A person repeats the same action several times: the signs of what disease? How to stop doing the same action: specialists' advice

A person repeats the same action several times: the signs of what disease? How to stop doing the same action: specialists' advice

If a person repeats the same action several times, then this is a disorder of the psyche, subconscious. Read more in the article.

There are many different nervous disorders. We don’t even think that we are performing certain unusual actions, and this may indicate the beginning of the development of phobia. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - These are obsessive thoughts, phrases, memories, etc.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Aleksitimiy personality is a myth or reality". You will find this concept in simple words, problems from a scientific point of view, as well as features, reasons, how to treat.

From this article you will find out the signs of what disease, when a person repeats the same action several times. Also learn to help yourself or other people with OCD. Read further.

Signs of what disease, when a person repeats the same action several times: OCR - what is it?

There are many imaginary people in the world, with a weak psyche who are difficult to make a decision and not rush from one action to another. Signs of what disease, when a person repeats the same action several times?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCR - a state in which obsessive thoughts, actions, phrases, memories, words arise that can interfere with the normal life of the body, phobias can develop over time.

Although a person tries to get rid of annoying thoughts with the help of the same obsessive actions (compulsions), but he cannot. With OCD, both obsessive thoughts (obsessions) and actions (compulsions) can appear. Both women and men are equally subject to such a disorder. OCD develops slowly, more often always begins in adolescence or youth, and every year the disease progresses.

Symptoms and behavior of patients with OCD, which repeat the same action several times: clinical picture

Symptoms and behavior of patients with OCR
Symptoms and behavior of patients with OCR

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder are imaginary. Here is the behavior of patients Okr - Clinical picture:

  • It is difficult for such people to make a decision.
  • In their heads, they are rushing from one thought to another, they cannot choose the best option for themselves, sometimes they sharply decide, which immediately becomes noticeable against the background of their calm behavior.
  • When a person’s obsession is worried about the thoughts, ideas, and memories that he try to fight, constantly entering the head.
  • During compulsion, a person wants to prevent any event that should occur, mainly absurd actions, not carrying any sense.

It is difficult for such a person to get along with them, he suffers from their abundance, unsuccessfully fights them. How to recognize whether a person has OCR or not?

There are symptoms by which this type of disease can be differentiated:

  • Cyclic often repeated actions, which are of a certain nature
  • Obsessive same type of thoughts
  • Anxiety and fear due to repeating thoughts

A typical example Okr There is a fear of getting dirty. A person will constantly wash his hands after contact with any subject. Discomfort and obsessive thoughts will be tested in order to get at least some kind of relief a person washes endlessly, disinfects the skin. But this briefly facilitates him consciousness from these repeating thoughts. Sick Okr It may be aware that the hands are clean, but it will still go and wash so that it is calm. Such people want to find peace and tranquility in their minds, but they cannot, they are not able to fight such thoughts and actions, at least on their own.

Obsessions in people's illness who repeat the same action several times

Sick Okr The obsessive unpleasant thoughts or obsessions that make a person irritable are constantly persecuted. Absolutely any event can cause these thoughts:

  • Cough of a stranger
  • A closely standing person
  • Closed space
  • Insects
  • Touching a common use subject

But most often attacks Okr They begin in a public place with a large accumulation of people, since there are many provoking factors. The patient can focus on any of them.

Compulsions for the disease OKR

To combat obsessions in the disease of the OCD, the patient takes actions called compulsions. Thanks to such actions, a person tries to get rid of obsessive ideas and feel less alarming. For example, constant wash of the hands, acceptance of a shower, check whether the equipment is turned off from the outlet, whether the taps in the house are turned off, the door is closed, repeating behavior a certain number of times.

Sometimes to remove this anxiety, the patient needs to repeat the actions repeatedly. For example, turn off the light three times or block the valves in the bathroom so that the obsessive thoughts retreat. And so it happens, they leave, temporary relief comes, but soon it disappears. These are thoughts that interfere with living, affect a person’s behavior.

What are the causes of the disease, in which people repeat the same action several times

People who repeat the same action several times often with high intellect
People who repeat the same action several times often with high intellect

To cure any disease, you need to know why it arose, that is, the cause. In the occurrence of a disease Okr They can play the role:

  • Genetic predisposition, OCR is inherited.
  • Constant stress is the most common reason for the development of OCD.
  • The lack of hormone of happiness and good mood is serotonin.
  • Life shocks that make you radically change your lifestyle.
  • Excelled requirements for oneself, perfectionism and pedantry.
  • Education in a family where parents require the achievement of any high standards of behavior.

Many people Okr It is not the only mental illness. It can occur together with such pathologies:

  • Bipolar or depressive disorder - 63%
  • Anxious disorder - 76%
  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder 20-30%

About half of the patients Okr Think of suicide, and 1/4 Of these, he makes suicide attempts. The risk that a person wants to do something with himself increases if there is also depression.

The course of the disease when a person repeats the same action several times

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to achieve a complete cure, but it is possible to stabilize the condition for a long time. It also depends on the severity of the disease.

  • With light forms Okr It is treated at home and successfully quite successfully, the outlines of the symptoms can occur after 1-5 years.
  • Heavier shapes OkrFor example, phobias of acute objects, infection, pollution, frequent rituals, on the contrary, can be resistant to treatment, a tendency to relapse may occur.

If the dynamics of treatment is negative, this indicates a complication of the clinical picture of the disease as a whole.

How to stop doing the same action in the disease of the OKR: Specialists' Councils

The specialist knows how to stop making the same action
The specialist knows how to stop making the same action

In case of illness Okr There is a cycle:

  1. An obsessive thought arises
  2. Nervousness, anxiety and fear increase
  3. Compulsion in order to alleviate the condition
  4. Short -term relief
  5. Feeling of guilt, inferiority

And so in a circle. To stop doing the same action, you need to do the following:

  • Do not let this cycle move.
  • That is, you need to eradicate the cause on the first points.
  • Try to work out your thoughts alone with yourself or with a specialist.

Here are the advice of specialists:

  • If obsessive thoughts arise, do not rush to drive them away, but on the contrary you can write them on a sheet of paper or a recorder, and then re -read or listen. Do it regularly 30 minutes daily. So you can work out these thoughts, understand what is the reason for their occurrence and fight it. Do not succumb to compulsions.
  • If an alarming state occurs, alcohol will only aggravate it. He dulls consciousness, a person relaxes, but the problem remains, impenetrated thoughts are accumulating like a snowball. If they are constantly sprinkled with alcohol, besides Okr You can also acquire alcohol dependence. Two diseases are twice as difficult to cure.
  • Find a mentor in the person of an experienced psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

The specialist will definitely help or send along the right path, because Okr A fairly common disease, experienced specialists have more than once faced such a diagnosis.

Video: obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): treatment, signs and symptoms of obsessive neurosis

PROCESS in Disease OKR

In the treatment of the disease Okr in 2/3 of cases A positive dynamics of the development of the disease begins during the year. Specialists give good forecasts. If the disease progresses for more than a year, then the dynamics will be observed, that is, there will be both exacerbations and long periods of improvement of health. If the disease is not fully treated, there is constant stress in the patient’s life - you can not think about positive dynamics. Working with consciousness is a very difficult process in which you need to make every effort to reach the remission of the disease.

Video: People with OKR | Unknown questions

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