When to get out in front of Easter at home, in the cemetery? When can not be removed before Easter? Is it possible to clean on Friday, Saturday before Easter?

When to get out in front of Easter at home, in the cemetery? When can not be removed before Easter? Is it possible to clean on Friday, Saturday before Easter?

The list of days when you can clean before Easter.

Many people knowthat Thursday before Easter is called clean. In Russia, it was on Thursday that the house was cleaned, cleaning of negative energy. In this article, we will tell you when it is necessary to clean before Easter. 

What days can you clean before Easter?

Of course, almost the whole week before Easter is a worker, because every housewife, starting from Monday, begins to sort things in the house. The main goal is to throw the trash, to carry out a general cleaning. Such a tradition appeared as a result of the fact that Christ at a secret evening to his disciples washed their feet, as reconciliation and love. Starting from this ablution, the tradition appeared to clean up before Easter.

What days can you clean before Easter:

  • Cleaning is not carried out only on Thursday, but throughout the week. In order to clean the house from old energy, it is necessary to properly carry out manipulations. It is worth completely removing all the jewelry, put on free clothes, and a light shade. Before this, you need to tune in a positive way and read a prayer.
  • As indicated above, the whole week before Easter is working, and it is necessary to put your house in order.
  • On Monday, they usually perform gross work, which are associated with the finish. On this day, peeling paint is restored, broken windows or doors are repaired, a staircase, a skirting board are repaired, and old things are thrown away. In addition, on Monday it is customary to buy food for pets, but products do not purchase for a celebration, it is believed that it is too early. This is a great day to get in the refrigerator, and prepare it for the celebration. 
  • Passionate Tuesday. Great time to purchase home textiles. It can be towels, tablecloths, bedding. Usually they purchase things that will be used for the holiday. This is a great day for washing big things, such as blankets, bedding or bedspreads. It was on Tuesday morning that animals are awake in water to give them health. 
  • Wednesday is a great day to restore order in the house. It is on this day that all work begins to improve and clean the apartment. They usually wash in the rooms, throw old things. Remember that on Wednesday you can purchase eggs and food products. 
  • On Thursday, it is necessary to continue cleaning housing. It is believed that all manipulations must be done until noon. After all, after lunch, according to the Bible, Christ washed the apostles of the leg. On this day, you can clean the cemetery. It is believed that on Thursday it is necessary to recalculate the money that is available, but do not give anything and do not take anything. It is on this day that cakes and paints are prepared.  

Why do you need to clean up before Easter?

This allows the removal b from home negative energy and prepare for Easter.

Why do Easter should clean up:

  • To drive out dark forces, it is necessary to pour out the consecrated salt to the floor, and remove the residues of garbage. It is believed that such a manipulation will clean the apartment from evil spirits.
  • Next, ventilation of the room is carried out, all windows and doors are opened. It is necessary that everyone who does not clean the house be beyond. Next, washing windows, tables, wiping mirror and glass surfaces is carried out.
  • Before cleaning, it is necessary to throw out unnecessary things, trash. It is also necessary to dispose of the cracked dishes, as it absorbs the energy of its owner. After all glass surfaces and windows are washed, it is necessary to pour dirty water over the threshold. It is best not to drain it into the toilet, but to take it out of the house.
  • It is believed that it is with this water that the house leaves negative energy. Next, it is necessary to spray the corners with holy water. To do this, a twig of St. John's wort is dipped into the water, sprinkling all angles is carried out. At this time, it is necessary to light candles, which will help get rid of evil spirits.

Cleaning to Easter, where to start?

With a church candle, it is worth going around the house clockwise, starting from the front door. During the manipulation, it is necessary to read the prayer. A prerequisite is the launch of a positive energy. After cleaning is carried out, it is necessary that the house meets with bright energy.

To do this, windows and doors open again for 30 minutes. It is necessary to turn on all the lamps so that the house is saturated with light. During the combustion of all lamps, it is necessary to readprayer Our Father. Each room has a bouquet of wildflowers. If they are not, twigs of walnut, juniper, or cedar are suitable. There are several manipulations that must be carried out before Easter.

Cleaning to Easter, where to start:

  • Washing windows 
  • Washing curtains 
  • Cleaning angles 
  • Dismantling of trash 
  • Flower transplant 

Our ancestors believed that the window- this is A certain eye, the portal outside, it helps to be saturated with energy from the street, and perceive the correct information. Therefore, if the windows are too dirty, then part of the positive energy is absorbed by dust, so distorted energy enters the house. That is why the great importance was given to the purification of window frames, as well as the washing of glasses. 


