13 popular myths about vaccinations: we debunk and explain

13 popular myths about vaccinations: we debunk and explain

Learn the truth and reality about vaccinations to dispel myths.

Myths circulating around vaccinations arose as a result of disputes about their safety and efficiency. Opponents of vaccination seek to disseminate any information, including false, which casts doubt on the expediency of vaccines. Since there are so many accusations against vaccines, it is worth collecting them in one place to check how true they are.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What vaccinations do to a person during life?". You will find a graph, table, recommendations.

From this article you will learn about all myths that enveloped vaccinations and vaccines. We will also try to figure it out more deeper and find out where the truth is reality, and where the fears are really in vain and these are myths. Read further.

Why are many people against vaccinations?

Many people against vaccinations
Many people against vaccinations

Representatives of vaccination movements question its widespread in highly developed countries. The ingredients contained in vaccines are suspected that they are very harmful and cause diseases. Someone talks about the dangers of mercury, which is an ingredient in almost every vaccine, others generally claim that each share of the vaccine is chipped. In general, it is not clear what people want to inject and whether it is necessary at all.

These statements relate not only to vaccination against Covid, there are a lot of disputes near recently. People even claim that the anti -icing vaccine causes even infertility and development of dangerous diseases, up to oncology.

This is only the beginning of a long list of accusations, which are often put forward by opponents of vaccination. Since your health, health of your children and responsibility for the health of people around you are very important - you should know about what is a fact and what is myth. Read further.

13 popular myths about vaccinations - do not be afraid: we debunk and explain

Myths surrounding vaccination are clearly explained and replaced by facts based on publicly available medical knowledge. You just need to calmly understand everything and understand whether vaccinations are really so terrible.

Below are 13 popular myths about vaccinations. So do not be afraid of all vaccinations. Let's debug them together, and we will explain what is the truth and reality. Read further.

Myth 1: vaccinations are not needed if you maintain a high level of hygiene

Compliance with hygiene rules helps you protect yourself from some infectious diseases, but many infections spread, despite a high level of purity. If you do not vaccinate, then, despite the fact that some diseases are extremely rare (for example, measles) will appear again. Therefore, this is a myth, and vaccinations are needed even if you maintain a high level of hygiene. This must be remembered.

Myth 2: In our country, diseases prevented by vaccines are almost completely eradicated

Some diseases are actually very rare. But not all diseases are eradicated in our country, which are prevented by vaccines. Infectious agents that cause them circulate in different parts of the world. Nowadays, geographical boundaries are not an obstacle for viruses - Covid proved this. The effectiveness of vaccination programs depends on the cooperation of all people, and not only those who are at risk.

Myth 3: premature children should not be vaccinated, since their immune system has not yet been fully formed

Premature children should be instilled in
Premature children should be instilled in

The fact is that premature babies have fewer maternal antibodies and their immune system is immature. Due to the lack of fully formed immunity, there is an increased risk that they will get sick. That is why premature children are most in need of vaccination. In fact, such a myth has been scattered for a long time. Each doctor knows about it.

Myth 4: vaccinations create a load on the immune system of young children

A few hours after birth, a huge amount of bacteria is colonized in the child’s body. Thus, almost from the very beginning, the baby learns to fight microbes from the outside, and it is thanks to this that the body functions correctly. And the vaccines, which are placed by newborn, contain only a few to a dozen antigens. Therefore, this is a myth, and vaccinations do not create a load on the immune system of young children. Kids should receive all the necessary vaccines, and begin to put them back in the hospital.

Myth 5: vaccinations cause autism

The vaccine undergoes clinical trials with control groups. Per 15 years More than a million people take part in the study. AT march 2019 The results of the last major study were published, in which the Danish scientists studied 650,000 childrenvaccinated during the period from 1999 to 2010 From measles, mumps and rubella. All of the above studies excluded the relationship between vaccinations and the occurrence of autism in children.

Moreover, additional studies have confirmed that autistic spectrum disorders are equally common in vaccinated and unevacidized children. Therefore, this is also a myth and vaccinations do not cause autism. Studies of scientists confirm this.

Myth 6: the vaccine causes the disease

The disease gives the body the opportunity to produce antibodies and immunity, but it is associated with the risk of complications. In contrast, vaccines contain a minimum number of dead or very weakened microorganisms. They are not dangerous for young children, or for adults, or for the elderly. The bacteria or virus penetrating the immune system from the outside can pose a greater threat. So, a well -tested and tested vaccine does not cause a disease. Remember this.

Myth 7: It is better to get sick and acquire natural immunity than to vaccinate

It is better to get vaccinated than get sick and acquire natural immunity
It is better to get vaccinated than get sick and acquire natural immunity

This myth is debunked above. The vaccine causes the same reaction of the immune system as the disease, so you acquire the same immunity. However, with the help of vaccination you can avoid the development of infection and possible complications. The purchase price of the so -called natural immunity can be too high. Therefore, do not try to get sick and acquire natural immunity. In the case of many diseases, it is better to vaccinate.

Myth 8 - About death after vaccination: vaccines cause pain and have many side effects

This is the myth of death after vaccination only partly. Vaccines do not cause pain and do not have many side effects. They are checked and safe. Yes, there are reactions to the vaccine, which are usually soft and short -term. However, each case is individual, and although serious complications after vaccination should not arise, they are a fact of life. However, the advantages of vaccination significantly outweigh risks.

On the other hand, serious diseases caused by the vaccine are very rare. Complications and death from this disease are much more common. Instead, you must report each complication after vaccination as they are tracking and studying. Your attending physician should know about this.

