Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCR): what is it, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCR): what is it, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Symptoms, causes and methods of treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Mental abnormalities are found in both adults and children. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms of the OCD and the methods of its treatment.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder that it is simple

Country-compulsive disorder is a mental disorder, which is characterized by the presence of stereotypical thoughts and actions. The number of people suffering from the disease is 1-3%. This disease is suffered by both men and women, while the first manifestations of the disease occur in adolescence. 

Compulsions can manifest themselves with symbolic actions, and more complex manipulations. Sometimes patients have prohibitions on a number of certain actions. The patient can consider steps to determine whether success awaits him today, or failure. The patient walks only on the left side of the sidewalk, and the door opens exclusively with his left hand. Stereotypical movements may occur, for example, pulling out hair, plucking eyelashes, gnawing nails. This is due to the deviations of the psyche that require differentiation and diagnosis of a doctor. 

The main problem of obsessive-compulsive behavior in the presence of complications. If you do not cope with the disease, this leads to the accession of other mental pathologies. If there is no correction of certain actions, depressive and alarming thoughts arise. A person cannot get rid of stereotypical thoughts, movements. Often, patients try to drown out strange thoughts by drinking alcohol, drugs. 

Obsessive states
Obsessive states

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: causes

Several reasons for the appearance of the disease are distinguished

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, causes:

  • Biological. These are the ailments of the brain obtained as a result of incorrect birth, or as a result of the features of the anatomical structure, the autonomic system. Also, at risk are people with disorders of the metabolism of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. 
  • There is confirmation of influence genetic factors. That is, the disease is inherited. There are psychological theories of the appearance of the disease. This is a kind of tool to reduce anxiety, aggression. 
  • Availability psycho -traumatic factors, that is, situations that suppress a person related to family, work, relations between sexes. 
  • Sociological reasonsthat provoke an inadequate response of the body to various specific situations that occur in society. 

At the moment, scientists have confirmed that the presence of repeating thoughts and movements appears as a result of a violation of connections and communications between certain zones of the cerebral cortex. These structures interact thanks to the hormone serotonin. With OCD, a drop in the level of serotonin is fixed, as a result of which the transmission of pulses to neurons is disturbed. But this hypothesis has not been studied until the end. 


Obsessive-compulsive disorder: symptoms

Symptoms can be bright, sometimes a long period of time, the patient may not pay attention to them. 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, symptoms:

  • First of all, stereotypical thoughts, burdens, ideas appear. Various images arise in the head, strange drives that appear regardless of human desire. They constantly come to mind, even if they resist them.
  • For example, endlessly considered options for the development of events that are associated with the impossibility of making decisions inherent in ordinary, everyday life. The disease is characterized by the appearance of repeating ideas. 
  • Stereotypical movements may appear, which are of the nature of the ritual. A person carries out actions, conspiracies, the main goal is protection, they stimulate the removal of anxiety stress. 
  • Often repeated actions are associated with purification of pollution, it can be washing hands, faces, constant processing of objects using wet wipes, antiseptics anywhere. Even if there are no dangerous situations. Usually at the heart of this behavior is a fear of danger that a person constantly expects. 

Manifestation of OCD: 

  • Misophobia. There is a fear of pollution with the ensuing consequences affecting behavior. 
  • Gathering. A person is afraid to throw something away, clean his room, so he drags all the garbage into the house. 
  • Religious thoughts,which constantly appear in the head. 
  • Constant doubts,a person cannot decide whether he closed the door, a tap with water, gas and light. 
  • Infinite account. A person endlessly folds numbers, repeats the numbers of phones a large number of times. 
  • Thoughts regarding symmetry. They appear in relation to clothes, the location of furniture in the house. Everything should be located symmetrically to each other. These are symptoms that are painful for humans. 
Strange thoughts
Strange thoughts

Therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder

There are several options for treating the disease. The best results are given by comprehensive measures that are effective and safe. 

Therapy of obsessive-compulsive disorder:

  • Medications. The use of antidepressants is mainly prescribed. But if the disease is detected for the first time, one drug is prescribed. If treatment with this drug is ineffective, other groups of drugs are prescribed in the form of complex therapy. These drugs are not prescribed to themselves, but only by prescription of a doctor. Treatment is carried out not in the clinic, but at home. If this is a difficult case, the patient is taken to the hospital. 
  • Effective psychotherapeutic treatment. This is cognitive-behavioral therapy. It is proved that this type of treatment is very effective. Its effectiveness is higher than drugs. Therapy is used to enhance the action of drugs, especially in severe cases. Individual sessions, complex, group psychotherapy are also used. 

