How to smooth wrinkles around the eyes with cosmetic oils? How to use castor, almond, coconut, olive, peach, sesame seeds, sea buckthorn oil, avocado, cocoa, neroli, incense, roses, sandals from wrinkles around the eyes?

How to smooth wrinkles around the eyes with cosmetic oils? How to use castor, almond, coconut, olive, peach, sesame seeds, sea buckthorn oil, avocado, cocoa, neroli, incense, roses, sandals from wrinkles around the eyes?

Wrinkles around the eyes can occur not with age, but later the active facial facial expressions even at an early age. It is important to fight wrinkles from 18 years with the help of cosmetic and folk remedies.

The causes of wrinkles around the eyes

It is so arranged that around the eyes the skin has neither muscles nor sebaceous glands. It is for this reason that it is quite dry and quickly amenable to aging. The eye eyelid daily amenable to a huge load blinking thousands of times. The muscles located around the eyes are constantly subject to the load and participate in every facial expressions: sad and joyful.

Each person besides expressing emotions every day can squint from the sun and wind, dust and vision problems. Wrinkles arising around the eyes are called facial expressions and have the property of arising at any, even early, age.

Wrinkles around the eyes
Wrinkles around the eyes

Other causes of wrinkles around the eyes are:

  • sharp weight loss
  • a sharp set of weight
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics
  • not removing makeup
  • cheap, low -quality cosmetics
  • weakening of the facial muscles

Video: Why do wrinkles around the eyes appear?

Mimic wrinkles - goose paws around the eyes: why do they appear, how to prevent?

Mimic wrinkles can occur around the eyes from 18 years old. Therefore, preventive care should be carried out as early as possible. But, if goose legs have already appeared, there are several effective ways to get rid of them. If you use low -quality cosmetics, the first thing you need to do is get rid of it. Effective products that suit your skin type and corresponding to age should be selected.

High -quality cosmetics - the key to beauty
High -quality cosmetics - the key to beauty

Before you start getting rid of facial wrinkles, you need to know that their causes may be:

  • heredity and muscle structure of the face responsible for the folds during a smile or other emotions
  • the presence of bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol, are able to deprive oxygen cells
  • dehydration of the body
  • insomnia
  • lack of good rest
  • ultraviolet
Mimic wrinkles
Mimic wrinkles

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you must be:

  • drink enough water per day
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • sleep in a comfortable position
  • use good moisturizing cosmetics
  • wear sunglasses
  • apply cream with ultraviolet protection
  • to refuse from bad habits

Video: How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes?

Which oil is best suited from wrinkles around the eyes?

The favorable effect of oils is difficult to overestimate. Certain oils are able to eliminate wrinkles and have an anti -aging effect. The oil has become a popular cosmetic product. It should be applied pointily, with the fingertips, “slapping” and “imprinting” the oil into the skin.

Oil - cosmetic product
oil - cosmetic product

In skin care, almost any oil is used around the eyes. The main condition is that the oil should be cold squeezing. The most popular for use are: castor, almond, peach and sea buckthorn oil.

Castor oil from wrinkles around the eyes: the benefits and method of use

The most useful oil is castor, it has a number of acids:

  • linoleva
  • ricinoleva
  • oleinova
  • stearinova
  • palmitinova
Castor oil
Castor oil

Castor oil effectively softens the skin and makes it elastic. This oil is also often used to combat black circles under the eyes and swelling.

For an effective fight against facial wrinkles, it is recommended to add castor oil to the night cream. It is recommended that the oil are actively used for a month, and then take a two -week break.

Almond oil from wrinkles around the eyes: benefit, use

The almond oil contains:

  • vitamin E
  • vitamin B2
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium
  • keratin
  • zinc
  • oleic acid
  • linoleic acid

These trace elements have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and are capable of smoothing wrinkles.

Almond oil
Almond oil

It is recommended to apply oil with fingertips "slapping" into the skin. An hour later, excess a paper cloth should be removed.

Peach oil from wrinkles around the eyes: Application

Peach oil is rich in minerals, vitamins and fatty acids. Peach seed oil is perfect for very dry and sensitive skin, you can also remove makeup with peach oil at the same time eliminating wrinkles and removing excess contamination.

Persian oil can be added to caring cosmetics and moisturized face.

Peach oil
Peach oil

The benefits of sea buckthorn oil around the skin and use

Sea buckthorn oil is effective:

  • in the elimination of wrinkles
  • struggle with dark circles under the eyes
  • the swelling of the eyelids
  • dry skin

As a rule, sea buckthorn oil is mixed with others or added to caring cosmetics.

Sea buckthorn oil has a favorable effect thanks to a rich vitamin-mineral composition.

Sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn oil

Coconut oil from wrinkles around the eyes: benefits and use

Coconut oil is recognized as the best in the fight against wrinkles. Its unique property is also noticed to eliminate the pigmentation of the skin and effectively moisturize. The success of coconut oil lies in the presence of a large number of antioxidants that feed the skin well.

