The Great, Petrov, Assumption, Christmas Fast, Parental Day, Radonitsa, Shrovetide, forgiven Sunday, days of memory of warriors in 2023: Dates, Description

The Great, Petrov, Assumption, Christmas Fast, Parental Day, Radonitsa, Shrovetide, forgiven Sunday, days of memory of warriors in 2023: Dates, Description

According to St. John Chrysostom, “one who believes that the post is only in abstinence from food is mistaken. True post is removal from evil, curbing the tongue, deposition of anger, taming of lust, cessation of slander, lies and oaths. ”

Calendar for 2023
Calendar for 2023

Great Lent in 2023

Begins on February 27 - April 15, 2023
April 16 Easter

The great post arose in honor of Jesus Christ himself - the Savior, when he himself these days, tempted by the devil in the desert, did not eat 40 days.
The post is strictly observed in the first and last (passionate) week. During the Holy Week on Pure Monday - it is not customary to eat food, on the rest of the days: Monday Wednesday, Friday - Drinking: vegetables, fruits, bread, water, and on Tuesday, Thursday, hot foods without oil are allowed, and on Saturday you can eat food with vegetable oil.
You can eat fish on the Annunciation on Palm Sunday. In Lazarev Saturday, you can eat fish caviar.
On a passionate Friday, it is not allowed to eat food until 12 a.m. before the removal of the shroud.

Great Lent menu

Petrov post in 2023

It begins from June 12 to July 11, 2023.

The post is established in memory of the holy apostles of Peter and Paul. It is called the summer. The start date of the post depends on the date of Easter. The post begins a week after the festival of the Holy Trinity on Monday and every year ends in the same date on July 12 on the day of Peter and Paul. Those. It can last from 8 to 42 days.
Petrov post is less strict than a great post. It is not allowed to eat only milk and meat and on Wednesdays and Fridays you can not eat fish.
The day of the holiday itself in honor of the holy apostles Peter and Paul is not part of the post. However, any other holiday that has fallen on Wednesday or Friday is considered a post with permission to eat fish and vegetable oil.

Menu of the Great, Petrov, Assumption and Christmas Lent

Assumption post in 2023

It begins from August 14 to August 27, 2023.

A two -week post in honor of the holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which he ends. The Assumption post as strict as the great post. During fasting, you can’t eat meat, dairy products, eggs. Fish is allowed only on the day of the transformation of the Lord.
On Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dried.
On Tuesday and Thursday - boiled food without vegetable oil.
On Saturday and Sunday, food with vegetable oil and wine are allowed.
As during another post, spiritual abstinence (from noisy entertainment) is important.

Assumption post

Christmas post in 2023

Begins from November 28, 2023 to January 6, 2024

The post begins after the day of the Apostle Philip 40 days before the Nativity of Christ ends with this great holiday.
On the days of fasting, you can’t eat meat, dairy products, eggs.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays - dryness
On Tuesdays, Thursdays - hot food with vegetable oil.
On Saturdays and Sundays - hot plant foods with vegetable oil, fish, wine (moderate consumption).
December 4 - on the feast of the introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, even if it falls on Wednesday or Friday, hot plant foods with vegetable oil, fish, wine (moderate consumption) are allowed.
On January 6, at the Christmas Christmas Eve - hot food with vegetable oil and juicy - sweet porridge with honey and raisins of any cereal. On this day, you can not eat food to the first star, which means until the end of the service in the church and after the worship to start a meal with a soil.

Post on Wednesday and Friday

Regular lean days are Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday, the post is established in the memory of the betrayal of Judah Christ, on Friday - in memory of the godmother and the death of the Savior.
These days of the week, the Holy Church calls for abstinence from meat, eggs and dairy products, and vegetable oil is allowed during the celebration of saints. And only during the biggest holidays, such as cover, you can eat fish.
In the week of all saints before the Nativity of Christ, fish and vegetable oil should not be consumed.

The post of Wednesday and Friday is canceled only for the holidays of Christmas and Epiphany.

Patients and people busy with heavy physical labor allowed some relief so that believers have forces to prayers and the necessary work.

One -day posts of 2023

January 18 - Epiphany Eve, on the eve of the baptism of the Lord. On this day, believers are preparing for the rite of cleansing and consecration by holy water on the festival of baptism.
September 11 - The Beheading of the Head of John the Baptist. This is the day of memory and death of the great prophet John.
September 27 - the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. The memory of the suffering of Jesus Christ the Savior on the cross for the sake of saving the human race.
One -day posts are days of strict fasting (except Wednesday and Friday). Fish is prohibited, but food with vegetable oil is allowed.

