Methods of meditation for relaxation of the psyche: mantras, sutras, auto -training technique, visualization, breathing

Methods of meditation for relaxation of the psyche: mantras, sutras, auto -training technique, visualization, breathing

Instructions for meditation to relax the psyche.

Meditation is a great way to relax, get rid of obsessive thoughts. It is wandering thoughts in our heads that they do not give rest, causing anxiety, as well as stress and depression. In this article, we will talk about the methods of meditation and their healing properties.

Methods of meditation: review

There are many options for meditation. Their fundamental difference is that it is necessary to concentrate on different objects.

Review of meditation methods:

  • Visualization technique
  • Breathing control technique
  • European version - auto -training
  • Concentration on a specific subject

Meditation for the relaxation of the psyche: auto -training, visualization, breathing technique


  • In technology visualization During relaxation, it is necessary to represent yourself healthy, strong, rich. It is the way you want to see yourself. That is, if you have problems with some body, it is necessary to imagine that this organ is healthy and direct positive energy to it.
  • There is another technique that offers stop your attention not on the presentation of any subject, but on physiological sensations. Very often, meditation is combined with various muscle tension. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately strain a certain muscle group, and then sharply relax. It is on these muscles that it is necessary to constantly concentrate your attention, as well as on your sensations. Thus, you yourself direct thoughts in the right direction. That is, now they do not wander. You have a specific task - you control the state of the muscles of your body.
  • Oddly enough, but the European version of meditation is simple auto -training. It is necessary to lie down, relax, close my eyes and repeat aloud: "I am calm, free, my body relaxes, problems leave." This is a great option that will allow you to relax and establish a psychological state.
  • Also, a great option for meditation is the use concentration of attention on breathing. Thus, all your thoughts are concentrated on how you breathe. It is necessary to take in a breath in 4 accounts, exhale at 8 accounts. In this case, inhale is made through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Gradually, it is necessary to add a holding of breathing for 4-10 seconds between the breaths. Such exercises will help to saturate the body with oxygen, as well as improve the functioning of internal organs. In addition, they will allow concentration exclusively on breathing, thereby distracting from other problems that can disturb a person.
  • Another simple way of meditation is to use visualization, but at the same time you do not need to imagine anything. It is necessary to focus on a specific subject. To do this, turn off all light sources in the room, close the curtains and put a candle on the table. To light it up, get comfortable. The lotus posture is suitable. It is necessary to observe the flame of the candle, peering into the fire. There is no need to think about anything. It is necessary to constantly look at the candle and blink as little as possible. If you can’t blink for a long time, but tears appear in your eyes, this is a good sign. He says that you have relaxed enough.

Meditation relaxation: sutras, mantras and sound

In the classic version of meditation, sutras are often used. This is a special verbal support of the process. But there is no need to pronounce words out loud. All of them are pronounced to themselves. This is a kind of sound accompaniment in your head. It sounds something like this:

“I am light and calm, I go well through life. Nothing is nervous, I am absolutely calm and healthy. ”

Specially selected music during meditation also contributes to the relaxation and strengthening of the process.

Excellent accompaniment meditation can be mantras. These are certain sounds that will help you tune in to a wave of relaxation and concentration of attention. At the same time, it is possible to completely relax and get away from all problems. Only the sounds that you hear are the main ones. Thoughts leave you and you relax.

Video: Mantras for meditation

There are many options that will allow you to relax after meditation. The main options are the use of visualization. It is necessary to lie on the floor, legs and arms extended. Hands at the seams, you need to close your eyes. Breathe slowly. Initially, this can be done under the expense, that is, combine the concentration of attention on the account, and then visualization. As soon as your breathing becomes smooth, relaxed, you can proceed to visualization.


Visualization technique using a sutra:

  • Imagine that you are lying in a green meadow, on fresh, soft grass. Breathe slowly, look at the clouds, blue sky
  • A butterfly sat on your chest. Try to breathe even more slowly so as not to frighten off the insect
  • Imagine that hares are running along the lawn, on the trees of birds that sing melodic songs. Admire all this, relax
  • Go away from all problems, enjoying the beauty of the meadow. Do not rush to quickly stop meditation. It is necessary to get out of a state slowly and gradually
Kundalini meditation
Kundalini meditation

Meditating is very simple. You can use European or Indian technology. It all depends on your preferences and desires. These techniques ultimately differ little, because they allow you to achieve complete relaxation.

Video: Music for meditation

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