5 best oils from wrinkles around the eyes. The causes of wrinkles around the eyes

5 best oils from wrinkles around the eyes. The causes of wrinkles around the eyes

The fight against wrinkles is the destiny of all women. Some oils will help to preserve the youth of the face. About which - read in the article.

Why do wrinkles appear around the eyes?

The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is inevitable. By the age of 30, usually all women are faced with this problem. Typically, the first signs of skin aging appear by 25 years, and these are precisely wrinkles in the area around the eyes.

There are many reasons for this. A lot depends on heredity. If in the family of women already in their youth there are small wrinkles under the eyes, then with a high degree of probability we can say that the children of these women will have the same.

Skin is a reflection of our lifestyle, nutrition. If a woman abuses alcohol or cigarettes, then there can be no talk of any healthy elastic skin. The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive to negative effects.

Food - Another important factor affecting the premature appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. Those who do not follow their nutrition at all and those who monitor very strictly, that is, followers of various low -carb diets, are most susceptible to the most susceptible.

The rule of the "golden mean" also acts here. It is impossible to greatly limit the body in fruits and vegetables, as well as in useful fats - nuts, unrefined oils, fish, fatty dairy products, eggs.

Fruits, vegetables and herbs contain a huge number of vitamins and antioxidants that help the body fight aging processes. And indispensable fatty acids are responsible for a healthy look of the skin, its elasticity and elasticity.

Lack of fats and carbohydrates sooner or later will lead to premature skin aging.

So, the main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes can be distinguished:

  • Heredity
  • Food
  • Lifestyle
  • Water balance in the body
  • Ecology
  • Lack of sleep, stress, fatigue
  • Diseases
  • Frequent "Squinting"
  • Excessive emotionality
  • Ultraviolet
  • Climate
  • Excessive use of cosmetics

The list turned out to be large, but in conjunction these factors are responsible for the condition of not only the skin, but also the health of the whole organism as a whole.

Mimic wrinkles around the eyes: how to get rid of?

  • The appearance of facial wrinkles around the eyes is due to emotions. The fact is that the skin around the eyes has practically no muscles, so when a person laughs, the skin under the eyes and in the corners of the eyes accumulates, and on the cheeks, on the contrary, stretches
  • There are people genetically predisposed to deep mimic wrinkles. Smoothing the skin for them at home is unlikely
  • Mimic wrinkles, unlike age -related ones, can appear at any age, even childhood. Their appearance may indicate an unhealthy nutrition, ecology or a number of certain diseases of the skin and intestines
  • With the help of massage and face masks, facial wrinkles can be smoothed, or to make them less noticeable. For consultation, regarding your skin type and competent care for it, it is best to contact a cosmetologist

How to smooth wrinkles around the eyes? Which oil is better from wrinkles around the eyes?

You can smooth wrinkles around the eyes in many ways: do peeling, masks, use creams, go to massage sessions, engage in special facial gymnastics. But one of the most effective and affordable is the use of cosmetic oils.

The most useful oils for the skin around the eyes include: coconut, cocoa oil, wheat germ oil, almond, peach, pink, olive. Their regular use can greatly change the appearance of your skin, making it more elastic and attractive.

Castor oil from wrinkles around the eyes

Castor oil is an indispensable assistant to women in the fight against problem skin around the eyes. It is quite heavy, but it is precisely because of this that the nutrition is very good and moisturizes the skin, making it elastic.

The composition of the castor oil is rich: vitamins A, E, oleic acid, linoleic acid, rycinic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid.

By the way, the last acid has a powerful protective effect on the skin, protecting it from negative external effects. And vitamins A and E are the most important for the health and beauty of the skin.

Apply castor oil for the skin around the eyes must be careful. For a long time of exposure to this oil can cause severe swelling.

  • First of all, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and skin fat
  • Castor oil must be heated to 40-50 degrees
  • Apply castor oil to the skin around the eyes
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then wipe the skin with a sponge or cotton pad

Repeat this procedure daily in the evening.

It is not recommended to leave castor oil at night.

Almond oil from wrinkles around the eyes

  • Almond oil is considered valuable oil not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Due to the high content of oleic and linoleic acids, the oil perfectly promotes the regeneration of skin cells
  • Vitamins A and B2 in almond oil determine it in one row with a product such as carrots
  • You can use almond oil for the skin around the eyes in the same way as castor, or as part of other masks
  • Among the folk masks from wrinkles around the eyes, a mask with an egg (or only protein or yolk) is very popular. A pair of drops of almond oil in this mask will only enhance its effect

Coconut oil from wrinkles around the eyes. The benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is recognized as a record holder for the content of fatty acids. The coconut itself is very useful for the product, and coconut water contains a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole.

Real coconut oil has a high melting point, so ideal for frying.

