How to cook delicious pea puree: recipe in a pan, oven, slow cooker. Soup with pea puree, pea soup-puree: step-by-step recipe. Best taste combinations of peas: List of products

How to cook delicious pea puree: recipe in a pan, oven, slow cooker. Soup with pea puree, pea soup-puree: step-by-step recipe. Best taste combinations of peas: List of products

In the article you will learn about how to cook puree from peas and what dishes can still be made from pea puree.

Puree from peas: cooking rules

Pea mashed potatoes are a very tasty and beloved dish from childhood. This dish can be a side dish, and it may quite perform independently, as a full meal with a salad of vegetables or sauce.

Peas are ideally combined with all types of meat and poultry, whether it is lean or fatty varieties. Peas have excellent taste and, as a rule, it is enough to salt and season it with butter so that it is tasty. However, many prefer to add a variety of spicy spices and seasonings.

Peas are an ideal replacement for potatoes, as it is much more useful and nutritious than the root crop. This is especially true for those who are trying to lose weight and lose weight! Those who want to diversify the classic pea mashed potatoes can prepare green peas, which has a lighter, pleasant and creamy taste.

An important condition for cooking peas is its preparation in advance. The fact is that peas requires mandatory preliminary soaking for several hours (best at night). Remember that this is important not only for its rapid cooking (the longer the peas are soaked, the faster it is cooked), but also so that this product does not cause abundant bloating and severity in a person.

The average time of cooking peas in mashed potatoes is 3 hours. But this does not mean that you can leave the peas to cook in a saucepan, and just take and leave. The peas must be constantly monitored, add water, if you need to interfere and interfere with regularly!

Interesting: if you want to diversify pea mashed potatoes, there is a way to give it an unusual taste shade. To do this, it is enough to fry the already soaked and dried peas in a hot pan in oil for about 2-3 minutes, and then put it to cook.

The best taste combinations of peas:

  • Meat
  • Smoked meats
  • Vegetables
  • Greens
  • Mushrooms
  • Butter and vegetable oil
  • Cheeses
  • Spices and spices
  • Garlic
Seeds of peas
Seeds of peas

How to cook pea mashed potatoes in a pan: recipe

There are three most common ways to cook peas and the most commonly used - this, of course, is cooking in a pan.

How to cook:

  • Soak the peas at night (it doesn't matter which you choose: yellow or green)
  • The next morning, drain the old water, rinse the peas again
  • Pour the peas into a saucepan, pour in clean water
  • Put on fire and wait for boiling
  • Snake water and add 1-2 small laurel leaves
  • It is not worth cooking peas under the lid, since thick foam will form on the surface of the water, which will push the lid and periodically flow out of the pan to the stove. This foam in the process of cooking is best removed with a spoon if possible.
  • Cooking peas is considered ready when it becomes completely soft. It is not very important whether the pea burst or not, its middle should not be hard!
  • Completely drain the water from the saucepan (there should be no liquid, otherwise the mashed potatoes will be very watery).
  • Then, right in the pan where Cooking was, pierce the peas with a blender (remove the bay leaf in advance) and add the oil.
  • As the pea cools, mashed potatoes will harden.
The pea puree
The pea puree

How to cook pea mashed potatoes in the oven: recipe

There is another very unusual, but very practical and convenient way to make peas puree. To do this, it should be boiled on the stove and baking in the oven!

How to cook:

  • For cooking, use a saucepan, but for baking you will need dishes with a thick bottom and walls, for example, a pot, cauldron or a ducklman.
  • First, soak the peas in advance (standard for several hours, the more - the better).
  • Pour soaked, washed peas again with water and set to cook for 30-40 minutes (no more), the fire should be moderate, add salt at will.
  • After short cooking, transfer the contents of the pan into a pot or cauldron and turn on the oven. Bake peas at 200 degrees. It should be kept in the oven for 1-1.5 hours and be sure to under a closed lid.
  • After baking, peas can be chopped in mashed potatoes and add oil and spices to it to taste.
Garnish from peas
Garnish from peas

How to cook pea mashed potatoes in a slow cooker: Recipe

If desired, you can also cook peas in a slow cooker, but you should remember that a small part of the peas should be cooked in the bowl. The thing is that when cooking it foams abundantly and the fenced mass can rise very high, flowing from the all kinds of slots of the multicooker. If you want to cook a lot of peas in a slow cooker, just do not close the lid.

How to cook:

  • Soak peas in advance for several hours or night
  • Rinse and sprinkle into a multicooker bowl
  • Pour fresh water, salt, add at the request of spices or bay leaf.
  • Turn on the “cook” mode with a closed lid
  • After 15 minutes, check if the foam appears abundantly on the surface
  • Mix the mass and cook for another 10-15 minutes
  • Check the peas regularly, stirring it every 15 minutes
  • Cooking time-50-60 minutes
  • After cooking, close the multicooker lid (if it was still open) and leave in this state until it cools
  • Then grind peas in mashed potatoes with a blender
Green peas: mashed potatoes
Green peas: mashed potatoes

Gorokhov puree soup: recipe step by step

There is a simple and quick way to cook pea soup! To do this, you will not have to scatter peas for a long time. The whole secret in pre -stored pea puree. You will need literally 4-5 tbsp. pea yellow or green mashed potatoes to get a delicious and nutritious soup!

What to prepare from products:

  • Smoked ribs -300 gr. (can be replaced with smoked legs or even hunting sausages).
  • Carrot -100 gr. (or one small pcs.)
  • Bulf -1 small
  • Potatoes -3-4 pcs. (It all depends on how large tubers)
  • Pea mash -5 tbsp. (yellow or green - not particularly important)
  • Garlic -1-2 tooth
  • Greens, spices -for your desire and discretion

How to cook pea soup:

  • Put smoked meat. If you use sausages, they should be fryed with a roast. It is enough to disassemble the chicken ham into pieces of meat, and cut the ribs into separate parts of 1 pc.
  • Cook smoked meats for about half an hour
  • During cooking, add a roast of carrots and onions, there in 1 min. Before the end of frying, you can squeeze the garlic teeth.
  • Cut the potatoes into small cubes in the classic way and add to the soup
  • Now it's time to add pea puree. It should be added by 1 tbsp. And thoroughly dissolve in the broth.
  • Soup is considered ready when the potato becomes soft. Add greens before serving.
Pea puree can be added to the soup
Pea puree can be added to the soup

How to cook pea puree soup: recipe

Another very tasty and fresh dish is a pea soup-puree. It is best made from green peas so that the soup turns out not only tasty and light, but also very fresh, as well as beautiful.

Interesting: such a dish is perfect for those who are trying to lose weight or do not eat meat (vegetarians). You can eat pea puree soup hot, warm and even cold.

How to cook:

  • Classic way to soak peas at night
  • In the morning, be sure to rinse (from excess dust and dirt)
  • Put it in a saucepan, flooded with fresh water
  • Cook for 60-80 minutes (depending on the level of fire), do not forget to regularly interfere and pour water.
  • Remember that this is not mashed potatoes, but soup-puree, which means that your water level should be much slurry. The consistency of the dish should remind you of a liquid sour cream or pancake dough.
  • While the peas are cooking, make a surge of 1 onion in butter (try not to fry).
  • After cooking, pierce the peas along with the roasting, squeeze out 1 garlic teeth.
  • In the warm mass, add butter or sour cream, spices to taste and spin finely greens.

Video: "Pea mashed potatoes: delicious and simple recipe"

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  1. I already want to eat, with ribs, please)))

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