The pain to the right of the navel is acute, stitching, sharp, dull: reasons, what to do?

The pain to the right of the navel is acute, stitching, sharp, dull: reasons, what to do?

The pain to the right of the navel indicates the presence of a serious disease in the body. Read more in this article.

Many people who are pain in the navel do not understand how harmful it can be subsequently. Often this cannot be provoked exclusively by stress or intense day. The problem can lurk much deeper. The fact is that to the right of the navel there are vital organs. In the event of their disease, the pain primarily applies to the navel.

Read in another article on our website, why hurts to the left of the navel. It describes a lot of useful information - which means such pain as getting rid of it and which doctor to contact.

In this article, information about the pain to the right of the navel was published below. What to do if it hurts? What are the causes of such pain? Answers to these and other questions, look further.

What organs are located in the navel on the right: Scheme

The location of the organs in the navel on the right
The location of the organs in the navel on the right

Each pain signal may indicate a violation of the working capacity of the internal organs or their partial dysfunction. For example, the following important organs are located in the region to the right of the navel:

  • Large oil seal
  • Upper section of the ureters and kidneys
  • Tin and colon
  • The gall bladder
  • Pancreas
  • The gates of the right kidney
  • Part of the diaphragm
  • Crivisit of the stomach

Here is the location of the internal organs of this area:

The location of the organs in the navel on the right
The location of the organs in the navel on the right

Abdominal pain to the right of the navel in women, men: reasons, what to do?

In women and men, when abdominal pain occurs to the right of the navel, the following diseases are often diagnosed:

  • Umbilical hernia
  • Damage to the pancreas
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Diverticulitis
  • Appendicitis
  • Pathology of the kidneys

Umbilical hernias In an adult, they differ in oblique and straight:

  • Spit umbilical hernia Usually arises under the umbilical ring. The protrusion passes through the gap, namely, between the umbilical channel and the white line of the abdomen. After that, hernia goes into subcutaneous fat.
  • Direct umbilical hernia It is formed as a result of thinning of transverse fascia, which is directly related to the umbilical ring. Here the hernia protrudes into the subcutaneous tissue. A pronounced pain to the right of the navel, nausea, vomiting - these are symptoms that manifest when the umbilical hernia is infringed.
Abdominal pain to the right of the navel in women, men
Abdominal pain to the right of the navel in women, men

Damage to the pancreas:

  • It begins from the initial stage - pancreatitis.
  • If this disease is not cured in time, then it can be obtained by its complication.
  • Damage to the pancreas is usually accompanied by pancreatic colic, which occur to the right of the umbilical ring.
  • You can also observe aching back pain, and the upper body. Even analgesics do not save from such pain.

Stomach ulcer:

  • Often occurs as a result of malnutrition.
  • The first bell about the appearance of this diagnosis is a sharp pain to the right of the navel in the upper part.
  • Pain is accompanied by vomiting, dizziness, sharp changes in appetite.
  • If the condition is serious, then blood clots can be observed in the vomiting.


  • This is a pathological disease that affects the rectum, causing suppuration of diverticulums, as well as acute pain to the right of the umbilical department.
  • Diverticulums are formed due to malnutrition, disorders in metabolism.
  • From themselves, they represent a recess in the mucous membrane, which are very similar to a hernia.


  • A common disease.
  • With sharp, unremarkable pain in the right side of the abdomen, all suspicions fall on him.

Cold sweat, decreased blood pressure, vomiting are the main symptoms of acute appendicitis. At the first ailments and pain in the navel, urgently consult a doctor.

The pain is slightly below the navel on the right: the reasons - what to do if the navel hurts below?

Pain just below the navel right
Pain just below the navel right

If the pain is below, to the right of the navel has a pulling character, then this may indicate progressive diseases in the intestine. The fact is that some areas of the intestine are located to the right of the navel:

  • The hepatic angle of the colon
  • Blind intestine with a worm -shaped process
  • The ascending colon
  • Small intestine (appendix is \u200b\u200balso located here)

Very often, the pain below the navel on the right becomes one of the main markers, which can indicate the intestinal pathology. This is one of the main reasons for such sensations:

  • The problems that have arisen with the work of the intestine may be the result of the development of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Such a disease bothers a person with periods.
  • At one point, it can disturb, causing pain syndromes, and in the other go to the phase of remission.
  • Further, the disease can become chronic.