It is recommended to apply to clean skin around the eyes with daily care.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

Avocado oil from wrinkles around the eyes: benefits and use

Avocado oil has many useful trace elements:

  • vitamin A
  • vitamin B1 and B2
  • chlorophyll
  • vitamin D.
  • fitosterin
  • vitamin E
  • faciline
  • vitamin K.
  • lecithin
  • vitamin RR
  • zinc
  • badge
  • potassium

Apply daily on clean skin as a care product for the skin around the eyes.

Avocado oil
Avocado oil

Cocoa oil from wrinkles around the eyes: properties and application

Cocoa oil has such useful trace elements as:

  • vitamin E
  • phytosterols
  • vitamin K.
  • fatty acid
Cacao butter
cacao butter

Cocoa oil can have a good anti -aging effect on the skin of the face and eyelids. You can make a compress of eyelid cocoa oil and under the eyes to feel the result.

To do it, it is necessary to melt the oil, get the napkin into it and put it on the eyes, covering it with a towel. Hold for 10 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Sesame oil from wrinkles around the eyes: properties and application

In addition to many nutrients, sesame oil is saturated with sezamol, which has natural ultraviolet qualities.

Sesame oil
sesame oil

In addition, there is a lot of vitamins B and E, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Sesame oil helps to heal the skin and has the ability to nourish the skin well.

It is recommended to warm up the oil for greater efficiency and use it to clean skin, or add to the nutrient cream around the eyes.

Essential oil of roses, sandalwood, incense, neroli: benefits and use against wrinkles around the eyes

Some essential oils also have an “anti -aging effect”. Properly selected oil can not only improve your appearance, but also give aromatic pleasure. Wrinkles can pull up:

  • Rose oil
Rose oil
rose oil

This is a popular remedy that is worried about wilting skin. The tonic properties of oil are able to return it to elasticity, and regenerating to increase elasticity and improve the skin of the skin around the eyes.

Rosa essential oil is added either to caring cosmetics (1-2 drops), or in basic fatty oil.

  • Sandal oil
Sandal oil
sandal oil

The oil has not only a tonic property, but also can significantly refresh the skin visually.

The addition of sandal essential oil to daily caring cosmetics can improve skin condition and eliminate facial wrinkles.

  • ladana oil

It has a great anti -aging effect.

If you add one drop of incense oil to the basic fatty oil, its effectiveness will increase much.

  • neroli oil
Neroli flowers
neroli flowers

Simply put, this oil from orange wood flowers. Possessing a pleasant aromatic effect, it is able to regenerate the work of young cells, increase the skin tone and smoothing facial wrinkles.

Add a few drops to care cosmetics and use every day.

Olive oil from wrinkles around the eyes: benefits, use, photo before and after

From time immemorial, olive oil has been a popular cosmetic and therapeutic agent. Nowadays, it is actively used to create moisturizing cosmetics, because the olive has amazing properties:

  • smooth wrinkles
  • near the skin
  • moisten the skin
  • regenerate cells
  • dispute the wounds

Olive oil is used in any situation: smooth wrinkles or remove acne. Moreover, it has quality to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and significantly rejuvenate.

Result before and after using olive oil
result before and after using olive oil

Regular use of olive oil and adding it to caring cosmetics can bring excellent external results.

Video: A mixture of oils: from wrinkles. Goose legs. Dehydration. Courage skin care around the eyes

How to keep the skin around the eyes elastic? Wrinkle prevention products around the eyes

If you are not a supporter of hardware tightening of your face and getting rid of wrinkles or you simply do not allow the means to visit a beauty salon every quarter, use home effective methods of combating worthy skin.

Home face care
home face care

There are many recipes for masks from improvised products, but do not wait for a phenomenal effect immediately after the first procedure.

You need to stock up on and regularly try on yourself:

  • It is verified that the oil of wheat, rosehips and grape seeds effectively fights with wrinkles. They can be used both in its pure form and added to masks.
  • Potato masks that can tighten wrinkles. Grate fresh potatoes on a fine grater and add one teaspoon of sour cream to moisten the skin. Hold the mask in your eyes for exactly a minute and rinse with warm water.
  • Eat vitamins A and E can positively affect the condition of the skin and body.
  • Masks with clay are good and useful, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy.
Mask with clay from wrinkles
mask with clay from wrinkles

Video: How to get rid of wrinkles at any age?

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Comments K. article

  1. When my first wrinkles appeared, I was very upset ... You immediately feel old. But this is actually not so. It is important to realize this in time and begin to act. Now, in addition to the masks for rejuvenation, Carnosin Evalarovsky and proper nutrition with an abundance of fat .... The same wrinkles have not yet appeared, and the old ones seemed to be a little smoothed out, which is very happy)

  2. With the help of oils? No. It is better not to smear something under the eyes. There is a very sensitive zone. Process better with Imira C & E serum. Great for all skin types, and most importantly, smoothes wrinkles. I am delighted!

  3. when my wrinkles appeared, I was upset, but my friend reassured me and advised many anti -aging masks and Miaflow cream. I also changed the diet, I don’t see new wrinkles, but the old ones were smoothed out. The main thing is to start acting in time.

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