Eucalyptus oil for beauty. How to use eucalyptus oil in cosmetology

Eucalyptus oil for beauty. How to use eucalyptus oil in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of eucalyptus essential oil. Recipes of face and hair masks, as well as other methods of using eucalyptus oil at home.

One has only to open a jar of eucalyptus essential oil - and a fresh aroma begins to spread around the room, which makes air as if you are in the middle of the coniferous forest.

Nevertheless, eucalyptus is not coniferous, but a deciduous evergreen plant. He is to the Mirtov family, and his nearest relative is a tea tree. The beneficial properties of eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil are also largely similar: they have a powerful bactericidal effect, soothe the skin and contain dozens of beneficial substances.

The particular value of the clock gives the fact that it stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, which means it helps to preserve the youth of the skin.

Eucalyptus essential oil helps to preserve the youth of the skin
Eucalyptus essential oil helps to preserve the youth of the skin

What is the useful essential oil of eucalyptus for female beauty?

Eucalyptus contains more than 40 useful substances and helps to solve a number of cosmetic problems. But the oil, which is sold in pharmacies, is very concentrated: only 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof eucalyptus oil produce from one ton of leaves and fresh shoots. Therefore, this potent agent should be used with caution.

Eucalyptus oil is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age, pregnant women who suffer from epilepsy and hypertension, since it significantly increases the tone of some internal organs and blood vessels.

Eucalyptus essential oil is a potent agent that has contraindications
Eucalyptus essential oil is a potent agent that has contraindications

When preparing cosmetic products, eucalyptus oil is mixed with other ingredients: coconut oil, cocoa oil, ordinary cream or shampoo. Only 2-3 drops of this miraculous agent is enough to get a positive effect. The list of cosmetological problems, for the fight against which eucalyptus is very effective:

  • Problem skin, acne rashes and black dots
  • Greasy shine and incorrect work of the sebaceous glands
  • Low skin tone, its lethargy and signs of aging
  • Dandruff and excessive hair loss
  • Fragility and stratification of nails
  • Various kinds of inflammation and irritation in any skin

The biologically active substances that are contained on the air make the willy-nilly take a session of aromatherapy. Eucalyptus oil is effective in combating stress, it helps to relax and restore vitality.

Watching with oxygen, the oil forms ozone bubbles, from this it becomes the same as after rain or high in the mountains, really clean and fresh.


Eucalyptus oil for skin

Some plants seem to be specially created in order to help a person remain healthy and attractive. Eucalyptus oil is simultaneously useful for oily and flaky dry skin.

In the first case, it normalizes the production of the secretion of the sebaceous glands and relieves inflammation, in the second it saturates the skin with useful substances, so it acquires natural beauty.

Thus, eucalyptus helps maintain a natural balance. Have you met such an action among synthetic agents?

Eucalyptus oil is very useful for the skin
Eucalyptus oil is very useful for the skin

Ice cubes with eucalyptus

In a glass of water, add 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Then the water is poured into a normal ice form. It is useful to wipe the skin in the morning with such cubes, eucalyptus tones and refreshes the skin, the feeling of tightness and lightness remains for the whole day.

Ice with eucalyptus for wiping the skin
Ice with eucalyptus for wiping the skin

Baths with essential oil

Such baths help to cope with colds and depression. In addition, they will be useful to everyone who has problematic skin, because eucalyptus has antiseptic properties.

Only 5-8 drops of eucalyptus oil need to be added to the water, this will be enough. You should not pour a whole bubble into the bath to achieve a greater effect, too saturated couples can cause dizziness.

To improve the appearance in water, you can add sea salt, which makes the skin silky and smooth. To relieve fatigue, add 3-4 drops of rosemary oil to the water.

Baths with eucalyptus essential oil
Baths with eucalyptus essential oil

If you want the feeling of freshness not to leave you all day, add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil to your body or tonic.

Eucalyptus is used in the production of perfumes and antiperspirants, it suppresses the development of bacteria on the skin and eliminates unpleasant odor.

Eucalyptus oil for insect bites

In addition to antiseptic properties, this essential oil helps eliminate irritation on the skin and even gives a small analgesic effect.

Therefore, if you are going to go to the reservoir or to another place where mosquitoes can live, do not forget to take eucalyptus essential oil with you. By the way, his smell is already scaring off his insects.

The smell of eucalyptus scares off insects
The smell of eucalyptus scares off insects

Eucalyptus oil for face

Eucalyptus stimulates the natural renewal of skin cells and is therefore effective in the fight against age -related changes. Due to its use, young skin also looks healthier and fresh.

You can simply mix 2-3 drops of oils with your usual products or make special nutrient masks.

Add a few drops of essential oil to your face cream
Add a few drops of essential oil to your face cream

Refreshing mask with eucalyptus oil

Mix a teaspoon of natural coffee with yogurt and add 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil there. The mask is left for 15 minutes. After such a mask, a healthy blush appears on the face, the skin looks fresh and tightened.

