Analysis of Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”: topic, composition, genre

Analysis of Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”: topic, composition, genre

If you were asked the analysis of Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”, then read the article. It describes the genre, the theme and means of expressiveness of this work.

Winter is a magical, enchanting time. She never left indifferent writers and poets. I was imbued with her and genius A.S. Pushkin. His poem "Winter morning" Incredibly sensual and touching, saturated with love for his land and its beauty.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Analysis of the poem" Prophet "Pushkin". You will find a plan, questions, comparative table.

And it will always find a response: after all, a Russian person, unlike people from other countries, from childhood understands how beautiful winter is. This time of the year always carries hope and vivid memories, it is associated with miracles and the arrival of the New Year. In this article you will find a linguistic analysis of this verse, the history of its creation and much more. Read further.

Brief linguistic analysis of Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”

Pushkin's poem
Fascinating forest

This verse can be classified as a landscape lyrics. During its writing, Pushkin He was in the Tver province, where he was visiting the people he knew. It was with them, in the garden of the house, after one of the walks, that he took up the pen and created this masterpiece. Sometimes it seems that the meaning "Winter morning" In his mood and external simplicity. Here is a brief linguistic analysis of the poem Pushkin "Winter Morning":

  • The main topic: display of the beauty of the Russian forest, trees, snow in the cold season and sincere admiration for it.
  • A linear composition is visible. The work is written from 5 quatrains.
  • « Winter morning" It is quite possible to characterize as a lyrical poem. After all, a couple in love is shown there, a detailed description of which is not given to the poet.

Despite the standard rhyme, the poet uses many interesting tricks. Pushkin He does not change himself: he creates another incredibly melodic work that simply amazes with his bright mood and incredible “liveliness”. It seems that readers live in the sensations of the protagonist in reality - and not just read the lines printed on paper.

The history of the creation of the winter poem Pushkin

History of the creation of a winter poem Pushkinvery interesting. It is connected with the forest and winter, and not in vain that the poet wrote just such a verse.

  • AT 1829 Many problems lay on the poet’s shoulders. Friends Pushkin They were very worried about his mental state. Therefore, they invited him to stay away from them, closer to nature. After all, forest, winter, trees, as you know, harmonize consciousness and soothe very much.
  • Alexander Sergeevich agreed. He had a far from one wonderful day with Peter Wulf. The "therapy" really benefited. It is during this period that he writes a verse "Winter morning".

As for the initiation of the work to a particular person, critics call 2 candidates here: the poet’s wife, Natalia Goncharova and Nanny Arina Rodionovna. However, the essence of this does not change. And the work does not become less beautiful. Given that the poem contains the appeal “Beauty”, most likely, the poet still turns to his wife, and not his nanny. But there is also the appeal “a lovely friend”, which denies the presence of a love connection between the heroes. Although, who knows? Maybe this is just a trick?

We can say that it is among relatives and acquaintances that Pushkin re -acquires faith in vitality and himself, and also feels the need for creativity. "Winter morning" - This is a kind of conversation with nature and genuine joyful emotions from being in this world. You can enjoy the winter landscape and forget about the problems. This is what the poet offers us. He unfolds a picture of winter before the reader in all its splendor.

Pushkin’s verse "Winter Morning"

Pushkin's poem
Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning"

The most important heroine in the verse Pushkin "Winter Morning" - The nature of Russia. Since childhood, the poet adored the winter season. He was attracted to snowy forests and their incredible beauty. It is not necessary to be surprised that it was this time of the year that he sang in the next creation. This is the topic of the work.

In fact, the poet does not show any riddles and secrets - he only offers to once again realize what charm surrounds us. After all, sometimes we do not even notice how beautiful the world is. People are busy and worries. Therefore, they may not notice how snowflake melts on the lips, how beautifully sparkles in the sun and what interesting patterns Frost draw on window glass. But Pushkin Not only shows the picture of winter, he conveys his mood at that time. This is especially important.

The basic idea:

  • Any time of the year is wonderful in its own way, and it is important not to miss those moments when you can see this charm and imbued with it.

Winter is happiness and miracle granted to man by nature. And in order to enjoy this time, practically nothing needs. It is enough just to go outside and absorb the splendor.

The composition of the winter verse of Pushkin

A.S. Pushkin was extremely rarely experimented in poem. Often, in most of his famous works, he adheres to a classic linear composition. No exception and "Winter morning". However, this does not mean that the rhyme is banal. This work contains very interesting poetic techniques, which should dwell on in more detail.

  • The first quatrain is devoted to the emotions of the lyrical hero. At first, he himself admires winter beauty. And then she wakes her lover so that she can see it.
  • The world outside the window is beautiful - and this is what the man of his beloved wants to show. However, after the antithesis occurs (in the second stanza).
  • The hero mentions that yesterday there was a storm (and it was completely negligent), but today is a beautiful, sunny winter weather, so I want to go outside and take a walk.
  • By the way, the mood of the beloved changes depending on the weather: when there was a snowy snowstorm, she was sad, and this morning is in a good mood.
  • In the third stanza, the entire atmosphere of the winter morning is completely shown. The poet moves in more detail to nature, and a couple of lyrical heroes leaves a few behind.
  • But in the fourth stanza, he is again in the room - in order to note that even in an incredibly beautiful winter day it is very nice, having returned from the street, to pour a cup of strong tea and warm his hands by the fireplace, wrapping himself in a warm blanket. And he is absolutely right. Thanks to low temperatures in winter, a person appreciates more heat, comfort and comfort. Moreover, the latter comes not only from the furnace or heater, but also from loved ones.

However, the story does not end there. Pushkin offers not to go into the house for the whole evening, but simply to warm up. In the last stanza, he again calls the reader to the street, to the fairy -tale winter world. It turns out that in the penultimate stanza we simply “translate the spirit”, “restore strength” and improve well -being - to play snowballs again, ride a sleigh and admire the snowy places.

The composition of the verse is quite dynamic. The character is peppy, cheerful. Praise deserve masterpieces and precise details. In general, the picture is harmonious and perfect - as in many works of the great poet.

The genre of Pushkin's poem "Winter Morning"

Winter morning
Frosty landscape

There is no doubt - the verse belongs to the landscape lyrics. Such a genre is very beautiful. But still, it reflects the hero’s sensuality with lyrical nature. A four -foot iambic helps the poet in this. This technique also gives melody. Type of rhyme 2: steam room and ring. The fact that Pushkin In the poem "Winter morning" Uses both female and male rhyme.

Means of expressiveness of Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning”

It is very easy to find epithets, comparisons and personification in the verse. Means of expressiveness of the poem Pushkin "Winter Morning" are in such epithets:

There is a comparison - "Like a pale spot"as well as personification - "The haze was worn, the blizzard was angry".

In order for the poem to be more alive, Pushkin adds a man’s appeal to his lady: "Beauty", "lovely friend." There are also anaphors, alliterations and metaphors. Sometimes the poet alternates bright epithets with gloomy - this creates a special charm.

Video: A.S. Pushkin - winter morning

Video: “Winter Morning” A. Pushkin. Analysis of the poem

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