Abdominal pain to the left of the navel: reasons, what to do?

Abdominal pain to the left of the navel: reasons, what to do?

If you are worried about the pain to the left of the navel, then read the article. It describes all the causes of this state.

Abdominal pain is the most common complaint of patients. But it is often very difficult to diagnose its causes, since there are many different organs in the abdominal cavity. In addition, such pain may be a consequence of a malfunction in a completely different system of the human body.

Read on our website article about the pain to the right of the navel. You will find out why it hurts in this place and what to do.

About the presence of what disease speaks abdominal pain to the left of the navel? Look for the answer to this question in this article.

Abdominal pain to the left of the navel in women, men: reasons, what to do?

Abdominal pain to the left of the navel in women, men
Abdominal pain to the left of the navel in women, men

Attacks of pain near the navel, regardless of which side they are manifested, is a fairly common phenomenon. For example, pain in the umbilical excavation after eating can be a signal about the spasms of internal organs. What does the abdominal pain to the left of the navel in women and men indicate? These are the reasons:


  • Pain during inflammation of the appendix overtake a person unexpectedly and localized around the navel.
  • Discomplete can periodically intensify, possibly give to the right.
  • In some cases, with appendicitis, an increase in body temperature is observed, dry mouth appears more often, and a rapid heartbeat.

Gastroenteritis or inflammation of the walls of the jelly:

  • With such a disease in the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel, pain often occurs.
  • In addition to this symptom, nausea, vomiting, disorder of the stomach may occur.
  • There is another characteristic sign - rumbling in the abdomen, bloating and flatulence.
  • An exacerbation of enteritis, as a rule, is infectious and entails an increase in temperature.
  • Exacerbation of chronic gastroenteritis can be caused by a violation of the diet.

Diverticulitis of the small intestine:

  • This disease is characterized by the appearance of a seal in the navel.
  • This is a diverticulum.
  • Usually it reaches the size of three centimeters in diameter.
  • This mucous membrane of the intestine sticks out through the intestinal muscles.
  • Diverticula can appear in any area of \u200b\u200bthe intestine.
  • At the same time, pain will be localized in the left umbilical side of the abdomen.
  • Also characterized by an increase in temperature.

Intestinal colic:

  • Such a disease is often caused by a disorder of the stomach, constipation, diarrhea, dysbiosis and many other phenomena.
  • With this diagnosis, pain is manifested due to cramps of intestinal muscles.

Chronic ENOT:

  • The inflammatory process affects the scattering intestine and proceeds for a long time.
  • The reason for the development of this disease can be intestinal infection, parasites, abuse of acute products and alcohol, immunodeficiency.
  • With this disease, pain appears near the navel when the intestinal wall is exposed.

It can be concluded that there are a lot of diseases causing periopup pains. In addition, soreness of the same nature can be symptoms of completely different diseases for men and women. What to do if pain appears? Here's the answer:

  • If the nature of the pain is constant, then to make the correct diagnosis you should contact a specialist.
  • Do not self -medicate - it is dangerous to health and life.
  • Try to change your lifestyle and nutrition.
  • Exclude bad habits.

The most important thing in this case is to find out your diagnosis. To do this, consult a doctor who will conduct diagnostics - prescribe analyzes, conducting an ultrasound and other necessary procedures. Only after that is a diagnosis.

Pain on the left below the navel: Reasons

Pain on the left below the navel
Pain on the left below the navel

The causes of pain on the left below under the navel can be very diverse. If you are a woman, and turn to the therapist for help, then he will definitely direct to the gynecologist. The man will have to visit the urologist. Painful sensations to the left of the navel can be a result of diseases:

  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Inversion of intestinal departments
  • Intestinal oncology, localized in the left side
  • Badger aorta problems
  • Ovary rupture, cysts
  • Endometriosis
  • Kidney inflammation, etc.

Pain in the navel on the left side can be caused by irritated, inflamed or infectious intestines. In addition, compression of the nerve extending from the spinal column and ending in this area can also cause uncomfortable sensations. If we talk about female health, then the cause of pain in this area can be a gap during an ectopic pregnancy, or endometriosis. In this case, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist.

Many people have a confirmed diagnosis "Irritated bowel syndrome". This is a disease of modern people from malnutrition and food by dry and on the go. In some cases, it is allowed to relieve pain with drugs, however, it should be remembered that it is necessary to visit a doctor for consultation.

Walking pain on the left in the navel: reasons, what to do?

Aching pain on the left in the navel area
Aching pain on the left in the navel area

Soreness, which has real, can signal the process of flatulence. It is accompanied by the obstruction of the intestinal areas, a tumor, problems with the bladder and sexual system. Also, aching pain on the left in the navel is transferred by women who bear the fetus. However, this is a normal reaction to stretching the upper layer of the epidermis on the peritoneum.