Treatment of OCD in adolescents is carried out in the same way as adults. Both drugs and non -drug methods are used, the main goal of which is psychosocial intervention. Using behavioral therapy, the method of preventing reactions. Treatment of the light course of OCD is carried out on an outpatient basis. Improvements occur a year after the start of therapy. In severe cases, prolonged remission is possible, but the disease returns again. Often a disease resisted, relapses can be observed. This is due to the advent of repeated traumatic situations associated with overwork, communication in society, lack of sleep, mental stress. 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: prevention

OCR prevention does not exist, since the exact cause of the disease has not been detected. Usually use measures aimed at an obstacle to the development of symptoms. Among them is a long sleep, the correct education of the child, the lack of psycho -traumatic situations in family conditions and at work. 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, prevention:

  • After a long and successful treatment, the main task is to prevent the onset of symptoms. To do this, use psychotherapeutic classes to change the attitude of patients to traumatic events.
  • If a person cannot change the situation, it is necessary to change the attitude towards it. It is necessary to comply with the doctor’s recommendations, to engage in general strengthening therapy, to sleep. It is worth completely excluding drugs and alcohol consumption.
  • It is recommended to monitor dietary nutrition, abandon common psychostimulants, such as coffee. It is worth increasing the number of products that contain a lot of tripophanes. 
Cycle OKR
Cycle OKR

Depression during obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive thoughts can occur in several categories.A person has doubts. He constantly doubts his actions, tries to find confirmation, make sure of correctness. He constantly asks his colleagues to check the completed task, as he doubts the correctness. After leaving the house, it may return several times to check if gas and water are closed. 

The manifestation of depression during obsessive-compulsive disorder:

  • A person constantly fears, is afraid to do something dangerous for himself, others. Very often there are concerns of public speaking, as they can be dangerous. 
  • A person has a desire to commit a dangerous act. For example, a child may have a desire to kill his mother. A girl who leads a closed lifestyle has a desire to perform depraved actions. The peculiarity is that such thoughts are never implemented. 
  • Memories. A person constantly finds images in his memory, as well as words from old songs, phrases. 
  • Continuous thoughts of an important event may arise. This often happens in parents who have lost their child. They are sure that the child is not dead, he is alive, is in a closed coffin. 
  • Constant philosophizing. A person always thinks about something, reflects, without specific goals and results. For example, a person can walk along the street and talk about whether he will see a woman in a red dress in a shop window. He thinks a lot about this object, who will buy a dress, where he will wear. 
  • Fear of getting sick with something. People are afraid to get cancer, notes of the heart. Often there is a fear of darkness, death, pain. 

Compulsive actions are not only endless hand washing, turning on the switch, but also constant overeating. A person does not eat because he cannot get enough, he has a fear that food may not be enough, he will remain hungry.There are people who play sports for several hours a day, believing that only exhausting classes will lead to results. After the manipulations are performed, the next day, or after 2 days, a person repeats the same thing. Oddly enough, patients suffering from OCD are workaholics who cannot sit idle and constantly do something. 

Manacal cleanliness
Manacal cleanliness

OCR - mental disorder in children: symptoms, causes

The disease of the OCD in children is extremely rare. Basically, symptoms begin to appear in adolescence.Causes of occurrence: infectious ailments, genes of genes, features of the nervous system, features of education, atmosphere in the family, brain injuries. Very often, the emergence of obsessive conditions contributes to the too rough behavior of parents, strict education. Typically, such parents impose excessive demands on the child, which provokes quarrels in the family, violence.

OCR - mental disorder in children, symptoms:

  • In adolescence, the OCD is manifested in the form of anxiety and fears. The main sign that the child suffers from OCR is constant thoughts about cleanliness, washing hands, and door handles. Children often avoid public toilets at school, touch the pens in public places using a napkin or a scarf. 
  • Burn food for a certain number of times, constantly recalculate objects. The main essence is in the infinite score of something. The child is often distracted from lessons, as he considers the cells in notebooks, letters in words. Often there are strange thoughts that you need to eat several times over your shoulder so that there are no terrible events. Children tend to lay out objects, stationery in a certain sequence, sorting them in size, colors. 
  • Children think about their appearance, so they can spend several hours in front of the mirror. Due to the excessive severity of the parents, there is a fear of doing homework and make a mistake. This provokes slow homework. Children suffering from pathology do not like to talk a lot, so they often become closed, avoid communication with peers, and academic performance is reduced. 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: drugs

At the moment, several drugs indicated for OCD are used. Since the ailment, according to many experts, occurs due to a lack of serotonin, prescribing drugs that inhibit the reverse capture of this hormone. The most effective is anatrannil. Often it is used in children whose age is more than 10 years old. The main drawback is a large number of side effects. Selective drugs are often prescribed, which also slow down the reverse capture of serotonin. 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, drugs:

  • Zoloft 
  • Stimulon 
  • Prozak 
  • Fluoxetine 
  • Fevarine 
  • Paxil 

A lot of useful information can be found on our website:

Some of these drugs are allowed to use children from 6-8 years old. It is worth noting that drugs do not act on patients equally. The effect of drugs depends on the characteristics of the ailment, the presence of related diseases. The appointments of the drugs are carried out exclusively by the doctor. Most of these drugs are released only by prescription. 

Video: Signs of OKR

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