The benefits of lentils for the body of men, women and children, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in bodybuilding. Lentils - chemical composition, vitamins, proteins, food value, glycemic index

The benefits of lentils for the body of men, women and children, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in bodybuilding. Lentils - chemical composition, vitamins, proteins, food value, glycemic index

The article will tell you about several types of lentils, its benefits for the body and methods of preparing culture.

What is lentils, what does it look like, what looks like to taste?

The lentils are a bean culture that has recently gained more and more popularity. Porridge, soups, other side dishes, stew, salads, even bread are prepared from lentils. The lentils are useful for both women and men. To include lentils in her diet should be as often as possible to bring to her body the maximum of useful trace elements.

The benefits of lentils:

  • Culture is rich in food fiber, which is unique in that it can normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • The lentils should have people with diabetes, this culture does not increase blood sugar due to the large number of “light” carbohydrates.
  • The fiber, which is rich in lentils, helps to get rid of violations of the chair and constipation, as well as problems associated with impaired nutrition.
  • Fiber also helps to reduce appetite and saturate, thereby helping to lose weight and lose weight.
  • The high content of trace elements in the lentils improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system: strengthens the vessels and heart muscle.

Possible harm of lentils:

  • Excessive use of lentils can provoke digestive violation due to the fact that this culture contains too much protein.
  • The lentil can bring flatulence and therefore she should carefully eat those who painfully experiencing increased gas formation in the intestine.
  • Gout is a disease that warns a person against excessive use of lentils.
  • You can’t eat lentils to those who suffer from dysbiosis, since the culture is poorly split in the stomach.
  • The lentil is best to eat separately, separating from meat and dairy products, since the culture prevents the body that sucks useful substances from other products, for example, zinc, iron or calcium.

Lentils are actively used in folk medicine for:

  • Liver treatment -lecithin, an amino acid, which is a lot in lentils, has a positive effect on the regeneration of liver cells.
  • Metabolic improvements -for people with overweight and impaired digestion, consuming harmful foods and suffering from hormonal disorders.
  • Improving blood quality -the lentil is rich in iron and it is it that regulates the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Treatment of urolithiasis -for natural exit, the stove from the bladder, kidneys, breakdown of stones.
  • Treatment of vitominosis -the lentil is rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal life of the body.

What can be prepared from lentils:

  • Soups -for the first dishes, a red lentil is ideal, which has a smaller look and is quickly cooked. You can also use a green lentil.
  • Add to salads -add any lentil, boiled or sprouted. Culture is ideally combined with vegetables, other legumes, cabbage.
  • Fry -boiled to half -consuming or a sprouted lentil can be fried with garlic in vegetable oil.
  • Prepare the sauce -such a sauce can be combined with other cereals and legumes.
  • Porridge and side dishes -cooked in water or broths chopped by a blender in mashed potatoes.

Important: in their taste, lentils resemble peas. The red culture has a more pronounced nutty, the green is slightly less bright, black is the least resemble beans.

Why is the lentil?

Lentils - chemical composition, vitamins, proteins, food value

The lentil is unique in that it is rich in vitamins and minerals that are extremely necessary for the body.

Substance What is useful for the body
Vitamin A Improves the work of all internal organs and systems in the body, improves vision, strengthens immunity.
Vitamin B1 Participates in the most important metabolic processes of the body: protein, fat and water-salt
Vitamin B2 Participates in the work of almost any cell of the body and in all metabolic processes
Vitamin B3 Improves metabolism, strengthens immunity, enhances all the protective forces of the body.
Folic acid Takes part in the development of the circulatory, nervous system and immunity
Vitamin E Improves the condition of nails, hair, skin
Potassium It is necessary to ensure the vital activity of all soft tissues, these are vessels, and muscles, and the brain and all internal organs
Calcium Strengthens the bone system, teeth, nourishes the soft tissues of the body.
Sodium Maintains a healthy state of the body and ensures normal growth, development
Magnesium Beneficial affects bone growth
Phosphorus Improves performance and metabolism in the body
Chlorine Supports the acid-base balance of the body at a constant level
Bor Accelerates metabolism, splitting fat
Iron Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood
Iodine Improves mental activity
Cobalt Takes part in the development of RNA and DNA, promotes bone tissue growth
Silicon Regulates the work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, lymph nodes
Manganese Takes part in the development of cells
Copper Participates in redox processes
Molybdenum Plays a key role in many biological processes
Nickel Takes part in many biochemical processes in the body, reduces pressure
Fluorine Strengthens tooth enamel
Zinc Improves "female" and "male" health
Chromium Supports the normal balance of blood sugar
The composition of the lentils

