Therapeutic properties of eucalyptus oil. How to be treated with eucalyptus oil?

Therapeutic properties of eucalyptus oil. How to be treated with eucalyptus oil?

This article refers to the benefits of eucalyptus oil, as well as its use in the fight against various ailments.

As soon as we are overcome by a cold, cough, runny nose, we immediately strive for a pharmacy for a huge number of medicines. However, in nature there is a miraculous tool that will help to cope with these ailments - eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus leaves
Eucalyptus leaves

How does eucalyptus oil work? The benefits of natural eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil, which has a strong, urgent, fresh, cool and tart smell, is famous for its miraculous properties to combat various diseases.

Eucalyptus essential oil is obtained from:

  • Leaves of the same tree
  • Young shoots of eucalyptus

This oil has the following properties:

  • Antiseptic
  • Antibacterial
  • Antiparasitic
  • Antiviral
  • Expecting
  • The diaphoretic
  • Spasmolytic
  • Anti -inflammatory
  • Antipyretic
  • Painkillers
  • Differently
Essential oil
Essential oil

Eucalyptus oil is capable of:

  • Accelerate the regeneration of the skin after it is damaged with frost, burns
  • Improve brain activity
  • Raise your mood
  • Eliminate fatigue
  • Fighting drowsiness
  • Cope with depression
  • Bleach the skin
  • Fighting acne
  • Get rid of dandruff
  • Increase sexual energy

Eucalyptus oil with proper use will help to cope with the following diseases:

  • Acute tooth pain
  • Back pain
  • Cold
  • Angina
  • The flu
  • Sinusitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Cough
  • Arthritis
  • Myositis
  • Neuralgia
  • Rheumatism
  • Radiculitis
  • Herpes
  • Skin problems
  • Furunculosis
  • Damage to mucous membranes and ulcers

Studies show that eucalyptus wood oil can reduce blood sugar in diabetes.

Having the property to disinfect, when used for aromatherapy, essential eucalyptus oil plays an important role in the prevention of infectious infectious infectious diseases, which are transmitted by airborne droplets.


How to use eucalyptus oil for medicinal purposes?

Possessing a huge list of positive properties, oil can become an assistant in the fight against various ailments.

In treatment, depending on the disease, essential oil can be used both in pure and diluted form. For treatment, it is possible to use this oil in a mixture with other essential oils.

Eucalyptus oil can be used for:

  • Adoption of baths
  • Massage
  • Rubbing/rubbing
  • Rinses
  • Douching
  • Compresses
  • Inhalations
  • Application inward
  • Spraying with a spray gun
  • Saun
  • Aromatherapy
The use of essential oil in the sauna
The use of essential oil in the sauna

The benefits of eucalyptus oil from cough

Eucalyptus tree essential oil is able to overcome viruses and bacteria. It has expectorant properties. Oil can eliminate the inflammatory process, reduce pain, reduce spasm in the bronchi. In this regard, eucalyptus oil will help to easily cope with the cough in both the adult and in the child.

With a cough, the use of eucalyptus wood oil for:

  • Inhalations
  • Grinding

For inhalations in the fight against cough, it is necessary:

  • Three to five drops of essential oil
  • One liter of hot water. Do not use too hot water - you can get a thermal burn
  • Stir well
  • Pour into the inhaler
  • In the absence of an inhaler, it is permissible to use a conventional pan and a bath towel. You should be inclined above the container with a solution for inhalation of vapors, while covering your head with a towel

The duration of steam inhalation should be from five to twenty minutes.

For rubbing is necessary:

  • We take the oil oil, for example, vegetable, or melted petroleum jelly
  • Add three drops of eucalyptus oils
  • Mix thoroughly
  • The resulting mixture is rubbed into the chest area

To combat the cough, you can use a mixture of oils, in addition to eucalyptus, for example, chamomile oil, lavender, fir, tea tree, etc. are added.

The same manipulations must be used to combat coughing in a child. However, it is necessary to reduce the dose of oil to one or two drops.

Steam inhalation
Steam inhalation

Eucalyptus oil for colds

In the fight against colds, eucalyptus oil is one of the best natural remedies in treatment.

To combat a cold, it is recommended:

  • Eucalyptus inhalations
  • Baths with essential oil
  • Aromatherapy
  • Rubbing/rubbing and massage with the addition of eucalyptus oil

We examined how to carry out steam inhalations in the previous section.

Eucalyptus bath
Eucalyptus bath

For eucalyptus baths follows:

  • Fill the bath with water. The water temperature should be about 37 ° C
  • Combine five to fifteen drops of eucalyptus oil with an emulsifier. For example, with sea salt, milk.
  • Add the resulting mass to the prepared bath
  • Take a bath for about 15 minutes
  • After an aromatic bath, it is worth getting wet with a towel, put on woolen socks, wrap himself in a blanket. It will be good to sweat

With colds, aromatherapy has proven itself well. For aromatherapy with eucalyptus oil, you can do this:

  • We collect the required amount of water into the lamp for aromatherapy
  • Add ten drops of essential oil
  • Light a candle
  • Leave for thirty minutes

In the absence of aroma lamps in the heating season, you can do this:

  • Drip to ten drops of eucalyptus oil on a cotton pad, put the disk on the heating device, for example, the battery
  • Drip up to ten drops of oil into a glass of water, put a container of water on a heating device, for example, a heater

For rubbing, aromatic massage follows:

  • Take ten milliliters of children's cream, or foundations.
  • Add from three to five drops of eucalyptus oil
  • The resulting mixture with massaging movements is rubbed into the area of \u200b\u200bthe sternum, back. You should grate the feet without fail and immediately use woolen socks for its intended purpose and go to bed under a warm blanket
Oil when rubbing
Oil when rubbing

Eucalyptus oil with a runny nose

Few people acquired in a pharmacy can cope with a runny nose the best than natural essential oils.