In addition to intestinal irritation, there is another unpleasant disease - colitis:

  • It is characterized by an inflammatory process, which passes on the walls of the mucous membrane of the colon.
  • There is a disease due to damage from an overdose of drugs, poisoning of overdue foods, infection.

What to do if the navel hurts below? In order to diagnose such diseases, use:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
  • Copropram
  • Intestinal x -ray

For each person, the doctor prescribes individual attending therapy. Therefore, at the first signs of any ailment, contact the doctor.

Pain when pressing, pressing, palpation to the right of the navel: reasons, what to do?

Pain when pressing, pressing, palpation to the right of the navel
Pain when pressing, pressing, palpation to the right of the navel

Palpation is a very important point in diagnosing any disease. This method is divided into superficial and deep. An exclusively experienced doctor can use it, who knows all the subtleties of probing the abdominal organs. An inexperienced person can hurt or even damage an important organ. With the help of palpation, you can get some information about the state of organs that will help to make a preliminary diagnosis.

If, when pressing or pressing in the navel area, there is a pain of different nature, then a person can identify:

  • Intestinal spasm
  • Helminthic invasion
  • Gastritis

These are the most common reasons that you need to pay attention to. It is worth knowing:

  • For example, the emerging colic to the right of the navel speaks of intestinal spasm. It arises as a result of a violation of motor skills, which in turn suffered from other factors.
  • Colic also occur with gastritis and helminthic invasion. Gastritis can be triggered by malnutrition, harmful to health and fasting health. Hlybon invasion occurs as a result of the penetration of parasitic worms into the body.

What to do to relieve pain than to treat:

  • Intestinal spasm It is treated with the help of infusions of herbs. They should have a relaxing effect, thereby prevent a painful spasm. In this case, chamomile tea will be appropriate.
  • Gastritis It is treated in a more difficult way. First of all, you need to consult an experienced doctor. Runned gastritis can be a consequence of a stomach ulcer or other serious diseases. The specialist must choose individual therapy.
  • To diagnose helminthic invasion A whole set of examination methods is used. Almost all types of helminthic invasion are treated with special pills. The exception is echinococcus, which is treated surgically.

As you can see, with any pain, you need to contact a doctor. Self -medication is dangerous to health and life.

Pain on the right is just above the navel: reasons

Pain on the right is just above the navel
Pain on the right is just above the navel

Sharp or pulling pain above the navel is one of the main symptoms of stomach ulcers, as well as the occurrence of a malignant tumor in the digestive tract. These are the main causes of pain on the right just above the navel.

Stomach ulcer:

  • A difficult disease that requires prolonged therapy and subsequent prevention.
  • This is erosion of the walls of the stomach. The mucous membrane is corroded as a result of an incorrect lifestyle, consumption of unhealthy food, as well as abuse of aspirin and cortisone.
  • The ulcers can be treated, but after they behave absolutely unpredictably.
  • In order not to get a dangerous diagnosis again, people try to adhere to proper nutrition on an ongoing basis.
  • It is important to remove smoking, alcohol and other harmful substances from your lifestyle.
  • Ulcerative pain lasts up to 2-3 weekswithout her treatment.
  • It is well felt when the stomach is empty. An excess of acid is collected in it and begins to corrode more sensitive areas of the mucosa.

Stomach cancer - A severe case that has serious symptoms. These include:

  • Endless heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Evals (possibly with blood)
  • Weakness
  • Pain syndromes above the navel of varying degrees of intensity
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of appetite

Gastric cancer is difficult to treat. Usually effective therapy, which helps, is prescribed only in European oncological clinics.

Dumb pain on the right gives to the navel: reasons - what to do?

