Why does the cat breathe like a dog sticking out a tongue?

Why does the cat breathe like a dog sticking out a tongue?

The reasons why the cat breathes with his mouth like a dog.

They say that the cat walks on its own. This is partly the right statement, but in most cases, fluffy pets simply adore home comfort. In this article we will tell you why the cat breathes with an open mouth, sticking out the tongue. 

Why does the cat breathe like a dog?

In general, such breathing is unusual for cats. Usually they breathe through the nose. They have less often than dogs happen when they breathe intermittently, opening their mouths. However, there are reasons why the cat can breathe with an open mouth, and they are not always a sign of pathology. 

In most cases, these are physiological reasons characteristic of dogs. When to worry is not worth it? It is necessary to discard excitement if such breathing is caused by physiological causes. 

Why does the cat breathe like a dog:

  • The female is preparing to become a mother. Before childbirth, the animal can indeed open the mouth wide, stick out the tongue. 
  • Increased temperature in the room. That is, during the heat, the animal can also inhale with a wide open mouth and intermittently. In this case, bring the animal from the street home, or, on the contrary, take it out for a walk. Make sure to cool the place where the cat lives. Remember that animals, like people, can have a thermal blow. Therefore, an increase in temperature for a long period of time can harm the animal. 
  • Active games. If your animal froze, had fun, ran, rode on the curtains, then there is nothing surprising in such breath. The animal spent a lot of effort, so a lot of oxygen is required to restore the body's functioning. Therefore, the animal inhales, opening the mouth and sticking out the tongue. 
  • Stress. If the animal was frightened, uninvited guests came to your house, then such breathing is understandable. Try to calm the animal, stroke it, pick it up. Let him jump onto a high sideboard, hide there. 
Cute cat
Cute cat

The cat opens his mouth and breathes like a dog: reasons

There are pathological reasons that require the intervention of the doctor.

The cat opens his mouth and breathes like a dog, reasons:

  • If you notice that frequent breathing with an open mouth and a lean tongue in a cat is in no way connected with stress or an increase in ambient temperature, observe how long this happens.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to related symptoms. Among which there may be vomiting, nausea, loss of coordination of movements, wheezing. In most cases, cats inhale so, When foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract.
  • It can be wool, food remnants. This often happens if the pet eats very quickly, tries to quickly get enough. 

Why does the cat stick out the tongue and often breathes?

Frequent breathing with an open mouth can be triggered by the wool in the respiratory tract.

Why the cat sticks out the tongue and often breathes:

  • Cats can lick a long period of time, clean, so wools fall into the respiratory tract.
  • In this case, the animal may begin to cough, it hasappear Evals. 
  • In most cases, the nature stipulates that the pet simply gets rid of part of the wool from the respiratory tract and intestines. 

Why does the cat breathe like a dog with your mouth?

The pet may have a violation of the brain. There is really a center in the brain that is responsible for the breath of the animal.

Why does the cat breathe like a dog with his mouth:

  • Therefore, with its lesions, breathing may be disturbed. This usually happens as a result of benign and malignant tumors in the head, or after blows.
  • Therefore, if your pet recently jumped from the cabinet, fell, hit his head, it is quite possible that the violation of breathing is provoked by head injury. This requires a doctor’s consultation and treatment. 
  • The cat can inhale with an open mouth due to worms infection. Some parasites live in the lungs, secreting a large number of toxins and poisoning the animal's body. Therefore, the pet is trying to clench toxins. 

The cat breathes with sticking out the tongue - what to do?

Often, heavy breathing with a stuck tongue is observed if the cat has ribs broken. Perhaps this happened during an active walk, or pampering. Cats, despite their plasticity, can also fall and break the ribs.

The cat breathes sticking out the tongue, what to do:

  • In this case, look at the deformation of the chest and the presence of other damage. However, there may be more serious symptoms, which are indicated by severe breathing with an open mouth.
  • If your animal has caught a cold, it may accumulate mucous discharge in the nose. That is why breathing through the nasal passages is impossible, respectively, the cat inhales with the mouth.
  • It is necessary to treat the cold in the animal. The infection can move from the upper respiratory tract to the lower. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of bronchitis or pneumonia. 
The kitten is tired
The kitten is tired

Why does the cat often breathe during sexual hunting?

Often the cause of the open mouth may be estrus, or sexual hunting. In females and males, hormones rage at this time, a huge amount is released into the blood, which can increase blood pressure, increase breathing. Therefore, do not be surprised if your cat breathes an open mouth with an open mouth in a period of estrus.

   Why the cat often breathes during sexual hunting:

  • But there may be very serious reasons for breathing with the mouth of a cat. Among them can be distinguishedoncological ailments. A cough with mucous, purulent and bloody discharge may be observed. In this case, you must contact the doctor. 
  • Scientists have proven that obesity cats can also breathe with an open mouth. In the same way as thick people have shortness of breath, and heavy breathing with obesity, the cats happen the same. It is difficult for them to perform even the simplest physical activity, which in turn leads to heavy breathing, the cat is forced to open his mouth and stick out his tongue. 
  • In some diseases of the liver, kidneys, as well as an excretory system, there may be breathing with an open mouth. This is usually observed with pyelonephritis, or severe impaired liver.

If you notice that your pet is breathing with an open mouth, but he has no other symptoms, and heavy breathing is associated with physical activity, there are no reasons for concern. However, if the animal breathes for several hours or even days with an open mouth and a slippered tongue, this is an occasion urgently contact the veterinarian. Perhaps, with timely contacting the doctor, you will be able to save the pet from imminent death. 

Video: Cat breathes like a dog

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