The benefits of lentils for the body of men, women

The benefits of lentils for women:

  • The rich content of amino acids in the lentils allows you to deal with cancer of the mammary glands.
  • A acids and amino acids in culture successfully fight with benign and malignant tumors, including uterine tumors.
  • The lentil has a unique property of regulating the hormonal background in the body. That is why it is recommended to use lentils for menstruation and menopause.
  • During pregnancy, lentils are useful for women in that she nourishes the woman’s body and the fruit of a mass of beneficial substances, giving the necessary complex of vitamins and minerals to develop the baby and maintain the health of the mother.
  • The lentil helps to normalize the metabolism, regulate the water, saline, alkaline and lipid metabolisms in the body. This is what allows women to get rid of excess weight.
  • During fasting, lentils helps to receive the entire complex of necessary trace elements, without prejudice to health.
  • The lentil cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins, removes stagnant feces, which in turn improves the absorption of nutrients.
  • The rich content of vitamin E allows women to take care of the beauty of hair, skin and nails.
  • Zinc takes care of the reproductive organs of a woman, improves the muscles of the body, making it elastic. This is very useful for pregnant women who are preparing for childbirth.

The benefits of lentils for the health of men:

  • Due to excessive consumption of alcohol and harmful food, men often suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Lentils, saturated with vitamins and minerals, helps improve the work of blood vessels, internal organs. All this is due to the fact that lentils are able to lower blood cholesterol.
  • There is a lot of protein in the lentil, and this is very useful for men who support the beauty and health of their body. Protein helps to build muscle, and potassium and magnesium makes the muscles elastic and keeps them in good shape.
  • Is Zinc takes care of the health of male reproductive organs? Improves erection and sperm quality.
The benefits of lentils for the health of men and women

Red, green, yellow, orange, brown lentils: benefit and harm, which is more useful?

There are several main types of lentils:

  • Brown lentil- The most “popular” lentil. To prepare it, it should first be soaked for 0.5-1 days. Basically, lentils are used to prepare the first dishes.
  • Red lentils - It is not rarely called the "Egyptian lentil." It is characterized by simplicity and speed of cooking. It is good to cook puree and stew, soups and porridge from it.
  • Green lentils - Often called "French lentils." This culture is a little unripe. It is most often used to make salads.
  • Black lentil - It differs its small size. It is cooked for the longest, rich in protein.
  • Yellow lentils- This is a kind of black lentil. It differs only in that it is polished.
  • Beluga lentils- Of all the varieties, the smallest, has a dark black color.
  • Lentil "Pui" -a large lentil is gray with a greenish tint.
  • Tarelly lentil - a large flat lentil of a light shade of gray with an admixture of yellow and green.

It is important: to say exactly which lentil is more useful, because all varieties and species have almost the same composition. Therefore, each lentil variety has important trace elements and everyone is good.

Varieties of lentils

The benefits of lentils for children: Positive properties

The lentil is considered very exotic food and all because it was not possible to buy it in the store before, but now not everyone will decide to experiment. Nevertheless, this culture is very useful, both for an adult and for a child.

The lentil can be safely called product of proper nutrition. For children, this bean culture is very useful. All because lentils are a natural source of many vitamins and other important nutrients. The protein that contains lentils is very easily absorbed, which means the child will be able to grow and develop correctly.

