Bipolar personality disorder in adults, adolescents - what is it in simple words: affective, simple, depressive, symptoms, signs, types, diagnosis, consequences and complications, forecast, prevention, treatment, test. My victory over bipolar disorder: personal experience, how to live with illness, reviews

Bipolar personality disorder in adults, adolescents - what is it in simple words: affective, simple, depressive, symptoms, signs, types, diagnosis, consequences and complications, forecast, prevention, treatment, test. My victory over bipolar disorder: personal experience, how to live with illness, reviews

Bipolar affective personality disorder (bar) is a complex disease that requires a special approach in terms of treatment and attitude to the patient. Read more in the article.

Previously, a disease associated with a mental disorder was called manic-depressive psychosis. In 1993, this disease was called “bipolar affective disorder” (bar), and was included in the ICD-10 classifier.

  • Years later, scientists concluded that in this pathological condition, psychoses arise inconsistently.
  • According to medical scientists of past years, this disease was recorded in 0.45% of the total population. Already today it is believed that 1% of people can suffer from a bar, and about 30% live with a severe mental form.
  • So what is bipolar disorder? What are the symptoms of this disease? How to treat it, is there prevention? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Bipolar personality disorder in adults, adolescents: what is it in simple words?

Woman with bar
Woman with bar

Bipolar disorder - This is a disease of the psyche, which is characterized by a constant change of mood, emotional bursts, energy changes that are atypical and can lead to complex consequences.

  • In this ailment, in men and women, the presence of two brightly determined phases is characteristic: depression and maniawho, after a few hours and days, replace each other.
  • Moreover, it can be as soon as a long or short -term manic period, and only a depressive period.
  • But these states can manifest itself mixed in the intervals between the main phases.

Data on the disease in children is not recorded.But psychiatrists are sure that at a young age the episodes of this ailment simply remain not completely diagnosed, since in pediatrics it is difficult to conduct a standard diagnosis for this ailment.

Types of bipolar personality disorder in adults and adolescents: affective, simple, depressive

Woman with bar
Woman with bar

There are several forms of personality disorder: unipolar, monopolar and bipolar.

  • For unipolar disorder Personality is characterized by emotional depression, underestimated self -esteem, the formation of gloomy thoughts and a distortion of thoughts about their future. This form is more common in women than in men, especially after breaking up relationships with the second half.
  • Monopolar disorder - tearfulness, a feeling of depression, sadness, dreary. This disorder proceeds without manic syndrome.
  • BAR It can occur with manic psychosis, and a deep depressive state and emotional mood swings are also characteristic.

The bar is divided into several types:

  • Simple
  • Depressive
  • Affective

There is also a disease of the 1st and 2nd type. The second type of bar is more common. The first type is a complex course of disease with a manic disorder of the psyche. BAR of the 2nd type - there is more depressive condition that can be changed by mania.

With a simple bar Patients have frequent emotional bursts that can even introduce others into a stupor due to sharpness in their emotions.

  • Such a course of the disease does not lead to manic syndrome, but can take the patient out of the usual rhythm of life for a long time.
  • Often these people need the help of a psychologist who will give advice on how to cope with certain life situations.
  • But you should not refuse to treat a psychiatrist who will prescribe medications to suppress excessive emotionality.

Depressive bardisorder It proceeds with a violation of sleep and a change in the usual lifestyle.

  • Due to depression and depressive thoughts, a person does not have the opportunity to get enough sleep, eat, go to work, communicate with relatives.
  • He only wants to remain alone with himself, constantly spend time in bed, in the dark, remaining alone with his thoughts.
  • It is impossible to get out of this condition independently or by the persuasion of relatives. You will need a complex and long (possibly lifelong) drug treatment by a psychiatrist.

Affective bipolar disorder It proceeds with manic syndrome. People are subject to such a disease:

  • With a schizoid type of personality - For such patients, solitude is preferably, a tendency to have control over everything. They are cold and monotonous in emotions.
  • With a statimic type of personality - Such people show excessive responsibility, pedantry and an excessive need.
  • With a melancholic type of personality - Such people usually hold back their emotions, are highly sensitive and quickly tired.
  • Too imaginary people who are worried about everything for no reason, as a rule, they are emotionally unstable.

The risk of a bar in women increases ten times during the period when they have an unstable hormonal background - this is a period of menstruation, during the bearing of the fetus, the period after childbirth and menopause.

Bar - mental illness
Bar - mental illness

The bar can occur in such variations:

  • Clearly intermittent - Mania and a depressive state alternate with separation in a bright intermediate period.
  • Chaotically intermittent - Mania, depression alternate in the wrong order. For example, there may be depressive states for several days, then despondency and depressed mood, then a bright gap, and then manic episodes.
  • Double form - Manic and depressive periods pass one after another without separation into a bright intermediate state. A bright gap can occur after time.
  • Circular form There is a constant change of mania and depression without separation in a bright gap that never occurs.