Coffee mask and eucalyptus
Coffee mask and eucalyptus

Mask with eucalyptus for oily porous skin

Take a teaspoon of white clay and dilute it with water so that a fairly liquid gruel comes out. Then drop in the mixture of 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oils and tea wood. Mix again. Then apply on the face and hold until the clay dries.

Mask with eucalyptus essential oil and white clay
Mask with eucalyptus essential oil and white clay

Eucalyptus oil from acne

This essential oil has such a powerful antiseptic and anti -inflammatory effect that in the fight against acne rashes and inflammations, sometimes more effective is more effective than antibiotics.

By the way, Australia’s natives also knew about this, to treat any wounds and inflammation, they used a bunch of eucalyptus leaves, which was pressed to damaged skin.

Eucalyptus grove in Australia
Eucalyptus grove in Australia

Treatment of acne and herpes is the only case in which eucalyptus oil can be used undiluted. It is applied to a cotton swab, and then pointwise to the necessary areas.

In the first minute, the oil can cause burning - this is natural, because eucalyptus cauterizes the wounds like some pharmacy antiseptics. Sometimes, in order to reduce concentration, it is mixed with olive oil in a 1: 1 proportion.

Eucalyptus oil - effectively against acne
Eucalyptus oil - effectively against acne

Eucalyptus oil for nails

To strengthen the nails in a regular bath, which is used in front of the manicure, add 2-3 drops of oil.

  • eucalyptus will make the nails less brittle
  • will be an excellent prevention of fungal diseases and inflammation

To make a gelatin bath, pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of water and put on a slow fire. The mixture needs to be stirred, but you can’t let it boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its beneficial properties.

Gelatin baths with eucalyptus
Gelatin baths with eucalyptus

Eucalyptus oil for hair growth

Eucalyptus oil stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, and in the case of scalp, this also means stimulating hair growth. In addition, dusty ticks that live in pillows made of natural materials can be the cause of the brittleness of the hair.

Of course, in this case it is better to buy new pillows. But if you are forced to sleep outside the home, use eucalyptus oil, and then no small insects will be scary to you! Eucalyptus oil is added to shampoo or water to wash the head. There is an effective mask to stimulate growth:

  • 2 tsp honey
  • 2 tsp burdock oil
  • 1 tsp Powder mustard
  • 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

Keep on the head from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on how much mustard powder will bake.

Eucalyptus gives shine to the hair
Eucalyptus gives shine to the hair

Eucalyptus oil for oily hair

The essential oil of eucalyptus regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands and is convenient in that even a few drops are enough to achieve a tangible result.

No need to make masks and wait for hours until the product acts. To eliminate the problem of oily hair, it is enough to take baths with eucalyptus or add it to your hair shampoo in the amount of 2-3 drops.

Greasy hair
Greasy hair

Eucalyptus oil from dandruff

Dandruff is keratinized cells that exfoliate from the scalp. But there is always a reason that makes the skin update at an extraordinary speed.

Often the cause of dandruff is excessive dryness, fungal infections or irritation. Eucalyptus essential oil solves all these problems. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Eucalyptus oil - proven tool to combat dandruff
Eucalyptus oil - proven tool to combat dandruff

Leg eucalyptus oil

Most cosmetic brands have legs products, which include precisely the essential oil of eucalyptus. So why not try to use it yourself?

Eucalyptus oil helps fight fungal diseases and irritation, problems of unpleasant odor and sweating of the legs. Add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil to the foot baths or mix essential oil with glycerin and apply this composition to the skin.

Foot baths with eucalyptus
Foot baths with eucalyptus

How to use eucalyptus oil in cosmetology: tips and reviews

I add a couple of drops of oil to home masks when I want to give them an antibacterial effect. If there are some rashes on the skin, I apply pointwise at night, and by morning everything goes away. Sometimes I drip a few drops on a bag of a vacuum cleaner, when I do cleaning, the air becomes fresh, so that they are pleased to breathe. I think eucalyptus oil is very useful.
I tried to add eucalyptus essential oil to my hair serum. The effect just struck me. Three days later, my hair stopped pouring. I am very pleased that I discovered this oil.
We use this oil by the whole family. Initially, I bought it for a dad who had a fungus on the nail, now a year later, there was not even any hint that there was such a problem. For myself, I add oil to the water when my head, so that there is no dandruff, although expensive pharmacy shampoos, in my opinion, still give the best effect. The younger brother, who has problematic teenage skin, is only eucalyptus oil and is saved. I think that this oil is an indispensable thing and I recommend it to everyone.

Video: useful properties of eucalyptus

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Comments K. article

  1. I did not use eucalyptus in its pure form, but in the ointment Ilon also has eucalyptus oil. So she helps to get rid of acne very well.

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