Reduced adult fables - cool, funny, funny

Reduced adult fables - cool, funny, funny

We bring to your attention a selection of redone for adults.

Reduced fables for adults Funny

Reduced fables for adults Funny
Reduced fables for adults Funny

Reviewed adult fables are funny:

Elephant and Moska in a new way

In Odessa, the girl walked along the street
As you can see, for show.
It is known that the girls are not a curiosity with us,
So behind her crowds went to onlookers.
Take it off, after it is different
Seeing her, well, to rush to the arrival,
Hooting, and squeal, and undress;
Well, it climbs into a fight with her.
“Colleague, stop shaving,”
The other says - whether you compare with her?
You are Naga, she goes to herself inbefore
Everyone looks at her.
But your nakedness does not notice
“Eh! - Nagaya answers, -
That's just that gives me the spirit,
That I am, without a fight,
I can get into big scraps.
Let them say dogs:
They don't know that she,
This is only fit for this,
After all, as I am for 20 euros
She will not do pleasantly!


Baba with a cart - the wallet is easier
Do not swear to another hole - you yourself will get on the money
He was richer than her - she was good
Love Evil - You will love and goats for lava
Do not drink money from the face
From the world on a thread - naked nothing ...
If you want to fall in love, do not limit yourself to his finances!

Raven and fox in the Georgian manner

Varona Ubnul Radky Slyuchai -
Falls on the beak from Neba cheese.
Beautiful cheese pasta, round Deer
Imels is a lot of odorous cheese.
Varon your cheese nee spruce on the spruce,
He eats Sel crush oak,
Hotel plot for a tooth
Already a non -ease Suvenir.
NE listened to the odorous cheese,
Vertels is like a cube-cutter,
On the beak of Varonia Ne Derezals.
Hatrich foxes home of a flexion,
See the cheese on the beak of Varonia,
And Nasovsem Stop
At oak, GDE PTYUTS Obzmolys
On the most high, and Podolils:
- Sing, ara, the song is not shynyans,
You are the most important SDES soloist.
Varon Gardils and Strezdils,
From black shnobil cheese dumplings
On the paste is a hut fox.
Varon Plagal. And morality
The wise fable eats this:
Sal will eat cheese on the oak - neat!

Reduced fables for adults Funny

Vorone somewhere God sent a piece of cheese!
And further smoothly - everyone remembers the fable.
But I will tell you how it was
From other people's words, everything is awake.

In fact, this is our bird
I was looking for, as usual, what would steal.
I especially loved to profit
Where unattended and at least shine.

Here behavior, alas, resembles
Officials of a riveting army:
They act like that crow,
They look at what piece still to snatch!

And now, flying one day past the construction,
Not communism, smaller than a little,
On metal forests at the rack
The cheese was jealous - a desired piece!

It was not intended for feeding
Another not past guests.
The container shone nearby - clearly means
What thought for a walk by the brigade!

However, having confused civilian plans,
The raven dragged someone else's cheese of Bree.
I had to get into the goat cranes,
But the cheese at that time, it is known, did not find it!

We do not steal or punish,
Although on the ball, there are no words.
The fox has nothing to do with it - it under the bullets
Grandfather Krylov framed in vain!

Sparrow cow and cat

Frost at thirty. Sparrow
Frozen, urine did not fly.
He ended up on the ground
But suddenly he warmed, even very much.

The reason, as always, is simple:
One cow of habit
Lowered the pancake from under the tail
And right on the poor attitude.

In the warm, the prankster was opened
And, frivolous from birth,
He scorched and sang
For the glory of wonderful salvation.

And then he was heard a cat
Walking nearby on a lot.
Not disdaining a bad shower
The singer OP swallowed without salt.

For you morality, I will repeat:
Not every enemy who has made you you,
But not every faithful friend to you,
Who boldly drags you from a heap.

Another moral for the staff:
Remember - in this world wild,
When you sit in shit, my friend,
At least do not tweet!

The redone fables are funny

The redone fables are funny
The redone fables are funny

Reviewed fables are funny:

"The lamb somehow from the body" on the motive "Wolf and the lamb"

The lamb somehow from the body
I went to the river to get drunk.
And you have to happen to trouble
There was a kind of silence
But then the bushes stirred,
From there, the wolves appeared ...
One of them is a lamb
His eyes squinted like a boaver,
He approached the lamb with an open mouth
And he said everything, as in the good old fable
“How dare you, your unclean snout
Here pure to stir my drink "
The lamb like was glad to get scared,
But there is misfortune, we have to get drunk like that,
That instead of tearful screams about mercy
The lamb muzzle plunged into the water
Then he turned to the wolf to the nose
And quietly said: “Not a dick for himself!
You knew something, the torn dog smelly "
Clouds began to thicken over them
In surprise, the wolf stumbled already ...
But the lamb began to take courage.
At the same time, the head hurt a lot.
The lamb even took a step not very boldly,
The wolf tried to show the grin
And then the lamb was breaking into the bull.
-"You call my face a snout!"
Well, the wolf did not expect this.
Above them on one big pine
Raven watched that picture
And her mouth opened as if in a dream.
The cheese fell and fell on the wolf on his back.
The wolf at that moment was ready for a fight,
But having received that cheese in the back
He rushed forward, the lamb on the hind legs
And the wolf with a big nose is a lamb in the leg.
Broke his nose, bite a piece of lip
And thought to himself, thank God
That I still live
"What am I to blame for?" - the wolf asked lazily
"And you are to blame for the fact that I want beer"
The lamb said, spitting on the grass ...
How my husband wakes up from Bodun
Sparkles in the eyes and lousy in the stomach
Do not bark like a moska on an elephant.
Only beer can help him.

