if you feel the “first explosions” - this is a signal of readiness.

The fried chickpeas are assembled with a slotted spoon and laid out on paper towels, allowing to absorb excess fat. After that, peas are poured into the dishes and, depending on the preferences, is salted or sprinkled with sugar.

Fry chickpeas
fry chickpeas

Video: Fried chickpe - crispy snack

How to cook chickpe cutlets?

To prepare cutlets from chickpeas will need:

  • 200 grams of chickpeas
  • flour 1 tbsp
  • water
  • snem seeds
  • salt
  • coriander
  • black pepper
  • turmeric
Chick cutlets
chick cutlets

The chickpeas are previously soaked at night in the water. When by morning he softens it can easily be killed in a blender and get a puree shape. Add salt and spices to the mass, as well as flour that fasten all the ingredients. We form cutlets, roll them in sesame seeds and fry them in hot oil.

Video: Chick Cutiles

How to cook tasty chickpeas in the oven?

As in previous recipes, the chickpeas are previously soaked at night in water. A softened chickpeas can be tanned in spices to taste, but do not try to overprove or overclock. Use paprika, turmeric, coriander, a mixture of peppers, salt. Put chickpeas on parchment paper and bake at least half an hour at a low temperature of 160-180 degrees. The chickpeas can be baked separately, or can be combined with other vegetables. Often the chickpeas is cooked, sprinkled with cheese and mixing with other legumes: peas or beans.

Video: "Nut in the oven with broccoli"

Nut in a slow cooker

The multicooker makes it possible to cook chickpeas soft. A pre -soaked chickpeas at night is poured into the multicooker bowl and poured with water. Water should be about two fingers higher than the level of the pea. Salt, pepper to taste and teaspoon of brown seasonings are added to the bowl. You can also squeeze out three cloves of garlic in the garlic codium.

Nut in a slow cooker
Nut in a slow cooker

IMPORTANT: Preparing the chickpeas in a slow cooker should be in the "pilaf" mode. The timer should be installed for about two hours.

The chickpeas can be cooked separately, or you can successfully combine with other vegetables: cabbage, carrots, pepper.

Video: How to cook a chickpeas in a slow cooker?

How to cook chickpeas with lamb?

You will need you to prepare this fragrant and hearty dish:

  • baranina 300 gr
  • 1.5 cup chickpeas
  • garlic
  • three tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  • salt
  • parsley
  • olives
Nut with lamb
nut with lamb

The chickpeas are pre -soaked at night. Baranin is cut into small cubes. A little oil is poured into a cauldron or a pot with a thick bottom, or a high cast iron pan and the meat is laid out. When the meat in the process of frying acquires a white look, an chickpeas is added. The tomato is blatant with boiling water, cut into cubes and added to the cauldron along with whole cloves of one garlic. The dish languishes on fine heat for about two hours. 15 minutes before cooking, you can add olives. The dish is decorated with fresh herbs.

Video: chickpeas with lamb

How to cook chickpeas with chicken?

The chickpeas goes well with the chicken. You can use any meat, but the most beautiful and tasty pieces are obtained from the fillet. The meat is cut into cubes and bended at the bottom of the bowl of multicooker or pots with a thick bottom. Vegetable oil is added. In the “Extinguishing” mode, the meat languishes while you cut vegetables largely:

  • carrot
  • onion
  • bell pepper

Pour vegetables and pre -soaked chickpeas to the bowl. You can add turmeric or brown to taste, as well as garlic with whole cloves. Tominate the dish for no more than an hour.

Video: Chick with chicken

Nut with meat

The chickpeas can also be prepared with pork, beef and even a rabbit. Fry finely chopped meat in a pan until white, add vegetables to taste and pour pre -soaked chickpeas. Garlic can give piquancy. Very often, green olives are added to such dishes that replace salt and other seasonings. Add tomato juice, paste and a small amount of water to the pan. Super the dish an hour over low heat.

Video: Nut with meat in a young man

Nut with vegetables

Very often, amateurs cook chickpeas with various vegetables. Try to diversify the menu and cook vegetable stew with chickpeas. The multicooker is best prepared this dish, but you are not bad to cope with cooking and in an ordinary saucepan. Pour oil on the bottom and pour the vegetables that you like. Any is suitable: carrots, potatoes, beans, onions, cabbage and others. Soak the chickpeas in advance and also add to the total mass. Pour the stew with tomato juice or tomato paste diluted with water. Salt. Tomach the dish on no large heat for at least an hour.

Nut with vegetables
nut with vegetables

Chick paste

Chick paste will help to make a blender. To do this, you need to soak the peas for 12 hours. When he swells and becomes soft - pour it into the bowl and chop well. To the mass, you can add any spices to taste and olive oil. Paste should be salted with complete grinding. You can add any fragrant greens to the paste:

  • parsley
  • cilantro
  • basil
  • dill
Chick paste
chick paste

How to cook slat from chickpeas?

It turns out very tasty pilaf with the addition of chickpeas. It is best to use lamb to prepare a dish, but pork will become her excellent substitute. The meat is fried in a pan until white, then folded in a saucepan. In a roast of vegetables: onions, carrots, pepper, add a couple of cloves of squeezed garlic. Fold the frying in a saucepan and pour pre -soaked chickpeas. Cook the rice until half -cooked with the addition of turmeric, drain the water. Add the rice to the saucepan, mix all the contents. Add a small amount of water, season to taste.

Video: Pilaf in Uzbek with chickpeas

Salad with chickpeas

A very fresh and rich taste has a salad with chickpeas. Mix coarsely chopped vegetables:

  • tomato
  • cucumber (optional)
  • dill
  • green onions
  • blue onions

Season the salad with oil, add softened chickpeas and salt.

Salad with chickpeas
salad with chickpeas

Humus from chickpeas

Humus is a traditional Jewish chickpea dish. For cooking you will need:

  • chickpeas (two glasses)
  • sesame
  • caraway
  • walnut
  • olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • salt
  • garlic

You need to soak the chickpeas at night. Make soft beans with a blender. Add chopped nuts, spices and oil with squeezed garlic to the mass.

Propheted chickpeas

The germinated chickpeas is a very useful variety of ordinary. From it, you can successfully make a variety of fresh salads, combining with leaf greens and vegetables. Try to cook yourself such a salad:

  • leo rosa leaves
  • salad leaves
  • rugula
  • propheted chickpeas
  • greens
  • boiled egg
  • olive oil
  • olives
  • salt
Propheted chickpeas
propheted chickpeas

The salad leaves are torn with the hands and folded into the salad bowl, a germinated chickpeas, greens are added and mixed with butter. Salt to taste. On top of the salad is laid out into slices of cut boiled egg and olives.

Video: Salad with germinated chickpeas

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