How to start confession, going up to the priest? From what words does confession begin and end? How to hello with a priest in confession? What does the priest ask in confession?

How to start confession, going up to the priest? From what words does confession begin and end? How to hello with a priest in confession? What does the priest ask in confession?

How to start confession in the temple? The article describes what you need to say to the priest or write in a note.

Confession is part of the rite of repentance in the presence of a clergyman. A Christian recognizes his sins to the Creator. Confession is an important sacrament for man, his spiritual existence and salvation. Repentance as a foundation of spirituality.

Read on our website another article on the topic: “How to pray at home, in the church, in front of the icon, the relics, so that God will hear and help us: Orthodox church rules”. You will find out whether it is possible and how to pray correctly in your own words, and what main prayers you need to know and read to the Orthodox Christian.

In this article we will tell you how to confess correctly, what to say to the priest when you only approach him. You will also find out what the father asks for confession. Read further.

Confession before the priest: Why is it believed that this is the beginning of a new life?

Confession before the priest
Confession before the priest

Sinity is dirt, and confession is purification of spiritual mud. Sin is a poison for the soul, repentance can be cured of the poison of sin. That is why it is believed that this is the beginning of a new life. To cure his soul, a person needs to go to church. Many people wonder: why should you confess in the church and in the presence of a priest? God hears everyone who has sinned, but asking him for forgiveness will not be enough. For example:

  • If a person fell into the mud and he is ashamed of this, then he will not become cleaner.
  • To cleanse, an external source with water will be required.
  • To cleanse your soul from sin, you need to go to church and commit the process of washing - The sacrament of confession.

It is not always easy to forgive the repentant, but it is necessary to repent before those who are offended. The most important thing is to repent to the Heavenly Father, because only he gives salvation. Only before him a person has many sins.

How to prepare for a general confession?

Full recognition requires preliminary preparation. On this trebe, a person will have to state a lot of facts from his life at a time. All these sinful events are best recorded and bring with you. How to prepare for a general confession?

  • Before the rite, a person should think well about what his fault is before God and others.
  • It is important to recall all the bad thoughts and deeds.
  • It is necessary to analyze all the commandments of God.
  • Remember why close relatives scold you, because they see more from the outside.
  • If possible, then say "sorry" to everyone who has ever been offended. Remember that you can offend with words, actions, misunderstanding, indifference. We need to reconcile with everyone.
  • If this does not work, then you need to make peace in the mind and in your heart.
  • You do not need to justify your identity, accuse outsiders of your mistakes.

Before the sacrament, from 3 to 7 days are prepared, three days should be followed and pronounced prayer words. All their sinful and correct actions in life are being reviewed. A pre -prepared general confession with various explanations will help to see your life path from the outside. This will help to understand in which direction you need to move on.

It is very important to find a good confessor for the rite. But not everyone wants to open before the priest. It is best to go to a familiar clergyman.

The beginning of the confession: what words to start to repent in front of the priest in the church, an example

Confession before the priest
Confession before the priest

Do not be late for me, come to God's house at 7-30 in the morning, if you confess in the morning. If in the evening, then by 16-30 (but it is better to check with those who serve in the temple). The appearance of a believing Christian should be modest. It is forbidden to wear defiant dresses, skirts and blouses, large beads or earrings and use perfumes with a sharp aroma. A woman is obliged to cover her head.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW: During critical days, it is better not to visit the temple for the ruff and, especially, for the sacrament.

Tune in to the required mood in advance. The Christian must be deeply respectable when addressing the Lord during a ruff. At first, the believer fully recognizes his sinfulness and begins to list all his misconduct. It is necessary to mention not only perfect misconduct, but also bad thoughts.

What words to start to repent in front of the priest in the church? To begin with, the following words can be used in God's house - an example:

Next, talk sins in relation to God, to loved ones and your personality.

Video: What to say on confession? Detailed confession of sins to Father

How to hello with a priest in confession?

Some Orthodox Christians have a question on the account of contacting the clergyman. How to hello with a priest in confession? At first it is important to greet and say:

  • "Bless, father!"

Only equivalent to him by the dignity can say hello to the clergyman by the hand. Other people, and even deacons, when talking with him, can only accept a blessing from him. To do this, you need to put your palms in the form of a cross, the right upstairs. It is necessary to take a blessing hand and kiss it as a sign of veneration of the sacred dignity. Feel free, so all believers do so.

He can be blessed if you suddenly met on the street, and not only when he is in a church rite. The father can be dressed in a regular suit. You can talk to him on the street, in the store, in the market, any public place. But you should not approach the blessing outside the church to the not -dressed priest, if he does not know you personally.