Muraviha and Dragonflows

When the end of the season came up
He crawled to the ants with a hop -knuckle:
-Madam, the leaves of the ash fall from the maple,
Let me! I am exhausted and angry.

The stomach lifted: food lack,
And the cold pierces me to the gut ...
And you say an ant uterus -
Teresa, whether Boska is a storehouse of good.

Cataclysm is coming: summer ends,
There was some couple of weeks.
I am fired from the corps de ballet.
Please give me a table and bed!

The hostess grimaced:
–And what about the rent?
Over the summer, go earned a penny!
They dismiss you - are I to blame?
Go by - and then dance!

Tell me, why do I need other people's problems?
How to snatch your feet - I would build a house!
- Yes, I'm sorry, the minister of bohemia ...
“It’s a little: frolic under every bush!”

"Servant"! Yes, I know your habits!
You squeezed butterflies, smoked green grass,
And a little baked -t and remembered the uterus!
It’s painful that you are a greyhound, how I will see!

And, persecuted by the wind, the servant of bohemia
He crawled, repeating: "Judge her God!"
The moral of this fable, or maybe poems:
The lift of the legs does not warm in winter!

Cow and bottle of alcohol

The cow somehow God sent a bottle of alcohol.
The cow locked the cow in the stable
And the glass was about to drink,
Yes, I thought - one is pretty boring!
And a herd of goats fled in a cloud.
The cow here mumbles-barrels out the window,
Yes, the muzzle in the window does not climb anyway.
But somehow two goats called to her ...
For that misfortune, the goat was pancake
And he sees here with slanting and sad eyes,
That a single husband and brother run, turning his tails,
To the cow of vile in the stable for vodka!
And to the freebie's freebies are terribly falling.
Slapping to the window, she looked into the stable,
And she was stupid: there, decorating, despising
Black for three! Poured glasses
So far, 40 (forty) grams.
“They intend to get drunk!”-
The goat thought. I did not wait. To break
I decided with a battle. Hit or miss!
The door swung open ... and the glass fell ...
... I will keep silent what was in that stable ...
By the morning, a goat's goat was in a stack.
Mowed an already disgusting eye
An empty bottle of it was introduced into ecstasy.
The cow and goats remained with the nose.
I foresee legal questions:
And what is the moral of such a fable?
If you want to quarrel
No need to call goats! And point!
Book only alone!

The fable about the Greek

Once a very wise Greek,
Having built a hast of a pies,
said that there are no rivers in the world
in which there is no ford.
Said and lowered the water
Your not cunning structure,
I got into the oars that there is strength
Trying to cope with the current.

Bystrina passed before him
River quiet - slanting sand
Suddenly he sees a miracle: not a burbot,
Do not dick, do not bream, not som, do not perch.
Six paws, mustache, claws and tail,
Well, like a caterpillar track,
And he will look, so the day will pass
And I will set it off, like cancer.
"Who are you?" - asked our brave Greek.
“Well, answer me rather,
I passed a lot of rivers,
But I did not see anything worse. "

Silent like a fish, only a tail
The sand is quietly raking.
Our Greek wanted his oar,
Then he thought: suddenly he will break!
And you won’t pass by either,
So you might seem to seem to be a coward
And even the most dead ruff
Greek will laugh at Greek.

And here is the Greek five
Hidden under the cloudy water,
He would pull the tail, so no, in the claw ...
An echo has turned out over the river for a long time!
This fable has one thought:
You're not half into the river with your hands
What if there is a fish fish
Or that worse - piranha!

Fables converted to cool for adults

Fables converted to cool for adults
Fables converted to cool for adults

Fables converted to funny for adults:

"Ant and Beetle" Alteration of the Basney Aesop

In the valley of the Nile Scarabia rolled manure ball
Navor considered for grace,
And he could only call him:
"Nature is a generous gift."

The sunset burned, and the lotus bloomed, and the Ibis circled
Blue in the sky.
They have lived here not far away
A well -known fact to anyone.
Our beetle puffed, sniffle, sweat.

Hard work to roll balls,
Not noticing either an exhausting heat,
Not greedy storks horde,
What scurrys here from morning to evening.

They have few fish, so they bite the beetles from "there is nothing to do."
The beetle was in love with the beauty alone ...
And the ball was preparing as a gift he to a girlfriend,
He looked at Sharfer and Swach at his leisure.

He decided today in the evening to get to the girl.
There is no urine - so I want to marry
After all, she has reddrings red.
Skin glows shines ...

And they call the young lady extraordinary - the cow of God.
The beetle wrapped a bag in a bright wrapper, glued a bow above.
And the glamorous, creative, well, no matter what you do.
He decided that the ball would give the lady of the heart for tea.