In general, there are a lot of such pains, and it is necessary to understand in time how critical the situation is and call an ambulance 103. You should immediately consult a doctor if:

  • Soreness is sharp, accompanied by vomiting, liquid stool
  • Discomfort is localized in the appendix area
  • There is an admixture of blood in the gag or feces

With strong pain, it is urgent to call an ambulance 103. Do not forget that independent treatment can lead to very deplorable consequences. What else needs to be done?

  • It is recommended to go to bed before the ambulance arrived
  • You need to lie on your back, with your legs bent at your knees
  • You can put a high pillow under your head

The body's location should give the muscles as relaxed as possible. On the peritoneum, it is allowed to attach a warm (not hot!) Goth or just a palm.

Pain to the left of the navel and nausea after eating: Reasons

Pain to the left of the navel and nausea after eating
Pain to the left of the navel and nausea after eating

One of the main diseases with such a symptom is acute pancreatitis. This pathology is considered to be a disease that occurs either unexpectedly sharply, or develops asymptomatic for some time. The most common causes of acute pancreatitis are:

  • Clogging of biliary tract with a stone
  • Alcohol abuse

It is worth noting that taking an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages can lead to a particularly severe form of pancreatitis - pancreatic. This is due to the fact that the pancreas is especially sensitive to alcohol. Forms of acute pancreatitis can vary from mild - uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen, to severe - it is a direct threat of not only health, but also the life of the patient. The signs of acute pancreatitis include:

  • Pronounced pains to the left of the navel, aching, acute or enclosing nature.
  • Discomfort is often localized in the epigastric region, can be given to the lower back or shoulder blades, sometimes common throughout the stomach.
  • General serious condition, nausea is possible after eating, vomiting.
  • Blue lips, rapid heartbeat.
  • The body temperature can be slightly increased, or remain within normal limits.
  • The stomach on palpation is painful, tense. Perhaps bloating.

It should be noted that pain with an exacerbation of the chronic form of pancreatitis can appear after eating, overeating. Especially after eating, if you ate fatty or spicy foods, you consumed alcoholic beverages, and other diet disorders.

The pain is slightly above the navel on the left: the reasons, what to do?

Pain slightly above the navel on the left
Pain slightly above the navel on the left

A symptom of this kind can be both a signal of life -threatening diseases of organs, and insignificant, temporary phenomenon. There are several main organs located in this area:

The reasons associated with pain just above the navel on the left are:


  • With this pathology, soreness over the navel is most often acute, occurs by attacks, and for a long time does not pass.
  • Usually, discomfort for gastritis occurs immediately after breakfast, lunch or dinner, or, conversely, in the case of a long starvation.
  • Outrage, heartburn, vomiting are also observed.
  • Salivation is increased, intestinal operation is impaired.
  • In addition, weakness, arrhythmia, increase in body temperature, loss of appetite may appear.
  • What to do: As a rule, patients with gastritis are prescribed by a special diet, antibiotics, drugs that lower the secretion of gastric juice.

Ulcerative disease:

  • Pain sensations for ulcer are localized in the epigastric, given to the sternum, back.
  • Most often manifested at night, or a few hours after eating.
  • They complement the picture - the appearance of nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, painful appearance.
  • Treatment depends on the level of development of the disease - they distinguish medication or surgical.


  • Symptoms such as pain above the navel can signal the stomach cancer.
  • At the very beginning of the appearance of discomfort, unpleasant sensations are weak, but after a few weeks they can fully make themselves felt.
  • Basically, patients complain of signs such as aching pain in the navel, sharp, pristing unpleasant sensations that are not associated with eating, acute and constant uncomfortable states, with small interruptions.
  • In this case, the attending physician may prescribe drugs that relieve or softening pain.
  • It is recommended to use medicines regularly, without expecting a new attack of pain. Sometimes a doctor prescribes several painkillers at once.


  • This is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestine or stomach.
  • Often, patients complain of pain in the right side of the navel, pain in the hypochondrium region.
  • During the exacerbation, pain is localized above the navel, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe duodenum.
  • The pain lasts about ten days, after the period of remission comes.


  • This disease is characterized by symptoms of pain after eating, the onset of pain after the sternum.
  • Manifest in the form of burning, captive pain.
  • The development of the necrotic process in the pancreas indicates acute discomfort, which subsequently disappeared.
  • Removing symptoms is facilitated by tranquilizers, analgesic drugs.


