Acrylic baths - how to care? How to wash an acrylic bath at home?

Acrylic baths - how to care? How to wash an acrylic bath at home?

Cleaning the acrylic bathtub is a rather serious business. It is necessary to approach him responsibly. It is important to know that not every remedy is equally suitable for this.

Acrylic baths always look beautiful and that is why they are so popular. They differ in light weight, and many different shapes and sizes are also presented on sale, so they are suitable for any bath. This is a wonderful alternative to replace cast -iron containers.

Those who use acrylic baths often do not know how to care for them correctly. In fact, this question requires a thorough approach, because not every remedy can clean such a plumbing, otherwise it can simply be spoiled.

What is good acrylic: advantages

Acrylic baths
Acrylic baths

Often, owners of acrylic baths are interested in how to clean them correctly, because such plumbing is capricious and does not tolerate careless treatment. In fact, acrylic care is very simple, unlike other materials.

The simplicity of cleaning can be explained by several polymer properties:

  • Little porosity. Acrylic has extremely small pores, if they are at all, and therefore the dirt is not absorbed, but remains on the surface. So, you can simply clean the plumbing daily a rag with soap and it will never lose its appearance.
  • Smoothness. Due to the fact that acrylic is smooth, harmful organisms cannot penetrate the material. So no abrasives are required to clean the surface.
  • By the way, often manufacturers talk about the effect of self -cleaning. This does not mean that the surface is cleared itself. Just due to the smoothness of pollution, they repel. So you have to clean it less often. Most often, cleaning is possible with simple water and soap.

What are the pollution of acrylic baths?

Types of pollution
Types of pollution

Since polymers have become very popular not so long ago, the question about the purification of acrylic baths at home has become very relevant. Acrylic products perfectly repel dirt, but with intensive use there remains an imprint, which makes the appearance worse, and also makes the cleansing more complicated. As a rule, the following types of pollution can be found:

  • Yellowness. Over time, acrylic does not turn yellow, but this does not mean that this does not happen. To eliminate such pollution, you need to rinse the bowl with special tools and install water filters, because the problem is that the water is very dirty.
  • Lime plaque. This defect can be observed when water with a high metal salts is used. To eliminate it, citric acid is ideal.
  • Color spots. Multi-colored spots can appear on the bathroom due to different dyes. The surface of the bathroom is quite smooth and this does not allow the pigment to absorb too much, and therefore any product will cope with such spots.

So that there are no big pollution on your plumbing, make it a rule, take care of it regularly. So, always try to wipe the bathtub dry after washing.

What means cannot be used to clean the acrylic bathtub?

What can not be washed by acrylic bath?
What can not be washed by acrylic bath?

Keep in mind that you can not clean the acrylic bath by any means. If you do not want it to lose the appearance, then remember that it is categorically impossible to use:

  • Chlorine. Do not try to clean the surface with a chlorine content. Instead of a beautiful surface, you will get a muddy color that will spoil the plumbing. If processing again, small pores will begin to form, where dirt will always get.
  • Washing powder and abrasive products. The abrasive scratches the surface and for acrylic it is destructive. After processing, scratches and damage may appear, which, of course, can be hidden by polishing and grouting, but only a curved look of the bathroom makes this process complex.
  • Ammonia. If you use ammonia solutions, then the surface of the acrylic will gradually collapse and lose glossy shine.
  • Acetone, gasoline and solvent. All these funds are strictly prohibited for the acrylic surface. She clutches and loses attractiveness. If the solvent is used regularly, then you risk destroying the surface.
  • Formaldehydes. Today, in household matters, as a rule, formaldehydes are not used, but it is still important to know that they are not compatible with acrylic.

How to care for an acrylic bathroom: Rules

How to wash an acrylic bath?
How to wash an acrylic bath?
  • If you do not wash the bath on time, then this will inevitably lead to the formation of strong pollution. To avoid this, try to wipe the bath with a sponge with soap after each wash.
  • By the way, if you rinse the bath with hot water, then it will shine even more. Most importantly, forget about hard brushes and washcloths, otherwise you will damage the bath.
  • Before applying any of the funds, try to smear them a little in an inconspicuous place, and wait a bit. If the changes are not visible, then you can calmly proceed to cleaning. Take carefully about the disinfection process, because without it harmful microbes begin to form in the pipes.
  • Do not forget that chlorinated solutions are prohibited for use. In special products, chlorine can also be present, but only additional elements carefully reduce its effect.
  • If you want the enamel of the bathroom to shine, then grate the acrylic in a circular motion with a soft cloth. Pre -moisten it with a polish with a wax base.

How often to wash an acrylic bath?

It is recommended to wipe the acrylic bath after each use. We recommend that you observe this rule, because it is easier to remove a small dirt than the stuck pollution. You can do this with soap and a soft sponge, and after rinsing, wipe with dry a rag.