What a sweet tooth is probably the beetle knows what sweet tooth.
Big embarrassment happened here.
Imagine guests of a secular conversation, they conduct measuredly
A non -aesthetic smell suddenly published a delicacy
What a present and Polite!

The cow fainted, the doctor is here soon!
Scarab is morally destroyed!
There is a thought - everyone has an example!
Someone loves a watermelon, and someone pork cartilage.

In the old far courtyard,
In a cozy dung hole,
Among the relatives is decent
The beetle lived is quite ordinary.
Hardworking, honest,
For everyone is very useful.
But the beetle suddenly learned from people,
That he is called Scarabi,
And that it is long for a long time
In Egypt, they honor as a deity ...

Since then, the beetle has changed a lot,
His nose lifted, boasted with himself:
“I am a deity,” he kept repeating everywhere
I will not work anymore!
I have no time to live in manure,
There is little spaciousness for me ...
And then - more: "I am winged!
And born to fly!

Beetle in his adoration
He shot after the sparrow.
And by sparrow and not know
That next to him is not a beetle, but "God."
The scarab did not fly long,
His feathered just ate ...


Our hero was proud of.
But he is only the one he was born.
The destiny of the beetle is to dig manure,
He was born in him and grew up.
Yes, Scarab is useful to people.
Not a title, but hard work!

Once Scarab, a beetle known to the world,
He rolled habitually a ball from manure.
Suddenly hears a strange sound on top
And even the voice is somewhat nervous.
“How disgusting, disgusting, vile? Oh no no no.

How is it yourself, is my friend is not ashamed?
Publicly rolling a kind of rubbish.
There is no taste, no conscience, as you can see ... "
The beetle was looking at, afraid to raise his eyes,
Lies shameful, as if vapor is flattened.

And the voice from the sky is louder and bee
(Must not in the mood of omnipotent):
“I took the examples from the labels of bees,
Flowers, tea, better than a dung ball,
How the basement b found a money,
Il would have made a feat like a mosquito.

Like you, ”the heavenly voice broadcast:
Spit on cleanliness and hygiene.
You are worse than a bloodthirsty tick,
A bug of smelly, killed against the wall ... "
"What is he?" Take a look at one
The beetle decides. And now what was the spirit
He looked up. And there, circles above him
Dung by all signs of a fly.

The redone fables of Krylov

The redone fables of Krylov
The redone fables of Krylov

The redone fables of Krylov:

Krylova's fable “Quartet” converted

Prankster Martyshka,
Donkey, goat and clubfoot bear
Started ... but not a quartet
They don’t care about the quartet!
It all started with a trifle:
Monkey, so, slightly, slightly
I learned to read newspapers,
And she, a fool, imagined,
What is she scientist,
Then the beast must manage!
But, let's say right away that she
There was not one
Since there are many candidates
It was torn to ministers, to the deputies.

After all, everyone knows that
Lives the one who has power!
The animals did not doubt long
And everyone gathered in the clearing.
And so the beast decided -
Create your own government!
Here they began to judge, to bring down,
How to create elections to them.
So that there is something to vote
They began to tear the birch birch with birch.

We decided to order a woodpecker
Own, animal seal.
Blueberries that were found in the forest,
All over the ink.
Geese on the lake caught
And the feathers raised them.
(They have, because they will grow again
And without a pen you can’t write.)
While judged and rowed,
The forest was slowly ruined!

When the losses were calculated
All the animals groaned quietly ...
But the monkey did not like
What is a clubfoot!
And she began to shed disgusting
That the elections are illegitimate!
That everything has been adjusted for a long time
And without it, everything was decided!
And began to demand, again
Gather animal gathering in the forest!

To start re -election,
I had to reinforce the forest again!
The monkey is to think about whether
What will everything result in?
What is the simple animal animals to her?
Turn only to the authorities!
Eh, she would have turned around
Eh, I would have come in full!
And then the Monkey's dream came true,
To be chosen by a big bump!
She is now, not to give, to take it,
Prime Minister! Mother Mother!
And she called progress
Service personal interests.
Even the press did not stutter,
What with, once rich, forest
There was a fabulous ravor
He was signed by the verdict!
And not for a month, not for a year,
And for a dozen years ahead!

The moral of this fable lurks:
Prevent the monkeys from learning
Read abstruse words!
And if you choose, then Leo,
Il Lioness finally choose!
If only the ruler was - a sage!

The fable "Wolf and lamb" converted into "Wolf and Wolf Work"
In one launched forest
With thicket and swamp
A wolf came to get a job
For wolf work.

With resin, painting gray hair
And sprinkled wool with nectar,
Gray comes to the wild boar
Head of personnel.

And immediately to the matter, they say, teeth
There is enough
To work, see it, ready
Specifically, in a wolf pack.

The wild boar grunted as if waiting
Other declaration. - Yes, you are a wolf, not a jackal? -
He sniffs with indignation. - What else to hell with a jackal?
The applicant was taken aback. - Well, consider that you didn't get it
You are in our forest, friend.

The boar of the stump felt the ass,
Squinted slyly: -
Our wolves are full of staff
Shakalov brigade.

- In the forest, jackals? .. Here are the time,
- The wolf mumbles in a clear trance.
- Or maybe this ... you have
Other vacancies?

