Aromatherapy in the bathroom. What aromatic oils favorably affect a person?

Aromatherapy in the bathroom. What aromatic oils favorably affect a person?

The aromas surround us from the first sigh and the last exhalation. The article will tell you how to use the power of aromatherapy for the good, will teach you how to take Aromannna, reveal the secrets of familiar smells.

The miraculous effect of aromas on the human body was known in the days of ancient Egypt and ancient China. Over time, the use of essential oils as dosage forms has ceased to be relevant due to the development of traditional medicine.

The term "aromatherapy" appeared in the 30s of the twentieth century thanks to the French chemist-chemist Rene Maurice Catechos. It all started with the fact that the scientist burned his hand. As a medicine, for a non -estate of other options, the chemist had to use lavender essential oil. A successful and rapid restoration of the injured hand prompted the scientist to more deeply investigate the properties of essential oils.

Modern aromatherapy is a method of affecting the human body with essential oils. Fragrances affect the physical and psycho-emotional component of health.

Important: the method is scientifically based and maintains a lot of secrets from the scrolls of ancient scientists

General rules regarding the choice of aromas for therapy

Rule 1. All aromatic dishes are selected based on individual preferences.

Important: universal oils that do not have restrictions on use are considered almond oil, jojoba, macadamia

Rule 2. When you select the essential oil, make sure that the distance between the face and the smell source is 5-10 cm. This will allow you to hear and evaluate the aroma as correctly as possible.

Advice. Highlight the time and conduct a tasting of aromatic oils in the nearest specialized center or pharmacy. Be sure to write down the names of the oils that you liked

Rule 3. Not all oils are suitable for pregnant women and children! Carefully study the instructions for use.

Important: carefully use anise oil next to children and pregnant women. Anis anis overdose slows blood circulation, causes fainting and a state of intoxication.
Peppermint oil is also a danger to children and pregnant women. With an overdose, it can cause bronchospasm.
Geranium, jasmine, juniper complement the list of aromas requiring special attention when used in an “interesting position”

Rule 4. If when inhaled the aroma of essential oil you like, you

  • sneezing
  • feel itching in your nose
  • tearfulness begins
  • you feel general discomfort

the oil will have to be abandoned so as not to provoke the allergic reactions of the body

Rule 5. Do not let yourself deceive! Modern science is known about 2,000 different etheros plants.

To the essential plants they do not relate:

  • apricot
  • watermelon
  • melon
  • coconut
  • banana
  • strawberries
  • strawberry
  • lily of the valley
  • magnolia
  • mango
  • cucumber
  • fern
  • peach
  • lilac
  • linden
  • violet
  • lotus
  • apple tree


Aromatic baths. The benefits of aromatic baths for humans

Incense, aromas, smells were and remain an integral part of world civilization. For many centuries they

  • opened the gate into unknown worlds
  • retained beauty and youth
  • restored bodily and spiritual health
  • allegedly pain
  • they aroused sensuality
  • calm off

Egyptians used aromas as natural painkillers and stimulating funds during childbirth.

In addition, essential oils have established themselves as excellent antiseptic agents.

Aromatherapists release three main groups of essential oils:

  • normalizing
  • stimulating
  • soothing

Important: the period of use of any essential oil is 3 weeks. The therapeutic effect goes on increasing from 1 to 3 weeks of therapy, and then - sharply falls

The schedule of aromatherapy should have the following sequence:

  • 6 days - aromatherapy
  • 1 day - rest

Tip: During aromatherapy, you need to drink up to 2 liters of pure water

What aromatic oils are best used for baths?


Important: oil for aromatherapy in the bathroom should only be natural!

Such oils do not contain in their structure

  • sulfur
  • nitrogen
  • protein

Thanks to this, they do not cause acute allergic reactions.

When buying, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • package. High -quality essential oil is sold in dark glass bottles. The lid should be sealed. The oils are very volatile and evaporated quickly
  • price. The cost of various oils differs due to the cost of the starting raw materials. If the cost of all the oils on the window is the same, which means they are not natural

What oils are better not to use for aromatic baths?

Naturalized, i.e. Made artificially, oils are not used for aromatic. Such oils are best used to flavor air indoors.

Natural essential oil is a multicomponent connection of hydrocarbons, which includes from 200 to 500 components. It is impossible to copy such a set!

How to distinguish natural oil from a synthetic product?

  1. Apply a drop of oil to a paper cloth
    Slowly bring the napkin to the nose and inhale the aroma: in natural essential oils, the aroma is freed slowly and continuously, with a constant change in aromatic notes
  2. Natural oil is a flying substance. Evaporation time depends on the type of oil and can be from 1 to 24 hours

A bath with MIRTA essential oil. Benefit

For many centuries, myrtle was considered the main plant antiseptic. Modern science relates myrto to organic adaptogens, i.e. substances capable of increasing the resistance of the human body by the influence of negative environmental factors.