It's important to know: Each sick person has manic and depressive periods with a bar is unique. In some, the phases of mania can be observed throughout life constantly, while in others this or another phase can be the only one.

The average duration of one period is up to 3-5 months. But the phases of mania can be several times shorter, and arise much less often than the phases of depression.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder in adults, adolescents

Symptoms of bar
Symptoms of bar

Symptoms of a bar in the manic stage:

  • Too good attitude that pleases a person for a long time. But it’s terrible that all this happens for no apparent reason.
  • Accelerated thinking, especially if others know the patient as a person who is able to think for a long time before making some decision.
  • Motor excitement - a person is always in motion. It seems that he can do some kind of work without rest.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be divided according to degrees of gravity of mania:

Easy degree or hypomania:

  • Avoid mood, good physical and mental performance, excellent social activity.
  • A person may observe the absent -mindedness of talkativeness and excessive energy.
  • He has almost no need for a dream and rest, but the need for sex increases.
  • Many patients become irritable and hostile to people around the duration of such an episode usually for several days.

Moderate degree without psychotic symptoms:

  • Physical and mental activity intensifies, the mood is raised.
  • A person’s need disappears in a dream, he cannot concentrate, work capacity is lost and his social contacts are difficult.
  • A person feels magnificent, and such a phase lasts about a week.

Severe mania with psychotic symptoms:

  • Psychomotor excitement, a tendency to violence is characteristic.
  • A person cannot think logically, compare the facts, he has hallucinations, delirium and symptoms of schizophrenia.
  • It seems to such a patient that his ancestors were noble, famous personalities. This is delusions of greatness.
  • Such a person is lost in working capacity, the ability to self-service and this form can last more than three to four weeks.
Mood swings at bar
Mood swings at bar

Bipolar disorder in the depression stage:

  • Slowing thinking.
  • A bad mood is from time to time or constantly.
  • Inhibition in movements.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Reducing weight and libido.
  • Women have no menstruation, and in men erectile dysfunction develops.

Symptoms can also depend on the form of depression:

  • Simple - suppressed mood, impossibility of normal thinking, weak motives for action. With mild depression, the mood can change during the day - in the morning a person becomes too bad, and by the evening - the condition improves.
  • Hypochondria - A person comes up with a serious deadly, incurable disease that is unknown to modern medicine. He suffers from this feeling and is difficult to convince him.
  • Delusional depression -The accusation of oneself or those around him is characteristic.
  • The agitated depression - There is completely no motor inhibition. From the outside it may seem that a person feels normally, goes to work, communicates with others. But in his soul he is an unhappy patient who requires serious treatment.
  • Anesthetic depression - The patient is characterized by a feeling of painful insensibility. It seems to a person that inside him is a void, due to which all suffering occurs.

When making a diagnosis, doctors take into account the signs of this disease. Read about them below.

Signs of bipolar personality disorder in adults, adolescents

Bipolar personality disorder in adults
Bipolar personality disorder in adults

Signs of mania are simple to recognize. These include the following human states:

  • Desire for creativity.
  • A person becomes attentive to everything around him.
  • Euphoria accompanies him always and everywhere.
  • A person cannot collect his thoughts together. He jumps from the topic on the topic.
    In the patient’s conversation, an unstable nervous state is felt, noticeably restless behavior.
  • A person sleeps little, but he is awake and fresh the next day.
  • A tendency to gambling, intimate relationships with several people.
  • Rasisable dismissal from work is expensive acquisitions.
  • Intelligence to others can even get to a fight with those people who do not share the opinion of patients.

Signs of depression:

  • A person feels hopeless. He inadequately reacts to the behavior of others.
  • The patient sleeps a lot, but he feels depressed and tired.
  • A quick weight gain occurs, appetite increases.
  • Man is visited by thoughts about death and suicide
  • A clear feeling of its uselessness in this world and guilt.

It is worth noting that the clinical form of depression is much simpler than bipolar depression. Only a doctor can see the difference between these two conditions, and prescribe the correct treatment.

Diagnosis of bipolar personality disorder in adults, adolescents

Woman with disorder bar
Woman with disorder bar

The doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis of Bar only if the patient has two or more episodes of the affective state (manic syndrome). The psychiatrist interviews not only the patient himself, but also his relatives. The patients of the patient’s anamnesis are taken into account.

The severity of the course of depression is determined using a special medical and diagnostic schedule scale. In any case, psychopathy of neurosis of different etiologies, schizophrenic disease and other psychoses that occur against the background of nervous diseases should be excluded.

