Vysloukhay cat Scottish Fold: character, features, description of the breed, color, photo, reviews of the owners

Vysloukhay cat Scottish Fold: character, features, description of the breed, color, photo, reviews of the owners

Cute cats of the Scottish Fold breed are ideal for families with children and steam without children. This breed is so sweet that it is unlikely to leave someone indifferent.

History of the appearance of the Scottish Fold breed

  • Breed Scottish Fold Originally from Scotland, is highly popular all over the world and is rightfully considered one of the best export products of this country.
  • Obvious distinctive features This home breed, combined with the fact that they are well known as loving and rather comic companions, make the breed very popular. Scottish Fold - This is a home breed, the origin of which is caused by a natural mutation.

As a rule, the Scottish Visloux Kitten is much more expensive than most of the home breeds of cats can have serious health problems with improper care, but is distinguished by high intelligence and friendliness.

  • Initially Scottish berth cat She was a white barn cat named Suzi, who was found on a farm near Kipar-Angus in Peretshire, Scotland, in 1961. Susie’s ears were unusually bent in the middle, because of which she resembled an owl.
  • When Susie had kittens, two of them were born with folded ears, one of them was acquired by William Ross, a neighboring farmer and a fan of cats, who noticed such an unusual feature. Ross registered the breed in the Cat Fancy Council in the UK and, together with the geneticist Pat, Terner, began to breed Kottish-Fold kittens.
  • Breeding program allowed to get 76 kittens in the first three years - 42 with folded ears and 34 with straight ears. From this it was concluded that the mutation of the voting is due to a simple dominant genome; If one of the parents provides a straight ears gene, and the other parent provides a gene of folded ears, kittens will be with folded ears.
  • All representatives cat rock Scottish berth They have a common pedigree with Suzi, which is a guarantee of their origin, the quality of the line, and this is rarely found among thoroughbred animals.
  • Scottish Vysloguyy First appeared on the territory of the United States in 1971. And by 1975-77, most of the associations of cats in North America recognized and registered them as a new breed. They can be crossed with American short -haired and British short -haired ones.
  • It so happened that such a breed as Scottish Fold Not registered in the country of their origin, due to the fact that many people have considered a special shape of the ear predisposed to the development of ear infections or even hearing loss, as well as, due to those related to this, problems with cartilaginous joints.
  • Kittens of Scottish Visloukh They are born with absolutely ordinary straight ears. At the age of about three to four weeks, their ears form or not! Naturally, every breeder wants to have cats with folded ears.
  • However the offspring of Scottish Fold With straight ears, invaluable for the dilution program due to the presence of a healthier combination of genes.
  • Due to the fact that not every born kitten has folded ears, it is very difficult for breeders to satisfy the demand for this breed, which explains the high price for kittens.

Scottish Fold: description of the breed, character

  • By it's nature, the Scottish cat is affectionate and focused on humans. It can easily adapt to any size of the family, while people treat her correctly and devote enough time to her daily.
  • Her i don't like to stay alone, so make sure that you have time for a cat if you have accepted it or just plan to accept the near future.
  • Usually cats not very friendly In relation to children, due to the fact that children often hurt them. But if you see that children respectfully and politely relate to pets, then this cat will never harm them, and even make a company in games and entertainment.
Do not like it when they are offended
Do not like it when they are offended
  • If you are looking for a polite cat, then this the breed is perfectsince she does not make many loud sounds. The sound of her voice is quite weak compared to her physical size and weight.
  • One of the interesting ones features to Scottish Fold, In addition to a unique appearance, its owners note a ridiculous habit of taking strange poses - lying on the floor like a small frog, sitting, as if it were a dimensions in the program about nature. Or lie on your back with your paws up.
Funny poses
Funny poses
  • Being a social type, cats of this breed are very fond of sitting on their knees or next to their owners. If you cannot sit with a pet, you must be attentive and carefulsince they like to follow you all over the house.
  • Usually, this is expressed in the fact that they are confused at your feet when walking Or wearing something difficult. But they do it without evil intent, and, like any other cat, for two reasons: curiosity and willingness to help. Or, more likely, in order to be involved in your daily activities.
  • Scottish berth is very curious in nature. Most often they open the cabinets and examine every corner of the house and yard. They can do this for entertainment, from boredom or just to eat. They are also quite tenacious in nature and without hesitation will be stolen from your plate, if such an opportunity present. However, them insatiable appetite It can also turn against them, and result in obesity.

Vyslohay cat Scottish Fold: Health

  • How purebred thoroughbred cats, so cats-meters are highly likely to encounter various health problems caused, mainly by changes at the genetic level.
  • Average life expectancy Representatives of this breed are from 11 to 15 years. Nevertheless, you must provide all ordinary vaccines for domestic cats, preventive veterinary treatment and examinations.