How to start a note on a confession: what words to write in order to repent correctly?

The temple visits a huge number of people, but not everyone has the courage to say aloud about their sinfulness and the deed. First you should approach the clergyman and ask him to appoint a watch for confession. At the meeting, one on one can talk. Before the confession ritual, you need to read the repentant canon. It is he who will set up a Christian in the right way and remove all bad thoughts.

How to start a note on a confession? What words to write to repent correctly?

  • You can write at first, as you say: "Bless, father!"

Then throw a list of sins on a blank sheet of paper, so that then do not forget anything from excessive excitement. Not only seven mortal sins fall into this list. There are many others:

For ladies - It can be:

For men:

If you have any of these sins or maybe others, write on a paper sheet that is prepared for confession. Below even more useful information. Read further.

With what words you need to finish confession in the church: what to say, example

Confession before the priest
Confession before the priest

It is very important to finish correctly in the temple. What words, what to say? When the confession ends, you must repent of the wrong misconduct and humbly ask the Creator about the forgiveness of your sins - an example:

After confessions, you need to try to avoid the repetition of perfect mistakes. Each time this is counted even more complex and dangerous for a person with sin. The clergyman who performed the rite will advise how to behave correctly and begin existence worthy of a real believer.

What does the priest ask in confession?

The clergyman himself asks a person at confession: "What did he have sinned in front of the Creator?".

No need to pronounce everything in detail, it is worth listing all sins by the right definitions that are inherent in the church. The clergyman can start asking everything in detail, only in this case you need to tell all the details of the situation.

At the end of the confession, the father will ask if all the sins were open to the creator, whether something else was hidden. Usually he asks if a person repents in perfect sinfulness? Is there a regret about the deeds, will a person take such actions in the future? We need to answer all the questions of the priest. After that, he will cover the believer of the epitrachille (element of priestly vestments) and read permissive prayer words over him.

Preparation for the sacrament: how right?

The sacrament of the participle
The sacrament of the participle

Before the confession, at least 3 days should be prepared, and better - a week, and it is important to fast. It is necessary to exclude products such as meat, milk and eggs, sometimes fish. Spouses should not live sexual life. The whole family refuses to watch TV and other entertainment, and we visit the temple during worship. They need to read prayer words in the morning and evening. After confession, you can take part in the liturgy. How to prepare for this sacrament?

Regardless of the time of Treba, on the eve of the liturgy, you need to visit evening service. Before evening prayer rules, before you go to bed, they will definitely read three canons:

Each of the canons is read separately or with the help of a prayer book. There, these prayers are united together. Then the canon is read to the Holy Communion before the prayer rule for the holy communion, which are read at 5-6 in the morning. If a person cannot read all the prayer rules in 1 day, the priest can allow this for all the days of the shift.

It is difficult for children to follow all the rules for preparing for the sacrament. Parents should, together with the clergyman, choose the right way to read prayers. A child can start with a minimum amount, and then gradually add the number of necessary words. So will be a comfortable process of preparing for Trebe. And over time, prayer lines will be observed by the Holy Communion.

It is worth knowing:

  • Sometimes a person cannot read the required number of prayer words. This is the reason why he does not go to confession for a long time and, accordingly, into the sacrament.
  • Preparation for repentance does not require some huge amount of prayer lines read.
  • To prepare for the participle, you need to subtract a lot of prayer words and this causes difficulties.
  • Believers should begin the sacraments of confession and participles calmly.
  • To begin with, preparations for confession are important and at the same time ask the priest of the Council.
  • It is necessary to read prayer words to the Lord so that He helps on the path of overcoming problems and gives strength to prepare for Trebe.

You need to go to the communion on an empty stomach:

  • From 12 hours. It is forbidden to eat and drink nights (smoking people do not smoke).
  • Only the smallest children can be an exceptional moment. Kids from a specific age period-from 5-6 liters, and if possible earlier, it is important to accustom to the current general rule.

In the morning, do not even go to the kitchen and give up cigarettes. In the morning, you need to subtract morning prayer words to the holy communion. If this is impossible to do, then a person needs to take a blessing from a clergyman to do this in the evening. To the temple, to the morning liturgy, come on time, before the start of the process of confession. If you did this in the evening, then the confessor comes to 7-30 and prays with the rest of the believers.

Video: How to repent in confession?

Video: What to talk about on confession?

Video: What to do if you don’t know what to say in confession, and repeat the same thing?

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