I could exactly like a fox
Catch mice and birds.
The wild boar laughs: - Oh, ok!
We already have no chanterelles.
They live in the forest
Visiting hyenas.

Not like foxes plow here
Restlessly in three shifts.
- So I would go to hares.
Let me teach me.

- The wolf is babbling.
-It is a gaze, but if the case fell out ...
The wild boar laughs: -Vo, I will die!
You, apparently, have been gone!
We have long been kangaroo
Here they jump instead of hares.

So what am I to die at all?
The wolf exclaimed in desperate.
-Come on where the bear sits,
Toptygin, your boss?!

- Bear! - Has a sodel like a melting,
Kaban: Well, you and the king.
They even forgot the word.
The lion is now in the kingdom.

“So where did I get, wild boar?”
The wolf prays dull.
Boar in response: - started the shaitan
You are Russian in the forest.

But only here we have now
Big changes
- Other fauna and beast
By new thinking.

We have no beaver in the river.
But there are hippos,
Kulik, gaining water into your beak,
Flamingus handed over the swamp.

Yes, I'll tell you, and myself
I smear the boat of the chair.
So, come on. Adyu.
Salam. Look for another place.

The converted fable "Crow and Fox"

Reduced fable of raven and fox
The converted fable "Crow and Fox"

The redone fable "Crow and Fox":

Raven and his boss

Our raven, an old friend, found a piece again
Such a tasty that - sincerely peck!
He did not take off on the spruce (so as not to press fate),
He fluttered and sat smoothly on a young arc ...

It was not long to wait for the rogue to be reddish ...
Aesop's tongue at once heated
And the old one, like the world, spoke the same song,
I caught the gaze on top of the cunning ...

There was an answer in the look:
What will happen next - we know!
It will pass for few years
How the fable we read again!

“But if so, my friend, then listen to the news:
Your wife yesterday with your head
In the arms of love, I almost fell into the abyss! ..
Amur gave her wings then! .. "

Here is our raven: "Karr-rr!"
And ... at least shout "Fire!" -
All the tasty went
The fox is cunning as a gift!

Morality (not so sad news)
I could not write:
Do not croak on the boss,
While in the mouth - a piece!

Old, old fairy tale

The crow was pious,
Posts with severity vomit.
At the hour of conversation, found
Again cheese, and the will to give the wings
She fluttered in order to eat deliciously.

Barely managing to sit on the spruce,
Suddenly ... (the reader guessed)
Under the spruce, the voice of the fox was heard:

“You think for sure;
I will ask you
So that you can open the beak ...
That I will not succeed in any way -
Neither that nor Syak to persuade!
By no means ...

I finally came to faith!
Song - not Dahl, like yesterday,
This happened to me ...
It's time to repent! "

The brings of the crow sparkled ...
Glying - "Amen, sister!"

The plot, with Vorona and cheese,
Will remain unique.
But we want this in the fable,
Believe in sincerity ... friends!

All to the polls!

"Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese ..."
Aesop and Lafontaine have long been known to the world.
And grandfather Krylov was able to teach his ...
After the centuries, again, we also sing.

Already hurrying to the crow, giving tribute to the ancestors,
Drill, since captivates, cheese on a spruce branch ...

“Would you like the election
We spent in the forest? "
“No, run past her! -
Thought about the fox -

She must understand her
If meetings have become rare! "
Like a fox, at a raven,
There were ancestors.

“We have democracy! -
Again the fox verb -
She is a forest brethren
It will make it possible to express everything! "

There is no way to avoid fate.
The voice does not stop -
“So that the election, I would like
Have you passed in the forest? "

The raven thought “The fable is myth!
If here I will say anything
Then the team will not forgive me! "
Cated - "Yes, I want!"

Only, regretting the cheese, a little
The raven began to reason:
“If I don’t want to go!”
You can’t see all the cheese! "

Basnya "Crow and Fox", converted

Varona, Shato lived in the mountains,
Shyashlik sent Allah to the Valid.
Pachiwall with a blindamed beak in the village,
Varona sat down to eat shyashlik in a chair.
And puppy meat in the throat did not get stuck,
Varona “Hwanchkari” took a bottle.

There was a fox past to work,
Eyes-glass, I wanted Apahmelitsa.
And the smell of shyshishika, hearing his nose,
I ran to Varon with such a vaprote:

Oh Giurajel, what a karoshi you,
Cho Pushchaschi - shyashlik or manti?

It's not your business, Giurajel -
Varon said - over there!

But our fox did not stop
I tried to extend the conversation,
I snapped all three teeth,
Went to bed, again scared,
Blinked with a glass cunning eye,
I squeaked and deftly moved the pelvis.

At the same time he said to Varona:
What hips are Teby Beautiful,
How the Harasho is sitting on them leggings,
What a beautiful face.
You are more beautiful than a badger Katso!
What feathers - all packets strap damage!
Ooo, and your muscle - view - Vitaly Shcherba!
Your smell is the world of flowers of Uzbekistan!
You are not Varona, you are an arel! Mantana!

Yes, you are a fantastic, Giurajel !!!
You know, and I merged, you are dancing cool!