  • This inflammation affects the wall of the gallbladder.
  • If you correctly describe the nature of pain, then the form of the disease can be determined.
  • The level of damage to the organ directly affects the expression of discomfort.
  • The general complaints of patients are complaints about discomfort above the navel on the right, turning into back, peritoneum, spatula.
  • Pain can be aching, constant, in the form of contractions, colic.

With any abdominal pain, you need to urgently contact the doctor. Only a doctor will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

Pain on the left at the navel in the child: reasons, what to do?

Pain on the left at the navel in a child
Pain on the left at the navel in a child

Abdominal pain on the left at the navel level in a child can be caused by a wide variety of phenomena - reasons:

In most cases, discomfort in the abdomen pass through a short period of time. A specialist should be addressed on an emergency order if:

  • Acute pain in a child continues for two or more hours
  • Flying discomfort
  • The child is sick, blood or bile was found in the gag
  • There is blood in the chair

In case of pain in the abdomen, the child should be put in bed. After a short rest in bed, most likely, an improvement in well -being will come. You can attach a warm heating pad or palm. It is advisable to offer the child drinking and not to give food. Do not engage in independent treatment: laxative or enemas, like other means, can only be prescribed by a doctor.

With inflammation of the appendix, uncomfortable sensations are localized in the area of \u200b\u200bumbilical excavation, perhaps radiation in the right lower region. Occasionally, pain can spread to the entire lower part of the peritoneum. Together with this symptoms, vomiting and increasing body temperature begins. If appendicitis is suspected, you must immediately contact a specialist. In this case, it is forbidden to warm up the stomach or stroking.

In very young children, signs of pain in the abdomen are:

  • Cry
  • Restless behavior
  • Reduction of appetite
  • Sharp movements of the legs

In addition, it may be such that the child will lie down with his legs to his stomach. It also indicates that the baby hurts in the navel. In children up to one year, manifestations of symptoms of vomiting, swelling, and the appearance in feces are possible - this is intestinal invagination. A rather dangerous disease that requires immediate intervention of doctors.

It is worth knowing: If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner, the situation may require urgent surgery of the surgeon.

Sometimes acute pain in the abdomen can be caused by an acute respiratory viral infection. Attention should be paid to the epidemiological situation in places often visited by the child, including houses. With pain associated with acute respiratory viral infection, among the symptoms there will be:

  • Improving body temperature
  • Sensation of weakness
  • Inflammation of the passages in the nasopharynx

Sometimes a stressful situation or a difficult unfavorable situation in the house can also cause pain in the abdomen:

  • For school -age children, this kind of stress is normal.
  • Divorce of parents, other family problems, poor relationships with peers, misunderstanding from adults - all this is a stressful situation for the child.
  • In children, frequent pains have been noticed in the morning - this may be due to excitement before the start of the school day.
  • Such pain disappears on their own during the day. You can allow the child to stay at home if necessary.

It is necessary to find out the causes of the unstable emotional state of the child, and solve them. It must be remembered that any manifestation of pain in the abdomen in a child requires a medical examination and a doctor.

Pulling pains on the left, giving in the navel: reasons

Pulling pains on the left.
Pulling pains on the left.

Pulling pains on the left localized in the navel, or giving to this area, can serve as evidence of a number of serious intestinal diseases. These are the reasons:

  • Pancreatitis
  • Intestinal obstruction

The female representatives, in addition to this list, may have problems with the ovaries. If uncomfortable sensations are accompanied by other symptoms, such as high temperature, vomiting, then you should immediately contact an ambulance. Prior to the arrival of the specialist, the most acceptable position should be taken, and warm the disturbing area with the palm.

Pain below the navel, abdomen, slightly lower on the left during pregnancy: reasons, what to do?

Pain below the navel, abdomen, slightly lower on the left during pregnancy
Pain below the navel, abdomen, slightly lower on the left during pregnancy

You should immediately go to an appointment with a specialist, if during pregnancy, in addition to discomfort at the bottom of the navel, just lower on the left, in the lower abdomen, there are symptoms:

  • Pulling soreness and seal to the right of umbilical excavation
  • Strengthening pain during movement
  • Abundant discharge from the genital tract
  • Rapid pulse
  • Elevated temperature

In any case, self -medication is not recommended. What to do?

Advice: Consult a doctor. You can call an ambulance. Experts will advise what to do, or come to the call to help or deliver the pregnant woman to the hospital.

As a prevention of pain of natural origin, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Sleep on the left side
  • Compliance with a diet - without acute and fried
  • Drone bandage
  • Swimming and frequent walks

Do not tighten with a trip to the doctor, otherwise it can lead to unpleasant health consequences.

Sharp, strong, stitching, acute pain to the left of the navel: reasons, what to do?