Problems that can affect the quality of life Scottish Fold are divided into three groups:

  • Degenerative joint disease, Especially in the tail, as well as in the ankle and knee joints, causing pain or poor mobility. It is important to carefully handle the tail if it has stiffness.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, One of the forms of cardiovascular diseases was seen in the breed, but it has not yet been proven that it is a hereditary form of the disease.
  • Polycystic kidney disease - This is a condition in which normal renal tissue is replaced by cysts that violate the renal function and ultimately ending with the renal failure and death of a cat. Not all cats are susceptible to it, but the polycystic kidney disease is a widely known problem in the cats of the Scottish Visloukhai breed, therefore, if you plan to buy a kitten with a Scottish Vislowea, it is very important that you request certificates of genetic tests for parental cats.
Symptoms and view
Symptoms and view

Vysloukhay cat Scottish Fold: food, diet

  • Cat breed Scottish - This is the breed that we all know and love, but do we know enough about what kind of food they should eat? Do not let yourself be fooled with cute buttons and charming flattened noses, these bizarre cats are in their nature cruel predators, and their diet should take this into account.
  • Perfect diet for attractive Scottish Fold It includes a lot of protein and very few carbohydrates. This should be a mixture of wet and dry food, and you better invest in high -quality food purchased wholesale, otherwise you will have to pay dearly to the veterinarian for treatment.

The main reasons why you need to be especially careful with the diet of the Scottish Vysloween of the cat are the following:

  • As a breed, they are actually still very closely connected with their wild ancestors of the panthers
  • Although they are visually different, their digestive system is almost the same as their ancestors
  • They have a sensitive digestive system, and she often does not respond well to carbohydrates
  • They need to eat mainly meat, cartilage and bones
  • Homemade cats lead a sedentary lifestyle, in comparison with cats in the wild.

Obesity is a serious risk, and you can be late with the detection of the problem, since Scottish Fold is a naturally rounded cat with soft outlines. It is extremely difficult to force the Scottish Visloux cat to lose weight without spending a fortune on specialized products, so you need to focus on prevention, and not on treatment.

  • Dry food It is an excellent resource, because it is well stored, takes up little space, it is easy to use, it is less dirty and does not smell like humid food - but with some precautions.
  • Dry food cannot be the only food that you feed your Scottish Fold. Most likely, like most cats, your pet does not want to drink a lot of water.
  • Cats are accustomed to a wild diet and get most of the moisture they need from fresh, raw meat, so they simply do not have instinct to go to the river and often drink.
  • Ideally, you must use combination of dry food, wet food, fresh meat and insides, To feed your Scottish pet.

The best dry food should be in its composition:

  • As much protein as possible, ideally more than 30%.
  • The fewer carbohydrates, the better.
  • Meat and organs are indicated among the first ingredients.
  • Filler, such as grain or potatoes.
  • All the necessary vitamins and minerals, cats and kittens are especially necessary for Taurin.

Wet food should also be part of a cat’s daily diet, especially if you do not feed it with fresh home meat.

  • This will allow for a long time Contain your cat Happy, will support the necessary level of moisture saturation, and is as close as possible to its natural wild diet.
  • Useful advice for humid foods is to look for more or less high protein content, what are you looking for a pet in dry food. Do not expect the achievement of the same high percentage, since the moisture content completely changes the proportions of the ingredients. But strive for quality, and not for savings, when possible.
  • Take into account what is better feed the pet smaller portions, but with high -quality food than a larger amount of less high quality.
Need to be fed only high quality
Need to be fed only high quality
  • You should not ignore additional treats for your cat breeds Scottish Fold, Since they are an amazingly useful tool in your arsenal, regardless of whether you bring a kitten home or adopt an adult cat.
  • They can be used in training to persuade sick or reluctant cats to return to food, learn tricks and just for common fun and fraud.

Vyslohay cat Scottish Fold: Care

  • Comb the weekly the wool of the Scottish VisloweonTo remove dead hairs and evenly distribute the natural lubricant for the skin. Long -haired pets need to be combed even once a week to avoid the occurrence of "balls" of fallen wool.
  • Bright your teeth, in order to prevent the development of periodontal disease. Daily oral hygiene is ideal, but even weekly cleaning is better than nothing. Therefore, regularity is important in the issue of teeth care.
  • Cut your nails Every couple of weeks.

To avoid the main ailments and strengthen immunity, regular vaccination of the animal is required.