And Varon has such a corporate
The moral spirit was 22 percent!
He could not dance from his very birth -
Prablem beat with the caradination of motion.
And then a fox suddenly called him a dancer!
Varona stood on a chair, said: Assa!
And began to move all their parts of the body,
Pak in the back of the Evo skin did not sweat.
And suddenly Varona stumbled with a paw -
The chair broke - Varon fell - crashed!

Shyashlik fell on Zeml
and half a bunch of hvanchkara:
The cunning fox said: Urrrya!

The converted fable "Monkey and glasses"

Reduced fable of monkey and glasses
The converted fable "Monkey and glasses"

The converted fable "Monkey and glasses":

The monkey to 30 became weak for breasts;
And on the TV I saw
That this is not so big hand yet:
She should only have a bra.
I fought implants with a dozen with a dozen;
And it turns both and so, and Syak:
Then it will press them above, then it will string on the ass,
Either sniffs them, then they lick them;
They do not act in any way.
“Ugh the abyss! She says, and that fool,
Who is listening to television vorage!
And everyone about them simply got me;
And the priest and the 5th is not in them. ”
Monkey here with annoyance and sorrow
Oh the stone was so enough,
That only spray flashed.

Unfortunately, then it happens in people:
No matter how useful the thing is, not knowing the prices to her,
The ignoramus about her is a good thing, everything is worse;
And if the ignoramus is cognitive,
So he also drives the price above.

Old fable in a new way

Sitting on Palm, old monkey
Suddenly realized, looking from a height,
Or she grabbed the lice yesterday,
Or the eyes are really crains.
“Drink with mine and it will not be like that,”-
Switting Palenka, she said.
There are no brains, and this is destroyed,
Who whips the moonshine made of shit.

She has long heard from the people:
Everyone will see the glasses, even a mole,
In addition, for glasses today fashion,
Only an idiot does not wear glasses.
She said - she did, and a bullet to the supermarket,
Where they gave a whole hall under glasses.
"Reiban" and "Poloroid", "Annie Marco"
And even Ripley, damn them.

Loading with glasses to the limit,
She is with a scientific type of expert
Where only they ... did not put on
I tried even instead of a hammock.
Then, with an hour, I did not care
And, having lost a certain interest,
Cursed obscenities, howled and sobbed,
Yes, so that the forest shuddered.

Again bummer, well, no descent,
I was scrapped again on the grandmas,
And it’s really a shame: I'm at the course
She paid for them, bucks, not rubles.
And finally, having gathered everything in a heap,
Shrew purchases about concrete.
“All life is a mess! That's how it will be better, "-
Grabbing the glass, the monkey went out.

Ignoramus, he is always an enthusiast,
Grabs everything, there would be a topic
And it also gets every time,
And each time the same scheme.
Everyone is to blame, everyone ..., and you, and I,
And it is clear to everyone that he is driving about it,
And to object, only spend time in vain,
And he caught the courage and drives a fool.

Basnya "Dragonfly and Ant" converted

Basney Dragonfly and ant
Basnya "Dragonfly and Ant" converted

The fable "Dragonfly and the ant" was converted:

The converted fable of Krylov

Dragonfly jump
Summer in taverns sang.
I did not have time to look around
How in July "flew"
From some "goat".
And she had to with her stomach
Leave a brothel.
There is no money, work too
And no one will help her.
What should she do?
How can she be?
Where can she get the money?
Only one she could
Helped in that **** a.
Only now with the stomach
Nothing shines to her ...
Evil longing is dejected
She crawls to the ant.

The ant tells her:
“Right at least a hundred children,
You became indifferent to me!
Go away, live publicly.

I loved you for a long time
And now I don't care! "

You will find even more interesting and funny options for this fable, Following the link.

The converted fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike"

Reduced fable swan, cancer and pike
The converted fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike"

The converted fable "Swan, Cancer and Pike":

"Swan, Cancer and Pike" - a Swedish family, converted fable of Krylova with obscenities

When there is no agreement in the family,
Their business will not go in the way
And this thing will come out:

Once a swan, cancer, yes pike
Gathered to have sex.
All three went to bed,
They climb out of the skin, but there is no sense.

And their goal seems to be simple,
Yes, the swan is climbing the wrong way!
I put a pike cancer in the ass,
And the swan of cancer ..., too ... in the ass,
No, with a pike for work
He began then.

Who is to blame for them not to judge us.
And only we will give advice:
Since there are more two in bed.
Then you have to protect the ass!

Nature sleeps, peace and boredom,
And only swan, cancer and pike.
Three old Balamut friends
We decided to change everything cool.
“Well, what a forest in our district,
And the field is that to the forest from the south,
And the river, what flows to the West "? -
The swan knocked on the branch with his paw.

“Yes,” it scratches the cancer of the claw of the head, “
"It was more fun for us"
“There is not even a predatory beast
There is only me in the river. ”
“No, we don't need predators,
We somehow without war
Give peaceful fun
I wanted Glory something. ”

“Well, swan, you have requests,
Let's ask for animals. ”
“What if you start with an orchestra?
My idea, I'm a maestro.
And you, of course, are musicians.
We really have no talents "?

The idea immediately captured.
And there was a place in the clearing.
Just for these same purposes,
They wanted to rehearse.
Everyone in the line stood one,
When the orchestra was played.
Such a noise and creak were heard,
Like an elephant, Revuev, Ohrip.

