What if the child conflicts with classmates, is it necessary to intervene? Should I transfer the child to another school if he is offended?

What if the child conflicts with classmates, is it necessary to intervene? Should I transfer the child to another school if he is offended?

In this article, we will talk about what to do if your child is conflict with classmates.

It seems that the school is an excellent place where children not only have to receive knowledge, but also communicate. That's just not everything is so simple. Very often you can hear news about how they poison schoolchildren, how many films exist about this, and what to hide, many have encountered this. Most likely, you yourself saw in your school years, as other guys lift up and now your child is also subjected to this. Why did it happen and what to do in this situation?

How to understand that the child is offended at school?

The child is offended at school
The child is offended at school

It often happens that the child becomes unexpectedly closed and sad, although he was not like that before. Perhaps he simply experiences the stage of growing up, and perhaps he has problems at school. When is it worth sounding the alarm?

  • A sharp change in behavior. The child always has a very bad mood. He is nervous, gloomy, worried and capricious. This also includes the lack of good sleep and appetite, and can also weaken the immunity from constant stress.
  • The child tries to come up with the reason for missing classes. He pretends to be sick, late to school or generally walks her. Most likely, he does not want to meet someone. Yes, of course, children often say that they do not want to study. But if a calm baby suddenly became moody and whines, then he most likely simply hides the true causes.
  • Bad appearance, torn things, bruises And so on - all this can talk about physical violence. Most likely, he is beaten and mocked. If you are an attentive parent, then feel the difference right away. If earlier the boy boasted with fights, and the girl was sincerely upset that she lost the phone, now you will see that they would lie to you.

Why is the child offended at school?

Why is the child offended at school?
Why is the child offended at school?

The school is an artificially created team in which completely different children are located. If adults can choose who to communicate with, where to work, and so on, then students are limited in this case. If we take into account that at the same time the child has not yet fully formed the psyche, the modern world is cruel, and teachers attach little importance to all conflicts between children, it turns out a very ugly picture.

It is at the age of 6-7 years that children experience the "crisis of socialization." At this time, the child learns to interact with society and it is very important to him. If someone adult always watched at home and in the kindergarten for communication, then this will not happen at school. But whether good relations with classmates will develop - will already affect the self -esteem of the child and his future life.

Each child is different and can offend him for absolutely any features - appearance, performance or character. But this is in theory. As practice shows, in fact, everyone is somewhat different and most often offend the following categories of children:

  • Having pronounced appearance features. Full, small children, and even more so with appearance defects are often subjected to mockery, because they differ from others.
  • From a dysfunctional family. As a rule, such children do not have good clothes, learn badly and therefore begin to tease and offend them.
  • Inattentive and slow children They are also subjected to mockery, although these are features of their character.
  • "Clogged." This category includes schoolchildren who had previously experienced many humiliations and grievances. Perhaps a baby from a dysfunctional family, where he was really “scored”.
  • Aggressors. Such children are quick -tempered and can rush into a fight with anyone who does not look at him. It makes others not to be afraid, but rather becomes a reason for ridicule.

Despite everything, even the best, by all the standards, the child is not safe from ridicule. Small misses or an accidentally revealed secret of first love may well become mockery wires.

How to help a child if children offend him?

How to help a child if he is offended?
How to help a child if he is offended?

If you notice that classmates are lifted by a child, then the first reaction is to urgently do something, to press and threaten the offenders. There is another position that parents often accept - this happens to everyone and everything will be decided, let the child learn to show himself from the best side. Yes, the child definitely needs help, you just need to understand what it should be.

How to react if a child is offended at school?

First of all, understand that violence cannot be answered, so adults do not act. During this period, the support of his parents and understanding that he is not to blame for this is extremely important for him.

No need to crush and make you talk about something and talk to you. First, he must understand what you should trust. So he will at least splash out his resentment. And a calm atmosphere in the family will a little to calm down after a conflict with classmates. This will allow him to acquire self -confidence.

Be sure to talk with your child and carefully listen to what worries him. Do not say that these are all the little things and do not worry. For you yes, this problem is trifling, but for the child, relations in the team are more important than ever. And if you do nothing and leave anything as it is, then this can lead to bad consequences. The offenders will understand that they are unpunished and will mock the child more strongly.

Is it worth it to intervene if the child is offended at school?

Is it worth it to intervene if the child is offended?
Is it worth it to intervene if the child is offended?

Sometimes parents prefer to deal with the bully alone, threatening the use of physical strength. But do not follow about emotions. In addition to the fact that you will enter into an unequal battle, the child will not be better from this, because then everyone will tease him with a yabeda.

Some recommend responding to a fight with a fight, but to do so too is not the best solution. You convince the child that who is stronger, the truth is. Do you want him to be cruel and aggressive?

You can talk with the parents of the offenders, but just keep in mind who they are. If these are asocial drinking personalities, then you are unlikely to get a good conversation. Despite everything, be calm, do not attack, try to understand the other side. Nobody wants to admit that children can be guilty.

Who to complain if the child is offended at school?

Try to chat with the class teacher. When he is really interested in good relations in the team, he will help you than he can. The educational conversation of the teacher may work, especially in elementary school, because teachers have good authority.

Sometimes you have to contact more influential authorities. Contact the juvenile inspectorate, if the case is very serious, or to the director. You can even write a complaint to the Ministry of Education. If your child is very bad at school and rights are violated, then all methods are good. After all, the student has to spend a lot of time with the team and in the end this can provoke severe psychological trauma. In addition to you, no one can help him.

Should I transfer the child to another school if he is offended?

Should I transfer the child to another school?
Should I transfer the child to another school?

Yes, of course, you can do this if the problem cannot be resolved in any way. Just be sure to keep in mind that the baby still needs to adapt in a new place and join the team, making friends with the guys, which will give additional stress. You should also understand that in another school this can also happen if the child is afraid and tunes in his failure.

How to make a child more confident in himself?

The best way out is sports classes. You must teach him not to fight and give change, but to learn how to be confident in yourself. In the same way, you can give the child to another place where he will like it more. In addition, the new team outside the school allows you to feel freer from negativity. And the strong morally people, even if they do not look like that at first glance, will gradually cause respect for any hooligans.

Your child must understand that he is a personality and he is worthy of respect. Support him and help to open up. Mockery will certainly go into the past.

Video: Your child is offended! What to do?

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  1. Well, there are already issues of education, we also had a rather conflicting child, until his father began to talk to him about this, the child began to understand everything to him as an adult, though I decided to start giving him a Baby's calm formula for the formula of Mishka , all this contributed to the fact that the child became more disciplined and obedient)

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