More than 50 harmful tips for children and schoolchildren in verses and prose

More than 50 harmful tips for children and schoolchildren in verses and prose

All parents are used to teaching their own children, the same thing happens when children get to school. Of course, the guys are obliged to behave correctly in a public place, at home and at school, but since this is promoted in all educational institutions, children are simply bored.

For many, especially nervous adolescents, for this reason you can even hear the rattle of teeth. Therefore, in our material you will find all the rules how to behave at school, only the other way around.

11 harmful tips for students in prose

  1. You told the teacher that have not prepared for the lesson, Since they forgot the notebook at home. Then take it out to record a new topic. See with arrogant eyes, the teacher will like it, he will definitely remember you when it will be necessary to call to the board.
  2. When you will write off the test work, Put a notebook or a textbook on your knees - no one will notice it, but there is a huge chance to write 2 tests instead of one.
  3. When you write off the control, do not hand over the notebook, sit longer. So you feel own superiority, Looking at the rest. You can wink at the teacher - show in this way who is written off in the classroom. It will definitely take off you suspicions. You will become a favorite at the teacher and he will ask you in every lesson.
  4. When you write off Do not show shame and do not be modest. Make an impudent look, but not worse than usual, since you can be suspected. Your behavior will be 100% estimated by the teacher.
  5. During the delivery of a notebook Do not let the teacher check the work right away. You never know, perhaps the teacher does not have a sedative medicine.
  6. Another harmful advice - Come to the lesson by about the middle of the lesson, so that the teacher asked for your absence and put bad notes to the rest. If you are scolded, tell me that you are in a cork, you had an elephant in your bathroom, you were attacked by terrible animals. The teacher will not check such versions.
  7. After the call is nicknamed, run out very quickly from the office. So you can say that you did not hear that you were asked at home.
  8. Have you been called to the board and asked something on the topic of the lesson? In this case Pull time. If nothing happens to you, play associations, for example, tell us about fish if you need to describe the fleas. Start approximately like this: “Fish (pull a pause, make a smart face) live in a reservoir (pronounce it spiritually). If the fish lived on land, they could pick up the fleas ... ". You will definitely have an autograph of the teacher in the diary after that.
  9. If you called to the director for bad studiesFeel free to be shy - perhaps your star time has come. Be confident in yourself, since no one will beat you. You are the owner of the whole situation, because you came to the director, but not he to you. Tell me some kind of speech (you can prepare it in advance). Explain that you are given many lessons, but you, as a future physician, need Russian or literature at all. Be artistic! Perhaps at this school you will study the last day.
  10. If you call mom to school, do not plead your own guilt. Claim that teachers are very strange for you, they find fault with you, they do not give the opportunity to write off or play a gadget during the lesson. Do not worry, there are other schools, no one will transfer your personal file there.
  11. Have you been asked to leave the school? Be extremely calm. Since you do not lose anything except friends and teachers who do not consider you a person. That school lost a hooligan student, who is still on all the rules. There is another big plus - about 1 week or even more will be remembered as an original student.

7 harmful advice to graduates for graduation

Graduation for many is considered the most striking school event. All schoolchildren with great impatience await this event in order to get rid of lessons, not to carry out homework, and not listen to teachers.

We offer the following harmful tips that will be useful to you if you are a graduate:

  1. Do not visit the graduation. You, of course, have never had a graduation, but you consider it a sagging. Just don't go to this event. So what, that your comrades will be on it, you have studied with them for a long time. Just think, after many years you look back, will regret the stupidity that you have committed at a young age. Take better more important things, for example, disassemble a bunch of trash in the closet, take a shower.
  2. Show your own fi. If you still hit the graduation, show everyone that you are unhappy. Make an acidic mine, “prickly” and “poisonous” comments should constantly come from you. Do not smile, do not participate in the event, do not rejoice. Turn the holiday with rudeness - Your stupid classmates do not yet understand that the graduation is full. You will hear so much compliments addressed to you, just a record.
  3. Dress inappropriately. For example, stooped jeans, an attached T -shirt, and old sneakers are suitable for the boy. Is it possible to call the graduation a real holiday? No, and is it worth it to dress up at all. The girl is suitable for a vulgar and causing outfit, very bright makeup. Show that you are an adult girl. Believe me, you will be a star for many more years. The video shot at the graduation will be stored for a long time and show their friends.
  4. Put on uncomfortable shoes. There is no adulthood in which there are no difficulties. And the holidays are never perfect. The most right way out is to put on those shoes in which you are uncomfortable, do not take replaceable shoes. While others will celebrate and have fun, you will proudly suffer in a corner on a chair.
  5. Become a star of the Internet. Forget that graduation is only once for a lifetime. Suppress a sense of shame in yourself. You will do everything right, do not be shy. Dance on the table, twitch the girls by the hair, shout, shine. Make you become a star on the entire Internet, even from a bad side.
  6. Drink alcohol. You will certainly achieve that it is described above, if you are not modest. Drink common sense by drinking an alcohol, then create an unusual one. Everyone will be depressed in this state, especially mom and dad.
  7. Say what you want. The school is over, the assessments are exhibited, the teachers are powerless, so no one will punish you. Tell me everything that you have in your soul, do not be shy when you express yourself. You can switch with the teachers to “you”, pat them friendly on the shoulder, hug them - you are now an adult. You will earn an excellent reputation that will follow you everywhere in your subsequent life.