Treatment of bipolar disorder

In the treatment of the patient, it is important to normalize his mental state, to improve the mood to life in order to achieve prolonged remission. If the disease is too difficult, then the patient is treated in a specialized psychiatric clinic.

Antidepressants are prescribed to eliminate depression. The dosage of the drug is determined by the psychiatrist strictly individually and depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the disease, the frequency of the transition of depression into mania. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antipsychotic and normotimics. If the patient’s cure is successful, then group, family or individual psychotherapy is prescribed.

Consequences and complications

Bipolar disorder - a sharp change in mood
Bipolar disorder - a sharp change in mood

If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, it may begin to progress. When in a state of severe depression, the patient can perform suicide. During the mania phase, a person is a danger, both for himself (an accident by negligence), and for everyone around him. Men often suffer from bipolar forms of the disease, and women are monopolar.

Bipolar disorder forecast

Many patients suffering from bar believe that the prognosis of their disease is favorable. But between attacks, when mental functions are fully restored, new continuous phases may appear. A second attack may occur 90% of cases.

It is dangerous that a bar can occur on a par with other deviations of the psyche associated with drug addiction, alcoholism. In this case, the prognosis and outcome of the disease become even more disappointing.


Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder

As such, prevention does not exist in a bar, since the causes of the development of the disease have not yet been established. In medical practice, prevention is considered to be maintained by persistent remission, preventing the repetition of phases of affective states.

Important: Follow the doctor’s recommendations, go through treatment and try to minimize factors that contribute to the development of the disease.

These include the following:

  • Changing the hormonal background.
  • The disease in the brain.
  • Head injury.
  • Infections, nervous and somatic diseases.
  • Constant stress, conflicts in society.
  • Non -compliance with the normal mode of sleep, labor and rest.

Many doctors argue that the exacerbation of the disease occurs against the background of annual biorhythms of a person. Accordingly, exacerbations may appear in the spring and autumn periods. At this time, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes, actively play sports, lead a measured lifestyle and comply with the recommendations of a psychiatrist.

Bipolar disorder test

Test on a bar is often used by ordinary people, but not a doctor. It’s enough for a psychiatrist to talk to the patient to see a deviation in health.

Interesting: Often such a test is used to determine the psyche disorder in children. But with a 100%probability, it is still impossible to say that with positive answers, the child has a bipolar disorder, since in children the psyche is arranged a little differently than in adults. Therefore, in any case, you must contact a specialist.

Answer the questions “yes” or “no”. If the “yes” answers will be more than 12, then you should go to a consultation with a psychiatrist.

Test for a bar
Test for a bar
Continuation of the dough for the bar
Continuation of the dough for the bar

My victory over bipolar disorder: how to live with a disease, personal experience, reviews

How to defeat bipolar disorder?
How to defeat bipolar disorder?

Life with a person who suffers from this disease is complex and unbearable. But that it is precisely the bar who may not suspect the patient himself, and his relatives may not be aware of. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, it is urgent to contact a psychiatrist, a psychotherapist or at least a neurologist, otherwise the disease will begin to progress and lead to the most negative consequences.

Here are a few reviews of people who independently or their relatives have timely noticed the problem, and they either have already defeated the disease, or are only on this path:

Elena, 40 years old

I just learned to live with a bar. My problem began in adolescence, when everything around seemed dull and merciless. She could not control her drops of mood. It became too good and joyful to me, then I fell into unbearable depression, which made me feel a worthless person. After that, ups and falls were repeated repeatedly, all this was accompanied by problems in college, at work, at home. When my mother realized that nevertheless something was wrong, we went with her, first to the therapist, and then he sent to a psychiatrist. As a result, I was prescribed treatment, which will most likely be lifelong. For many years now I have been taking drugs and have learned to control emotional bursts and depression. After many years of life with a bar, I realized that the main thing in such a situation is the support of relatives and friends.

Dmitry, 25 years old

I was recently diagnosed with ultra-fast phases-3-4 days. The state of depression is atypical: slowness, inhibition is observed, I do not want to do anything. I don’t even want to go to the next appointment to the doctor. All the time I am trying to start self -medication, but relatives stop and almost go to the hospital by the hand. I don’t know what this will lead to, but the psychiatrist reassures and says that treatment goes according to plan, improvements are observed.

Tamara, 35 years old

A bar is a lifetime. I have been treated for 10 years. There are improvements, but I had to lie in a psychiatric clinic 2 times. I drink serokvel all the time. Now the phase of depression is bad, I want to lie in the dark all the time so that no one touches. The psychiatrist said that in addition to drug therapy, you need to learn to live independently with this disorder. Treatment of bar is a long time-for life, but as I understand it, there is still a way out.

Video: Live great! Bipolar  disorder

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