  • In its original form, coconut oil has a solid consistency, but hands are easily melting. The oil is very easily absorbed into the skin, without leaving fat traces on clothes. It creates a thin protective film on the surface of the skin, allowing it to breathe and, at the same time, protecting it from the sun, cold and drying out
  • Coconut oil is ideal for the skin that needs and moisturizes. It smoothes wrinkles, making the skin elastic. It is very widely used in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes. Coconut oil does not weight the skin, it can be applied for the whole night
  • Before use, coconut oil must be melted. Apply to clean skin. The exposure time is not limited. No need to wash off oil

Olive oil from wrinkles around the eyes, photo before and after

Another of the first oils in the content of fatty acids is olive. If far from everyone is known about coconut oil, then probably everything was heard about the benefits of olive oil.

It contributes to the healing of wounds, restoration of skin, nails, hair. It is used for weight loss, cleansing the body. The olive oil in cooking was widely used: many gourmets like its piquant taste.

Just like castor, olive oil is not recommended to be left all night. And the rest of the application scheme is the same:

  • Clean the skin
  • Heat the oil
  • Apply oil to the skin
  • Leave oil for 20 minutes
  • Wipe the rest of the oil with a cotton pad or sponge

Since olive oil is not as difficult as castor, its exposure can be safely increased to 20, and in some cases to 30 minutes (if the wrinkles are very deep).

If you have dry skin, olive oil will also come to the rescue. The scheme of its use does not change.

And here is a visual example of how olive oil affects the skin.

The benefits of sea buckthorn oil around the skin

  • In addition to fatty acids, sea buckthorn oil contains vitamins C, B2, B6, F and K. It is really impressive. The benefits of such oil are almost less than from the olive, but for our territorial zone it is more affordable in terms of price and acquisition than olive or coconut
  • Sea buckthorn oil is just salvation for flabby and problematic skin. It has an anti -inflammatory effect, contributing to the elimination of acne
  • For dry skin, this is just an ideal tool. The oil nourishes the skin perfectly, makes it smooth, elastic, soft to the touch. The skin is very quickly restored

Sea buckthorn oil is ideal as a daily facial care product.

Oil is used in pure form and as part of masks. The principle of use is the same as that of olive oil.

Sea buckthorn oil is a very powerful antioxidant. It contributes to the rejuvenation of cells of the whole organism.

How to keep the skin around the eyes elastic? Wrinkle prevention products around the eyes

The prevention of wrinkles can and should be done from young age, so as not to correct the consequences later.

External products for prolonging the youth of the skin (as part of masks or in purely):

  • Massage
  • Honey
  • Oils
  • Clay
  • Eggs, sour -milk products
  • Green tea
  • Cocoa
  • Decoctions of herbs
  • Algae (kelp)
  • Fruits and vegetables

Means for oral administration for the beauty and youth of the skin:

  • Nuts
  • Avocado
  • Oils (olive, mustard, sea buckthorn, red -haired, linen, coconut, rapeseed)
  • Fat fish
  • Fruits vegetables
  • Greens (a lot of greens)
  • Cereals (oatmeal, pearl barley, millet, buckwheat)

Of course, the mode for, lifestyle and healthy sleep is very important. Without these three components, it is difficult to achieve beautiful, young and healthy skin.

What oils are suitable for the skin around the eyes: tips and reviews

As we have already found out, many oils are suitable for the skin. The article tells only about five oils, but there are some other oils that will be very useful for the prevention of wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Linen
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Apricot
  • Persian
  • Pumpkin
  • Tea tree oil
  • Pink oil
  • Peony oil

Reviews about the use of oils from wrinkles around the eyes:

Svetlana, 23 years old, Yekaterinburg

We are not the warmest city, so my sensitive skin often suffered from wind and cold. I tried a lot of creams, but wrinkles still appeared, and not at 30 and not at 25, but at 20. It was very ugly. I suffered for a long time, picked up various means. After a year of my searches, I found the perfect tool - coconut oil. I was recommended by a friend who recently with his help got rid of the early wrinkles. Oil had to be ordered on the site, since it was not sold in our city. After a week of use, the skin became much softer, and after a month of regular use, the skin around the eyes was smoothed, and the wrinkles disappeared. I still use this oil to prevent and recommend it to everyone.

Violetta, 37 years old, Kemerovo

At 35, my face was like Sharpei's face. It was all “cut” by longitudinal and transverse wrinkles, and money could be hidden in the folds of the skin. I can’t say what this was connected with, most likely this heredity affected, but the look was terrible in the skin. I wanted to do plastic surgery, but my friend advised a good cosmetologist. She told me about the benefits of almond oil. She said that in my case, almond oil can help. Six months underwent treatment. As a result, I was young for 10 years. I will not say that there are no wrinkles at all, but compared to what was - this is an achievement.

Video: Olive facial oil. The benefits and use of olive facial oil

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Comments K. article

  1. I do not use oils, I don’t really like a fat consistency, I myself had this problem, Laura served me to help me, the meso effect and proper nutrition, with such measures, safely got rid of the wrinkles around the eyes and returned the elasticity of the skin)

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