6 important and useful tips for parents: boys, girls

6 important and useful tips for parents: boys, girls

In this article you will find 6 useful tips to parents who will help you make your child happier.

Parents know very well that every day small dramas in education happen. You don’t know how best to explain, then there are constantly doubts between “punish” or “repeat the rules of conduct again”? But today we’ll talk about what really affects the life of the child and is important in education. You will find below 6 important and useful tips for parents. Read further.

The child will cope on his own - useful advice to parents: step aside

The child will cope on his own: step aside
The child will cope on his own: step aside

The ability to inspire and support a child is a very good quality of parents. However, sometimes it is necessary to step aside, giving the opportunity to cope with everything yourself. Psychologists say that children can work very well on themselves, look for other ways to overcome problems and take a chance to try something new. Do not be afraid to sometimes give the child to act independently. For example:

  • When the baby collects the constructor and he doesn’t succeed, do not try to immediately help him make the details correctly.
  • Start by small tips to bring the child to the right decision: “Maybe try to connect this and this?”
  • Also explain that it is sometimes possible to do complex tasks sometimes, it takes time and some efforts.

Let the baby learn persistence and achieve what he wants. The child’s ability to cope with difficulties will help him in adulthood on his own. Therefore, sometimes step aside.

Send family values: it is more important for a boy and a girl not advice, but an example of parents

Submit family values
Submit family values

It is one thing to constantly talk about harmonious relationships, family dinners, goodwill and a healthy lifestyle, and a completely different thing is to set an example. If the family has such traditions, then they are with 100% Confidence will be transferred to the child. After all, nothing brings up better than its own example. Therefore, family values \u200b\u200bneed to be transferred to the child. One example of parents is more important for any boy or girl than many tips from them or other people, even if relatives.

When you spend time together with the baby, focus on its positive qualities. Praise him if he behaves correctly and politely, instill good qualities.

Control your emotions - important advice to parents: do not increase the tone

Control your emotions: do not increase your tone
Control your emotions: do not increase your tone

Everyone can lose self -control. But if you still want to build a close relationship with your child, then control your tone and speak with the baby as a friend or colleague. Then the child will willingly listen to you, pay attention to the advice, without experiencing excess stress when communicating with adults. Be sure that in the future he will communicate with others as calmly.

When a child falls into hysteria due to the fact that he cannot find his favorite toy, do not increase the tone. It is better to express understanding and name what the child feels at this moment: “I understand that you are upset. But let's look together. I'm sure the toy is somewhere nearby ".

Show an example of a strong relationship: important advice to parents

Children may not like it if you kiss a man, or show tenderness to each other, but this teaches their models of relations between husband and wife.

Advice: Always find a separate time for yourself and your husband. Even if it's only half an hour after work. But these half an hour can make your marriage more every day.

Do not quarrel and do not solve the problem in the presence of children. Create a calm and safe atmosphere at home, then a happy child will definitely grow in it.

Learn to overcome stress: tips for parents

Learn to overcome stress
Learn to overcome stress

Watching you, the child builds his own model of behavior. If you are able to cope well with your problems and disappointments, then the baby will learn the same.

To avoid unnecessary stress, try to plan everything in advance. If you have a grandiose holiday ahead, postpone other things. Take off that rug that annoys you. In general, do not be afraid to part with what causes you excitement or stress. And to what is impossible to avoid, treat more calmly. Here are some more tips what can be done to overcome stress:

  • Breathing exercises - If it turned out that you are annoyed, then try to calm down as soon as possible so as not to transfer your condition to the baby. To do this, you can practice breathing exercises or yoga.
  • Sedding agents - Nothing helps and you cannot relax, drink a sedative drug (tincture of valerian, sedative tea).
  • Ask your relatives. Often a young mother does not have time to do work around the house, and she just needs the help of grandparents. Feel free to ask you to help you.
  • Spend more time with the baby. This soothes mom, and her nervous system works harmoniously.
  • Go to nature more often. This helps to relax and distract from the bustle of the city.
  • Fun and laughter - The best cure for stress. Friends, relatives will help you with this. You can even just watch a funny video or photo jokes that are on our website.

You can also take a warm bath or go to sleep. Water relaxes and relieves tension, and sleep restores strength and nervous system.

Show a feeling of love - an important advice to parents: children need it

Show a feeling of love
Show a feeling of love

Kiss your child, hug, show tenderness. Those children who received quite parental love grow happier and more confident in themselves. The hormone of love oxytocin perfectly neutralizes any stress.

  • Every day tell the child that you love him.
  • Comb him hair.
  • Cover with a blanket laying to bed.
  • Hug it when watching the TV together.

All this will bear fruit over time. The best atmosphere in the family is a feeling of love and comprehensive safety.

Video: Psychologist's advice to parents. Why doesn't the child obey?

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