As for the use of active substances, use them once in a couple of weeks. Apply the product over the entire surface, leave it for a short while, and then rinse well.

To prevent the formation of yellowness, control the state of plumbing. If the taps begin to flow, then repair them as soon as possible. If it turned out that the bathtub has turned yellow, then you can remove it with special means.

What means can be used to clean the acrylic bathtub?

Acrylic bathroom cleaning products
Acrylic bathroom cleaning products

Acryl is one of the subspecies of plastic and it has excellent operational characteristics. Like steel baths, the material cannot rust and exfoliate, and even the most dirty water is not terrible for him.

However, household chemicals are not acceptable for polymers, and third -party funds cannot be used in any case. How then to remove pollution? Here you need to choose such substances that will not react with acrylic. These include citric acid and vinegar.

But first, you need to make a solution out of them, and not use it as it is.

  • Acetic solution. To make a simple, but good solution, fill the bath with two -thirds with water and pour 9%vinegar. It will take 0.5 liters to cleanse. Mix everything well and leave it for 12 hours.
  • Lemon acid. The same preparation algorithm is used, but just keep in mind that the granules may not dissolve and settle at the bottom. They will not give any reaction and will lie so. To avoid, first dilute the powder and only then add it.

Today you can find good products on store shelves. They are effective in the fight against rust or lime coating. Let's talk about them.

Cleaning the acrylic bathroom
Cleaning the acrylic bathroom

The most gentle of all are soap and a dishwasher. You can clean the bathroom with shampoo or shower gel. If you have ended one of the funds, then it is enough to rinse the bottle and wash the way the walls of the bathroom gets. Such funds will not harm the upper layer and act softly.

If your bath has lost color and has become yellow, then it will not work with simple soap. To do this, use polishing agents.

Do not use powders such as Pemolux, Biolan or Comet. First of all, they contain abrasives, and they must also be rubbed. So it is better to use liquid agents or pastes. They will not damage the surfaces. Only you need to work with them in gloves, since the composition is often aggressive.

If you decide to use such funds, then the best among them are bass, CIF and acrylan. The latter is specifically intended for acrylic baths.

Is it possible to clean the acrylic bathtub with a doxetos?


Yes, undoubtedly, it is quite possible to use the pre -Mestos, but it has its own nuances and a competent approach to this matter will ensure a great result. The composition of the product has hydrochloric acid, and it copes very well with the lime plaque and rust.

He will easily remove all the dirt with the bathroom and not harm the surface. This is a modern cleaning tool that has become popular due to its effectiveness. Speaking specifically, it has the following advantages:

  • High reliability and security
  • Low cost
  • Removing plaque and dirt
  • Sparing attitude to the surface

Domestos can be considered gentle and at the same time disinfectant. Thanks to safety, they can be used to clean the surface, but it is better to do it in gloves.

Is it possible to clean the acrylic bathtub Sancts?


This tool is more affordable than Domestos has similar properties. However, it still whits the surface well, which makes its use wider. The rules of use are practically the same as for pre -Mestos.

After applying it, you need to leave it for a while so that the effect is effective. To date, there are several types of sanams:

  • Spray
  • Gel
  • Foam

Gel and foam should be applied to the entire surface, and spray spray. It is desirable that spraying is carried out 10 cm from the surface.

How to remove defects of acrylic bathtub?

Acrylic coating is subject to not only pollution. Classins and other defects can sometimes appear on it. In a sense, acrylic is unique, because it scratches easily, but at the same time it is also easy to remove damage.

To remove small injuries up to 0.5 mm, use felt. It is great for polishing surfaces. If the scratches are deep, then they can be removed only by a special remedy - liquid acrylic.

You do not even have to contact the master. You can buy a set for repair, which includes a spatula and a tube with a product. It is applied to the place of the defect and rubbed with a spatula. When the product froze, you can process it with felt.

Liquid acrylic allows you to eliminate even a large hole done through. Outside, glue it with tape and put acrylic into the cavity.

Some defects and spots are very strong, and therefore the use of any means will not help. In this case, only special inserts will help out. Do not forget that acrylic does not like very high temperature. Boiling water will not harm him, but ashes from a cigarette can leave a print.

How to prevent the appearance of pollution and damage to the acrylic bathroom: preventive measures

Preventive measures
Preventive measures

The most effective way to prevent serious pollution is to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer. It is better to use it correctly, so as not to suffer with cleaning. There are only 4 simple rules that you need to adhere to and the plumbing will serve for a long time:

  • Wipe the bathtub dry every time after use
  • Try not to type very hot water
  • Rinse the bath with a sponge and soap after use
  • Do not use often disinfectants. It is enough to do it a couple of times a week

Remember always that the wrong cleaning of the bathroom can spoil expensive plumbing. So think before using any means.

Video: How to wash and clean an acrylic bath?

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