Sharp, strong, stitching, acute pain to the left of the navel
Sharp, strong, stitching, acute pain to the left of the navel

Depending on the nature of pain, several of its types are distinguished:

  • Colic
  • Spasms
  • Cyclic, etc.

Sharp, strong, stitching, acute pain to the left of the navel can be a signal of many diseases. These are the reasons:

  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Sighing intestine
  • Badger aorta problems

If the discomfort does not disappear within 6 hours in a row, or occasionally arises, you should go to the hospital. What is not permissible to do?

  • Forbidden Taking medications independently, without the recommendations of a doctor - this will lead to serious consequences.

Also, independent treatment can lubricate the clinical picture and harm health.

Pain to the left and to the right of the navel: Reasons

Pain on the left and to the right of the navel
Pain on the left and to the right of the navel

The localization of pain on the left and to the right of the navel may indicate the presence of some diseases in the body. These are the reasons:

  • Stones in the kidneys
  • Diverticulitis
  • Constipation
  • Lumbar hernia
  • Gastritis

To assume the diagnosis, it is necessary to determine the nature of pain, the frequency of their manifestation:

  • A pulling pain may indicate the problems of the genitourinary system.
  • Spasmic attacks of pain indicate stretching of muscles, possible pregnancy.
  • Aching pains are often found when the intestines are bloated, oncological, gynecological or urological diseases.
  • Acute pain is characteristic of chronic diseases.
  • Pancreatitis, cholecystitis and stomach ulcer and duodenum often cause this kind of pain.
  • If the pain is long, then it can be a hernia.
  • Cutting and stitching pains are the cause of diseases that violate the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In such diseases, the pain appears after eating, accompanied by acidic belching and severe sensations in the abdomen.
  • If the pain arose after physical exertion, then this is surely hernia or increased pressure of the abdominal artery.

Burning pains often bother if there are problems with the genitourinary system and the digestive tract. In addition, such pain may indicate inflammation of the appendix.

The pain on the left is opposite the navel in the intestines when pressing, pressing, palpation: reasons, what to do?

The pain on the left is opposite the navel in the intestines when pressing, pressing, palpation
The pain on the left is opposite the navel in the intestines when pressing, pressing, palpation

It is not necessary, when discomfort in the abdomen occur, put it independently in the area of \u200b\u200bpain, probe its localization, and so on. Only a doctor should do this. The pain on the left is opposite the navel in the intestines when pressing, pressing, palpation may be the result of the development of such diseases as:

  • Appendicitis
  • Chronic enteritis
  • Herbies of different nature
  • Abdominal migraine

If this symptom is accompanied by an increase in temperature, vomiting, nausea and an admixture of bile or blood in the vomit, then you should immediately call an ambulance.

Important: It is strictly forbidden to take independent measures, regardless of the reasons!

Stupid pain on the left closer to the navel: Reasons

Dumb pain on the left closer to the navel
Dumb pain on the left closer to the navel

In order to determine the origin of pain, you should know what is located on the left side of the peritoneum. There are such organs here:

  • Spleen
  • Stomach
  • Pancreas
  • Part of the intestine

The symptom of dull pain on the left is closer to the navel, can be associated with diseases of the above organs. In addition, if the onset of an uncomfortable state is associated with physical exertion, then this is a hernia. There are also a number of diseases associated with a similar symptom. Here are the possible reasons:

  • Pleurisy
  • Pneumonia
  • Peptic ulcer

When this symptom appears, like many others, it is recommended to immediately consult your doctor.

Pain on the left in the navel area during urination: Causes

In men, on the left in the navel area during urination, they can signal the development of prostatitis. In addition, both sexes are characterized by a manifestation of such symptoms in chronic gastritis or stomach ulcer. Often this can also be explained by the varicose expansion of intestinal veins.

What is the diagnosis if the stomach hurts at the level of the navel on the left?

Diagnostics if the stomach hurts at the level of the navel on the left
Diagnostics if the stomach hurts at the level of the navel on the left

With pain in the navel area, you should contact doctors such as a gastroenterologist or surgeon. Less commonly, a consultation of doctors of other narrow directions is required. What is the diagnosis if the stomach hurts at the level of the navel on the left?

  • After the standard survey (anamnesis) procedure, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests.
  • The doctor also gives a direction, if necessary, to gastroscopy, colonoscopy, an X -ray of the abdominal cavity, an ultrasound study.
  • In rare cases, if you suspect oncology, computed tomography can be prescribed.

If there are painful sensations in the abdomen, do not delay with a trip to the doctor. You should contact the hospital immediately. This will help to avoid undesirable consequences and serious complications. Good luck!

Video: Why does the navel hurt?

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