And here, frowning, maestro
Said: “They are not so in the orchestra,
I will stand in front.
And you sing to me on the side. ”
This noise repeated again.
Then the maestro was surprised:
“Come on, change the place
Such cases are known.
I'm starting, you are behind me
We are holding a musical system. ”

But also the music creaked,
Cancer bangled backlessly,
I wanted pike again into the water,
The weather was completely deteriorated.
But the swan was eager for heaven.
Where are the clouds, wind and thunderstorm.

When there is no agreement in friends,
Do not create orchestras,
Thus mix the white light.
Changing now and business.

Once swan, cancer and pike
They took to carry from WHO lobes,
And together the three everyone was harnessed to him;
They climb out of the skin, but the cart is not on the way!
Pokla would seem easy for them:
Yes, swan is torn into the clouds,
Cancer backs back, and pike pulls into the water.
For a quarter of a century they dragged them like that
They moved the WHO to the right a little, then to the left,
Cursed, diverged every now and then,
They tried to move both straight and alone.
But everything is in any way. Everything is painful.
WHO was rotten, the luggage was rotten,
Pugs rose, mold blossomed.
And all the comrades were wicked terribly!
- You are not flying there, half -toed after me!
- Why are you shallow? Brysa under the deck!
- No, it is necessary in the water! In water! In water! In water!
And so - on the year of the year - both in summer and winter.
However, a difficult year has come,
When the backwater of the rachea shallowed,
And the swan was shuffled, and the pike was numb -
Well, in general, either mor, or a flaw ...
And the WHO with the luggles became needed more than ever
All three participants in good beginnings
And somehow swan, at least with difficulty found attention
But still he said: what about, gentlemen!
Since we all have to crumble
No better, still try to understand:
What should we change in our efforts?
How expensive is the labor of a barren work for us?
Perhaps we will choose that single path
Which will arrange all three at least a little
We will deliver a cart where the road
For everyone and everyone is more convenient!
You cancer, still backward
But stand your nose to the cart, not feed,
You pike also think not with your tail, but with your head
Do not go to the depths, but go on top!
Well, I feel good in the sky, but not get
In the harness with you and the body never
Well, since the same dashing bied,
I'll try to tremble over you ...
They said - they did. What a scream raised!
(No, no friends, not swan, cancer and pike-
They were not shouting! They, without giving a sound
The cart was moved and pulled instantly!)
Cried out mold and films that bloomed
In the luggage, they are almost empty
Surrected a marf, suddenly deprived of sleep
That peacefully slept in stumps and dust.
- What?! Where!? Where?! Have you completely lost your mind?
But who allowed you? Who thought of you?
What are you doing? After all, an hour is uneven -
You will overtake us! Here they have come!
Hey you loafers! Stand immediately!
You risk you the main item -
Stability of the standing of unscrupulousness.
Traditions have forgotten your mother?
Hey Cancer, you're the smartest, look your eyes
That swan will drag you to heaven
You are not on the way with him! Here, by the way, is sausage
Bite off and take care of the brakes!
Oh, pike, you forgot the right path!
Cancer with a swan is used insidiously!
Swim, where you sailed more recently,
And it is better to just lie down and relax ...
Who did you contact the swan with?! How not ashamed?!
Crayfish? Pike? Here's an abomination! Who would know
That the swan embodied in the fluff of metal
So low will fall and so insulting ...
Well, the meaning of this fable, in general, is not wonderful,
And, in general, it is clear, like God's day:
Since we are not lazy to get to work -
Do not listen to blue mold!

Reduced fables with obscenity only for adults

Reduced fables with obscenity only for adults
Reduced fables with obscenity only for adults

Reduced fables with obscenities only for adults:

The crow stolen a piece of cheese at the beaver,
And I began to pull out on the bitch.
The fox ran past her to trouble.
I decided that raven ...
And Bobrovsky cheese herself to gobble up!
I rolled up to Vorona,
I faded and rolled my eyes:
What legs, what buffers!
You would have 3 pen in the ass
It would have been a hottic!
Sing a bird don't be ashamed
I suppose your voice
The whole people of the forest will love!
The raven croaked into all of her bread,
The cheese has fallen
And the fox instantly faded with him.

The moral of that fable is this:
If you sleep ... Dila - eat right away.
And there is nothing to climb the trees!

The monkey weakened for old age.
And if you tell you the truth,
It's not about chronic diarrhea
Gave herself in the ass ...

When the youth of the monkey
The logical end came.
To her point, with a nimble mouse
I came, as usual, a problem.

And having lost elasticity,
The ability to keep the feces inside.
Could at the slope of years excellently
She only shit and drag.

But someone is smart of friends
(In my opinion, hemorrhoidsman elephant)
I advised her: "Klin-Klin"
And proudly left.

Monkey in bright pessimism
I made myself not to wait long.
I purchased an enema at the pharmacy,
To knock out a “wedge-clin”!

Alas! At the first attempt
“Kapets” came to her a second time.
Unable to withstand such torture
The point rushed like a boiler.

Morality is simple as a feces discharge!
Keep the cloak on the castle.
Remember - an enema is not a toy!
And you need to shit on a pot!