  • Wipe eye corners with a soft damp clothto remove any discharge. Use a separate section of fabric for each eye to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Check your ears weekly, especially if they are folded tightly. If they look dirty, wipe them with an ear stick or a soft, wet cloth moistened with a mixture of 50/50 apple cider vinegar and warm water. Avoid the use of cotton swabs that can damage the inner part of the ear.
  • Keep the toilet tray Scottish Fold clean. Cats are very attentive to the hygiene of the restroom, and the clean tray will contribute to the preservation of the coat in cleanliness.
  • A good idea will be contained by Scottish Fold exclusively in the room, sometimes walking on clean lawns or in the park to protect the pet from diseases distributed by other cats, dog attacks and other dangers that cats face (these are insects and the effect of not quite comfortable temperature , and so on in the same spirit). Scottish Fold, who go outside, also risk being stolen by someone who would like to have such a beautiful cat without paying for it.
We clean the ears
We clean the ears

Vysloukhay cat Scottish Fold: Color

They come in a variety of colors (they can differ slightly depending on the length of the wool), including:

  • Continuous colors - Including the original purely white, black, blue, red and cream.
  • "Shaded" or "smoked" colors - (a lighter undercoat and a dark “lover” color on the outer layer of a fur coat). Including silver, gold, chinchilla, camera, black and blue.
  • Striped Tabby - Including red, brown, silver and blue striped, as well as mackerel, spotted, marked with tags, patches and many other flowers/Tabby patterns. (This type of color is considered to be the original color of the cats, that is, wild).
  • Calico - represented by spots of brown, yellowish and golden shades on a white background.
  • Blue-cream color, is also known as “diluted tortoise”, where the blue shade of spots replaces the black, and the cream replaces the redhead, thereby giving a special charm.
  • Two -color - White with clear spots of black, blue, red or creamy colors.
  • There are also other colors, such as lavender, chocolate or colored "points" (such as the Himalayan, Persian or Siamese breeds).

The color of the skin of the eyes and nose/paws also varies and must correspond to the dominant color of the wool.

  • With small ears like a cap on a rounded head, Scottish Fold is often described as an owl. The ears differ in appearance: Maybe from one fold, bent forward at about half the height of the ear, to a double fold, a slightly denser, and triple, tightly adjacent to the head, which is desirable for exhibition cats.
A variety of colors
A variety of colors
  • Widely open eyes look at the world with a sweet expression on the face. The middle size body is rounded, completed by the tail from medium to long, which sometimes ends with a rounded tip.
  • At a short -haired Scottish Vyseroye cat The fur is thick, a plush, shiny and soft, resembles the touch. The long-haired appearance has a medium-one or long wool with trousers (longer wool on the upper thighs), a bundle of wool between the fingers on the legs, a “operated” tail and bundles of wool on the ears. He can also have a ruff around his neck.

Vysloukhay cat Scottish Fold: Features of relations with others

  • Friendly, laid -back Scottish Fold - suitable choice for families with children and cats. He loves the attention that he receives from children , But only those who treat him politely and respect him, he loves to play and is able to learn tricks.
  • He also gets along well with other pets, including cats, thanks to his natural friendliness. It is only necessary to pre -introduce pets slowly and in controlled conditions so that they learn to get along with each other.

Vyslohay cat Scottish Fold: Reviews

  • Julia, Pemza:The kitten was bought at the age of 1.5 months and its price was equal to the annual subscription to a decent fitness complex. But Milashka impressed. The kitten was incredibly jumping and amazingly active. I climbed the cornices, bit, jumped on furniture of any height, and sometimes even managed to walk along the walls. However, since childhood I had health problems, almost that food - constipation, then problems began with the cross -country ability of urinary channels. However, periodic walks in the air, where the cat eats grass, was the salvation. With the advent of the child, the cat was very jealous. But when the daughter grew up, they became very friends, and the cat allows herself to squeeze in every way, does not run away and does not scratch, loves to play with his daughter.
  • Ksenia, Moscow: The cat was bought from breeders quite expensive, but thanks to them, they told in detail about the necessary vaccinations and nutrition of the kitten, this saved us from many problems. The kitten was easy to accustom to the tray, the first time I understood everything. Very picky in food. There are few of the usual products can be fed. The cat, although short -haired, but the coat is dense, requires combing. He does not like to wash. He sleeps a lot, often in funny and even strange poses. Extremely jealous, and does not like at all when they take him in his hands or stroke - breaks out and immediately licks himself.
  • Mikhail, Ufa:My wife and I bought a cat a mustache at the age of 3 months, with all vaccinations, metrics and a passport. She is a beauty! The color of the gold marble, the fur is dense, plush with red and black, almost tiger, stripes, the eyes are green, the ears are tightly pressed to the head. I got used to the tray quickly, feed specialized food. The cat’s disposition is very companion, if the wife prepares in the kitchen - Usya watches the process from the windowsill, if she removes, the cat does not leave, even looks into the bathroom when the hostess was washed. From the toys loves a fishing rod and a laser pointer, and even from everywhere he manages to get cotton wheels and rushes around with them in an apartment.

Video: Description of the Scottish Fold breed

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