About a meal on Orthodox holidays

According to the church charter, during the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany that happened on Wednesday and Friday, there is no post.
In the Christmas and Epiphany, Christmas Eve and during the holidays of the erection of the Cross of the Lord and the celebration of the head of John the Baptist, food with vegetable oil is allowed.
On the holidays of the residence, the transformations of the Lord, the Assumption, Christmas and the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, her introduction to the temple, the Christmas of John the Baptist, the Apostles of Peter and Paul, John the Theologian, which happened on Wednesday and Friday, as well as from Easter to the Trinity on Wednesday and Friday Fish is allowed.

Parents of special commemoration of the deceased in 2023

Ecumenical parental Saturdays are 2 times a year.

Saturday meat -drinking (Ecumenical Parental Saturday) - February 15, 2023
Saturday Troitskaya - June 3, 2023

Parental Saturdays during Great Lent are often mistakenly called universal, although they are not such.

Saturday of the 2nd week of the Great Lent on March 11, 2023
Saturday of the 3rd week of Great Lent on March 18, 2023
Saturday of the 4th week of Great Lent on March 25, 2023
Radonitsa - April 25, 2023
Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday November 4, 2023

Parental day - Radonitsa in 2023: Date

To find out the date of parental day, you need to add 9 days by the date of Easter. If, for example, Easter falls on April 24, then the deceased is remembered May 3, It is on the 9th day after Easter. They call this day Radonitsa - The main parental day, a memorial day. Believers rush to the cemeteries to the graves of their loved ones.

Radonitsa in 2023 falls on April 25

Days of memory of warriors

May 9 - annually commemorate the deceased soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War
September 11 - annually the day of memory of Orthodox warriors killed for faith, the king and the Fatherland.

The day of commemoration in the people's tradition (not in church) of the dead violent death, drowned people, suicides, unbaptized

They are remembered for 7th Thursday after Easter, before the day of the Holy Trinity.

In 2023, such a day June 1 It is called Semik. This is a national commemoration day, it is not recognized by the church.

Solid week in 2023: Dates

January 7 - 18 - Christmas time - Holidays between Christmas and Baptism. They begin with a Christmas evening and last until the morning of baptism. Holy days in Russia, people celebrate magnificently with rites, fortune -telling.
The fund and the Pharisee from 6 to 11 February, 2023 - The days before the great post. You can eat everything these days. And even on Wednesday and Friday.
Cheese (Shrovetide) from February 20 to February 26, 2023. This week you can eat eggs, fish, milk, but it is forbidden to eat meat.
Easter (bright) from April 17 to 23 April, 2023. This week there is no post on Wednesday or Friday. Even those who are preparing for communion cannot be fasted.
Trinity from 5 to 11 June, 2023. There is no post. Omnivorous week.

Forgiveness Sunday in 2023: Date

This holiday ends with the celebration of the Great Shrovetide ( February 20 to February 26, 2023). This is the last day of Shrovetide - forgiven Sunday. People ask God and each other forgiveness.

The date of forgiven Sunday is February 26, 2023.

More about rituals Read the Shrovetide here.

Meat - the period when meat food is allowed according to the church charter

Usually this is the time after any post.

There are four meat -eaters:

  • Spring: between the Great and Petrov posts
  • Summer: between Petrov and Assumption posts
  • Autumn: between the Assumption and Christmas posts
  • Winter: From the Nativity of Christ to the beginning of Shrovetide (according to the meaty week - the penultimate Sunday before the great post). During Shrovetide, up to the Great Lent (for forgiven Sunday), you can eat imminent food without meat.

At the same time, throughout the year and, during the days of Myaso, according to the Orthodox Charter there are one -day posts on Wednesdays and Fridays. In summer and autumn meat -eaters, imminent foods are not allowed on these days. In the spring and winter meat -eaters these days you can eat fish.

Meat -eater - time for weddings

Meat -eater, at the same time, the time of weddings.

For the wedding, autumn and winter meat -eater are especially in demand.

Autumn meat -eater from August 28 to November 27But weddings are mostly cope with only in October and the first half of November, which is explained by economic reasons (the crop has already been sold by October) and the released time from harvesting and religious views of the people, which considers the celebration of the Most Holy Theotokos (October 14) the patron saint of weddings.

Time for weddings

When is the marriage?

  • There is no marriage on Tuesday and Thursday throughout the year.
  • Breaking on Saturdays is not committed.
  • Brakeniya is not committed during the twelve, temple and great holidays.
  • There is no marriage during the posts: the Great, Petrov, Assumption, Rozhdestvensky.
  • There is no marriage in the continuation of the Christmas time, a meat -pounding per week, during the cheesecake - Maslenitsa, a raw materials per week.
  • The marriage is not committed during the Easter (bright) week and in the days of the erection of the Cross of the Lord.
  • There is no marriage to one -day posts. - January 18, Epiphany Christmas Eve, September 11, the Beauty of John the Baptist, on September 27, the erection of the Cross of the Lord.

Video: Orthodox post, its goal and content

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