Harmful tips for children: the best

  1. Amend the relationship at school, Since you spend the most time here. Do not be surprised later that the class teacher will want to invite mom to school.
  2. Do not bother others to study. This process is quite heavy, and you still have many shooters in your smartphone that you need to go through. You can notify your friends that you have passed a difficult level, they will be proud of you. Only in a diary, from nowhere, a deuce will appear.
  3. The call is for the teacher, so let him rejoice. He can only after that forget for a while about nasty scumbags that do not know the rules.
  4. School corridors are a great place where athletes compete. Since running, especially with obstacles, helps to develop muscle mass, coordination and get acquainted with the director’s office.
  5. Change daily notebooks. So you will facilitate the work of teachers and stimulate the development of the paper industry in the country.
  6. Come to school, stuffing all sorts of things. Perhaps something will come in handy during the lessons. And also imagine how interesting and exciting it will be to look for a pen or the desired notebook in such a bag.
  7. If you are breaking up with your favorite teacher, come up with such arguments so that they are convincing. Prepare carefully at home, write an action plan. You can give mom to check him.
  8. When the teacher enters the classroom, greet him funny screams, exclamations. The teacher will appreciate your excellent mood, will react to it well and will immediately call you to the board.
  9. If you notice on the desk bad inscription, Take it to make her brighter. Everyone will notice what a good taste you have, and the school principal will meet your parents.
  10. Come to the class before the call, when you are wet, after running around. Rinse into the room so that everyone will notice it. Your irresistible image will be voiced in public and will be remembered until the meeting of classmates 5 years after graduation.
A few more harmful tips for raising children
A few more harmful tips for raising children

Harmful advice to high school students

We begin to give you harmful tips, remember.

  1. Make a frightened face by going to the teacher's. Tell the teachers that Vova’s security guard was crazy - he grabbed a hammer, running with him at school. Before that, tell the guard himself to go to the teacher’s room, nailed the book shelf there. Your resourcefulness will be appreciated by the class teacher, the school principal, and your parents.
  2. Order pizza for all your classmates On behalf of, for example, the director. You will hear a lot of satisfied reviews and compliments to your director. Only no one will remember you.
  3. Order limousine, on it you can drive up to the school itself. As soon as you will have to save money for such pleasure for many years, and they may not see you.
  4. Turn on at school alarm. Oh, and you will start a fun life, it will just beat with a key.
  5. Work with a spy. Arrange the "Endless Lessons" action, Turning off for a while the call.To  you will have so much attention not only from the school administration, but also from your classmates and from parallel classes too.
  6. Call on a datethe most beautiful boy from school, but do not come. You will have a stunning reputation.
  7. Put on instead of replaceable shoes slippers, which depicts a dog's face, and a psychiatrist will definitely be called to you.
  8. Spiek makaren On the table of the teacher that you least like. After that, you will know the subject of this teacher best in the classroom.
  9. Persuaded some friend to the uncle to call the director, said that a check from Rono was going to school. Perhaps you will not receive from this personal pleasure, but you will really have to study on this day in all subjects.

Harmful tips for children and schoolchildren in verses: 30 tips

We offer you to get acquainted with the poetic presentation of harmful children's councils! We hope that they, like the advice in prose, will only have fun, but you will not listen to them.

Three tips
Three tips
3 advice
3 advice


3 advice
3 advice
In verse
In verse

Articles for children and about children:

Video: harmful tips from Oster

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