Dumb pain on the right gives to the navel
Dumb pain on the right gives to the navel

The stupid nature of the pain in the right side of the abdomen, which gives to the navel, may indicate the occurrence of the following diseases - the causes:

  • Chronic enteritis
  • Constipation

These diseases do not have an epicenter of discomfort, but the pain gives to the center of the navel. Irradiac pain may appear due to damage to the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

Chronic enteritis:

  • It is a dystrophic disease of the small intestine, in this case it has a chronic shape.
  • It is accompanied by stupid pains in the right area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen, which are given to the navel.
  • With this disease, inflammatory processes occur in the mucous membrane of the small intestine.
  • As a result, there is a damage to blood vessels and capillaries, as well as intra -wall nerve plexuses.
  • Alcoholism, smoking, and toxicomania can lead to chronic enteritis.
  • The disease can inherited.
  • In the human body there is indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • During palpation, the pain gives the pain to the Porges.

What to do:

  • In order to prevent the appearance of this disease, you need to adhere to a balanced diet.
  • It is important to avoid work in enterprises where the risk of intoxication is high.
  • Doctors include a special diet in therapeutic therapy, which excludes fatty, sweet and salty foods.


  • This is a gastrointestinal disorder.
  • It is accompanied by a rare chair during the day, as well as dull pain in the right area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen.
  • The appearance of constipation suggests that a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, does not eat incorrectly and has bad habits.

In this case, an enema or laxatives is used to empty the intestine, but after consulting a doctor.

Acute, stitching, sharp pain to the right of the navel: reasons, what to do with severe pain?

Acute, stitching, sharp pain to the right of the navel
Acute, stitching, sharp pain to the right of the navel

Strong sharp, sharp, stitching pains to the right of the navel can appear with a disease such as cholecystitis. A fairly common disease of the abdominal cavity and the cause of such pain. With this pathology, the gall bladder is inflamed. The disease has two forms:

  1. Chronic
  2. Acute

The disease occurs as a result of the appearance of bacterial flora in the walls of the gallbladder. Also, according to statistics, we can safely say that cholecystitis is very closely associated with gallstone disease. In this case, the natural outflow of bile is disturbed, which progresses the stretching or rupture of the walls of the gallbladder.

Signs of cholecystitis:

  • Metal taste in the mouth
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Temperature
  • Diarrhea
  • Sharp pain to the right of the navel

What to do with severe pain:

  • To diagnose this disease, an ultrasound of the gallbladder, a laboratory examination of the blood, as well as other examination methods are used.
  • With severe pain, antispasmodics, cold compresses are used.

It is also recommended to drink in abundant amounts of mineral water without gas. If you bought carbonated medicinal water, then you can remove gas from it: pour it into 0.5-liter jarLoose a lid and leave it like that for the night. In the morning you can drink such water.

Aching, pulling pain to the right of the navel: reasons, what to do?

Aching, pulling pain to the right of the navel
Aching, pulling pain to the right of the navel

Often the vessels that feed the intestinal system clog, which leads to atherosclerosis. The disease manifests itself gradually. Meteorism occurs, most often bloating occurs without gases. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by vomiting with blood. A aching, pulling pain to the right of the navel pushes to contact a person’s doctor.

What to do in this case? Typically, treatment begins with a surgeon. The following methods are used to diagnose the disease:

  • FGS
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
  • Aortoarthteriography

As therapy, a diet is prescribed, as well as treatment with hypocholesterol drugs. The doctor will also identify all the causes of pain and prescribe drugs.

Pain to the left and to the right of the navel: Reasons

Pain on the left and to the right of the navel
Pain on the left and to the right of the navel

Simultaneous prolonged pains on the right and left side of the navel can be a symptom of the spleen inflammation. This organ is important for the body, it is involved in all lymph processes, creating antibodies to foreign antigens in the body. This is one of the main reasons for such a malaise.

Inflammation of the spleen gives its symptoms:

  • Poor blood coagulation
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Anemia
  • Weight loss
  • Internal bleeding
  • Strong abdominal pain to the right and left of the navel

As a therapy, the doctor prescribes medicines and diet. If there is suppuration, then surgery is connected to therapy.