On Saturday, before Easter can you clean or not?

On Saturday, a mournful day, so it is not recommended to clean, except for the rooms in which the celebration will be held. This is usually easy cleaning, washing the floor or wiping dust. You cannot do any serious things on Saturday. It is believed that this is a good day for cleaning in the cemetery. Most often, delicious dishes are prepared on Saturday, which they plan to exhibit at the festive table. 

On Saturday, before Easter you can clean or not:

  • As indicated above, it is Friday that is considered the day when Christ was crucified, and Saturday - a mournful period. Therefore, all the hard work that are associated with cleaning the carpets, with small repair, must be carried out at the beginning of the week.
  • On Thursday, in the morning, the housewives only washed the floor at home and finally put housing in order. Almost the entire Thursday, most women were engaged in the preparation of Easter cakes, painting eggs, and preparatory work.
  • Our ancestors on Saturday allowed the “quiet cleaning”. This is washing dishes, cleaning tables, or small cleaning. The general cleaning on Saturday cannot be done.

Is it possible to clean on Friday, in front of Easter?

Big Friday, it is also called passionate, is usually carried out in prayers.

Is it possible to clean on Friday, before Easter:

  • It is impossible to clean on this day, it is believed that absolutely everything needs to be done until Friday.
  • It is believed that people who carry out general cleaning on Friday or Saturday can get into trouble. 

Is it possible to clean before Easter on Thursday?

Many people know that it is precisely on Clean Thursday that it is necessary to transfer all activities for cleaning the house. However, our ancestors considered it somewhat different.

Is it possible to clean before Easter on Thursday:

  • It was believed that all the main work should be done by Thursday, on this day it was best to go to church and bake Easter cakes. The Gospel says that it was on the fourth day that the secret Office took place, during which their legs washed.
  • It was from here that the concept appeared that cleaning, manipulation of housing in order, must be carried out on Thursday. When on Thursday you wash the floor or windows, you need to throw coins into the water.
  • It was believed that this water is monetary. If every corner of the house is washed with such water, you will receive material well -being. 
In the kitchen
In the kitchen

When can you clean the cemetery in front of Easter?

There are certain days intended for visiting the graves of deceased relatives and parents. It is generally accepted that parental Saturdays must be carried out on the second, third and fourth Saturday after Great Lent.

When you can clean the cemetery in front of Easter:

  • That is, the last day of cleaning in the cemetery is the Saturday before the Palm Sunday. The whole passionate week in front of Easter is an inappropriate period for visiting graves.
  • It is believed that until a passionate week it is necessary to clean the cemetery. A week after Easter, you can not come to the cemetery. It is the week after Easter that is considered joyful, at this time it is necessary to read the risen Christ.
  • Therefore, it is impossible to think about the deceased in the period after Easter. On the 9th day after Easter, it is recommended to honor the memory of the deceased. 
Cleaning in the cemetery
Cleaning in the cemetery

How to quickly get out of Easter?

If there is not much time, then you can perform several basic manipulations that are considered obligatory before Easter. It is they who open the entrance for light Easter into the house.

Therefore, the following manipulations can be considered obligatory: 

  • Window cleaning, glass 
  • Washing curtains 
  • Washing bedding 

How to quickly get out in front of Easter:

  • A lot of attention is paid to cleaning angles. Indeed, in the process of cleaning, angles are most often ignored. They usually clog dust and a lot of garbage. It is with this that the tradition of sprinkling the corners of holy water is associated, since, according to our ancestors, negative energy accumulates here, and dark forces live. 
  • Be sure to get rid of bugs, insects, cockroaches and ants if they are in the house. It is also necessary to trim the pots, wash all the lamps. It is necessary to carry out general cleaning, during which the corners and disassembly of the cabinets in the house are cleaned, with the disposal of old, unnecessary, torn things. 

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It is necessary that Easter all linen be clean and pleasantly smelled. This applies to curtains. After all, as indicated above, it is the windows that are the entrance gate for the receipt of energy to the house. It is through open windows and transparent glass that Easter energy enters the house. Therefore, in no case should there be dirty curtains on the windows.

Video: When to clean up in front of Easter?

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