In addition, myrte oil is an excellent remedy for

  • depressive states
  • insomnia
  • overwork and stress

3-4 drops of myrte oil are an indispensable tool for the treatment and prevention of diseases

  • genitourinary system
  • respiratory tract

This oil will strengthen the walls of blood vessels with varicose veins, phlebitis. It is an excellent antihmorrhoid.

The benefits of a bath with aromatic cinnamon oil for health

At the psycho-emotional level, cinnamon oil eliminates a sense of fear.

On the physical level the aroma of cinnamon

  • activates the work of the gastrointestinal tract
  • improves the condition of the respiratory tract with colds
  • normalizes metabolism processes, blood circulation
  • removes pain during menstruation
  • in combination with orange and eucalyptus oil, it helps to relieve tension in the muscles
  • it has a warming effect

Cinnamon is a sufficiently strong aphrodisiac.

Citrus baths to give energy

Citrus oils are leaders in aromatherapy.

Using essential oils of citrus fruits during aromatic

  • will improve the general psycho-emotional state (especially in children and the elderly)
  • will have a tonic effect
  • stimulates the output of slag
  • normalizes fat metabolism
  • will relieve headaches
  • beneficially will affect the ability to concentrate

Citrus essential oils are natural immunomodulators

Important: citrus essential oils enhance photosensitization. Do not take sunbathing immediately after applying the oils of this group

The citrus group of essential oils belong

  • orange
  • tangerine
  • lemon
  • grapefruit
  • bergamotovo
  • lymettor
  • petigraine

If there is no time for Aromannna, raise your mood for such an aroma lamp made from the peel of an orange:

Sage essential oil. Aromatic baths with sage oil

Sage is a favorite of homeopaths.

Sage essential oil is multifaceted:

  • relieves pain in rheumatism, neuralgia
  • improves the condition of the respiratory tract during the ARVI period
  • displays excess cholesterol
  • it is a natural antispasmodic
  • normalizes physical and mental activity
  • indispensable for women's health:
    • in case of violations of the monthly cycle
    • with painful menstruation
    • for sexual infections
    • facilitates the course of menopause
  • it is included in complex therapy in the treatment of drug addiction

Baths with essential oils, exciting appetite and baths that cause drowsiness

Essential oils that improve appetite include:

  • orange
  • bergamotovo
  • air
  • tangerine
  • angelica roots oil

Important: Before using essential oils, be sure to read the instructions for use. Some of the oils (for example, airy) can only be used for inhalation!

They will help to sleep well:

  • bergamot
  • juniper
  • myrrh
  • cypress
  • cedar
  • mandarin
  • orange
  • neroli
  • lavender
  • incense
  • vanilla
  • sage

In this case, all oils are combined with each other and can be components of a relaxing mixture.

IMPORTANT: The total amount of oil for aroma should not exceed 4-5 drops!

Advice. Do not experiment with aromas immediately before bedtime. The effect can be completely opposite, because we all react differently to smells.

Aromatic salt for the bath. The benefits of baths with aromatic salt

Essential oils have one very important feature: they cannot be used without a basis.

As a substance, one-assembly for aromatic, use:

  • basic oil (for example, olive)-10-15 ml
  • milk - 200 ml
  • cream-2-3 tbsp. l.
  • red wine - 100 ml
  • liquid honey-2-3 tbsp. l.
  • sea salt - 300 g per ½ bathtub of water

The action of sea salt is difficult to overestimate, and in combination with essential oils, such salt has just a magical effect.

Cooking a bath for a bath is quite easy:

  • fold the required amount of salt with a linen bag (can be replaced with marlev)
  • drip essential oil in an amount that meets the recommended norms
  • shake carefully
  • lower the bag into the water

Important: it is better to take large sea salt for the bath

The video “How to make a bath for children with your own hands” will tell you how to pamper your favorite children with benefit for their health.

Video: How to make a bath for children with your own hands. Master class/Favorite children

Aromatherapy in the bathroom: tips and reviews

Aromatherapy is a complex process that has its own rules. The final result of therapy depends on how seriously you react to these rules:
Rule 1. Before taking Aromannna, you should carefully cleanse the body. This will not only remove dirt, fat, keratinized skin particles, but also open pores
Rule 2. During and after taking the bath, it is not recommended to use additional detergents: gels, foam, soap
Rule 3. The water temperature should not cause sweating. The optimal temperature regime aromatic - 38 ° C
Rule 4. It is better to take a bath 1.5-2 hours after the last meal and 1.5-2 hours before bedtime
Rule 5. Duration of aromatic 15-20 minutes
Rule 6. After taking the bath, you should not wipe the body dry. Slightly slightly blink the skin with a towel
Rule 7. After aromatherapy, you should lie down ½ -2 hours

The video at the end of the article will tell some secrets of familiar aromas.

Video: Electsir of youth. Aphrodisiac. The secrets of love. Essential oils. Ancient rites for love and happiness

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