The lentil contains a lot of folic acid. It needs a child so that he has a strong stable immunity. In addition, folic acid regulates metabolism. In the lentils, there are also almost all vital minerals that will help to form and strengthen the child’s bone system, soft tissues, brain and internal organs.

At what age can you give a child lentils?

It is important to know that feeding from lentils does not begin immediately, but at the ages of 7 to 10 months (depending on how the baby’s intestinal microflora was formed). Start feeding from the red lentil (it has the most rich taste and is easily cooked), it is very easy to grind with mashed potatoes.

It is very simple to cook children's mashed potatoes:

  • Soak a small amount of lentils in the water for several hours.
  • Drain the water, pour fresh and boil over a moderate heat for 15 minutes.
  • You can add a pinch of salt if your child is whimsical in taste preferences.
  • Fry a small amount of carrots and onions in butter.
  • Mix with a boiled lentil (drain water from her in advance).
  • Grind the mass with a blender and add a piece of butter.

Important: if your child has not yet ended with a period of colic or he often suffers from flatulence, set aside feeding from lentils for a later age, since culture can be the cause of the formation of gaziks in the intestine.

Is it possible to feed the child lentils?

The benefits of lentils for pregnant women, is it possible to eat pregnant lentils?

For women in the position of lentils - an indispensable food product:

  • The lentil helps to normalize the work of the intestines, eliminating constipation. All thanks to the rich fiber.
  • Lentils effectively fights heartburn, which often torments pregnant women.
  • The rich content of vitamins strengthens the immune system, increasing its resistance.
  • The lentil has a lot of potassium, and he, in turn, favorably affects the bloodless organs. As a result, the quality and amount of blood rises, anemia disappears.
  • Nicotinic acid contained in lentils has a positive effect on the fetus intrauterine.
  • Folic acid not only improves the development of the fetus, but also gives a woman good health.
  • The rich content of vitamins, acids and minerals positively affects the development of the mammary glands and the influx of sufficient milk during lactation.
  • The lentil pursues blood pressure, since her composition contains many vitamins of group V.
  • The fullness that the lentil gives will protect the pregnant woman from overeating and gaining excess weight.

Important: there is a unique substance in lentils - a tripofan, it is responsible for normalizing the hormonal background and improving mood.

What is the useful of lentils during pregnancy?

The benefits of lentils for nursing mothers during breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, it is important to give the baby all the beneficial substances necessary for his development. This happens through breast milk. More precisely, everything that mom eats for food reaches the baby in the form of milk.

When compiling the menu, the features of the nutrition of infants should be taken into account. Lentils - a useful product, undoubtedly. It has a lot of vitamins and minerals that will help the child strengthen all body systems and form a strong, stable immunity.

Nevertheless, you should also pay attention to the fact that lentils are a product that causes flatulence. That is why, in order not to deliver inconvenience and pain to the baby, lentils should be excluded from her diet up to 4-5 months (it is before this period that children have strong and painful colic).

Is it possible and useful to eat lentils in type 2 diabetes?

Important: lentils are a mandatory food product for diabetics not only of the 2nd type, but also the 1st. The lentil is unique in that it not only increases blood sugar, but also lowers it.

The benefits of lentils for diabetics:

  • There are many useful “complex” carbohydrates in the lentils, which are slowly consumed during the day and give the body the necessary charge of energy.
  • The lentils gently and effectively reduces not only the level of glucose, but also cholesterol.
  • The lentil helps to improve the digestive process, acting on intestinal motility. This is the lentil “owe” the rich content of fiber.
  • Iron increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, as a result, a person feels better.
  • The rich content of amino acids (as well as other elements) contribute to the improvement of the exchange of all substances in the body.
  • The lentils (or rather her protein) can replace vital trace elements that are in other foods, but are prohibited in the presence of diabetes in a person.
Is it useful to eat lentils to diabetics?