The cause of the pain to the right of the navel in the child

The cause of the pain to the right of the navel in the child
The cause of the pain to the right of the navel in the child

Frequent pains in the umbilical region in a child may indicate serious diseases. What is the cause of the pain to the right of the navel in the child?

  • One of often diseases in children is the inversion of the intestines.
  • The intestines twisted around the mesenteric axis, thereby squeezing the intestinal walls.
  • As a result of this, there is a violation in the walls of this organ.
  • The flow of nutrient components is interrupted, and blood circulation is also disturbed. This can cause further complications.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • Frequent vomiting
  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Spasm of the abdominal muscles
  • The occurrence of sharp, sharp pains in the right side of the peritoneum

Diagnosis of the disease begins with palpation. Next, a number of laboratory tests are carried out that will help create an exact picture of the disease. Typical intervention is usually attached. A conservative method of treatment is a cleansing enema.

The appearance of poisoning is not excluded. Its causes can be different - from eating harmful food to poisoning with caustic chemicals. Signs that the child was poisoned:

  • Vomit
  • Temperature rise
  • Abdominal pain of a different nature
  • Diarrhea

In this case, the child is prescribed drugs that will help to remove toxins from the body and establish intestinal microflora.

Pain in the intestines to the right of the navel: what is it, what to do?

Pain in the intestines to the right of the navel
Pain in the intestines to the right of the navel

The pain on the right side of the umbilical department can be a symptom of intestinal ischemia. This disease appears with a violation of blood supply to some parts of the intestine. It doesn’t matter which part suffered from ischemia. In any case, this will be accompanied by pain in the intestinal area. It usually occurs after eating.

To diagnose the disease, the abdominal organs are used, as well as CT. Doctors try to include all methods that will help restore blood circulation in the digestive tract.

Pain to the right of the navel during pregnancy: Reasons

Pain to the right of the navel during pregnancy
Pain to the right of the navel during pregnancy

Strong pain to the right of the navel during pregnancy may indicate a pinching or hernia. A complex and dangerous situation that can harm not only the future mother, but also her child. Pinches a hernia most often occurs due to overvoltage of muscles when intestinal emptying. Fecal masses fall into a hernial bag, and due to strong voltage they cannot return back. So there is an acute pain that can threaten a miscarriage. In this case, doctors resort to surgical intervention.

Another reason and a problem that can cause pain to the right of the navel in women in a position is the pathology of the urinary system. A frequent situation when pregnant women have cystitis. Pain is prolonged in nature, sometimes grow. In this case, a woman may have a temperature or shortness of breath.

If during pregnancy the cystitis has an acute shape, then it is treated with the help of the instillation of the bladder. Thus, the necessary drugs are administered directly into the affected organ. The procedure is safe for the child.

The pain on the right is opposite the navel after eating: reasons, what to do if it hurts next to the navel?

Pain on the right opposite the navel after eating
Pain on the right opposite the navel after eating

If, after eating, a person notices indigestion, as well as pain on the right in front of the navel, then most likely it will be. This disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in the junction. It violates the digestion of food, as well as absorption of substances into the intestinal walls. A pathogenic microflora may appear in the junction, which will only aggravate the situation if a person does not try to fix it.

This disease often occurs as a result of food poisoning, as well as infection in the digestive tract, after eating. This is one of the main causes of pain opposite the navel. The symptoms of eunitis are as follows:

  • Convulsions
  • Violation of consciousness
  • Bouts of vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Temperature

What to do if it hurts next to the navel? It is important to first contact the doctor - therapist, gastroenterologist, surgeon. To diagnose the disease, a biopsy of the mucous membrane of the skin is carried out. Treatment occurs in an infectious ward. Antibiotics are prescribed to a person, as well as a special diet.

In order to avoid the appearance of diseases associated with the abdominal organs, it is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Otherwise, a person risks starting his health, which will lead to complication and irreversible processes in the body.

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