Essential oil with a runny nose should use:

  • In the preparation of solutions for rinsing the nose
  • In steam inhalations
  • In aromatic baths
  • For rubbing
Washing the nose
Washing the nose

A solution for rinsing the nose should be prepared as follows:

  • We take warm water, about a glass
  • Two drops of essential oil drip into a teaspoon of sea salt
  • Dissolve salt with oil in prepared water
  • Rinse the sinuses of the nose at least three times a day

We considered the procedure for using eucalyptus oil for baths and inhalations in sections above. We will consider in detail how to grow rubbing to combat a runny nose.

Rubbing with a runny nose should be carried out as follows:

  • We apply a couple of drops of oil to the tips with your finger
  • Rub the oil around the nasal openings, the nasal wings area with massage movements

Important: when rubbing/rubbing, essential oils in pure form should be used only in intact skin.

The use of etheric small in its purest form
Using essential oil in its purest form

Eucalyptus oil for sinusitis

Eucalyptus oil has established itself well in the treatment of sinusitis.

To combat this ailment, eucalyptus oil is widely used in the form:

  • Oil composition for washing the nose, as with an ordinary runny nose. How to do this, we described above
  • Fluids for steam inhalation, as with coughing, runny nose, cold
  • Drops of milking

A solution for instillation of the nasal based on oil is prepared as follows:

  • We take one teaspoon of strong black tea
  • Put a teaspoon of natural honey
  • We drip ten drops of eucalyptus oil
  • Mix everything thoroughly
  • We instill three or four times a day in each nostril three drops
Drops in the nose with essential oil
Drops in the nose with essential oil

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil, benefit

Steam inhalations with eucalyptus oil are useful precisely in that thanks to this procedure, it is much easier to naturally get rid of inflammations, viruses and infections in the nasopharynx.

Without making special efforts, the sick, only inhaling pleasant couples, can speed up his recovery.

In addition to hot inhalations, which were discussed in sections above, it is also possible to carry out cold inhalations. To do this, we do this:

  • We take a handkerchief, cotton pad or napkin
  • We drip three drops of essential oil
  • We bring it to the face
  • Inhale vapors of essential oil for three to five minutes

For cold inhalation, you can prepare a medallion.

Cold inhalation
Cold inhalation

Eucalyptus oil during pregnancy

Essential oils act on the body more carefully than any drugs. The use of eucalyptus oil with pregnant women is possible, however, you should be extremely careful when using it.

It is advisable to exclude the use of miraculous oil in the first four months of pregnancy. In the remaining months of pregnancy, it is permissible to use this oil in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, but only after agreeing with the doctor.

Important: pregnant women cannot be consumed by eucalyptus oil inside. It can have a destructive effect on the fetus.

Eucalyptus inhalations are widely used by pregnant women, both hot and cold. Rubbings, massage, rinsing the nasal sinuses, burying the nose, spraying of the solution using oil in the room for its disinfection, as well as aromatherapy are used.

I would like to separately note the benefits of aromatherapies for pregnant women. Inhaling pairs of this oil, a woman in a position can avoid colds.

Using eucalyptus oil for aroma lamps, a pregnant woman will significantly improve her emotional background, calm down. Inhalation of pleasant vapors will have a beneficial effect on the dream of a future mother at night, and during the day it will fail to cheer up.

Healthy sleep of a pregnant woman
Healthy sleep of a pregnant woman

Contraindications to the use of eucalyptus oil

No matter how wide properties the oil of eucalyptus wood has, there are still contraindications for its use. Do not neglect this information.

Contraindications of the use of miraculous oil are as follows:

  • With individual intolerance to essential oil
  • Childhood. Do not use this oil for the treatment of diseases in children under two years old to avoid bronchial spasm
  • People suffering from bronchial asthma
  • Love, cork
  • Pregnant women until a four -month period
  • People with atrophy of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and nasal cavity
  • In the presence of allergies to plants of the eucalyptus family

Eucalyptus oil treatment: tips and reviews

The use of eucalyptus oil for the most part is famous for its positive reviews. However, you can find the following tips:

  • Pregnant women need to listen to the advice of others with special vigilance and it is better to consult with aromatherapist and gynecologist before using eucalyptus oil.
  • In large quantities, eucalyptus is very toxic. It should be avoided entering the body in such quantities
  • Eucalyptus baths have proven themselves very well at the first signs of colds
  • An allergy to this oil can be manifested in the form of an increase in the symptoms of the disease, to combat this oil used. For example, a cough may increase, nasal congestion will appear
  • If in childhood there was an allergy to eucalyptus, then in adulthood it should be used with its oil with particular caution
  • With particular caution, eucalyptus oil should be used for people with high pressure suffering from epilepsy
  • Eucalyptus is able to neutralize the effect of some homeopathic preparations. Before using it, you should consult your doctor without fail
Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil

With special care, treat your health, love yourself. Let the etheric eucalyptus become your defender from health troubles. Let eucalyptus oil become a real friend for your family.

VIDEO: Eucalyptus essential oil - beneficial properties and features of application

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Comments K. article

  1. Eucalyptus oil is a super thing!
    Sometimes I fumigate the child’s room, and the patch of the sock glue for the night of the child to recover - there, in addition to eucalyptus, there is also a campaura

  2. I don’t really like baths with eucalyptus, but for the prevention of colds it works quickly. You can even mix it with other oils or ready -made mixtures for inhalation. I used to mix it, now I use the mixture of breathing, because there are more oils mixed specifically from colds and there is still a cadet -tree oil.

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