Varon climbed Big Pine
And began to send everyone to ...
So that there is always friendship-world in the forest
Varona put the cheese in the beak.

There was a proud fox stard. I missed it.
I saw the cheese and shook it.
The fifteen circle walked around
Pabil Raord, and said suddenly:

- CHEGO YOU, Genatsvali, are you waiting? -
And you don’t eat yourself, and you give it,
And you can only tease your food
With Balsho, dangerous height!

Varon would send the beast to ... -
But sire in the beak sticks out for a fiber ...
Birds Black Black Bruttered
And the Middle Frinuts stuck a finger under his breath!

The bear went to bed, saw a finger,
Hit the pine fist,
Varon fell. The whole forest came
Who carries something with him, who is BEZ ...

Balshoi and friendly forest Tada
Varon gave the face all night!
In the morning, hedgehog seven to eight races
From the bird made a "blue oh-oh."

Now Varon is a simple Patuh
And the cheese has long been in its beak.
Since then, the whole forest has had Varon
When he wanted and how he knew how.

Moral Georgian fable is simple -
For your beak, the tail is always in response!

Redistributed fables for the new year

Redistributed fables for the new year
Redistributed fables for the new year

Reviewed fables for the New Year:

An once animals came up in the forest
To provide each other trust
And together, together to celebrate the New Year,
So that a peaceful agreement in advance
Setting a difficult relationship
(And stop the techniques of suffocation).
Behind a glass, a glass, a Fierier,
Behind the cognac, for vodka (but in moderation!),
Sitting next to each other, pour
And the New Year with dessert awaits:
Wolf, hare, mouse and fox -
And others who inhabited the forests.
And the conversation went so sincere,
And the hare began (he was very nervous):
“Well, brothers,” said the stuttering coward, “
I wish you more in books,
In the mockery of fable, you did not fall:
Let the year, the future will be without sadness!
And everything here loudly piled up at once,
That they are tired of the fabulists,
Whatever you go anywhere, they say, neither drive -
Everywhere they meet the beast with a caustic laugh.
However, the redhead of the fox,
Which all went stricter,
Galdezh stopped: - Well, what,
Well, you know, I will tell everyone openly:
I have been serving fables for so long
That in the fables more, you're lying, I will not get there,
An object for fables will be found without me!
Then everyone remembered that he was more than once
Krylov, we inspire human vices,
I took on the stage ... So the fairy tale is finished!
The allegory is now not threatened!
O! The hare with the wolf hugged,
For joy, a mouse with a fox danced:
No one was left without a joyful moment,
Deciding that he is not a hero for fables.
The corporate evening almost ended ...
Shast - Santa Claus! The gift was provided by:
He handed the little animals a book: - Nate!
Read! Everyone here is remembered, by the way ...

Oh, do not promise from prison and from Suma -
And get into the fable to beware:
As before, fabulities of the eyes of the eyes!
Do not think if you scolded once,
Then you can live safely ...
You can please the fable again.
On New Year's Eve, I want to wish everyone:
In elegy - not in the fable to get!

All, all, Happy New Year!

Basnya for the new Russian way:

Vorone, somehow God sent 3 pieces of bucks.
The bird climbed onto the Christmas tree,
I was going to count the currency, but I thought ...
And the case kept in my mouth
For that misfortune, the fox was driving on Merce ...

The fox sees the case, the fox case captured ...
The rogue to the tree in the collapse is suitable,
All fingers with a fan and from the case of the eye does not take the eye,
And he says, twist the keys with the hand,
Well, like "I am a producer" all that ...,

“We open the factory 7,
We collect talented singers for casting.
And you have an outfit nishtyak and look like a hut ...
I swear that you will sing cool! ”

Here, from the raven, like popping,
The raven croaked in the whole raven ...
The case opened and cabbage fell,
Minutes have not passed - it was empty under the Christmas tree!


Provincial shrimp
Now a glamorous coquette.
Receptions, Patti, shooting at Nude,
Omars with crabs in the menu,
Five pairs of unnecessary skiing,
Voyage in Nice and Paris,
House in four km. From the Moscow Ring Road,
A wide circle of friends-cycade,
Husband, black -winged bark beetle,
- The owner of factories and newspapers.

But he took possession of the shrimp spin,
Such that crying at the time, damn it!
Everything happened, I apologize
From the drunken bliss of satisfactory.

The psychologist Bumblebee whispered to this:
“Fall in love! Find the bug for the summer!
Pollen to the flower! Flower on a stigm!
It will dissolve by itself
Your longing! Go ahead, baby! "
Shmelya obeyed a shrimp.

The soul was waiting for someone!
And I waited, after all, that’s the essence!
Meet: pink infant,
Kalmar Roman. Rock musician.

And it rushed ... an affair with Roman,
Singer, poet, drug addict,
Squeezed the secret:
Dormitory, club, attic, basement ...

Having learned about the shags, bark beetle
I decided to drink the beer at lunch,
And grinning, evil and crooked,
He ordered a shrimp for beer.

(The flower was not long in pollen!)
She was found and ... in boiling water!

This is the conflict of soul and body.
Read the tragedy "Othello".