Lentils: glycemic index

The lentil is a product with a low glycemic index, which fluctuates, depending on the variety and method of preparation. All in all, Gi lentils-25-40.

  • The calorie content of the sprouted lentils - 105 kcal per 100 g.
  • Calorie content of boiled lentils -110 kcal per 100 g.
  • The calorie content of the dry lentils - 205 kcal per 100 g.

What is more useful peas, beans or lentils?

Any bean culture is a source of “light” natural protein, which is necessary for the body. If we compare peas, beans and lentils, then the championship laurels can be safely given to the latter for the rich content of not only vitamins and minerals, but also amino acids.

Is it possible to eat lentils for pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a serious disease characterized by inflammation of the pancreas. Of course, the benefits of lentils, like other legumes, are great, but it is culture (like peas, chickpeas and beans), are completely excluded from the patient of the patient with pancreatitis, especially if the patient is in an acute disease.

Fiber, which is a lot in the lentils, adversely will be able to influence the work of the stomach and that is why this culture is prohibited. The pancreas will not be able to develop the due amount of the necessary enzymes, which means that a person will experience severe pain and experience indigestion.

Important: there is one exception that allows a patient with pancreatitis to eat lentils in limited quantities. This is remission. At this time, the patient feeds the “common table” menu should be well decorated before admission and consumed no more than 1-2 tbsp. once a week.

Who can eat lentils? When is there a lentil?

Lentils for gastritis: how to eat correctly?

With gastitis, there is a lentil. Moreover, it is recommended to eat green culture. All because there are many isoflavons in this form. This substance actively fights cancer cells in the entire digestive tract: stomach, intestines. A unique feature of lentils is its ability not to lose useful substances even during temperature treatment.

There is a gastritis with gastritis, dry, boiled and even canned lentils. The lentil is good and the fact that this culture is not able to accumulate toxic substances in the environment. Therefore, lentils can be safely called an environmentally friendly product.

Lentils: benefits and harms for the liver

A unique feature of all legumes, including lentils of any variety, is the content of a large amount of lecithic amino acid. This substance very favorably affects the functioning of the liver and its health, helping to restore the permitted cells of the organ. However, there are excessive amounts of it, it is not recommended. Diversify the menu lentils and cook dishes from it about 1-2 times a week.

Unique features of lentils?

Lentils in bodybuilding: What is useful?

The lentils, like other legumes, are rich in natural protein, which is very similar to the animal. It differs only in that it is easier and the lentil itself does not contain fat. Regular nutrition of lentils will allow the bodybuilder to take care of his muscles, because culture has a rich content of all vital trace elements.

Important: in addition, lentils are satisfied and capable of giving the body the necessary supply of calories for a long period of time. That is why it is useful to eat lentils before large physical exertion and after them.

Is the lentil or fasten a chair?

The lentils are soft and effective laxative. The effect of culture is provided by the rich content of fibers and fiber in the lentils. These substances irritate the intestinal walls, making the digestive process easier and faster.

Is there gluten in lentils?

The lentil, like any other legumes, does not contain gluten. That is why lentils are considered a food product with minimal contraindications and the possibility of allergic reactions.

How much is the lentil?

The lentil is digested for a long time. Full splitting will take from 150 to 180 minutes. Light will be digesting lentils or not - depends on which dish you consumed. If combined with meat, greasy dairy products and oil, the process will be more complicated. It is recommended to use lentils separately, combining with fresh sauces, herbs, other legumes and vegetables.

What is the lentil with?

The lentil goes well in taste with:

  • Meat of any kind and variety (However, it is preferable to choose non -fat varieties).
  • Butter, cheese, sauce- These products favorably emphasize the nutty taste of culture.
  • With vegetables- Culture will be able to act as the main dish and its taste will be able to emphasize fresh, stewed or canned vegetables.
  • With legumes- In boiled, stew or canned form.

Video: "What is the benefit of lentils?"

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