Aliexpress writes - “Please use another entry device”: what does this mean and what to do?

Aliexpress writes - “Please use another entry device”: what does this mean and what to do?

From this article you will find out why on Aliexpress You can see the following inscription: "Please use another input device."

To buy goods in China is always profitable and interesting. Aliexpress it helps to do this to buyers from around the world. There are currently many other trading floors, but only Ali It is still popular, as millions of people are being cooked on it.

On Aliexpress The debugged system of work, but sometimes there are still difficulties in buyers who often see the following inscription on the displays of their gadgets: "Please use another entry device". What does this mean and what to do in this case, let's understand this article.

Aliexpress writes - “Please use another entry device”: what does this mean and what to do?

"Please use another entry device"

If you are just going to register for AliexpressThen read it article on our websiteHow to do it correctly. From this information you will learn how to make the first order and how to make orders on this trading platform in general, so that there are no problems.

Aliexpress Constantly attracts new buyers and interests permanent. Some people do not go to the trading platform for several months only if you need to buy something again.

  • Such lost and accidentally lost buyers will be a surprise at their favorite trading platform - a coupon. Many people know about this.
  • But it happens that they go in 2-3 months to the site, for example, from a phone or other gadget and see the inscription: “Please use another entry device.”This means that the user is noticed in the creation of several accounts at the same time.
  • So Aliexpress Fighting with multi -accounts.
  • It is also worth knowing that the account in which such an inscription appeared can be blocked forever.

Therefore, you will have to fulfill the request Aliexpress And go to your other account from a different device from which you were registered originally. Also, such an inscription may mean the following:

  • Authorization through social networks is unacceptable. An error may appear if you went into your account through VKontakte or Facebook, and want to exchange bonus points in the "Mobile Bonuses" section. Solution of the problem: Pill the login and password on the page with a form for entering.
  • There was a overload of the system. In the days of large sales, 1000 times more people come to the site than on ordinary days. Because of this, various errors in the operation of the system may appear. Solution: wait a while and try to go to the site again.
  • An unfinished update process can give errors. If updates are loaded on your smartphone or on the site, then you will most likely see not the account page, but the error tab. Solution: upgrade the application and again try to go to the site.

As you can see, there is a solution to any problem. Perform simple actions and enjoy shopping again Aliexpress.

Video: AliExpress coupons for $ 4 and $ 2 from $ 2.01

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Comments K. article

  1. Well, how to solve the problem? They wrote that you can solve and did not write how ... I need to buy a new phone so that you do not e *** with this garbage?

  2. Everything is fine

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