Reduced poems-basins

Reduced poems-basins
Reduced poems-basins

Reduced poems-basins:

Once swan, cancer and pike
They were able to pull out the supply from the river,
Though I only pulled out a swan - that’s the thing! -
With pike, the cancer was pulled into the water.

No one knew that there was no way there -
And they gave the prize to the whole brigade.

It's time to share the money, but how?
- Let's drink them! - I took the word cancer.
And the pike shouted: “I agree! Quite!
I have long wanted to drink! "

“Well,” the swan hissed, “let it be like that! ..
Woke up until morning with pike cancer.
But why together? The question is egregious.
But because our swan is nonsense!

In the menagerie at night, somehow animals
The doors tried to open their own.
The locks did not give in in any way
And the animals remained in the field.
The bear in seniority roared:
“Take a lot to keep us here,
And people hated
I would like to give food.
How long to live without freedom,
From a bowl, not from a stream to drink water? "
There was a roar from a terrible mouth:
“I am a lion, I tear people to pieces.
I just hate them all. ”
Shook his mane of redhead.
Black Panther said:
“I don't believe the little people.
Let the cage open me, that's it
I will have a hunt for people. ”
“And to us the monkeys
Closely too much. ”
Then the parrots were gagged:
"We are tired of these cells."
The boat hissed quietly,
Not a word wisely saying.
In the morning, as usual by animals
For breakfast, they ate the meat silently.
And the one who tore people to pieces,
Who drank water from a stream,
The one who did not believe, partly
Trying to lick in a burn.
Eating, all the animals dozed off
Completely satisfied with themselves.
That you need to say everything at night,
In the afternoon you have to think about food.

Other animals are so brave at night,
In words, they tear to pieces - just horror.
And the fact that in the afternoon is cowardly so unimportant.
And you need to relax from courage.

Cool fables in a new way

Cool fables in a new way
Cool fables in a new way

Cool fables in a new way:

In the night forest, a commotion,
And what's the reason?
Sher Khan, you heard, breathe a lot!
Stop, cattle!
Well, sing, ah dance
With heavenly manna!
It’s such a grace,
Did you go unexpectedly?
The wolf and crocodile frolic,
Cows are mumbled
- He was the king, in fact,
Very dick
Far from blessed ideas
Forest culture.
Let me delight people
With your skin!
There will be no blood in the jungle
And it's a lot,
Go to him, rejoice,
Because - teeth ...
Screaming badger and rhino,
Well, like children
-Yes, he is every corner here
I marked
-We for a long time to rest
Not yet crazy
Knocking on a tree head
I noticed a woodpecker
Overtake a jackal on a star
Yes, just need?
-I'm without him, grit, I will find
What carrion
And let the hunters so far
The face did not come out
I'll take a donkey with me
Perhaps it will help!
My rotten fangs,
His horseshoes!
Really evil men
Let's tear anyone! ... ..
The trouble was, the trouble was gone
It became calmer.
Their affairs are performed in the forest
A donkey with a jackal
An unprecedented offspring went,
And to be the world.
That's just the forest people became
Patient and blue
Klykov, sharpened steel
Alien to the poet,
Every fable has morality
This one has no.

Crow and fox in a new way

How many times the press wrote,
What became full of crooks,
But there are suckers anyway.
Vorone Dan Ifon progress.

Well, it was given, of course not -
The trite whistled from her pocket.
Passerby who is drunk
To the nearest Persia toilet.

This gadget is tightly captured with its beak.
Our "eagle" takes off on the spruce.
Look, and I got it here
A product for a mental task.

While crow from height
Decides what to do next
Fox is a famous false master,
Weave quietly through the bushes.

Having decided at first - this is nonsense
Our Kolya comes closer.
No, the foxes did not lie -
In a raven, a valuable jackpot.

Minute - the capture plan ripens
In the shameless red head.
Shouting a paw along the grass,
The fox says: "Friend is feathered ..."

Looks. Is the male? No, not him.
“Girlfriend, dear friend,
Say that you are holding tight there,
Really brand new iPhone? "

A crow's crows looks frowning -
And thoughts climb about the fox.
Okay, B il il sausage,
But do not detect an iPhone, a fool.

"Oh, Queen of secular lionesses" -
The fox was borrowed -
“You are mega super-duper bird
And the cooler of all the surrounding birds.

Singer, better than any Gag.
Let's sing with you together ",
But in response to banal flattery
The crow showed the fact.

The fox is not receiving the answer,
And, having stood another moment,
Already became furious in earnest -
On the horizon is a nervous breakdown.

The last plan is a fox, yawning,
Failed. Mitten - opened,
The stomach is visible - the goal of gastritis.
The ravon beak could not stand it.

Looks like insomnia is exhausted
Tired, poor bird brain.
And, having lost a bloated gloss,
Yawned. Sleep and creaky.

The iPhone fell. How else -
All the strength of gravity, Newton.
The fox flooded the iPhone
And she ran away, hiding joy.

The raven croaked. Now
At least get tuck. Not scary.
And then the mat is multi -storey.
Censorship cut this voice.

The moral of this fable is a pair of words,
So that everyone is to study on.
Why an iPhone bendless bird?
Do not croak show -offs.

Video: Kinojurnal Krylova Fables in a new way "

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