Myth 9: vaccinated children can become infected

If your child was vaccinated against any disease, he cannot infect a third party. The viruses contained in the vaccine are not transmitted to other people. Therefore, we debunk another myth - vaccinated children cannot become infected and infected others. In addition, living weakened viruses (found, for example, in a vaccine against rubella, measles, mumps and chickenpox) are devoid of pathogenic properties.

Myth 10 - truth or reality: vaccinations are the cause of dangerous diseases

Numerous clinical, laboratory and epidemiological studies have shown the lack of communication between vaccination and many diseases. So, we debunk a well -known myth and open our eyes to reality. The truth is that vaccinations are not the cause of dangerous diseases:

  • After vaccination against smallpox, tuberculosis, tetanus, rubella, mumps and Haemophilus influenzae type b (HIB) The risk of developing insulin -dependent diabetes did not increase.
  • There is no connection between scattered sclerosis and vaccination against hepatitis V.
  • Studies have shown that gIIINA-BARRA syndrome It does not occur after vaccination against influenza.
  • Atopic diseases are not the result of vaccination against whooping cough and BCG.
  • Timerosal with ethylene mercury used to conservation of vaccines is not the cause atrophy of the optic nerve, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and autism.

It was also proved: The health of people with autoimmune diseases does not deteriorate after vaccination.

Myth 11 - Truth and reality about HPV vaccination: vaccination exists in order to replenish the pockets of manufacturers

The truth is that vaccines manufacturers make money on their other products, and not just on vaccines. And in the production of the latter, they bear very high costs of implementation. That is why selling medicines is often more profitable than vaccines. The same goes for vaccination against HPV. This is a dangerous disease that causes cervical cancer in women. Therefore, all the girls should be vaccinated, and this is precisely people, not manufacturers. This is the truth is the reality of such vaccination. Many women would be able to save if vaccinations from HPV were set.

Thus, vaccinations do not exist in order to replenish the pockets of manufacturers, but indeed to help fight epidemics and diseases.

A few more myths are described below. Read further.

Myth 12: vaccinations are dangerous for people with chronic diseases

Vaccinations are not dangerous for people with chronic diseases
Vaccinations are not dangerous for people with chronic diseases

People suffering from chronic diseases are at risk. Another myth that vaccinations are dangerous to them. But this is not so. If a person with a chronic pathology sees some kind of virus, then he may develop severe complications that could be avoided if you vaccinate and avoid infection. It is for these people that vaccine prophylaxis should be especially important.

Myth 13: the flu vaccine is not needed and ineffective

Influenza is a serious disease from which it dies annually about 400,000 people worldwide. Vaccination enhances the stability of immunity to three most common flu virus strains. It is the best way to stop the spread of the virus. Therefore, the flu vaccine is needed and it is effective.

Interesting to know:Timerosal, non -toxic form of mercury, was added to some vaccines. The vaccine security committee did not confirm the toxicity of Timerosal, but due to numerous fears, it was decided to make vaccines without mercury compounds.

Myth 14, though reality - about vaccination from coronavirus, Covid: infertility from satellite V, chips and much more

Around the vaccine from coronavirus or Covid-19 there are many myths and rumors. Some people say that it causes infertility, others causes cancer, others claim to be chipping the people. He opens his eyes to the truth and analyzes the facts of reality molecular biologist, scientific journalist, author of the book "The virus that broke the planet" Irina Yakutenko.

She assures that:

  • After vaccination, a person is not infected with coronavirus and does not get sick. Fears that, vaccinating, we get coronavirus and get sick are groundless. Because neither in the case of vector, nor in the case of MRNC-vaccines, we will not receive the virus itself.
  • The vaccine will not affect DNA and will not lead to genes mutation. Many people are sure that the mutation is still happening and because of this a person becomes genetically modified. It is a myth. None of the vaccines are built into DNA. Researchers make a lot of efforts to exclude even the minimum possibility of such a scenario.
  • A person after vaccination will not be contagious, even because he is introduced to the vaccine. It is vector - this is an adenovirus, in which only one Covid gene is built. Adenovirus is also modified, genes that are needed are removed from it to cause a pathology, that is, this virus does not know how to multiply.
  • After any vaccination, infertility cannot develop. The components of the ingredients of the vaccine do not fall into the germ cells of the body.
  • Covid vaccine cannot cause cancer. This would be possible if the ingredients left would really be built into the DNA and damaged this chain. But this is not so, and the vaccine from Covid is not capable of this.
  • People who are vaccinated do not lose their immunity. In addition, vaccination is an excellent and safe way to get an immune response against any pathogen.

Read more about the debunking of myths around the vaccine from coronavirus (satellite V, Kovi Higher School, etc.) Read on the website of Pravmir. This is an official website on which there is a lot of useful information about faith, medicine, education, etc. Also on this resource you can help those in need of people and children.

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya - Vaccinations Myths and Reality: Book, Download

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya - on vaccinations, myths and reality
Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya - on vaccinations, myths and reality

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya - with obete virus, Russian actor of the anti -Vaccinator movement. Member of the Russian National Committee on Bioetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Despite the fact that Chervonskaya does not insist in its books in full refusal of vaccinations, its work is actively used by anti -Vaccinators, homeopaths and supporters of natural parenthood.

This woman, a virus scientist wrote a whole book about myths and reality about vaccination. It has a lot of interesting and useful information. You can download such a book in an electronic library at the link. On the same page you can read the book in electronic form - convenient and simple.

Watch another video in which Galina Petrovna tells in detail about her opinion and why she advises him to adhere to.

Video: Chervonskaya G.P. "Vaccinations: myths and reality"

Here are a few more interesting videos.

Video: myths about vaccination. School of Dr. Komarovsky

Video: Vaccination from the crown. To vaccinate now or wait?

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