Leaps for weight loss: benefit, diet, menu, recipes of dishes, reviews. What can be prepared from leakage for weight loss?

Leaps for weight loss: benefit, diet, menu, recipes of dishes, reviews. What can be prepared from leakage for weight loss?

The article will tell you how to lose weight with the help of proper nutrition and regular use of lentils.

The benefits of leaks for weight loss

Lentils - This is a bean culture that is quite rare on the tables, but gaining more and more popularity on the tables of those people who care about their health and proper nutrition. The lentils squeezed enough protein (this can be compared with meat) necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

Lentils - The necessary food for those who play sports and bodybuilding. The protein will nourish the muscle mass, helping it grow and be in good shape. In addition, the rich fiber content in the lentil helps regulate the digestive tract, facilitating digestion, improving the stool and cleansing the intestines. Another useful property of lentils is to give satiety for a long time, which is very useful when losing weight.

Eating lentils, you do not have to starve in order to throw off the hated kilograms. Beaver culture allows you to prepare a mass of delicious dishes: Porridge, soups, puree, garriers, pancakes, even cutlets. This gives a great advantage - every day there is another dish. The taste of the lentils is very delicate, with a rich walnut aroma.

How lentils will help to lose weight:

  • Low -calorie content.There are only 100-110 kcal per 100 g of lentils, and this is a large portion of mashed potatoes or porridge.
  • Light fiber content.This improves the digestive process and cleans the intestines from toxins and toxins. In addition, it allows you to get satiety from a small amount of food.
  • Healthy food.The lentil will give the body a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain health.
  • Light protein content.A person spends much more strength and calories on the squirrel digester than on the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats, therefore, the food is not so high -calorie.
  • Reduces the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.This helps a person feel good, feel a surge of strength and energy, as well as diversify his diet with other food.
  • A large supply of amino acids.This allows the body to always look good, take care of your beauty, health, give youth.
The benefits of leaks for weight loss

How many calories are in a boiled lentil per 100 grams

As already mentioned, lentils are not a high -calorie product and therefore useful when losing weight. It can be included in any menu if there are no contraindications and health problems (gout, dysbiosis, flatulence).

Lentils, volume The energy value
1 tsp 5 kcal
1 tbsp. 10 kcal
1 faceted glass (to the boot) 167 kcal
1 faceted glass (full) 207 kcal

Lighting diet menu for weight loss

In order to eat deliciously and lose kilograms at the same time, you should correctly adjust your menu and prepare only those dishes that contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates and fats. In this article you will find several useful recipes for dietary dishes from the lentils.

With what to combine and how there is lentils:

  • If you want to lose weight, then you should know that there is a lentil is best separately from other foods.
  • It is also best to eat lentils for breakfast and lunch, excluding its use in the evening (the exception can be such a dish only for those who play sports).
  • Combine lentils with vegetables, fresh herbs, canned salads, dishes from other legumes.
  • For breakfast, you can supplement the lentil with a small piece of lean meat: turkey, chicken fillet, rabbit.
  • Do not add a lot of oil to the lentils, completely eliminate the creamy.

What can be prepared from leakage for weight loss?

The lentil gives you a large selection for cooking delicious and healthy dishes. Experiment with lentil varieties and cook:

  • Lentil soup
  • Stew with lentils
  • The stew from the lentils
  • Porridge from lentils
  • Garnish from lentils
  • Puree from lentils
  • Saus of lentils
  • Cutlets from lentils
  • Pancakes from lentils

Recipes of dishes from leaps for weight loss

Dietary dense lentil soup:

  • Lentils -2 glasses (350-400 g)
  • Vegetable or chicken broth from the breast -5 glasses (1-1.5 liter approximately).
  • Onion -1 PC. (small)
  • Carrot -1 PC. (small)
  • A mixture of peppers, bay leaflet
  • Garlic -1-2 small teeth
  • Fresh greens for decorating soup


  • It is best to cook soup from the red lentil: she has a rich taste and it is easily cooked, becomes soft.
  • Soak the lentils first for 20-30 minutes, then pour a broth and put it.
  • Add a bay leaf and garlic to the soup, pour spices and cook on moderate heat for 20-25 minutes until the lentil is soft.
  • Chop finely onions and rub the carrots, fry the vegetables in 1 tbsp. Oils adding water. Then add the fry to the soup.
  • Close the pan with a cover after turning off the fire and let the soup brew. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.
Diet dense lentil soup

Dietary lentils:

  • Lentils red or green- 1 cup (full)
  • Water- 2 glasses (can be replaced with vegetable or lean broth)
  • Bay leaf- 1 PC. (small)
  • Vegetable oil-1-2 tbsp. (you can not add)
  • Fresh dill(chopped, 1 tbsp)


  • Pre -soak the lentil for half an hour. This will allow her to boil and accelerate the cooking time.
  • You will need to cook for about 20 minutes on moderate heat, add bay leaf into the water.
  • After cooking, let the lentils brew a little under the lid, and then drain excess water.
  • Grind the lentil with a blender, add the oil. Put the finished mashed potatoes on a plate and decorate with dill.
Lentil puree

Dietary side dish of lentils:

  • Lentils (any variety) -1 cup (choose that lentil that is poorly boiled so that the side dish turns out scattered).
  • Water -2 glasses
  • Garlic -1-2 teeth (for aroma, can be replaced with bay leaf or sprig of rosemary).
  • Onion and carrot(1 small onion and 0.5-1 small carrots).
  • Fresh greens(to decorate the side dish)
  • Vegetable oil -1-2 tbsp.


  • Soak the lentil at night (if you use black, brown and other lentils that is not boiled).
  • Pour the lentils with clean water and put it. Cooking time 20-25 minutes. After cooking, drain the water and cover the pan with a lid for insisting for 5-10 minutes.
  • Add fry and spices to the lentil to taste, mix with fresh chopped herbs.
Garnish from lentils

Leaps for weight loss: reviews

Angelica: “I just recently discovered lentils. She always doubted this culture, she confused me with her appearance. All doubts disappeared when I tried it. The taste of the porridge was as if it were welded on the chicken broth. Incredibly tasty! Then I found out that eating lentils is useful for the figure. Since then, lentils have always been in my diet. I got digestion, and if I have it for breakfast, a feeling of satiety does not leave me for a very long time! ”

Victoria: “In search of recipes for proper nutrition, I have repeatedly got to delicious tips on cooking lentils. Once I saw her in the store and decided to buy her. Of course, I did not learn how to cook it correctly right away. Over time, I “stuffed my hand”. The dishes from the lentils are very tasty and satisfying, I cannot compare this culture with almost nothing, it is so unique. I advise you to!"

Catherine: “I love lentils and“ respect ”. This is a huge storehouse of vitamins and useful trace elements for a losing weight organism, especially if you play sports. You can combine lentils with fresh vegetables, but the meat is better to eat separately. ”

Video: “LECTION for weight loss. Principles of use "

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Comments K. article

  1. It looks very appetizing. Thank you! I already started to lose weight. I accept model forms slim mother. As Titi weaned, immediately began. I drink for only a month, but I already threw off 4.2 kilos. I feel great, I have become peppy. And all thanks to the natural composition, and Damian that is contained in pills. It is she who restores strength and returns the craving for sex. The product is safe and at the same time effective. I'll go through the course to the end.

  2. The lentil is not the source of the protein, but the amino acid composition is still not complete. I try to get protein from different products (meat, eggs, protein or bars Sportspert protein bar, cottage cheese, etc.)

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